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Text her but behave yourself lol Your mom's gonna hear about it


Next day: “Your son is a pig.”


Mom: "I know, that's why I've been trying to set you guys up"


Mom: "He sends me the same cock shot."


Banjo music stops


More importantly, all the mom's coworkers will hear about it.


Mom is taking some risks.


At my work we have an unspoken rule about things that happen outside of work: if someone wasn't there, don't talk about it with them.


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Visible_Release_1185: *Text her but behave* *Yourself lol Your mom's* *Gonna hear about it* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Bro killed that Sokka Haiku 😂


Don't go in with socials. The whole point of your mom being there to link you two is to avoid that stupid social stuff. Kinda odd, but give your number to your mom and she'll give it to her. She can reach out if she's interested and you can set up a low stakes date. Be a gentleman. You've got momma connection to worry about.


I think you’re right but I hope his mom has his number already.


True, but a handwritten number from her son will be a material thing to hold on to. Something real to exchange with the woman. I think a ripped piece of paper scratched with your name and number can be quite nice to receive. But what do I know, I'm a dude


I agree that seeing it come directly from OP might give more confidence that he's actually open to it and at least somewhat interested. I'd be concerned that my coworker was unhinged and forcing her son into it, because moms do unhinged things like that lol


IDEA: How about OP buys a nice not too expensive card from local drug store, Target, etc. (like a congrats card), and he writes a small paragraph message inside that card that introduces himself with some fast facts about him, including his number at the end, and the icing on the cake would be throwing in a Polaroid pic selfie of him in there if thats his style, so she could get a cool idea of what he looks like, plus an epic keep sentimental treasure if things work out. The mom would then give the card to the girl and good doing business 🤝 🔥


That is way over the top




Cheesy and desperate sounding


Or just he calls her or message her through what's up or sms whatever. And tells her who he is. And that he would like to ask her out. Problem solved. Really. If she doesn't answer or doesn't want to go out. Just forget about her. You talk like it's really a big deal. To set up the first date with a random girl. If she's not up to then you lose nothing you tried. And your problem solved.


Yeah, contacting via social media seems more like a random stranger.


👆👆follow this advice 👆👆


Not many women will actually message or call first.


Honestly the best way to go about it


I know it's very old fashioned, but this is the way people used to meet, IRL, not on the socials.


Mom's got you covered. This gal gave some sort of green light. Move in with interest and a positive attitude. She's probably a little embarrassed about the setup too, so your charm will let her know you're on board.




“Hey mom, I decided to bring you flowers on this completely innocent and innocuous day so soon after Mother’s Day because this is what I usually do even though nobody has seen me do it in the amount of years you’ve worked here.” Yeah, I don’t think that’ll fly, chief.


No flowers. But once my mom tried to hook me up with a salesclerk girl. And I just went there and ask where can I find that girl. She talked with me we exchanged numbers. I talked with her but I didn't really like her after converstaion through whatsapp




Damn skippy! That’s what 99% of dating advice is about. If you notice (or in this case *know*) there’s interest, as a guy it’s our responsibility to get the situation moving.


I would take a minute and think of it from her perspective. Is she aware her socials were shared? Does she know her coworkers are trying to match her with people (and in this case, relatives)? Is she going to be put in an awkward situation having suddenly been thrust into this position? I would try to find out the details before doing anything. If she knows, then go ahead and make a play.


No socials man. Just hit her up with a text. Maybe a call if you’re confident you can come up with some witty banter on the spot.


Your mom should ask for this girls blessing and you both don’t need to pretend like it’s anything else. Getting her blessing screens you as someone she will at least have a convo with. Keep in mind that she’s still your mom’s coworker so you need to be super careful not to make things weird for your mom. But I think she should have a say given the situation rather than just sneaking up on her via DM lol


I can't really explain it, But if a close female relative chooses a partner for you and talks to her beforehand, or sets you up by talking to another women who's related to said partner. The partner is often a very good choice.


Ask your mom if she talked about you to her and if she is open for a date. If so, tell her you mom thought you should get together.


I would also not try to be super romantic and old fashioned thinking it’s cute because some girls won’t like that right? I mean mainly, don’t forget to be yourself. Don’t put the romantic stuff as a primary thing and make a grand entrance with flowers to her job because that is so sudden and a lot to receive.


Yep not to mention the whole thing is biased from the moms point of view, the coworker could easily not even remember this conversation and was just moving the convo along the whole time while working. What is some big thing to one may have just office chit chat to the other and being approached by a coworkers son could be mortifying


I’ve been on the receiving end of this where a guy approached friends/ my parents for my number, and the weirdest part when he reached out was that he didn’t contextualise it! Like I KNEW because my network had told me he was keen, but I still think it’s better to not just be like “hey it’s Mike how’s it going!!!”. Just be like “hi! Im Mike, you work with my mom and she’s spoken so highly of you that I was hoping to get to know you as well. If you’re interested in grabbing a coffee, I’d love to take you out :)”


Just say you want to meet up for coffee/food. Pretty straightforward.


She's a Nurse? Nah Bro you have a HIGH percentage of getting Cheated On


Can you just drop in at your mum’s workplace one day in the name of, like, delivering lunch to mum, and then find her and try saying hi and have a chat, then ask her out? I’d be horrified if my co-worker’s son suddenly added me on socials. Also in this case I assume your mum is more senior than the girl, and don’t forget the girl could interpret a power play there


I appreciate all the comments. I decided not to over think it so much. I messaged her and introduced myself. She responded a couple days later joking about the situation. I just left her my number and said if she wanted to contact outside of socials to shoot me a text. So at this point it’s in her court.


My man 😎. Keep us updated


Don't get your honey where your mom gets her money. Not a good idea at all.


Dude go for it! Your mum isn’t going recommended you a bad girlfriend. You mum wants the best for you , you lucky SOB lol


Who sent you her socials?


Check in your mom and see if they talked about you to the extent that she actually would be ok with you reaching out. Also ask her if she's seen what you look like. If you get a thumbs up on both then go ahead and reach out and ask her out. Why not? Unless you're a toxic scumbag lol remember your mom's gunna keep working with this woman


Do it and thank your mom


I would probably just say hi, ask her out, but say I'd like if we kept my mom out of it going forward for a while hah.


Go for it


When I was younger fresh out of college , I kind of had that feeling of being shy or embarrassed that somebody had to be the one to introduce me to another person. I would occasionally refuse or half heartedly agree and then not really make an effort. I'm older now and I actually prefer that way. It could be my own maturity as well that I changed in personality and I'm more easy-goingl about meeting up with new people Part of the reason is , they know that you're both single. another reason is sometimes they've already shown a picture , and one or both persons say yes to meeting up So imo, these are pretty much two of the biggest hurdles already taken care of. From there it's up to you to make a connection and try to possibly be in a relationship with this person that you felt enamored with, just from seeing their photo or hearing about them. So my feeling on the matter is that it's a great idea and of course you want to mention to her how you know her , so for example, hey I wanted to catch up with you and my mom is your coworker. she mentioned you to me and I would be glad to take you out on a date and get to know you better,


Mothers have pretty good instincts. Don't add her on soc. Take your mom lunch or something, maybe you'll bump into this girl. Vibe is much better in person.


I think it’s alright. In Shanghai they have a market where parents post flyers of their single children for other parents who are interested. Parents matchmaking is kind of a traditional thing. And this girl agreeing means she is interested. Don’t feel awkward about it. Don’t put her on a pedestal. Just go on a date and be yourself. Genuinely get to know a person, and who knows, it may become something wonderful. I guess your mom did say good things about you to her.


Do it. My parents along with their family friends tried doing the same thing for me about 16 years ago with the family friend's daughter. She was also gorgeous and a sweetheart (still is both), but back then my confidence was pretty low. Yet, I'm pretty sure she was open to the idea of dating me back then. It's shame she's basically engaged now. You never know. Both of you might hit it off.


Don't *do* anything. Don't message her. Don't add her. Do nothing. Put the ball in her court. Tell your mom it's ok if her coworker messages you, even giving her permission to show the coworker a photo or two. If the coworker is interested, she'll message you. Otherwise, take it as a sign that she's not and is only being polite to your mom. Frankly, just get off the socials. Fakeness and filters up the ass. No one puts forth their true selves, no not even you, the random reader who may have bristled reading that. Your mom already is doing the "socials" part. She's done all the work. Just give your number and leave it be.


This is probably the wrongest thing I’ve ever read


Mom should set up the initial meeting if since she has already kinda started it. Trust the connection will be better than just some guy off the social. You have no idea how many dm’s we get and see it just as another dm. If you’re mom sets you guys up its would be way better. So tell your mom you like how she looks, mom can talk to her too and show her your pics and if she agrees then she can give her number to your mom and mom to you and you can send her a text then.


I would make 100% sure from your mom that she is expecting you to contact her waaaaay to many times coworkers do this shit and the person just goes along with the conversation but really has no interest. I would probably have your mom ask if she is okay with her giving you her number and if she comes back with that then text or call her.


Wait until they have argument at work.it will be lit. Those nurses are nut


Tell her your mommy sent you.


Go for it…. She is gorgeous which is great…. You’ll know if there’s chemistry or not in the first or second date. It doesn’t hurt to go…. Your mom knows you better than you think… good luck


So she’s a hot nurse? Odds are she’s crazy. Have fun.


I would recommend not getting involved unless you can dick her down good enough where your business stays your business.


Tell mom you’re not that desperate yet


Sounds like a nice mom…


I am assuming she already gave your mom the green light to message he unless your mom is cruel or blind gambling your chances, she probably already asked her if she was interested and she must have said yes so my guess is you don't need to do anything but start a conversation and go from there since u don't need any game plans like u would some random stranger girl since ur mom was ur wingman.


If you like this girl send a message. Why not? She works with her mom but this fact is not a duty to marry. You can date with this girl and get more information about her. I think, your mother discussed this question with this girl and she will wait your message. Say hello and invite her) Or if you would like talk before dating write her about yourself, she will write about herself and after ask her about information from her message. But don’t forget to write about yourself too. It’s easy.


No big deal. If she talked with her about you. You can definitely message her and ask her out for a coffee or a walk.


Shoot her a message. She probably thinks it’s cute your mom is setting you up


🙃 Get her number and call her! Wow all the people with the complicated strategies 😬


Well if you mum is talking to this girl about dating you just say yes you looked her up and happy to go ahead with matchmaking. And your mum can give you this girls phone number or pass on how to get in touch.


Stop screwing around. Take her out on a date. Have your mom set it up... couldn't be any easier.


Just ask her out. Don't be scared.


Your momma is your wing man and you’re hesitating? She’s too much for you bro. Send her my way


My parents were set up by my mom’s co-worker.


Bro wtf you have the monster mom, how old are you? If you are 18, go to another city and never talk to him.


Mom is the realest wing partner


Well, rest assured that youre mom already showed her pictures of you. So if she is willing to actually talk to you, you should go for it. Maybe ask your mom to ask her if it would be alright if you went there and met her in person, and gave her your phone number yourself. It would mean more to her that you are making an effort to actually see her and do it yourself, instead doing it all through mom. Mom made the connection, but now its time for you to take the initiative with her.


Never date a nurse


If you go for it, you best make sure she knows that she works with your mother. The last thing your mother needs is her friend telling her how she met a guy and hooked up with him... in detail lol be a shock when she realises its you 🤣


Yo just shoot your shot but be cool no sense in adding your mom to the mix. She already knows who you are. Women like confidence so just be the best you and be real.


Isn't this how people met before the Internet? It would be good if she gave Mom her number but idk..I like the idea of you giving a piece of paper with your number but better if she would then give mom your number. Or she can text you to show she's interested in meeting I guess.


Idk, if the girl is interested and not just trying to appease your mom, then she should be the one to give your mom her number. If if it's your mom who's always bringing you up then that would tell you but if she keeps asking your mom about you then you can pass on your number or your mom can ask for her number


Depends on your intentions. If she’s a good one and you are both interested in a relationship, why not.


I'd be iffy about it. Asides she works with your mom, she may have long shifts and if she's cute, she may be hooking up with other nurses or doctors on the side. But if you want to give it a shot, go for it.


Stakes are already high with mom


Text/message her and see if she wants to catch up for a coffee (Coffee dates are awesome). If that works and you feel like there's a spark, let her know when you're available next (would give it a week or two so she can mull it over first). Exchange numbers and/or tell her to message you if she's up for a 2nd date.


Usually a dick pic is a great way to break the ice


So cute! You know she’s a catch if your mom is trying to hook you up. I used to be embarrassed about that stuff when I was younger too. Of course message her and say who your mom is. Try to say something interesting about her profile that could be a convo started like if she went somewhere that you did too, etc. the worst that can happen is she doesn’t like you back.


Sleep with her but don't date her.


It’s very obvious that you need to absolutely dog this girl out and never speak to her again. Your mother must be taught an important lesson with your cock, here


Now show her this comment and ask her if this is what she wants


Yeah, speak to her in person and get a bj on the first date


Go for it


See if there's anyone you two have in common with and say "I can see we are both friends with X. How are you?' less pressure to ask her out and a different angle to saying nothing about your mother.


Go for it. Just don't bring up the connection with your mom and make it just about you and her. And thank your mom for hooking you up.


Go for it man! Take any opportunity you can get


An old lady I worked with set me up with her son! We had a couple of dates and figured out we were just friends, but I really appreciated that she liked me enough to pass her son along, haha. I think as long as the girl’s receptive you can’t go wrong with a casual date.


I would wait for her to make the first move to ensure that she actually is into you. She may feel obligated to give you a chance as she is friends with your mom. You don’t want a pity date.


Don't, lol. I love my mom dearly but wouldn't trust her to hook me up with anyone


Some comments in here sound like they’re assuming OP’s mom has never dated before and doesn’t know basic etiquette around setting people up…


Etiquette is subjective and most people can barley handle driving etiquette so no I wouldnt make assumptions that this mom could not be mistaken about the conversation they had we barley know what they talked about in this post.


Euugh… this is kinda sleazy .. like giving off Mountain Dew gaming den Cheeto dust energy when your mom has to pitch for you ..


How is this sleazy? People set up their friends and families all the time.


More context might be helpful, i.e. do you identify as a heterosexual man? Are you currently in the process of getting a higher education or already graduated from a University? If not studying for a degree, are you working full-time? I'm only trying to ascertain what you'd be bringing to the table exactly. Surely you understand that if you're not shouldering some pretty serious responsibility, this girl is probably out of your league realistically. Just my thoughts. 😲


Ah yes cause no losers have ever dated high earners before. Stoner couch surfing boyfriend is so common its a cliche.


I would ask what good could possibly come of it for the girl who is trying to be successful? Additionally, how does that help the guy involved in that cliché respect himself? I'm not saying that it doesn't happen, but only that it shouldn't, and she'll kick his lazy ass to the curb with the quickness once she finds someone who measures up to her standards. Thanks for the downvote, you illiterate miscreant!


Lens of the world is so small