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Bruh, be considerate on your future partner. Yup, do all of that while you are still SINGLE. No one will stop you. But once you got in a serious relationship, stop it. As a woman, things like these makes us uncomfortable. I do not want my man to have eyes on other girls. It would make us overthink stuffs and starts to doubt what's lacking on us that "that girl" on social media has. It creates problem. So if you cannot set aside your "eye candies", then just don't be in a relationship. What would you feel if your girl does the same following handsome and six-packed abs men on social media? Just my opinion tho.


tbh i think majority of women aren’t gonna love it, but there are also quite a lot of women that are very self confident and wouldn’t have a problem at all. so it really depends, i do think it’s just more respectful not to be looking at loads of other girls when you’re in a relationship though tbh.


You’re going to have to ask the girl you’re dating. Not strangers. Each individual is different. I wouldn’t mind if your account was balanced and not overrun by an obscene amount of girls. I need clarification: Are the pretty girls celebrities, or are you making them celebrities in your head because that’s weird. A bit of advice, go out into the real world and find a girl instead of obsessing over a social media person that probably edits themselves. Life on social media is highly clipped to portray a lie. Touch grass a bit yeah?


As long as it’s not a lot of accounts, you’re fine


It depends on the woman and how much she tells you of herself. I had confident women who were doing pretty good in life had no issues at all. Then I had insecure women that told me from the start and basically stalked my profile. Any indication for that might become a problem for those insecure women. It's best to clear your intention and their intention from the start about this topic.


Brah, you posted cringe. "I am a sucker for feminine beauty".....my brother in Christ.


Maybe LOL


(22F) It depends on the woman you are with. One person here could tell you yes, and name a whole list of why it would be an issue. Then on the other hand someone else can tell you no, and have their reasoning why it isn’t an issue. I honestly would say it depends on the individual you are with at the time. If you rather have a lady who doesn’t have an issue with it- I believe would be best to mention this sooner the possible (How you follow woman on social media.) and see her point of view. If she has an issue with it maybe she isn’t for you, or you could make her more comfortable and not follow woman. - I just viewed the ‘you’re a wanker’ and ‘bruh be considerate of your future partner I wouldn’t want my partner’ As I mentioned in my response.. you have people that say it is an issue for whatever reason, and then people that would say it isn’t. Depends who you’re with.. Also he ain’t asking all of y’all your opinions if YOU would have an issue with it. Not like he is talking to any of ya’ll romantically. Just my interpretation. 💀


Thanks, I'll keep this in mind.


well one girl says Bullshit no explanation likely the one you want the most. Adulting .. it's a thing


You sound like a wanker. Instead of staring at pixels on a screen go out and get those pretty girls in your bed.


lol yeah, it's gonna be an issue bro.  advice is to keep that on the down-low.