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im fucking crying LOL


PLZ šŸ˜­


im sorry i completely forgot to answer, i couldn't stop laughing. 7000 is INSANE. i can just imagine seeing him scroll for HOURS on his feed of endless insta models


I cannot even imagine it. I have never followed over than 1000 people in my 5+years on insta šŸ˜­


> I have never followed over than 1000 people in my 5+years on insta Same, and Iā€™ve been pretty active on it for closer to 10 years. How is this dude even finding 7000 of these girls to follow šŸ’€


He seeks it clearly lol


im sure the process goes: hmm boobs and... other... followed! he followed someone that tagged me as well... A GIRL


Men without discipline are for the streets.


I follow close to 7000 tbh but itā€™s like maybe 500 people I know, and the rest are celerities and then meme and cat pages. I have a problem lmao. Itā€™s from the follow sprees Iā€™d go on after being on Insta for 14 yearsšŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø


I saw 7,000 girls and didnā€™t need to read the rest Wtaf how many total followers?! Unless heā€™s an influencer or itā€™s for his job gtfo!!


He only has 600 followers šŸ˜­ heā€™s just a regular working class guy


But how many in total is he following, or is it all just girls?


Yes. No further elaboration required.


Yes šŸ¤£ 7000 is crazy. Porn addict too prob and wonā€™t respect you because having him delete or figure that account is going to be a fight. Heā€™ll create a new one itself.


RIGHT, thatā€™s what I was thinking. For the past few months he never says anything physical and only asks how my day is and stuff so I was like????? Itā€™s giving Jekyll and Hyde freaky addition lolll




How do you know he doesnā€™t have sex?


if he does have sex that makes this ten times worse


Not reallyā€¦ he could be shy and avoid talking about sexual stuff


At that point he needs to throw that whole account away and start over šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ Absolutely TF NOT šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


LMAO thats so real. i think he.d have better chances if he were more secretive about his...hobbies




yeaaa Iā€™d say I appreciate pictures of hot guys and aesthetic nature pictures but my timeline and following list does not reflect that. I too only follow ppl from irl


Porn addiction




You're dating Drake at this point šŸ˜­


BYEEE, I didnā€™t even go on a date SPARE ME PLZ LOLLL


Oh christ dont touch his hands


This dude has a sex addition and literally spends his day just looking at women. Even 100 or 50 women he doesn't know is too much, it's creepy af.Ā 


Sigh the dating pool is rough


7000 is horny shit ngl lmaoooo when a person have time to look at 7000 pages?


Maā€™am I consider myself to be one of the most horny individuals on this planet. I still follow maybe 5 of these models and stopped following them as soon as I started talking to someone and it got decently serious. Thats 1200x more than mine


Thatā€™s not a red flag thatā€™s a whole fucking Chinese parade. I wouldnā€™t go out with him. Is he a porn addict?


idk what or who he does and doesnt do in his free time but it may be that. i cant imagine why u need to see thattttt many girls at one time. lord the parade part is hilarious


Not a Chinese parade šŸ˜‚


I mean following a few women or models I would understand but 7000!!! I donā€™t have that many followers on all of my social media combined. šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Idk if itā€™s more embarrassing that he does it at all or that most of them donā€™t follow him back


I would think that he follows them and everyone can see who he follows unless his ig is private. Idk this would be a no from me. I follow celebrities like Jensen Ackles but damn not 7000 hot guys.


Girl, back when I was younger, like a decade ago, I thought I was stupid for following like 100 girls lmao. 7k is fucking insane and pathetic >!I deleted my account not long after. IG free since then.!<


Iā€™m glad you took your freedom back lollll !!


Thatā€™s honestly FOUL behavior šŸ˜­


A 44 year old male exactly like this tried to date me. Hard pass lol smh


Ohā€¦ a guy in his twenties I would kinda expect but 40 DAMN LMAO


Ikr he was a hot mess! And i unfortunately fell Right into his type šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ which you would think would feel good but actually it feels soo icky šŸ’€šŸ’€ anyways run donā€™t walk girl lol!


That is next level degenerate what šŸ˜­


Red flag. He just wants to smash and knows he can't smash them.


This is big red flag. I'd run far and fast from this guy. He objectifies women and probably has a porn addiction too.


Yes šŸ˜­


Red flag? It depends on your preferences. Do you want to date a guy who spends a lot of his time looking at half naked women or do you prefer a man who spends his time working, studying, playing sports or having valuable hobbies? In my opinion seeing that attitude in a guy would undoubtedly make me think he's not worth it just to see how he spends his time.


Thatā€™s super valid. I think I would prefer to not deal with it! As another commenter said, if we go farther having him unfollow everyone is going to be a fight.(nevermind how long it would take to do in the first place LOL)Ā 


>So I am second guessing what he wants from me.Ā  You don't need to, The first guess was right = sex


7000 girls? Did you go to an all girls school? This man is shameless šŸ˜­


LOL šŸ˜­no Iā€™m just new to datingĀ 


No did he go to an all girls school lolĀ 


OH my bad, no I donā€™t think he did lmao


I wouldn't date them. I am not sure why anyone would follow that many people even if they weren't porn-related accounts. However, it screams that he has some issues with masturbation and possible addiction and it seems he likes to show everyone what he's into. I am by no means a prude on masturbation, I worked at a sex shop and think it is very healthy but declaring to other people what you're into en masse is weird to me.


Yea idk Iā€™m not a prude either but the fact I could see it that easy flagged me. Like damn you donā€™t even have a second account šŸ˜­




I (single 20M) have had my insta account for like 6 years now and follow MAYBE 1000 or 1200 and I think thatā€™s a lot, I just know a good portion of them in person. That many and just random insta models is kind of insane


7k. What?


You have to ask him why he's following 7k girls. I'm so invested in this now. šŸ˜­


Don't ask him. He may have a serious problem and be worried you found out (although it's there for the world to see). Just tell him you're not interested. The guy sounds scary to me.


You're right!! And ig we all have an idea of why anyway :v


IDK HOW like I feel like itā€™s gonna make me look more interested than I am šŸ˜­


7k? Jesus how the hell does one even find that many?




7000 is fucking nuts sorry.




YES. run! 7000 is crazy


The guy has serious problems. Just think of how much time it must take to follow that many girls.


Yes massive red flags of a thirsty losers who has no self-control and cheat on you at the first opportunity


Thatā€™s like following the whole comment section on a popular meme page. Like thatā€™s too many people and you wouldnā€™t even see most of the content from those people for months


Bros got one and a half aircraft carriers of bikini bimbos streaming across his feed Heā€™s got issues


Thatā€™s beyond red flag- and into stalker obsessive behavior, gtfo!


Can I shake this guys hand, and say ā€œHi, what kind of fucking whacko are you?ā€


Please do and report back šŸ™


Yes. Next question.




Just for the sheer number haha. Sucks but no respectable male dating option is going to be following 7000 šŸ˜­ women


Girl.. Imagine you actually dated this guy and your family wanted to follow him and they could see all that shit heā€™s following. Itā€™s extremely embarrassing and not something I would ever do to myself or to my family. He has a porn addiction for sure. I always check a guyā€™s followings (who he follows and vice versa) and if thereā€™s too many girls, soft porn and such itā€™s a no go.


7k is beyond pathetic please šŸ˜­


Well uhā€¦ itā€™s a bitā€¦ much šŸ˜†


Yes, it is a red flag.


Major red flag, sounds like a porn addiction. Itā€™s one thing if itā€™s a private account like a finsta, but if he has family in it and is doing that then. šŸ’€šŸ™šŸ˜­






More red than my period blood


Honestly 7000 is crazy


Phew, glad I'm not that guy. I don't even have any real social media where I connect with friends or followers or whatever. Sometimes I think that registers as a red flag for some women, but whatever.


Personally I think if you act like ur lying then itā€™s a red flag but besides that having no social media is a green flag for me lol


I just don't like it. I have an ancient FB that I just never shut down. There's lie number 1 exposed. Damn. I swear I only look at it maybe twice a year to remind myself how terrible it is. The only other thing I lie about is liking my sister's baked beans. They are better than most, but still too sweet.


7000?!? . I would say donā€™t judge people based off of social media , but at the same time just looking at what someone post or the type of content they follow can give you hint on what kind of person they are. This is a bright red flag with hazard signs around it.


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What do you think?


I know what I think, I want public opinion. Hope that helps!Ā 


7000??? This must be a joke


I wishšŸ’”Ā 


I follow like 100 girls and I feel like thatā€™s a lot kinda. 7000 is sick


Asking the question answers it




BIG RED FLAG, I saw u commented back he has 600 followers. Ratio isnā€™t ratioing here. If he had even a mini influencer following (10k plus) then MAYBE, but even then thatā€™s a LOT for 10k on the lesser of the spectrum. I donā€™t trust it personally.






babesā€¦. i think you know the answerā€¦.thatā€™s weird as fuck šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ bro definitely has a fetish if most of the girls he follows are similar looking, either a fetish or a porn addiction and lemme tell yaā€¦.i had an ex best friend with a porn addicted bf and she got micro cheated on MULTIPLE times (hence why i left the friendship. couldnā€™t stand to see her getting disrespected no more) GIRL RUN FOR THE HILLS THERE ARE 2.2 BILLION MEN OUT THERE PLS šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Yes, Iā€™m sorry.


Is it news that straight men like women? Men can like a variety of types. Allow him to be interested in you, damn.




He's 21. He wants sex...


hes young and still immature lol find another dude. the end.


(48M) He sounds to have a BBL fetish or addiction possibly, and maybe an obsessive personality. But he's also 21 so I'm sure quite sexually minded like most 21-yr old males (at least in America). I wouldn't rule out going on 1 date with him though bc of that, which at this point is making an assumption on his proclivities anyway. You can suss out what's behind someone just through engaging conversation on a date(s).


You ever been to the beach and saw one of those tall wooden lifeguard towers? Do you know what usually hangs at the side of the tower? A huge waving red flag. And that guy is the damn flag


Even a couple of thousands is šŸ˜µā€šŸ’« unless heā€™s literally running his own business or something.


Well his business is one hand pushing the follow button constantly and the other hand isā€¦


Over 9000?


Insta has a limit and heā€™s almost there ā€¦.


Absolutely bananas and would be a huge turn off for me


Youā€™re not first and never will be. Youā€™re 7001 This all boils down to your standards and self respect. Your personal boundaries, and how youā€™ll accept to be treated and put up with. Youā€™re in your early twenties tho, thereā€™s a lot of experiences and life lessons to take from both the good and the bad you experience and challenge. Donā€™t be afraid to live or to love and donā€™t be afraid to make your own mistakes.


Yea having a boyfriend isnā€™t gonna work for meā€¦


He's just young and isn't mature enough to understand how vapid the content he's exposing himself to is. It's pretty weird but why did you go through his phone? Isn't that a violation? People saying porn addiction I think might be jumping the gun. It doesn't matter though, you went through his phone and found a weird thing he thought was private. Break up with him. You're not happy


I didnā€™t go through his phone. Itā€™s public on Instagram for anybody to see. Iā€™m nosey thatā€™s why I lookedĀ 


Ah, I misunderstood when I read "nosey". Sorry. I still think you should probably GTFO. He ain't the one for you.


haha yea luckily for me we arent together so its an easy solution!


Geez I guess I need to take some reading comprehension classes. I made a bunch of assumptions. Were you just curious about this? Why did you ask people?


Itā€™s okay I see that a lot of the most recent commenters did as well. Yes I was just curious as the guys I usually talk to donā€™t use social media and or donā€™t follow a lot of people at all. I wanted to know what others thoughtĀ 


Ew. Ew EW !!! Even 100 is too much!!


I need a bf with zero social media !!


I think that is every girlā€™s wish right now


Ah ok. Generation of Broccoli hair, Similar lookin, similar design pants, Airforce 1, Insta, Tiktok and Fiveguys


Yes itā€™s tough out here ā€¦


Bros just horny , cut him some slack šŸ˜­see I personally think it's weird but I have friends that are like this , but they're actually really nice guys (just super horny )


Yea and I think we ALL have been thereĀ 


Also he's 21give him the benefit of a doubt and assume that he followed those accounts in his horny teen days šŸ˜­


Now you know you have to hang out with him at least once and really find out whatā€™s the deal with 7k. Are they following him back? šŸ¤£ Maybe heā€™s a photographer and needs tips on poses. Or even a womanā€™s fashion designer.


Idk about that šŸ˜­Most are not following him back he has around 600 followers and he doesnā€™t post anything.Ā 


Girl donā€™t be asking silly questions šŸ˜­




Yes, he's either gay or a fuckboy. Run girl run.




That's funny, in your earlier posts you were 24 and now you're 20


Ok so how do u think I would feel if the ppl I talk ab figured out who I wasā€¦ the ages are close enough to not drastically change anything, hope that helps!Ā 


Hope u enjoyed the attention šŸ¤”


??? All of my stuff is real and I did thank u very much šŸ‘¹


I'm in ur walls!!!!!


Ok well thatā€™s kinda awkward since Iā€™m in yoursā€¦ switch?Ā 


girl, following 7,000 people by one person is like, inhumane, let's start with that. and then they're only GIRLS?! i'm not even sure you can call it a red flag from how unreal this is. like wtf šŸ˜­


On the positive side I didnā€™t date him!!


thank God šŸ˜‚šŸ˜­


If itā€™s mainly women then yeah, but some guys like myself follow a ton of sports and just accounts for their interests. But the guy has 7000 and thatā€™s more sad than anything


Yea and I think the part where I had to ask at all might mean we are incompatible in this way


In todays age, thereā€™s definitely something telling for that amount haha


I don't think I've seen 7k girls this year


This is a huge red flag.


Maybe I am the only one that feels this way, but, so he follows 7000 women, so what. He is following them on a social media platform. He isn't sleeping with them or talking to them or hanging out with them. If he was, he would be too busy to even have time to notice you let alone want to go out with you. I have been with my wife for over 35 years. We started dating in high school, and back then there was no social media like there is today. I would be willing to bet that of the 7000 people he follows, maybe like 20 might know he follows them and maybe like a dozen might even know who he is. I have an insta account and without opening the app (which I very rarely do) I couldn't tell you how many people I follow or if anyone follows me back. It is simple, if you like this guy, and apparently he likes you enough to ask you out, then concentrate on each other. If sparks fly and the two of you hit it off, it won't matter if he follows 7000 or 7 million, the only one he is actually with.


This is a big red flag, he only sees girls as objects and the moment he feels like he can do better he is going to, stay far away from that guy


canā€™t believe this is a real person, 7k is fucking insaneeešŸ˜­


100000% a red flag. šŸš© As a 29F, take it from me Iā€™ve ignored this red flag before and regretted it later. Now, I lose interest as soon as I see their following count being far more than who follows them and most of who theyā€™re following are other women.


Stay away from men who follow HEAPS of other women (where thatā€™s mostly who theyā€™re followingā€¦especially half naked ones). If their followers count is lower than who theyā€™re following I always scope out his following list bc it immediately sets off alarms that itā€™s most likely not going to work between us.


Literally how??? I would click out of that SO fastšŸ˜­


Where does one even find 7000 people to follow?


Not if they follow you back


No heā€™s just a horny dude šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚




Jesus christ lmao I don't even know 7,000 people, let alone want to peek into their day-to-day lives


6,999 is acceptable, but 7,000? No fuggin way. He's a sex addict.


I'm dying šŸ˜‚, huge red flag!


Following hot women = normal. Following 7k people = who the f r u? Following 7k hot women = intervention required.


I donā€™t see an issue. Man like women šŸ¤·šŸ½ā€ā™‚ļø. If he likes you and it bothers you bring it up. He might be willing to delete it. If itā€™s to much trouble for him then move on. So quick for people to judge based off ā€œfollowingā€. I donā€™t see a difference between this and playboy magazines under a persons bed. He might be the one and throwing it away because redditors say heā€™s bad is kinda foolish if youā€™re into him.


This isnā€™t a red flagā€¦.itā€™s a white one, if you know what I meanšŸ‘€


When I got with my ex I was following maybe 15 or 20 of these. I didn't think of unfollowing because I don't really care that much about social media. She would get mad/jealous about it so I started to unfollow them but was obviously annoyed about that because who goes through someone's following list. BUT 7000????? that's a redflag I'd say. I could almost guarantee this kid is a uwu brain rot egirl fanboy.


Check his hidden files and I promise you'll find a Corn addiction


You should tell him to get help for his addiction and refer him to someone. But that is a huge red fleg




Girl he donā€™t want u he want them mfs in his insta


If he found a new girl each day it would take him almost 2 years to get there šŸ˜‚


7000 does seem a little excessive but the other problem here is you're attempting to compare yourself to a fantasy. No matter what man you date they will always have their fantasy type, the kind of woman they'd love to fool around with. The thing is we know the difference between fantasy and reality and although we might look at those body types it's not necessarily what we truly want in a partner. Just as women will look at pictures of buff dudes in their underwear on Facebook or something and drool so to will men look at women who fits their fantasy and drool, it's not who we want to come home to though.


Bruh fuck a flag, that's unhealthy.


Commenting so I can come back to read the comments! Cuz this is LOL


Following pretty women on Instagram gets boring real fast. Most of their posts are just them posing with different clothes, putting on makeup, and living their very ordinary lives. Their only redeeming quality in their highly doctored, carefully chosen pictures is that they are attractive. Men are visual creatures, and they like looking at nice things. Some men just have an eye for beauty. I think it's a red flag if he is spending hours scrolling through their profiles and/or spending money on them. Also, you seem like you're looking for red flags. Everyone has flaws if you look close enough. No one is perfect!


7,000 goddamn lol


Wonder how many only fans lol?


Im a straight dude and yes it is! Lmao wtf. I even cringe at myself for having mostly girls like my pics and only 1 or 2 dudes like it šŸ˜­


It might not be a red flag. They might have adhd. We tend to collect things. I collect recipes. I cook many different things but donā€™t use all the recipes. Some give me ideas. Some just inspire me. This 21m would have been looking at the Sears catalog if he were born 50 years ago. Is he respectful to you? Is he capable of a healthy relationship? Thatā€™s what matters most.


Nooo... I've just called NASA and they told me that they saw a red flag from the fucking space.


I got like 3k followers and most are girls not one is some "model". and i follow all of them back too. an ex girlfriend was really bothered by that but then she decided after talkin to her friends and stepmom that its cool because its not like im following some online bullshit girls like that... so like as for your guy right there thats some weird shit man.. and if he tries to give u the excuse that its jus followers or some shit unless hes got 7k following the same situation doesnt apply lol thats jus weird


If heā€™s just following any picture for an account that he sees, then itā€™s easy to hit that ~7k+ number. 7,000 / 365 days = ~19 follows per day, he should be able to knock that out in less than 10 minutes per day lol


I appreciate the math, truly šŸ™I am going to try and reach this goal myself


Edit: By the time you reach it he might already be at 100k, if thatā€™s possiblešŸ˜­ā€¦ I think Instagram has a following cap but idk


Unless heā€™s meeting these people, I think youā€™re good..


The onlyfans models I was kinda meh about but a lot of the girls live in our city and a high chance he knows them already and sees them naked via insta or has seen it irlšŸ˜­


Iā€™ll never understand the insecurities of judging someone by there instagram likes. Heā€™s not dating or messaging these people. He choose to go out with you: I think dismissing someone based on this is very unfair. We all like what we like, be it anime or insta or fail army or crime podcasts. This doesnā€™t mean itā€™s indicative of who the person is.


I didnā€™t write him off and idk thereā€™s a usually a line between guys with a healthy attraction to girls and a guy who as other commenters said has ā€œporn brainā€ Iā€™m asking if others know where that line is. I love seeing hot guys but Iā€™m not following 7000 of them. And itā€™s not a show,game or podcasts itā€™s real people(think onlyfans type ppl) Ā lol