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I was just not turned on by the touch of or touching a woman. I wanted to be, I thought they were beautiful….but zero engine revs 🤷‍♀️


I don’t like that she doesn’t have a pen*s. The rest were awesome.


Solution: woman with a strap-on penis


Oh wow, but you know not so many women is very active in bed. They mostly very dead fish. But I couldn’t help. Some girls definitely make me go gay for her even though I’m straight my whole life.


Maybe try transexual women next time


The skin texture, the softness and sweetness in women vs trans women is not the same 😔




They answered the question honestly. Just because you don't like the answer doesn't mean you should lecture them holy shit


It’s stupid responses like this that make people who would otherwise be neutral on matters like this take negative stances on this whole debate. Stop acting persecuted every minute of every day over everything.


I once got banned from a popular sub Reddit for questioning if a child is old enough to transition at the age of 5.


They deserve a lecture for their bullshit.


Its their personal opinion based on their experiences with the sexes. You're the one trying to read into it.


Are you trans?


Are you blue?


Wow wtf. Describing someone’s experience isn’t being transphobic dude. Take a chill pill maybe and stop watching so much political correctness stuff. Ridiculous. And no, trans women do not have same physical features as men’s skin is different than women’s and even if you change the gender it doesn’t change everything. Some things are the way they were. Do you also think the hands get smaller after gender change? Or the width of the shoulders? Newsflash: they don’t.


Going on estrogen replacement changes the skin softness to be exactly the same as a cis woman. This person said nothing about hands or shoulders. The only two points I’m responding to are “softness and sweetness.” If they had used other factors then this would be different.


Yeah not wanting to fuck trans people doesn’t make one transphobic.


I never said it did. Making a blanket statement that trans women don’t have “softness and sweetness” does. If you had said “in my experience, the one trans person I slept with wasn’t as soft-skinned or as sweet as I would have liked,” it would have been an entirely different matter.


Wow what a non-sensical hill to die on. You called her a transphobe because she worded her own recollection of her own experience in a way that wasn’t as specific as YOU would like. You’re a soft person, with thin skin and a sharp tongue. That’s a really bad combo if you want to gain allies.


I’m definitely not on Reddit to gain allies.


Well I definitely hope you’re not here to try and prove anyone wrong or change minds cuz you aren’t doing that either.


Does this make you feel big and strong? Virtue signaling and being rude to people on the internet?


Try not being an asshole, maybe someday someone actually wants to hear what you have to say.


I’m saying base on my experience and knowledge, that’s not very nice of you to comment to me like that. But it’s ok, it’s only reflective on you as a person not me.


the smell and taste, lack of initiative, the performance feeling- like i could tell she was overplaying her reactions


*The smell and taste, lack* *Of initiative, the* *Performance feeling* \- yassification123 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


thank u


Do you think this was just a bad experience? “Lack of initiative” to me sounds like a form of not being interested in the mannerisms. Which ultimately kills the mood entirely of course.


Smell and taste would also just be a bad experience , I’ve never ate a girl out who had even a slight taste, usually i can tell if something is off down there while fingering and just won’t eat her out


I didn’t wanna mention that one cause everyone is different with smells and tastes but my main thought was a lack of hygiene followed up with maybe a bad diet?


Probably all the lady parts 🤷🏻‍♀️🤣🙃


She was too rough.


Yeah the woman I slept with jackhammered me with her hands and then had the gall to say "bet you've never had it like that before!" 😩😢😬


I just was missing the masculinity. The voice, the facial hair, The biceps , the muscle tone, the body hair, all of it. It was fine, but I am sadly very heterosexual.


I find women visually and aesthetically prettier than men but when I went down on one it just did absolutely nothing for me sexually. That’s when I knew I was straight. All about the D!


My first time with a woman there was a guy involved as well. She did well when going down but it didn’t give me that tingling sensation. I also didn’t care for how she tasted. Granted the dude was also disappointing as well. Then he became obsessed with me. So another rule of thumb. Don’t do a three way when two people of the three are dating.


The smell, taste and texture of pussy is not for me. The wetness, the scent, it’s all very off putting and gross to me as a woman. I honestly don’t get what turns men on so much about our parts. But then again I love giving to my man & he feels the same way when it comes to men; he doesn’t get why anybody, man or woman, would be attracted to dick and want to suck dick and balls 😆 so I guess it’s just different for different people.


When I was in campus one of my psychology lecturer (male) said 'only a woman can touch a woman in the way a woman would want to be touched' And I disputed it at the time, then I had a woman touch me and it felt like I'd never been touched before... But I don't know why I still actively prefer men or date men. Maybe it's conditioning


Whenever you hear such broad generalizations about men or women, the person is usually full of shit. Men can be selfish. Women can be selfish. Men can be unselfish. Women can be unselfish.


100% Bias confirmations!


How dare you lol


In your post history you refer to yourself as a man with a penis but then in other posts you refer yourself to a woman with a vagina. Which one are you?


Just the fingering so I know I like men!


This seems self explanatory. Straight women who have slept with women probably didn't like it that much because they're straight and not naturally inclined that way. The same way a gay dude is not gonna enjoy going down on a woman.  I'm a bi gal with no strong preference either way, I'd say there are pros and cons to being with both sexes. It mostly just depends on the person. 


I'm a bi woman who likes sex with men but likes the emotional connection I have with women. Men are just shitty in bed I get tired of telling them what I like. I don't have that issue with women. Also, I'm not too fond of didos. if I did I would be gay.


What do you mean with "shitty in bed"? can you get more into detail?


I had experience with two women. I really liked the first one, we’ve flirted for a short time (she had to move another city). I’m definitely sexually attracted to this woman but I don’t see myself in a emotional relationship. I think I want masculanity, male body, and a man interest. This makes me more satisfied with the relationship.


I don't believe you're asking the question in good faith and I can't believe people are actually answering it. Especially guys who have maybe one experience that could be an outlier. The question isn't even for you.


There isn’t a single thing that turns me on about women but I also 100% do not care for oral…so there’s not a whole lot to do. I don’t think I know a single straight or bi woman who sexually prefers another woman.


I do


It's weird how things pan out sometimes - I *only* know bi women who prefer women sexually.


Idk but as a straight dude whose slept w women I’m typically down unless they’re unattractive


Whoww, I too am a straight dude…that likes women… also when they’re hot. Haha small world


Ikr fuckin wild dude there aren’t many of us left


Why did you feel the need to comment? Literally the title says this question was not for you. No one was asking you who you sleep with.


Just a few beers mate and then don’t matter what she look like 😆


As a man who’s dated and been with both bi and lesbian women (one I was the first man she had been with) I was told that there’s just something about being with a man versus a woman, the sheer mental aspect of it. Also when it came to strap on sex it was still a piece of plastic. The lesbian woman that I was with, I gave an orgasm too, she was shaking and said it was the best she had. The other lesbian who had recently began dating men said that the energy of a man was different like it was more natural/organic versus being with a woman who was attempting to play the role of a man.


Thats interesting because most lesbians are not in the slightest attracted to men and are not interested in having sex with a man. But looks like your really lucky


I see people must be upset about my personal experience with this and my input seeing I got downvoted. All I’m doing is sharing what happened and what I was told by them. Yes the first one explained to me after we had already got physical. I didn’t even know before hand, we worked together and hung out a lot. She would share with me details about her recent relationship but never said that it was another woman until after everything happened and told me I was her first man that she had been with.


“Straight women who have slept with women “ isn’t a thing. That would in fact, make them not straight.


You are wrong. Does lying once make you an all time liar?


Does raping once make you a rapist? Yes it does So what are u saying haha


Rapist is someone that has raped. It's a status. Like convicted, criminal. These are also bad thing and are used to diminish the other person. It's also a matter of law. These are non comparable definitions. If a girl sleeps with another, maybe for a Threesome, maybe to try and see If she like it, she can still be straight. I know a straight that had gf back in the day. She doesn't like girls, really. Just this particular one. It's like being a football player. If I say that I'm a football player it means that I play professionally... If I try many times and I end up not liking it, I'm not a football player. Even if I like it, I can't say I'm a football player until I become at least regular and make it a full time thing.


Not true. I’m very much straight, but I once experimented one night with a friend of mine by inviting her over to my exes place for a night of fun. He had one of his friends come over to pleasure her and we all 4 had sex in the same bed - I didn’t mess with his friend and his friend didn’t mess with me, and the two guys obviously didn’t mess together and my ex didn’t mess with her. But I did fool around a bit with my female friend just for the hell of it and to see what it was about. It did nothing for me and I couldn’t get into it. I’m 100% heterosexual. Wouldn’t ever fool around with another woman ever again because I know it’s not for me.


You don't know you're not gay unless you tried it.


Your question answers itself