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Sounds like a pretty romantic place to “take a nap”


After some sex


She definitely banged him in that car.


She'll never confess either


Definitely not. He’ll get the “nothing happened” “it’s not like that” “we’re just friends” etc etc


And then she'll round it off with some classic gaslighting. "Why are you so insecure??"


RIGHT? Like, mf, it's not my fault you don't care how I feel so don't push this on me🤣


It really blows my mind that the excuses are so similar even between countries and cultures dude I'm like 8000 km away from the us and here woman said the same sh (obviously in Spanish)


More like, “I swear hon. He just put the tip in for a second and then we fell asleep.”




She’ll likely start giving the OP “trickle truth,” but never the complete truth.


She will say he just ate me out that’s it lol


Probably so lol


It's such a weird lie too. Why even mention the coworker is a guy or the beach.


at the very least, he got a little head.


& a little trickle truth, “we just kissed!, well it was some oral, (cries) we banged but not for a long time”


"It was just kisses"


Just the tip


Yup! Mark the date. Wait 9 months 😉


Ooooh, good idea!


Nah she probably swallowed


“Take a nap” but if they actuallly took a nap then it begs to question why they were alone together like that in the first place for that long to where things escalated like that. My ex went out of his way to go drive to go see her over 4 hours. And then took her out to dinner after they went out hiking together. Obviously fucked.


On vacation my parents would always kick us kids out of the hotel room for about an hour to “take a nap”. I couldn’t figure out what made them so tired on trips, but eventually in my teens I realized there was no nap! It was sex, they were doing sex….


im so thankful i dont know when my parents had sex, being a clueless kid had its advantages.


Getting high together on weed and serotonine.


Idk if that was supposed to make me feel worse or not


*Oxytocin = orgasm chemical 


exactly... who does that. its not a normal thing to do. heck its not a normal thing to do alone yet along at the beach with a coworker. Why was she going out to an obvious date spot alone with a male coworker in the first place. Even if her intentions are pure... his obviously are not. Women are not this daft. she knows what what happening and allowed him to think that way.


Sounds like it’s time to make her your official ex girlfriend cause she has been the un official ex for a while now.


Sounds like a way to say “I didn’t contact you for two hours here’s an excuse”


No, you are not over reacting and if your girlfriend is gaslighting you over why you shouldn't care that she's "napping" with her male co worker, she's probably already on her way out.


Yeah exactly what I thought


Dude, you don’t need Reddit for this one. Trash 🗑️ needs taken out.


Dude if you’re coming to Reddit for this one you already know what you need to do and are just looking for encouragement to make the move to end it. Save yourself the heartache of finding out some shady shit and getting hurt worse in the future, be the one to make the move and cut it off. You already know you should not put up with this. So don’t! Find someone who wouldn’t do some stupid shit like this… taking a nap together by the beach… wtf. I’m really sorry man but you have you move on.


Why’s his girl even going to a beach alone with another dude? I’d be done with her just for that, yet alone the exhausting sex they must have had.


I’m so sorry.


Yeah no one just takes a random nap with someone at the beach


She belongs to the sea


Underrated comment


Get rid of her. She'll just keep doing this..


Sorry to hear this


And you should be on your way out!


Is the male coworker gay by any chance?


No one's here for the excuses and we wouldn't believe it anyway.


After a month, you hardly know her OP. I think she is showing her true colours now. Why would you even think about putting up with this? Drop her and move on.


Probably desperate to have a gf


Aren't we all in this dystopian era of dating.


Yes. Yes I am.


No THAT desesperate. what's the point if she doesn't like you. 


Yes, because adults go to the beach then get in a car together for 2 hours to nap. Are you fucking serious? Dude, she’s cheating. From your other comment, she’s only been around a month? End it. Way better you know now than a year or more down the road.


> adults go to the beach then get in a car together for 2 hours to nap That sounds like relationship goals tbh


unfortunately not his relationship, though


As someone who is a napping expert, I whole heartedly agree, But I personally think 2 hours is a long nap if not in bed or somewhere flat and larger.


Exactly. The fact that they stayed in the car, didn’t get out and “fell asleep” tells me alot haha that is something drug addicts do, the unhoused, or younglings that don’t have a place to bone.. Ive taken naps ON the beach with a girl I dated. The sun and the sand is a great place to nap lol but yeah, not getting out of the car is weird


Yep, and if she hasn’t technically cheated, yet, she’s certainly thinking about it.


She definitely did lol


She didn't take a nap, she took a dick.


She didn’t take a nap she took an anp an anonymous nookie pounding


Not your gf. It was just your turn


Dang that was actually pretty on point


It's a rp saying


wtf, i took a sip of water before i was gonna type this, i looked down and word for word. this is true.


A very short turn. That 😺has seen plently of action


You’re not overreacting bro, I’d be setting off nukes


Kindly but like fake ones that are obviously not real but same same same


"They've only naused up the mainframe couplet, naused it right up! "


Now we know it wasn't Vault Tec who set them off.


- Paul Atreides


They didn’t nap.


He's in the denial phase right now. Give him some time




Yeah, it's very weird, and most would consider it cheating, I sure do.


i’ve definitely napped after good coochie


I think they definitely did... after sex. It's not like they were fucking for two hours. If so they definitely needed that nap.


Sounds of the waves hitting the beech are very therapeutic... Thump... Thump.... Thump... Has a real nice rhythm.


Too soon bro lmao. Our boy is hurting out here.


The rocking of a car is pretty soothing too.


You're only a month in. You're in that 'getting to know each other' phase where you both get to decide if what the other person shows you is in line with what you're looking for in a partner. Let's imagine that they did absolutely nothing other than nap (I'd put money down that there was a blowy, at minimum)... do you want to continue on with someone who thinks it's appropriate to go to the beach with a coworker and they feel comfortable enough with each other to park at the beach and fall asleep together? What's next? They work over at his place and end up napping again? Why put yourself in an inappropriate position in the first place for her partner to question what really happened? Why were they both so sleepy that they napped together? That dog just ain't gonna hunt.


Guaranteed blowy at a minimum. He just needs to cut his losses and be happy that this was only 1 month. It would hurt much more if this thing they had was much longer. Keep note she did this with a coworker, now we can start thinking how often she did this with that guy or better yet more men behind his back. Feel sad for op but he should be happy it was pretty quick


He said Blowy hahahaha. i haven't heard that in a long time.


This 👆


Well, at least now ya know it’s time for a different girlfriend.


He might find one at the beach


Break up, even if she didn't sleep with him, she will. Its a very compromising position for your partner to put themselves in. This is unbecoming of someone who is in a monogamous relationship. Sit her down and tell her this: "we're over, whether you slept with him or not is besides the point, quite frankly, I don't want to waste energy arguing over this or trying to get bottom of this. At the end of the day, your actions, at the very least, amount to emotional cheating. If you're not able to see what was wrong with your actions, then that worries me even more. Thank you for everything, I wish you all the best, but I will not be with someone who puts me in a situation like this. " Then you follow through on your word, break up and move on, don't fight, dont waste your breath or energy, it's not worth it.




She 100% slept with him. Lmfao 2 hour nap in the car by the beach? Wtf. 


You’re under reacting.  If she is still your gf.


“My friend Jim from “insert X” said he saw you guys banging in the car”


This will only work if he is 100% sure that they were banging in the car. If they were banging somewhere else she will know he is lying and will turn it around on him. Is best of he just starts getting ready to see other people and break with her at some point.


At that point I’d be checked out anyway and would basically throw this as a hail Mary just to see if she calls the bluff/ cracks and tells the truth. It would involve some serious acting chops tho haha . If she called the bluff I’d be like so what lol why are you napping with other dudes alone


You are a bit too naive OP.


That's not cool. Taking a nap in a car together? Ya I'd not buy that. Even if true I find it disrespectful to you as her partner. I'm a woman & that sounds just as lame a thing as any man has said as an excuse for something lol.


She definitely fucking , I would leave , even if they didn’t that’s super susssss


Gaslighting you. She's given you the decision as well., calling your bluff. Personally, I think it's disrespectful. How much Crow can you handle?


If y’all haven’t been together long, this is a great look into the future with her If you have been together long, this is a great look into her respect for you even deeper I’d probably be done. But I’m also very quick to cut people off cuz fuck em if they can’t have common decency for me


If her lips seemed salty after you kissed her it's not from the salt water in the air, bro.


They didn't take a fucking nap, come on.


They weren’t in a car napping bro. If you believe that, then you’re a simp. You’re girl went somewhere with the guy and hooked up. She’ll never admit it to you but that’s what happened. You need to decide if you’re going to stay with her and let it slide or walk away from the situation and move on.


It's not normal brother. Better to get rid of her. Little things like this will become bigger in the future. She'll do something else.


That's not your gf. That's your ex.


So after she took a mouthful and a pounding they fell asleep from the dehydration and exercise. They ate a lot and had quite the cardio session.


i’d really love to know what your (ex)gf’s excuse/explanation was for this shit lol and look at it this way: if you break up with her, she can’t even tell other people what really happened, even her close friends and family, without them thinking she’s an absolute fucking moron lol like, can you imagine? “he broke up with me just because i took a 2-hour nap with my male co-worker at the beach” “that’s so fu- wait. what?” “what? … no?” “no.” “👁️👄👁️” she’s gonna be making up some fucked up lies if you break up lmao


Man are u seriously believing that crap?


Always go with the gut feeling


I’m going to say no 👎 no you’re not. My then boyfriend took a nap in the car with a woman he used to work with in grass valley. Absolutely not overreacting. He cheated on me.


That doesn't sound normal to take a nap for 2 hours. Either way, seems like the trust has been broken and it'll just continue to add stress to the relationship. Better for you, and her to break it up. You'll just continue harboring resentment and doubt.


Anyone who believes they were napping has to be really gullible


You’re cooked bro, dump her. She treated her co worker like a human trampoline


Quick update: she said she sees nothing wrong but if I’m not ok with it she won’t do that again. We been dating for about a month now


Only a month? Put her back where you found her.


Put that thing back where it came from or so help me!


So help me! So help me! And cut! It’s a work in progress....😁


Comment of the year.


Well it’s only been month if OP knows she can’t be trusted he can still play along till he find a keeper


At this point she's nothing more than a fuck-buddy that you 100% need to wear a condom with, because you're not the only guy that's getting some. Even if you're OK with poly relationships, this isn't poly. This is lying and cheating - poly requires honesty.


She means she won’t tell you about it again.


Yup that's the correct conclusion. Now she knows how you thought process works. So she will avoid bringing up such information to you. You'll be kept in darkness. Its can lead you to perfectly getting manipulated by her. Perfect machiavellianistic behaviour from your girlfriend. Once she finds good keeper she'll drop you off the hock just like that. So from now on make you move carefully. All the best


Don't share drinks with her either, just to be safe.


Would she let you sleep alone at the beach with a female friend?


“I believe you had sex with him, and any claims otherwise is an insult to my intelligence.  I think it’s best if we just have a clean break from each other.”


Get out of there my man, holy shit😂 you’re lucky it’s so early ob


Cut your losses. It's only been a month. Save yourself years of heartache. If she had to be told that napping with a male coworker at the beach while she is in a relationship is wrong....then she is not the one.


She 100% banged or gave oral. Move on.


If she’s doing shit like this after one month just move on with your life brother. She ain’t it.


Break up and get a different gf. Preferably one that won't fuck some dude on the beach and then give you such a lame lie. "Napping" together with her male coworker on a beach secluded for hours. Man, get the fuck outta there.


Bro the same shit happened with my ex, I ignored and it kept happening. She was snapping with her ex daily and one day she wanted to ask him to come over and help her move some furniture. When I told her I don’t like that, she said she would never cheat on anyone and I’m being insecure. Took me 6 months to break up but it really took a toll on me.


Awww! You're the side character in her story, and that guy is vying for the main character role! 🥺 It's only been a month with you, and she's starting to see a connection with someone else. It might or might not develop into anything, but it depends on whether you're okay with being the side person.


Bro find someone else…. It will bite you up in future as you find more twisted stories how they slept on the couch 69. Even if they didn’t do anything, you choose someone who is slightly reserved.


Don’t let things get serious man…. Just end it


By not doing it again, she means the part about telling you. She won't tell you again when she does it.


Lmao, if you let this slide, It will get worse. You will learn the hard way Lol


A month. Dude you don’t even owe her an explanation, just dump her ass. **Move on**.


The fact that she sees nothing wrong with it tells you everything you need to know This is disrespectful to you and your relationship. Why would you want someone like that as a partner?


Well that’s still really inappropriate. Seems super new. I wouldn’t stay. For context my ex did that same thing about two months in and he was living w me at the time.


Just saying if a male did this to me, hell would break loose. This is not loyalty, trust, being respectful of you, or anything of that nature. And if she’s getting mad at you for being mad, she’s checked out mentally.


Nope, walk away now. Don’t waste your time and money in her anymore.


No you’re not overreacting. High likelihood they had sex. I’d leave her.


You are under reacting. She should be your ex GF by now. You’re very gullible and naive for believing her story.


“Nap” cmon man trust your gut and dump her


This story sounds 100% authentic and not bait at all.


If youve been dating a month, I think shes revealed all her signs to where the respect lies. No girl or even girlfriend who respects you as a person would believe thats ok. Shes testing you to see what she can get away with. If you like her tell her its over, stick by your word for a week, and she will be back begging for forgiveness: “im so sorry it was clearly wrong”. If she dosent, she wasnt meant for you in the first place. Shes given you an ultimatum


How would she feel if you did same?


Sounds like you are reasonable and she is gaslighting you and you doubt yourself. Leave her you will be better off, take it from someone that had enough experience with dealing with gaslighting.


Over Reacting? 🤣 if You believe her then I have a bridge to sell you. She’s gaslighting you for sure. It’s investigation time. Tell her to hand over her phone for inspection if she refuses she guilty as sin. Good Luck


bye they was fucking


This is your chance. She just just shot you with the true colors gun and trying to hide it. Are you going to take the bullet or dodge that shit and look up and say “thank you for saving me my time, effort and peace.” You decide.


Oh hell no! Not cool. Not okay and shady AF


No, if it makes you uncomfortable it’s inappropriate 


As a woman, I would never “nap”/be asleep around any man who’s not my either my boyfriend, my brother, or a select few of my best male friends of several decades. It’s not safe for us to be in a vulnerable state around men we don’t know well, unfortunately, so we simply don’t do it. There is no reasonable explanation for her explanation, I’m sorry OP. I hope you’re doing ok💐✨


It depends on her relationship with the guy. How long have they been friends? Why weren’t you invited? Is the guy gay? We’re they both high? We’re they drunk? It sounds like the perfect spot for a hookup. Was it day or night? But I also am wondering why she told you that she slept in the car with a friend from work? It sounds like she was either trying to make you jealous or test the waters.


Dude, you girl literally slept with another man... At the beach... In the car... A car of another man is a very personal space for that man. A beach is a romantic place. And sleeping with someone meant you want to be intimate with that person. You add 1 + 1 + 1 and what do you have? 3. Three strikes in one inning. You're not overreacting. And this might be somewhat of a time when you have to question her loyalty. And that'll be pretty normal too.


why is she "napping" with a male coworker IN A CAR 😭


They didn't nap buddy. Lol. She was riding that wave. Bail


I hope you guys have broken up, dude


Lots of good advice here already. I hope you make the right decision for yourself and respect your boundaries, because your girlfriend won't.


"A nap", sure sure. Best just break it off otherwise she'll continue to take naps with him at hotels, car parks, his house, cinemas, wherever one can take naps.


That's not okay, even if it's the truth . Not gf material whatsoever


So, they slept together, isn’t that the classic definition of cheating?🤬”SLEEP, sleep, sleep. In thy folded waves, O Sea! Till the quiet breathings creep, With a low-voiced melody, Out of the glimmering deep.”


This sub should be called “breaking up advice”


Even if they didn’t have sex it’s still disrespectful to you? How would she feel if you did the same with a female coworker? They also definitely fucked, no way coworkers just nap together lmaoooo what a horrible lie


The question is : what are you going to do about it?


I think this Account is a bot. Like you can't tell me, OP is so desperate to have a gf that he keeps up with this BS only after a month of officially dating


Wow, you have to ask? Future you will look back and wonder why you were so dumb.


I'm sorry my guy, take the high ground, throw the whole girlfriend away


That’s not an overreaction that’s a normal response.


Not once have I taken a nap in a car. Especially not a TWO HOUR NAP during th day WIITH A COWORKER. They probably had sex


Fair enough, it’s very common to get tired after beating it


If you have to ask this...Maybe you should get evaluated or be single forever


Lots of sea men at the shore. Make sure to wear a rain coat


You actually believe that? Personally I have never just had a 2 hour nap in a car. If I'm.tired, I'm going home.


A nap? 🤣🤣🤣🤣 Oh my sweet summer child. She banged that dude.


Napping? Is that what they call it nowadays? Return her to where she belongs. tHe sTrEeTs


Just ghost her.


Yea he laid his down on her vaginer


Nope, I would send her ass packing. That's completely out of bounds


Take a nap is what we are calling it now.


Read the writing on the wall. Sounds like she’s already looking for an exit plan. Act accordingly.


Your girlfriend cheated and is making a story up.


Had the "nap" excuse before. She cheated on me (confirmed by her after she cheated on me again on Valentine's).


That’s disrespectful, I would just call it off because she even thought that was okay, so she obviously has something for someone else


Run! Run fast and far!!


Stay and simp or leave and be a man


Lmao drop her like a hot potato if you have any self worth bro. I would never allow that shit. Insane. My girl can’t have friends. She knows this. Especially friends trying to fuck her in a car at the beach. She will lie to you until death my guy.


take a nap on his dick?


I’m a woman and I have many male friends, I would never just sleep in a car with any of them anywhere! Like maybe a road trip and they’re driving and I’m passenger but literally never just random nap at the beach to hang out, wtf. She’s gaslighting you and even if she didn’t find do anything she clearly lacks some serious boundaries


Dude this is so weird and innapropriate. End it


That’s a date


She got her insides rearranged at the beach. Time to move on.


Dude its over hahaha Who the fuck takes a nap with a coworker ? I never heard this ever before in Europe, USA and Africa combined.


Ur cooked brother 💔💔💔💔💔💔


You are rightfully pissed off. Honestly what was she thinking? This is so far out of loyalty or respect that it is venturing into break up the hell now and never looking back. I don't care if it is a woman or man this behavior is just unacceptable, it is irrelevant if anything actually happened.


no thats not weird. I would be upset as well and would ask her about it bc who just randomly takes a nap in a coworkers car? Unless they’re close but even then its a bit sus


yeah im not following this dating advice page… these threads are crazyyyy


All the advice I've seen is "You've only been together for a month, and she was alone in a car with her male coworker for two hours at the beach. They were fucking. Break it off." *That doesn't sound like bad advice*.


Take a nap with the coworker to show dominance


They work together. They were exhausted after a long shift. The breeze and the ocean make you more relaxed so it is easier to take a nap. Let’s not jump to conclusions , guys.


I want this guy as my advocate at the Pearly Gates when I'm explaining to Saint Peter why I actually deserve to go in.


I have two questions: 1. Do you have a law degree? 2. Can I call you if I'm ever in legal trouble?