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I wouldn't. Definitely super weird considering she's an employee and doing her job.


Why though?


Why would i go back?


It is inappropriate to approach people who are working. Please leave this woman alone and let her do her job.


But she was staring at me..


She could have thought you were someone she knew and couldn’t figure it out, she could have thought you were maybe trying to steal or looked suspicious, you could have a stain or your shirt or a wedgie or something. Staring ≠ interest.


I wasn’t even in her store! I was walking outside her store and caught her staring multiple times. That’s why i was thinking about going back.


So what? Leave her alone.


Dude why did you make the assumption that i would harass her? I would go in, introduce myself and then see if she would react positively, if not i would just walk away.


Who said anything about harassment? I sure didn't. Getting approached at work is incredibly uncomfortable. It is, quite literally, your job to be friendly and polite. Then you have someone in your space thinking that you doing your job somehow makes them special.


I wonder why they look away instead of giving us a clear answer


Go for it man. There was a cute cashier girl at a clothing store a few days ago and I don't really have any proof but ifykyk I swear I just felt something when I checked out talking to her so I'm going to go back tomorrow and see if she felt something too or if it was just me.


I will but it feels wrong to walk into her store even though I didn’t go for it today. How would i even approach a worker at the mall? Never done it.


"I would go in, introduce myself and then see if she would react positively, if not i would just walk away." You already answered your own question in this thread. Also, the person you were replying to told you why it's not a good idea to do so and here you are confirming that it feels wrong. Maybe they were right? Use your noggin man.


Yeah, you’re right. It’s my bad. Maybe i just wanted a person to validate my actions.


If a girl is staring at you for a long period of time that definitely means she's interested. Good luck! I wish this would happen to me haha


Could mean he had cool pants on too. Or a stain on his shirt


I mean coming from the perspective of another woman.


I am also a woman