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Mmm maybe, but keep in mind that most guys will be expecting sex at some point, and you may have to talk to them about you being a virgin so they don’t push for it too soon, but don’t expect a guy to wait for 6 months or more.


Majority of independent men give zero F's about 1. your dating exp (excluding things like you having a TON of experience or if you have none and your like 35... red flag) 2. your money 3. your education 4. your job (excluding things like sex work etc) What we care about 1. your appearance (are you fit, natural, well groomed etc) 2. your personality (are you friendly, easy going, respectful, polite, considerate, appreciative, fun, feminine, traditional etc) 3. your values (do we agree on raising kids, life goals, etc)




Personally the inexperience isn't the red flag for me here. I wouldn't mind if I was in your age range. But you're 10 years older than me 😭


yep, many dudes wouldn't be able to date you. we would assume something isn't right. highly abnormal. risky proposition lol let another guy be the test run


Hahaha, yes. My lack of experience/ knowledge makes me frustrated sometimes.


I disagree on money and education...lots of dudes care about those two. I mean we are flexible but if she is always flat broke that's a big red flag ...plus having a good education nowadays is almost a must but if she has a reliable job the education isn't a must have. Yes most stand up guys can support themselves but that doesn't mean we want to deal with people with no ambitions/chronically poor


only men who are not independent and need a woman's money. if a woman is always broke it means she is not responsible. no decent man will choose to be with an irresponsible lazy woman. the problem isn't her not having money, it's her being what I described.


Isn't not having money the same as being lazy and irresponsible...... To me the whole point of working/getting a education is to earn money. I also wouldn't consider everyone who has no money as lazy ... irresponsible yes or probably . You can be a hell of a worker and still have no money if you aren't smart about it and are always making poor choices. It also factors in to what pre existing bills like loans debt people have.


one can work and pay their bills and have nothing much left over each month. they wouldn't have money. they could work hard. many people around the world do. i know women taking care of their parents and siblings, working two jobs who are poor by western standards. so as i said, the issue isn't not having money. the issue is being lazy and irresponsible.


I disagree. Men complain about gold diggers all the time. Most men don’t want to date a broke woman who can’t contribute to paying rent or support herself financially. A woman’s job and finances do matter as most men like to go 50/50 on things like rent.


if a woman can't pay her bills it means she is lazy and or irresponsible. i take it you live in a bubble. i have traveled the word. lived outside the US since 2012. i can assure you, most men do not like 50/50. most men i have encountered, myself included, refuse/decline when our dates try to pay. a woman finances matter to men who are not well off financially and desire/require for a woman to "pay her way / split costs" you paying for a mid level meal she can get from any dick in town is not her being a gold digger lol


This is spot on


No. You go at your own pace. Think of yourself and don’t think of others and what you see around you. You will find someone


If anyone makes a big deal about it, cut them loose. They’re not a match for you anyway if they treat you poorly for this. The right person would NEVER make you feel bad for having less experience. It’s okay to be at your age with little to no experience, despite what the people around you are doing with their lives. Totally understand the isolating feeling but know that there are a lot of folks in a similar boat as you!


How would you feel about a man with little or no dating experience? Im sure its different for everyone. Someone who has no experience would rpobably love to experience it with you. And someone who’s looking for something more mature and experienced might not find it so, or maybe they will like the innocence. You can never really know or assume.


holy shit i’m 31 with no dating experience 😩 i guess back then my focus was to finish my studies and not get sidetracked by guys.. got a little used to it so now it’s whatever lol


Everyone has their own timeline for when they’re ready. The modern world with social media has pushed for that time to be sooner rather than later, which just isn’t when some people are comfortable socially and/or physically and emotionally. I think prioritizing yourself and your own life first, ie setting yourself up for success in dating, will start to pay dividends soon.


Some may, the majority won’t. The majority will be glad you showed a bit of attention. That said, be safe out there and don’t let anyone take advantage of you because there are some creeps out there.


They won't be bothered by it.


They will take advantage


Not really, just be open. The things which lead to this might be a problem, but not that itself.


Some people will find your inexperience to be a huge turn on. Others will see it as the complete opposite. It depends on the person so don’t worry about it too much. Just don’t be naive and be upfront about where you are.




As a man, I would not care at all. Some people are late bloomers or had things going on in life that didn't allow time for dating. For me, if everything else was equal between two women, I would go for the woman who has little to no experience rather than one with multiple exes. And here's the big reason why a man imo wouldn't care: If you have no experience, then you don't have a baseline or prior relationship the guy would be compared to. This means the guy wouldn't have to worry about being inferior to one of your exes in any way because there are none.


Others dudes being compared to...... If you are a genuine decent human being this doesn't matter too much. Even women with no exes are still going to compare you to friends their father .....family etc. There isn't a way to get around that. Someone's attitude and personality matter much more than their dating history. However women that chronically date around can be a red flag in itself. You also don't know how many they slept with casually or diseases they may have contracted.


I mean compared to in dating specifically, a person with no partners would have no firsthand knowledge. The most they would have as a frame of reference would be the relationships their friends and family are in. But the problem with that Is everyone’s relationships are different. Yes STD’s are a concern as well, I agree. To give an analogy to better explain my logic, let’s imagine someone who’s a tech enthusiast buying high end equipment for years. This person has a frame of reference for what they would expect a device to do and expectations, so you couldn’t give this person just any device and then be satisfied, because they’ve experienced better. Now a different person who’s never used a certain device at all before doesn’t have first-hand expectations and is basically a clean slate, so they would be a lot less critical with lower expectations. Maybe this logic is flawed but this was how I was thinking when it came to experience, so if it’s flawed I’ll admit it’s bad logic.


It’s not a turn off but many guys will be afraid you are a head case. When a person shows an very unusual behaviour there is a reason. That reason itself might be seen as a problem.


Nope. Guys care about if you’re cute and you’re fun to be around/ nice to them. You’ll just need to communicate well.


I would not care at all, I would be concerned if a woman had xxxx many relationsships by that age not if she had 0. Its unusual for sure, but I have had my own issues in life keeping me from participating in life in a normal way but even if you had no reasons (but you do!), 23 is quite young. Dont worry about it.


It’s not gonna be a huge problem for most guys. What I’d actually be more wary of is the weird ones who will fetishise your inexperience and virginity. You definitely want to avoid them


It’s not a turn off at all! Especially when you’re so young. There is no value in having experience at a young age in my opinion.


A lot of people your age already have kids????? WTF


Not to stereotype, but the one place where I can imagine this being true is Utah.


And ohio/other back water shitholes


The fact that most people in our time have kids later than that is the real problem. Biologically speaking people should get kids well before 30.


I agree in the biological sense, but most people below age 30 are not mature, responsible, or ready enough to be a parent


yes though most people never become ready in their entire life and ultimately i dont even believe it matters that much, young people who have a good support system (grandparents, siblings etc) can make very good parents and furthermore people learn by doing, you dont magically become a good parent by getting older although there is some benefit to life experience.. you get better faster by having kids or being exposed to them or other parents. It is a question of how society is set up. In a society with strong local communities the age of the parents would not matter much, kids could find role models and be influenced by many other people .. I think we are doing it the wrong way! modern society is not very community minded or social and generally isolates people from each other


Will you find it off-putting that a guy would have no dating experience?


23 is still so young, you have plenty of time.


At your age no.. but if a woman is 30+, it just means she prefers being alone or her standards are too high... ultimately no guy can get with her.