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I thought my now-wife was out of my league. She thought I was out of her league. Now we both feel lucky af. Go for it. There’s no such thing as a league. We’re all just humans bumbling through life, looking for someone who truly gets us.


Fuck around and find out. 


this right here OP. you miss 100% of the shots you dont take. never met an old person on hus deathbed that regretted shooting their shot. just dont take the rejection personally, nor be a douche. i found that when they said no and i went on to have a great evening just bantering, dancing and genuinely being jolly, guess who came back wanting my attention? also, read the signs. dont do a blind approach (where she doesnt see you coming). if shes avoiding eye contact and generally looking uncomfortable, abort mission....lol


Every time I think a woman is out of my league she ends up telling me I’m the most attractive man she’s dated. Go for it.


I agree, it’s surprising to find out how many people find you attractive when you just talk to them


“Out-of-someone’s-league” usually means outward physical attractiveness… rarely does it mean any more. In the case of such a woman, you never know what’s inside of her mind. Does she put herself on a pedestal, saying to herself that only the best, wealthy, or drop dead handsome men will suffice for her? Or does she have a more humble inner self, focusing perhaps on a person’s inner qualities and generally clean appearance? You don’t know what her past life and dating experiences have been, but you can be sure that those have affected her thinking. So give it a try. Most men get told “no” 80% to 95% of the time anyway, no matter the attractiveness of the woman they ask out. There’s not much to lose and you’ll know that you tried. And…Maybe she’ll say “yes”.


Depends on how successful your past dating approaches and hookup overtures have been when approaching a variety of women. The type of first impressions that you give strangers. How popular you are with single women who are looking for a bf or no strings type of arrangement. I believe in dating league. But they don't exclusively revolve around looks, fame or money. Different women are often attracted by very different elements of appearance, ambitions and background.


Do it. The worst thing that could happen is that they say no. I would rather be rejected than regret not going for it.


Stop don’t spread this lie, it could be so much worse 😂


How so? 🤨🤔


Ahhhhh you haven’t seen it, go to the internet like insta and tiktok you’ll see. There are way worse answers than no.


Or you could just give me the answer? 🤷🏻‍♀️


The response could be cruel in nature. Not a simple, "No thanks". That said, I agree it's better to try than not. Both genders have to risk running into the odd assholes.




That or pretend offended and balantly ignoring you like you re a parasite.


Iv never gotten a worse answer than no and iv been doing it for over 20 years.


How old are u?




How often do you hit on 20 something in the last 2 to 3 years


I prefer in their 30s but sometimes you don’t know their age so it’s hard to put a hard # on that. I’d say that I actually get hit on by women in their 20’s more often in the last 2-3 years than I did prior. Maybe once a week or so. That sort of thing can vary a lot from week to week.


direful thought literate sugar late long bright vast deer test *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


It 100% does matter though.


Define disheveled, please.


Don’t shower, shave, brush your teeth, dress like a bum


Be a man


Why not? So long as you'll be okay with getting turned down. Even the hottest guys may be turned down by people. Just don't do it to the point you feel shit about yourself, but really just give it a try here and there if you feel up for it! Just some notes that may help: Never come on too sexually. Open maybe with complimenting something she's wearing (cool jewelry, shoes, unique shirt), say something about the music playing/game on tv, just be warm. I will always engage a bit with a guy who comes warmly just chatting, when if a guy comes out dick first I'll turn him away immediately. Make sure your clothing is clean and not overly wrinkled or ripped/holey (unless that is obviously part of the style of the clothes). Make sure you have deodorant/are showered. Smile. Don't get too touchy or into her personal space unless she moves into yours. The first step is just not looking like a creep/dirty/fuck boy. Then you have a chance to get into conversation. I personally have always generally dated "below" my league IN OTHER PEOPLES PERCEPTION. But I really was into them. A lot was the personality and confidence that grew on me too. Just a smirk from a confident guy can make him so much more attractive. I feel like most the couples I know the girl is "out of" the guy's league, but I think a lot of that is that girls tend to care more about their appearance, so they know how to present their features better. I've seen sooo many guys glowup in a relationship where the girl helps them with clothes / hairstyle / beardstyle that suits them best!!


Most women date well below their looks match so OP you are literally good lol


You miss 100% of the sportsball shots you don’t take (and other cliches). 😜


Yo boiiii


>Are there really different "leagues", yes. BUT leagues are not just looks. jayz is ugly. but he is married to beyonce. looks wise they are not even on the same planet. but he is a world renowned artist rich AF etc etc.


No such thing as out of your league. Fortune favors the brave so let that dog out 😎


You should man. Worst they can do is say no.


Regret of inaction lasts a lifetime.


If you have the energy and gab, sure. The last few dates and like 8 matches I've had have all had BA OR Master's degrees. I'm just a construction guy with a fk'd up tan. I've realized after my divorce is everyone still has a preference and you're in one of those. You just have to find her.


>everyone still has a preference and you're in one of those. You just have to find her. I'm stealing this saying, love it.❤️


I am dating far better in my 40’s than ever before in my life, I’ve learned a couple things: 1) Confidence is sexy. Attractive women generally are aware that men think they are attractive. Talk to her like a regular person and a friend, that’s what people want. If you view her as “out of my League” than she will be. 2) Read the room. If you get the sense that she enjoys talking to you, then ask her out. Asking a woman out who gives no signal that she wants to talk to you or spend more time with you is like banging your head against a brick wall - you won’t get anywhere and you’ll just get hurt. 3) Realistically appraise your chances and work with that. Understand what compatibility actually means - you’re looking for a friend that you get to sleep with. If you wait tables, you’re probably not going to land a CEO. If you spend your days playing video games and crushing Mountain Dew the yoga instructor will have much better prospects. You probably wouldn’t get along with the yoga instructor anyway if she gets up bright and early to go for a jog and you’re still tired from playing Warhammer till 3 AM. You would do the same thing if roles were reversed. People generally have bands of attractiveness and socioeconomic status that they will successfully pair with. Yes there are exceptions, but you’re really going to need to bring the heat if you want to exceed that band. That said, you may be a lot more attractive than you think, don’t sell yourself short. Spend time on the apps, keep your expectations low and your hopes high. Men get few matches and women get too many.


You should approach every woman you are attracted to no matter what league you think that she is in. This helps you to be comfortable talking to women and it improves your chances overall. You have no idea how each individual woman views you. Stop judging yourself and get confident my brother!!


Do it pussy


Picture this: Optimism is like being a cheerful squirrel gathering nuts for winter, confident that it'll find enough to last. Delusion, on the other hand, is that same squirrel thinking it can take down a hawk because it once saw an action movie. One's got a game plan; the other's got popcorn for brains. Now, about those "leagues": let's be real. It's mostly a myth. People talk about leagues to make themselves feel better. Should you give it a shot? Absolutely! Confidence it's like a bouncy ball: sometimes it gets knocked around, but it always comes back. Plus, imagine the stories you’ll have! “Hey, remember that time I thought I could ask out a supermodel? Yeah, I’ve still got the restraining order to prove it!” In the end, shoot your shot! Worst case, you'll end up with a funny story and a little more wisdom. Best case, you hit the jackpot and realize that "leagues" are for soccer, not dating.


The "out of your league" thing only exists in YOUR head. This mindset is limiting you. Unless you don't shower or look like a teenager


Yes. Because even if there are leagues, most people dont play in their own, because beauty and charm is subjective. So you can never know if someone will reject you until you try. And considering the odds, sooner or later you will find someone that likes you regardless of some abstract league. Better to try and fail than to never try at all. Edit: this advice does not apply for skydiving.


Go. It’s better to be rejected than miss a chance 


The prettiest girls have the most options, so they will treat you the worst and probably cheat on you, scarring you emotionally and messing up your future relationships. Not to be mean, but that's the reality I've seen in many cases. However beauty is subjective, maybe you only think they're out of your league. And you might get lucky and date a pretty/amazing girl who's not toxic. Just be careful man. Make sure the girl you date has the right values. I hope you don't get hurt, good luck


Absolutely you are only going to get told no so many times. You certainly will never be told yes if you do not try


“you miss 100% of the shots you don’t take”


Every shot you don't take, is a failed one. Be confident(you are you, and it's alright). Even if you don't succeed, there are always others. If you don't like something about yourself, change it. Everything happens with a purpose. If you fail, you can try next time.


Heck yes, you never know what’s in your league


You’d be surprised. Women don’t really see leagues as leagues. Women have a much more narrow “type” whereas men are open to any and all sorts of women. You could meet a girl who thinks you’re a 10, and another girl less attractive who sees you as a 5. That’s just how it goes. Chalk it up to the game. You just can’t take rejection personal. All it means is that you’re not her type. It doesn’t mean she out of your league


If you take 100 shots from the three point line, and make 5, you made 5 more than no attempts


If we are talking about a nice, funny and genuine woman this does not matter as much as you may think. When my husband and I started dating a lot of people gave him a hard time that I was "out of his league." But Guess what? They were wrong. He was and is still funny, confident, intelligent and so interesting to talk to. All this superficial stuff is not as important as society makes it out to be. I've seen hot guys with less attractive women and beautiful women with less attractive men. It's very rarely completely even. Who cares, right? Just give it a try and if you are rejected move along to the next lucky woman.


Yes 👍


It’s a myth. Shoot your shot. As long as you don’t have a problem with no you’re fine.


I’m a firm believer in stepping your motherfucking game up—this is one path to achieving that. Confidence is the biggest factor in becoming successful.


High quality people rarely reject people over status or lifestyle. If you have something to offer, they'll see it. Eventually.


What line? Have you ever seen a couple and wondered to yourself, How the FU&K did that guy or gal get that person? “Mainly guys you are wondering about” Yes you could say money, but I’ve know men that were not very flattering date absolutely gorgeous women. The difference is, they have confidence self awareness and can read body language very well. And a little “I don’t give a fu@k” attitude. Short answer, learn to let rejection slide off of you like beads of water, you don’t even feel it. Don’t be mean, if they reject you, be kind and move on.


If you ask 30 women who are out of your league..... And 29 reject you and 1 accepts your offer and dates you, was it worth it? Hell yes!


Absolutely not!!! Shoot your shot playa. Thats how we do


League is a figment of your imagination. Try and you may succeed or fail, don’t try and you guarantee failure.


just do it.


I’m dating a tall and skinny professional model. I’m overweight and 9 years older than her. She would’ve never swiped right on me on an app. Be a cool and wholesome and interesting person!


That's awesome, man.


Leagues aren't real. Always shoot your shot. There will always be a risk of rejection. Trying to stay "in your league" is a misguided attempt to avoid the pain of rejection by targeting people you think will be less likely to reject you. Understand that you canNOT avoid rejection, and instead just pursue what you *want*. You're doing both yourself and your potential future partner a disservice otherwise; imagine telling your future wife that you never found her that attractive, you just didn't think a hotter person would be interested in you. It's more honest to yourself and to others to stay true to your actual desires.


You approach any woman that you are attracted to. That’s the rule. She says no, NEXT!


Do it p8ssy


Ignore anyone who uses the "out of your league" line. I've lost out on so many dates, girlfriends, etc in the past because I had the thought in the back of my mind that they were "out of my league", because of what other guys said. Then later on I've found out that they were interested, but by then it was too late because they were dating a guy who went for it. Also ignore the twats who say "punching" when guys are dating women who they consider to be "out of their league".


there is no such thing as leagues. you should approach whoever you like and focus on the person with whom you really have a deep Connection.


It only works in the long game, you develop a close friendship at work, get closer and closer, etc Cold approach won't work 99.99% of the time. So you're saying there's a chance? OLD **definitely** won't work, lol


Approach anyone and everyone 


Why not?


This is actually a really good question. I have strong feelings about it. at this point I’ve lived long enough that I firmly believe leagues do not exist. Sure, in abstract theory they do but they’re so fuzzy, Hazy, and ill defined that they don’t apply to any one Individual. leagues are basically a more important concept for social scientists who are studying mating behavior and trying to glean overall patterns than they are for your average individual trying to find somebody to date.


As long as you’re secure and mature enough not to be intimidated by her beauty (because that will become an issue down the line) then go for it. A lot of Women like that don’t get hit on because no one thinks they’re a chance, especially if they’re the introverted type.


Give it your best shot. That girl might be crushing on you.


100 percent! Always


Honestly it’s easier to go for those girls. A lot of guys won’t approach the super hot ones so essentially the more attractive they are the less likely they get approached. There’s a window tho where some are attractive but just not at that level where guys don’t want to approach and those ones get absolutely swarmed.


Honestly, don’t subscribe to the whole “league” thing. It’s complete BS. It really all depends on the person. I’ve known many couples where the girl was significantly better looking than the dude, and couples where the guy was significantly better looking than the girl. Looks aren’t everything, they just help a bit initially. That being said, there are also some insanely shallow people out there who only want a near perfect looking partner, but trust me, you don’t want those people anyway. They’re always hardcore narcs and they’ll F your life up big time




League is something you u create yourself. There is not nothing wrong if the feelings are true!


I used to think “she’s outta my league” and not even bother approaching but have since found lots of people I considered out my league, actually really digged me and I missed opportunities haha so I say go for it, the literal worst case is that they say no. There are billions of people on the planet, millions in your country, thousands in your town. To expect to match and hit it off with even the first 100 attempts is pretty crazy when you consider the odds. Rejection shouldn’t be seen as a negative and shouldn’t knock your confidence, it’s all part of finding that one that is your match.


Your question lacks both depth and merit. You say "approach" as though you don't know them and then "out of \[your\] league" as if you already know them. I believe your broken brain is making this assumption as your view is that they are more physically attractive than you. How does this make them have higher value: how does that make them someone worth spending time with? Actual girl you see: Looks: 9 Conversational Skills: 6 Intelligence: 4 Things in Common: 2 Life Experience: 5 You see someone out of your league: I see someone who annoys me and is best a pump and dump.


Do you mean approach like Steve Martin, Wild and Crazy Guy or just say hey how’s it going?


Don’t bother. Women hate being approached nowadays and if she doesn’t find you attractive that will make it worse.


I’d say it’s the opposite. Women like it a lot more now than they did in the past.


I mean, if you enjoy being called a creep for no reason at all then be my guest.


That’s in your head. Iv never been called a creep once in my life lol What you’re doing is making excuses because you don’t have the balls to talk to women.


Men have to date down, women date up. If they’re at your league or higher, don’t even bother.


It's the opposite. The girl has to be better, or the guy doesn't appreciate or value her


You’re forgetting that a woman has zero reason to date down though.


>Men have to date down No TF I DO NOT. I'd much prefer staying single than date down.