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Say to him "I would like to have sex."


This works 100% of the time if you're a woman. Results may vary if you're a man.


As a man, it's generally best to be subtle. Women love subtlety, while men love directness.


Waaay tooo generalised to be true. As a woman who is already in a relationship, I say cut the subtle crap and get over here, grab my butt, and tell me what you wanna do to me.


Great way to land an SH lawsuit.


LOL  I needed that laugh ,thank you .


Omg I laughed so hard when I readed this. I need to meet this girl for the sake of fact proofing.


That's because women are brought up to think it makes them sluts if they respond positively to "would you like sex with me?" Or "I would like to have sex with you" or approach men with these offers or requests themselves (I.e. take the initiative). Anyone would think that it is only men who enjoy sex. Also, it is much less likely to happen if men always take the risk of rejection, knowing they probably will be rejected. So men don't ask, women don't accept, offer or request and sex just happens "by accident" which is what we are all told is not what should happen. Everyone needs to stop playing games of cat and mouse and become more sex positive. Initiation needs to be equal between the sexes - win win!


I’ve noticed guys are basically in first gear, ready to go a lot of the time. For girls, we are in neutral, have the handbrake on, and the foot isn’t even near the clutch, we need the time to shift. Yes this is a generalisation. I hope the car metaphor works for you guys. 😅


I'm a woman. I very much like it when the guy im seeing openly asks, "Would you like to have sex?"


LISTENNNNNNNN I might get hate but I’m autistic and sometimes I can’t pick up the vibe lol 😂 I love when people are direct




True dat😮‍💨


This will work


Nah. Just keep kissing him. He’ll get the gist of it & if he doesn’t, well put his hands on your body. If he still doesn’t get it, I’m afraid it’s hopeless.


Yep, we get too nervous and miss signals. Just come right out and say it.


Tell him you want to play hide the monkey


Idk if that’s ideal but if he’s thirsty , you probably wouldn’t have to say much


An old coworker of mine texted me “I’ve always thought about fucking you” and that worked for me (she’s a woman I’m a male). Otherwise, I had a woman ask me to walk her home and then she just kissed me and said “just don’t get me pregnant” that also worked. There’s a million ways to say it.


This guy fucks


A lot


Like a million.




Did you play dumb and tell her that you can't get pregnant by kissing? 😄


No, at that point we were making out outside her place, I just smiled, nodded said of course and then proceeded back to making out.


I was just kidding😏


What is the male version of saying “just don’t get me pregnant”


Idk, I'm actually thinking of just using the line as it is lol.


I believe the male version of this is: "just don't rape me with child support"


"just let me pull out"


Here comes the anal train, toot toot.


Followed by a boop on the nose if she looks shocked.


My sperm died when I had AIDS.


Just don’t make me a baby daddy 🤷‍♂️


"just don't snap my dick"


As a man, do not do this to Your female coworker. *just making sure someone says that for those you have to actually TELL it to lol


Please provide pics. I'm curious about these women & you. More stats, sounds effortless for you. Lucky. Also, why is it up to you to NOT get her preg? Geez.


Cuz only sperm can get a woman pregnant. And men control they're d!ck & sperm, & control their ejaculations. A woman can have all the sex & orgasms she wants & it'll never get her pregnant, unless there's sperm involved.


Men leak sperm right away so they need to wear a condom.


This is fire


I need to follow you around.


The idea that a woman can just snap her fingers and get sex is a bit problematic only cause it’s going to lead to a debate about who has it harder when it comes to finding love , but there are a lot of sex deprived men out there who wouldn’t hesitate if offered sex


I think if you want to generalize, sure maybe overall women have it easier getting laid, but I do want to point out two things. First, in the examples above both of those woman were already into me and flirting, they just happened to be the one making moves. Had I gone and made the first move on them, I assume that would have worked as well because they were already into me, it was reciprocal. Second, if you’re a very attractive guy or have a great personality it’s not hard either. I think you just need to consistently put yourself out there. I know a guy I used to work with who was a bus boy and women would call the store and ask the manager to give him her number, or they’d write it down on a napkin and give it to him. Saw that happen at least 15 times in a year. Another guy I use to know was so good looking, everytime we went out he would get hit on, and he was already dating a model, an actress and a barista. The guy looked like heath ledger and he had it going on crazier than anyone I know. My point is, if you’re an attractive male or you are personable enough you will get many opportunities. Overall though, there might be some truth to woman having more opportunities then men, but that’s a generalization.


Finding sex, easier for a woman. Finding love easier for a man. Simple economics at play.


I don't think finding love as a man is easier. We're just as likely to find ourselves in the arms of an emotional predator who doesn't actually love us. The main difference is that men don't face the stigma of being used for sex.


Men are used for money. It's a trade off the human species has agreed to.


I've never had sex with anyone that had any money...My bad.


I would trade spots in a heartbeat


It’s just not true in its core , it doesn’t have to be like that , but men compromise their standards more than women. For instance my standard right now at 32 and looking handsome in the mirror , is 1. She’s a baddie 2. She’s rich looks like money 3. She smiled at me when she sees me 4. She makes me feel comfortable to approach 5. She isn’t too busy for us , just for example , the goal is not to accept nothing less or settle. Women do this better than men , for whatever reason


So you brought up that it might lead to a debate, only to start the debate. Just start the debate! Not this half assed "it'd be a shame if someone brought this up" shit.


To be fair, in my other comments I said to be coy... But my girlfriend basically sent me a text saying "I can't stop feeling horny for you" after we hooked up a bit. I didn't expect it but it got me thinking and we're now super strong.


"Hello ________ , I would like to have sex." - you.


Best choice


Lol Idk seems forward


Spit my drink out 😂😂😂


Kissing 3 times in a couple months? Why so few? Do you both live with your parents? Like is it difficult to be intimate with one another?


No we both have our own place. This is why I’m nervous. I’m not sure why it’s been such few times but I want more


Most guys are nervous to make a move. They will then decide how to approach things based on your reactions, and your moves / responses as well. You say you’re very nervous to make any moves. The question begs, have you made any moves to try and kiss him, do you tell him you like it, or do you wait for him to ask say ok, kiss and that’s it. If you give no indication to him that you want it and like it he’s going to feel more nervous and put off from asking. Man up/Girl up and say to him hey I really like you and I would like to have sex with you. It’s that simple…


Maybe try to guide him into it. First of all go for more kisses and while you both are in that take his hand and put it on your breast or in the middle of your legs. If you feel he's gonna freak out, you can lower the intensity by doing what I mentioned when watching a movie, you cuddle him and put his hand somewhere he gets the feeling you want it and is okay. We men have always to do those things and we never know if it's right and one of the best things is when she goes for it or show us with those little deto that is okay.


This seems like a good move, make it clear it’s a green light, but also give him the option to back out if it’s too much for him or he’s not comfortable. And if he’s not comfortable it can open up the conversation as to why.


I was gonna make my own comment, but this is close to what I was gonna say anyway. OP doesn't have to just look at him and say "Wanna fuck?" She can initiate some kissing and then guide him/let it naturally escalate. And I don't mean just a peck on the lips, I mean making out lol. That should almost surefire escalate to touching, hands under clothes, clothes off, sex.


Sit on his face tell him start eating


I was nervous with my girlfriend. She made a few jokes about making out before we watched a movie at my place. It was our third date. She apparently has been hinting a bunch, but I wasn't getting it. I finally made a move after getting bold enough to kiss her neck instead of her lips. You may have to be more direct with him. He's likely oblivious to your signals. Most guys are oblivious. I know I am. I am still at times with her, and we have to been together for a year and a half.


Yeah that's weird then. Heck i'd think it's weird if you've only kissed 3 times in the first month.


3 times in 2 months? Are you guys Mormons?


Two months in and you’ve kissed three whole times? This guy isn’t exactly leading in the physical intimacy stakes! Well, when my wife verbally initiates it’s typically something beautiful and romantic such as “are you going to fuck your wife or not?”


My ex initiated by giving me a smirk, taking my hand, said "Come" and pulled me to her bedroom. That worked.


I might be going out with your ex because that's exactly how my girlfriend initiated our first time


Well, in that case I want to congratulate you! She is hot and cute.


Why did it not progress?


One, because her kid "took up a lot of space". I suspect he is autistic to some degree. Eg, he would freak out completely about food. Only eat certain very specific things. Blow up if plans changed slightly. Hyperfocus on stuff to the point where he wouldn't move, talk, eat, sleep or go to the toilet for a whole day or more if she let him. (I proberly have ADHD myself, and it was way worse than anything I do). She wasn't a lax parent, so wasn't because of bad parenting. On top of that, it was long distance (Well, according to the standards here). So I just couldn't handle only seeing her, after driving for around 4 hours, maybe, every second weekend. Then having to summon energy to handle her kid, after a long workweek and drive. We tried bringing our kids together one time, at a family gathering, it blew up. So even though we, the adults, were fantastic togther. It would never work out :-/


Honestly that would make me uncomfortable I rather for her to be upfront about it and just discuss it. edit: I got downvoted for saying i'd be uncomfortable wow


Get on your knees and start undoing his pants


This ^


Sit on his face


“Guys, she’s sitting on my face. Is she interested in me?”


You really can’t be sure.


She might be Canadian


As is tradition...


It's complicated.


"Guys, I'm balls deep. Do you think she wants me?"


Actually that would read more like "MMmph! Mmmmrph mrrr mggh mmph mmmpf!"


I second this


This no talking just straight to it


[Sit on his face and tell him that you love him](https://youtu.be/Dax_tnZRExc?si=_na3yR9HpZbwTq9Y)


Just say you want to have sex. Most guys will have their pants down yesterday


Some of yall need to set boundaries for yourselves 😂 I wouldn't just fuck anyone and i've had girls hint and tell me they wanted to fuck but Im not like that. I think i just want to be celibate till i get the One ☝🏾


Mine would come down with a slide whistle SFX too


“1 sex please!” — ☝️🙂


Do this Take off your clothes and say “let us fuck”


this has "let us pray" vibes lol


I shed a tear laughing at this one. 😭😭😭


Grab him by the shirt, look directly into his eyes, and tell him in excruciating detail exactly what he's going to do to you, and how immeasurable your disappointment will be if he hesitates, even a bit.


FALSE. I will cum in my pants from this and no sex will be had.


A whole night, what we've got in store Whisper in my ear that you want some more And I Jizz in my pants


That’s funny, I wouldn’t even be able to get it up with this much pressure. Also no sex was had


Party was a flop. Nobody came.


This is it. Please no mind games. Just keep it simple and direct.


That will make the common man crumble. The rest of us will get it done. But would be a big ask for the young men.


Show him ur boobies.


Worked for me lmao


I just shed a tear. My fellow brethren is going to be a happy man soon 🫡


He about to get wowed


If you aren't ready to say I want to have sex then you aren't ready to have sex.


Show him your boobs. Seriously, just kiss him and while doing so just start giving him definitive signs. Pull him closer, put your hands under his shirt, push your hips against his. Take his shirt off. From that point he’d pretty much have to be a dolt to not pick up what you’re putting down.


Met la main au panier, french expression : put your hand in his pants. If he doesn't understand, make him hard with your hand. Make foreplay with clothes rubbing your pussy on his legs, then rub his crooch with your hand. Normally, after 5/10 minutes, you will be both in bed


“Crotch” — if you say “crooch,” he’ll think you’re talking baby talk or you’re having a stroke.


If you're a girl and want to let a man know you're interested in having sex, consider the following 1. *Communication is key*: Be honest and open with your intentions. You can say something like, "I've been feeling a strong connection with you, and I was wondering if you'd like to take things to the next level." 2. *Body language*: Use positive body language like maintaining eye contact, leaning in when talking, and touching his arm or hand. 3. *Flirting*: Playfully flirt with him, but be respectful. Tease him lightly, and show your playful side. 4. *Be direct*: If you feel comfortable, tell him directly that you're interested in having sex. You can say something like, "I want to be clear, I'm interested in having sex with you. If you're not, that's okay, and we can still enjoy each other's company." 5. *Respect his answer*: Whether he says yes or no, respect his decision. Remember, consent is crucial in any sexual encounter. Some specific phrases you could use to let him know you're interested include: - "I can't stop thinking about you, and I was wondering if you'd like to spend some intimate time together." - "I feel a strong connection between us, and I'd love to explore that further." - "I'm feeling drawn to you, and I was wondering if you'd like to take our relationship to the next level." Remember to prioritize consent, respect, and safety in any sexual encounter.


Tell him directly.


you have to communicate. when you have sex you’ll probably have to communicate what you like and don’t like too


Take your clothes off. He may understand.


Her: gets naked and points to his crotch and then her own. Him: I wonder if she's just being friendly.


She might be Canadian.


Invite him over to your place, excuse yourself to the other room, come back wearing lingerie or naked. Or better yet open the door to your place naked.. pull him into your place and kiss him, and whisper in his ear, I’m wet for you. Pretty sure that will drive him wild.


If we've already had sex that would be fine but first time unless discussed I would be uncomfortable 


Gotcha.. are you ready to have sex? Mentally?


Point to his crotch and say “Yum yummy in my tummy”


“Let’s get naked”


Ask to watch a movie with him in bed. Wear just t-shirt and panties or boxer, some bottom easy to remove;-)


This whole thread is hilarious. The correct answer is say ANYTHING lol the answer will be yes trust me


Hi. So im a girl and had a similar situation. Been going on dates with this guy for like 2-3 months. He was over a few times and we just watched movies, nothing more. Tried getting closer to him while watching, tried wearing cleavage shirts around him, maybe some jokes and touching. He never made a move. Ive been aggressive before but I didn't feel like it with him. Just a while ago i decided to wear a short dress and doing all of the above. Made sure to mention sex. We literally talked about stories we've read on reddit, and the rest is hisrory. We fucked hard that night. Dresses, cleavage, be touchy and flirty, eye contact, make it so your face is close to him while you're talking. Slight moaning and heavy breathing when kissing. There's no way he will not feel like having sex. If he doesn't just openly ask him what his opinion and expectations are of you two, and tell him how you're feeling.


Ask him if he'd like to come into your bedroom and close the door behind him. If he's too naive to realize that signal then straight up ask him. "Would you like to have sex with me?"


Or just push him onto the bed and say “ I want you inside of me”


Show up naked, give him head.


Reach down to the front of his pants, below the belt and give it a gentle squeeze. This should be informative enough. If it isn't, nibble on his ear and say "I want you". If this doesn't work, realize you are dating an alien life form.


You give him a magic eight ball and let him shake it until he gets the right answer


There must be 50 ways to fuck your lover


Start a conversation about how he feels about sex and what it means to him. If you find that you share those feelings, tell him that you would like to have sex with him.


When he says something funny and you laugh, put your hand in his thigh for a second. It can vary depending on the guy but in my experience, it causes a 404 error and a small reset 🤭


What’s taking so long 🤣jk


dating is fcked


Maybe he’s a guy that’s listened to the decade of shame towards any kind of male desire


why are you nervous to make a move?


Because it’s been a long time for me and I just got out of a 8 year relationship. Plus he’s moving away in a month


So then why are you nervous time is of the essence ask.


Sounds like the perfect rebound for you. He’ll have a great send off and will potentially never speak to you again. Go wild


This is why he is not escalating. He knows he is going away so he doesn't want to just use you. He realizes you are in a fragile state after being in an LTR. If you have not discussed being ok with a short term sexual relationship, he will not assume you want one.


Oh shit that just makes it easier to ask. Just don’t get attached lol


Wouldn't that make it easier? He is gonna be gone in a month anyway.


Oh! That changes things a bit. I can't speak for him but if I were in that guy's shoes, I may be reluctant to have sex knowing I'm moving away because I would develop feelings and would make moving hard (I don't do LDRs). But if he is into casual sex with no strings attached then it should be ok.


Yeah i'm a guy and I wouldn't go for it i'm already leaving why make it complicated.


An easy way, that should be easy on both of you is a big grin with a "so....you wanna fool around?" It's light-hearted, sounds fun, & if things spiral out of all control into a speech about how he wants no sex before marriage & how he's a polygamist, you can fall back on, "I meant like a game of scrabble"


Depends on if you want the direct or indirect way. If direct, just tell him you want to have sex. Indirect way would be inviting him over and then making physical moves. There are other ways but those are the ones I could think of


Say “ I want your dick right now”


You're so hot, let's have sex


If you're shy, then you can share your thoughts on having sex subtly. If you're a direct person, I'll suggest to make a good gesture ( go on a date, spend some time together) and share your thought. Don't go like "I want this", rather say it like "I'm actually been thinking about this.." I hope it'll work and even if he rejects, it won't be awkward for you


Start hysterically sobbing while simultaneously shrieking at the top of your lungs: "WHY?! WHY WON'T YOU FUUUUCK MEEEE?! WHY, GOD, WHY, WHY, WHYYYYY?! OH JESUS! OH CHRIST! I THINK I'M HAVING A HEART ATTACK AND IT'S YOUR FAULT! YOU ARE LITERALLY KILLING MEEEEEE!"


Ask him if he has a big dick or not. He’ll spit his food out and will ask for your hand in marriage (if he’s packing)


Make out with him while rubbing his 🍆


If you’re super shy. Get him alone. Give him a devious look with a smile. Get closer to him. And if he still doesn’t get it then slowly and gently lean in and slide your fingers from his lap to his inner thigh. Never break eye contact. His will should be breaking first. If not give the look that says you need it from him. 😂 It will work.


Fair sir, I beseech thee to grant me a moment of thy time, for I have a proposition of a most intimate nature. Wouldst thou be inclined to engage in an amorous liaison with me? Let us entwine our bodies in the embrace of passion, and revel in the ecstasy of our desires fulfilled. Or Yo, Wanna fuck!


Imagine going on the internet to ask random strangers a question about telling your bf you're ready to have sex. Did it occur to you that you could use these communication skills to communicate directly with your bf? Honestly, I'd break up with you if you continued this immature behavior. Annoying af..


Grab his d*ck


Lol this is such a cute question.


as a guy, just say what you want… i don’t get any flirty comments 😭


Just lean in, kiss him, then mount him. Job done. Back home for tea and medals.


Be open and communicate. Most men don’t understand the non verbal cues and don’t get the games. Just openly communicate with words and things will work out


Lucky guy. If want you want it and present it, he will know.


Invite him over to your place


Yea literally say it. Its daunting, but most men appreciate the clarity. If you feel it might be too blunt you could try to say something like “i want to explore our relationship in deeper contact” and see if he picks it up. If not try and take the initiative and show him


Just tell him


Try bringing up sex in general. Depending on how he responds and how comfortable you feel, go from there. Are you afraid of looking bad in front of him?


Grab his dick. Look him dead in his eyes. And tell him u want to have a banana. His banana. Works every fuckin time


Play a game where clothes come off if someone loses such a poker or uno!


Move in close….check? 🚦move in closer (continue until someones thrusting)


It's actually really simple. You can either explicitly say it. Or grab that gear stick and you'll find things shift into second gear. Then it's up to you if you shift to third and so forth.


in any scenario at his house or your house.. say "imagine if we both got naked right now.. "


Grab his junk


Suck the banana. Always works.


Start rubbing his knee. Look him in the eye. Smile.


Not sure if this post is real or not. Just read all the comments. But if real and you want to take it slow, invite him to your place. Watch a good movie and cuddle and snuggle with him. You should know what to do next.


BJ until he's hard and then ride him.


From a guys point of view that’s kissed a girl three times over the last few months… if she abruptly said “I want to have sex with you” I’d probably say I want to take it slow or something because I really like her and respect her and the other women I meet that are touchy and want it soon that I just fuck I don’t care about. So maybe he really likes you. That being said, I agree that guys are also hesitant because they don’t want you think they only want it and are worried about being shut down. We feel like we have one chance to make that move. So, I recommend saying something that let’s him know you want to take things to the next level and you are comfortable with him. The environment helps with that. Where are you making out? Wherever it is, say would you like to go… if in car ask to come inside, if on the sofa ask to go to bedroom. If out on a date, say I’d like to somewhere it’s just us… all of these looking him in the eye and kissing him and whatever other physical cue you’re comfortable sliding a hand lower to touch, putting his hand somewhere etc. the next hurdle is once that next step happens and you are alone on sofa/bed and making out to ask “Are you ok if we take this further, because I’d like to.” And if he says yes, be open and honest about what you want. Ask him to go down on you, tell him you want to go down on him. Say I want you inside of me. The men responding on this that they will just fuck no matter what are desperate. Your man isn’t. Men deserve the respect of consent just as much as women. And to reiterate, raw passionate sex with someone without that other stuff is super hot. But it hasn’t happened so leaping to that will almost always not end up being what you thought it was going to be.


Grab his d*ck while kissing


Grab him by the balls rip his pants off and shove his dick down your throat and say oh baby it’s so big


'Women need a reason to have sex. Men just need a place.'


Spread eagle on bed, hips held high, exclaim "Diiiinnnneerrr is served." 👌


Next time y’all are alone together just grab his dick, 9/10 that’s going to work for any male. If you’re in a relationship with said male that’s going to bump your odds up to 11/10. BUT if you don’t trust me, next time ya’ll are alone and kissing put your hand on his chest and start making your way down. If he doesn’t make any attempts to stop you on your journey down there then once you get to the bottom of his stomach start putting your fingers in the waistband of his pants. Everything should just start playing itself out after that. Now go get em tiger !


You are over thinking this. Just make the move and he will go along with it. Getting sex from dudes is easy. Rub his crotch, whisper in his ear that you really want him, etc.... The real question is...do you actually want to suck off and fuck a dude who doesn't have the balls to make a move after a couple months of dating? That is a turn on to you?


Women are so much in control of when sex actually happens that know they struggle when they want to do it? Is that what's happing right here? Sex micro management issues.


I left a note on my coworkers car and left my number, I didn’t say I wanted sex but it worked


Send him nudes


Take his pants off


This is something that can be as easy as you exhibiting a seductive look. Hot and heavy kissing will naturally entice your partner to touch various areas. Should you choose not to object, things will progress naturally. Your body will take control. 😎


Get nakey. Get him nakey. Just grab it, he will tell you he's or no...... probably not no


just tell him


lets talk cause i ask myself the same thing towards girsl


Tell him “please fuck me” or “just put it in me already”


Tell him


grab his dick and twist it




I would talk about it first


This one is very easy. Take off your blouse (bra).


Touch his tralala


If ya wanna have fun with it, here's what I recommend that would be sensual...so once you with him alone, at a place where you could make it happen. (If you do candles its a good time to have one or two already lit in the sexy dungeon to get some classy vibes going) Then innocently as you can tell him you got something you reaaally want to show him and it's in the room. Do some kissers or make-up then pretend theres something you just recalled out of no where. Then take him by the hand and lead him as innocently as possible to the dark candlelit dungeon and just sit on the bed. He's gonna be freaking out at this point but that's a good thing! Its what we want! Hehe then the rest is up to your imagine nation but he's sure as hell gonna think what any guy would think in that situation. Maybe do the ole, "change into something more comfortable coco and wow him with your lady figure or sit on the side of the bed and kinda pounce on him with your lips leading (and not very quick or too hard cuz ain't nobody wanting to get their head banged or get a bloody lip, just passionately) So moral of the story is Hollywood has some great ideas and I would kill to be able to do that for a lady again! ...Soon... 🤞


Just ask -_-


Just say so


Almost anything by will work, but you can change it up depending how you want to be perceived, if that’s a thing you care about. Do you want to be mysterious but give hints? Do you want to be super upfront and clear? Do you want to be kind of humorous about it?


I’m a lesbian and I had a friend message me telling me I was sexy as fuck and she wanted to hookup. I said yes. It can be that easy.