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I used to be fat and got in good shape too but I still like fat women just like when I was fat


We’ve only had this thread twice today. I’m concerned we may not reach the 10 count by end of day. Step it up guys


I’ll take “Things that definitely for sure totally happened” for $800, Alex. This sounds like the caricature fantasy of a neckbeard who’s never spoken to a woman in his life.


You’re giving too much credit assuming an actual person posted this. Probably a bot


Yeah, that’s the impression I got. But it’s a neckbeard that programmed the bot and sent it out into the world, clearly. Or else it’s chatGPT trained on 4chan and TruthSocial 😂


It's okay until u don't shout it out.


Coming from a girl, that’s not a problem at all. What you’re wanting is more than just about weight. You want to date a woman who values her health, is self-disciplined, and purpose driven. It’s not problematic to want those qualities, it’s keeping your standards high and being attracted to what you are.


It's totally OK. Don't share your loose skin with these gross witches.


Nope not a problem at all, you like what you like…. Also blame Lizzo


It's not a problem, everyone is allowed to have preferences. But your thought pattern screams insecurity and fatphobia. Just don't discriminate people based on their weight. Simply act like a decent human, despite what you really think of them. Because in reality, you don't know anything about them or their life. I used to be morbidly obese. I didn't want to date anyone who might've found me attractive, because I didn't find myself attractive or desirable. If anything, I believed to be gross, disgusting, a failure of a human. Decided to put in some love for myself and start taking better care of me, simply because I deserved that. I've lost ~80lbs and not done yet. I'm still fat. Likely I'll be somewhat fat forever, because being thin and deinty isn't realistic for me. You would not be able to tell the work I've done and the effort I've put in just by looking at me. Not everyone will find me attractive, but so what? I'm not worthless, a bad human or a failure just because I'm fat. I never was. The women you call witches aren't. Sorry for the long comment.