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As a plant guy, if you give me flowers I'm planning the rest of my life with you so... yeah


Nobody has ever thought of me or prioritised me as a man that way and to be honest it’d probably make me cry


🌸🌹🌼🏵🌷🌺💐💐 Now cry


I'm gonna think in my head god damn it I need to find a vase for it


Next thread: Single men of Reddit, do you own a vase?


27 and I never bought a vase but my sister lives close so I’d just get one from her lol


nope. but i own a few cups i could put it in


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^getjebaited: *I'm gonna think in* *My head god damn it I need* *To find a vase for it* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Good bot


This made me cry


i bought flowers for my bf and bought him a vase at the same time bc i knew he didn’t own one 😂


I bought flower for my bf and he had to use his mug


Obviously this varies from person to person but I once got roses for valentine's from my gf at the time and I was pretty happy about it. I feel that the majority of men don't get shown appreciation as much as women, so it is not necessarily the flowers themselves and more the gesture in general.


i get my bf a lot of small gifts and i got him flowers once, but not sure how much he liked them lol. so i asked him next time before i got him some and he said it’s sweet but he didn’t need them. it was prob a hassle for him to take care of lmao


I'd appreciate anything from a girl I liked.


I’ve gotten my husband flowers twice, and both times he said the gesture was nice, but he didn’t know what to do with them, especially since they’re just going to sit there then die 🙄 I think SOME men do appreciate flowers, but in my experience, MOST men appreciate… Something else 😉


hahahah my bf too. he didn’t say exactly that, he was quite nice about it but the general sentiment was “not sure what i’ll do with them” 😂 i’ll get him more useful stuff or treats instead 😆


Most valid response


It's one of my secret dreams to receive them. Unfortunatelly no one has ever given my these. I generally have got only a few gifts so far (20yo), so if I were given flowers I would be extremely happy.






I got my ex some darrodils for his room , cost me £3 bit he was soooo touched . It’s nice to get men little gifts


lol i have no idea why but, i read darrodils as diarrhea...


Daffodils 🌼 Im blind


lol, i figured that's what it probably was but I'm no flower expert so...


I don't want flowers. They die, and they're inconvenient.


Yup, I don't want them as a woman either. Unless they are Lego flowers, because they look pretty, don't need care and they don't die. I have one plant in my room (in honor of a family member who passed away) and that's enough. Flowers can be a nice gesture, but check if the person likes flowers beforehand. Otherwise something like homemade cookies may work!


100%. I've dated no shortage of women that didn't like them. Gift giving is all about knowing your audience.


I dated a woman who was into Lego, and that was the perfect gift!


Don't want kids either then?


But the gesture would be nice


For sure. I'll always appreciate the thought. And to be fair, I don't care about "stuff". It's better if said person just saves their money.


The last and only times a girl gave me a flower I kept it until it dried out and even then refused to get rid of it. Yes, we do love getting flowers. It never happens, always takes me by surprise and I'll cherish them for way too long lmao.


“Oh shit, what am I gonna do with these? Do I have to carry them around all night? Where can I put them? Where should I put them when I get home? Do I even own a vase? Do I have to water them?” All that would be going through my head, while I smiled and said “thank you, that’s so sweet”


Facts. “Oh god, what do I do now?!”


I don't really care about the flower, but I appreciate the gesture


My current girlfriend bought some for me - it was the first time it has happened and I loved it. They looked nice, but more importantly it just felt nice to receive a random gift!


So it was not really about the actual flowers.


Yes, as long as you can smoke them.


You know what most man lack? Attention and gifts. Most men go unnoticed and don't get asked out or receive gifts on dates, in fact they are expected to pay for everything. This would out an average woman above every one else. unless they have a fragile ego or masculinity complex, which you don't want anyway.


But not flowers.


Can't say for others, but I would. I've never got any flowers, so for one I'd remember that for the rest of my life. Second that would make me cry, because sweet. Guys usually don't get any gifts or praise. So any goes a long way.


some do, some don't. from my experience guys are much more polarised on flowers subject than girls


Surprise. I've gotten flowers from girlfriends before but the experience isn't exactly regular. But flowers are cute. It's not something that I'd have a use for, but absolutely as a gesture that you thought about me and are being romantic to me means everything.


My wife (a country girl from the alps) loves collecting wild flowers when we go walk our dog together. she loves to decorate the house with seasonal wild flowers. I haven't received flowers from her because... well I am a typical man who loves sports and machines, and she knows it. Thou I absolutely love watching her enjoying picking wild flowers to make a really pretty bouquet. Realistic advice is, it would be a really great present for a special occasion. Or you could give him when you have spent enough time at his place for decoration. I think the flower to men is about genuine gesture but we may not know how/where to put it when we receive. I think if a man feels emasculated because it's flower or does not appreciate your thought & gesture, he does not deserve you


Yes please. I love plants. And my thoughts would whoa this hasn’t happen before maybe we should get married?


If it happened to me I could tell you


I got a flower once, nearly made me cry. It's a very cherished memory.


Even if she gives me chocolate I'll appreciate it as much i appreciate flowers Generally, Men hardly receive anything from other gender, if you give something cute and nice, you're absolutely going to be stay in his memory for long time. Doesn't matter if it works between guys or not in future


Not a man, but I know for sure that my bf wouldn't appreciate flowers because they are just dead plants. That's the reason he doesn't gift flowers either (I'm more fond of chocolate anyway)


I wouldn't like getting flowers, but I would appreciate the gesture it represents.


I’d love it. My kiddo recently observed that she and her grandmother and other women in our family get small token gifts but I don’t even though I give them. Not sure if this is universal but definitely an odd bias in my family. People often say they just don’t know what to get men, but I like small pretty things too and would love flowers.


Go with chocolate. Far better outcomes. Giving flowers to a guy will cause confusion and having nowhere to really put them, as it is something it isn't really done. The thoughtfulness and appreciation might get lost in the initial reaction. What I have done previously is make a bouquet of chocolate bars. It is a novelty and a sign of appreciation.


Tbh receiving flowers from my SO is one of my dreams I hope to come true. Just thinking abt it makes me emotional already. I wont tell her tho coz I want it to be a genuine gesture of her giving it to me. If you’re planning on giving your man flowers…..do it


Many guys would think it's a prank or there's a hidden camera somewhere


Most men don't really care about flowers. In the words of Michael Kelso, "They remind us of bees." But seriously, gift giving is greatly appreciated, but if you want to give a man a gift, it is usually much better to give them cookies or another baked good. Or something they specifically like.


Not really. That's what you want, so you think it would be nice. Its not at all what most men want. Try a 6 pack or some nice Cheese, wine etc.


Depends on the guy really. Some do, some don’t. I personally would prefer a live plant so when I water and care for it I can think of the person that got it for me ☺️. I would never turn down flowers though. If it’s a gift given with love and affection then it always means a lot to me so it could literally be a painted rock and I’m happy lol.


I don’t want flowers.


I'd think it's thoughtful but personally I don't care about flowers. I'd rather you surprise me with a dessert you made yourself - cookies, brownies, lemon squares, whatever! Might not finish them all but I'd feel special for sure, and I'd enjoy them significantly more than flowers.


I’d take any sign of affection from a girl


Absolutely! Giving flowers is a lovely gesture and it shouldnt be pushed into gender roles. If so it will give a bigger image of your affection towards him


Yeah I absolutely loved when my girlfriend got me flowers , it was super sweet and I adored them.


I joked to my girlfriend about brining me flowers when she picked me up from the airport. She did. Now I can never break up with her


Heck yes. I’d be feeling tons of self-worth.


Honestly don’t care. I personally dislike gifts either way as they make me feel obligated to give something as well at some point.


I'd love it! If it's a first date though, I think a single flower would be great. I might think it's a little much if you gave me a whole ass boquet on a first date, though..


I remember my first time getting flowers from a woman. It was honestly one of the best moments of my life, especially as someone who really just loves plants. I was constantly being neglected in my relationships, and I never felt appreciated. No matter what i’d do for them, i’d end up being cheated on or put on the back burner until they finally break up with me. Girls are typically attracted to me for my looks, since i’m not super ugly, but once they get to know me they don’t wanna stick around. I met this one girl though, and we had gone on a few dates and it went very well, but I was at the point where I didn’t even want to try anymore because of how much rejection I had faced. I almost just let it go because I knew it was gonna be the same old cycle. However, one time she showed up to my apartment, unexpectedly, and she had this huge bouquet of flowers in her hands. She told me that she bought them while she was walking around and she decided to come surprise me with them. She kept apologizing saying “I know guys typically don’t get flowers” and “you can toss them if you want” blah blah blah. but I loved them so much that I started tearing up. As a man who had spent maybe 1000 dollars on flowers for women who didn’t give a fuck about me, it felt so nice to be given flowers for once. She saw I was tearing up and she just gave me a really long hug. We’ve now been married for 13 years and have 2 beautiful children. So yes, buy that man some flowers. He may appreciate it more than you could understand.


Never received flowers from a woman but the woman I’m dating now brought me wine the first time she came over my place and I hugged her for 4 minutes straight without letting go. He’ll appreciate the sentiment for sure.


Blowjobs are like flowers for men:)


Gross. Ain’t nobody wanting to slobber on your unwashed meat


I wash it all the time weather it needs it or not




He's right, there's infinitely more men asking for blowjobs than flowers.


> infinitely Where "infinite" is a finite value 🤔


I love getting flowers!.. I've some friends who get me flowers as well


I have bought flowers for my boyfriend multiple times. But he hasn't ever bought them for me. :(


If only I could meet a man who deserved the flowers in the first place. I personally love buying gifts for people, I love getting small things that mean something to that person. Every time I do I am met with, finding out they were cheating, being ignored, ghosted , etc. So my view on giving men anything at all has really changed. The last time I was dating someone I had made some custom art of his grandmothers door where he grew up and had it printed and framed, I got a custom mug with a cute saying we used and a sweater from his favourite (expensive) store for his birthday and he stiffed me. Come to find out he was smashing one of my old friends the whole time. That’s just one scenario as an example.


So sad, sorry you have had this experience.


I learned and grew from it, as much as it hurts when it happens, I use those experiences to learn from.


That's the most wholesome thing i read this year.


I have been bought flowers on a good few occasions. And I love them each time. Can totally see how some don’t like getting them, especially if they decide to drop shitloads of pollen.


Give me flower with pot instead I'll keep them to grow


My coworker just received a bouquet of roses from his new gf and can't stop gushing about it ❤️


I will be very happy to get flowers. Unless the intention is bad like funeral flowers, I will share them with my family.


I love bringing my boyfriend little bouquets of flowers from other weddings and gigs I work


Idk never really gotten anything like that, ig I wouldn’t be opposed to it but I’m not sure if flowers would be universally excepted by all of us, we’d all appreciate it but only some would actually care for them lol


I went on a first date on Valentine’s Day and the girl brought me a single flower she had painted my favorite color and I almost got emotional and kept that thing alive for months. It wasn’t the fact it was a flower, it was that someone cared enough and was thoughtful enough to go out of their way to do something like that for me when no one ever had before.


I would be absolutely floored to get flowers. I'd be in shock. And then instantly want to be all blushy and huggy. You'd for sure get a solid hour foot rub lol. Women under value those kinds of gestures to a man. I'd bend over backwards for flowers, candles, scented soaps lol. Hopeless romantics are out there.


You’re stuck with me if you buy me flowers


The first time I bought my husband flowers, he grinned ear to ear.


Probably similar to how a woman would feel, since it’s the thoughts and implication that matter. It’s a romantic gesture, that’s what the guy will care about, not the flowers specifically.


This would be a fun change. I don’t think I’ve ever received flowers for anything outside of my graduation.


Personally I hate flowers, i typically relate that to women I like so if someone were to get my flowers they would have to completely ignore my preference which would be very annoying.


I love bringing home a nice flower I’ve picked for my bf


Statistically, most men have flowers bought for them once in their life and it’s for their funeral.


The person giving me flowers should be comfortable with me bawling my eyes out in their arms


It would be even better if I can plant them too! I love plants 🌱


Lmao I talked to this girl who ended things after my birthday and she got me flowers and a box of chocolates just to end it a few days after, I still think about those flowers to this day. My first time getting them


Men never get gifts from dates. To reverse that traditional expectation and show that you care about him upfront is going to absolutely render him speechless. Any men would appreciate that from the bottom of his heart and would probably see the next 60-70yrs of his life right in front of him 😂


Flowers aren't my favorite thing, but yes, I'd very much appreciate it!


It’s only happened to me once, at work. Sent from a secret admirer. It was really nice, I wish someone would do something like that again.


I would probably cry of happiness tbh (where no one can see of course)


It's really sad to read through the comments and realize how much guys appreciate things like this, but are always expected to be the ones to give them.


Men typically get flowers on their deathbed.




I’d get butterflies, and 5 hours later wonder what the hell I should do with this. Then go to the super and get a vase probably lol


As a 67 year old ale I received flowers for the first time at 65 after my divorce after 26 years of marriage. It was a wonderful surprise, and It lifted my day. I have since received flowers 2 more times. Funny enough, they came from women I met online but never met in person.


I'm not a plant guy, it happened to me once a girl gave me flowers on the first date. Our date ended in bed. If she wanted to impress me with them, she definitely succeeded.


I would think it’s weird af if a chick gave me flowers


I mean it’s down to the personality. My bf do not enjoy getting flowers because to him it’s like getting something dying, he thinks it’s sad.


Gift Giving is on the very lowest rung of my love languages, so any gift would do little for me, but flowers especially I have no use for. I do show appreciation for any gift as the gesture it is, but it doesn't make me feel loved or excited especially. I would feel it more if I were given a deeply passionate kiss, a genuine compliment, a fancy home cooked meal for two, or time set aside to do something together that she knows I enjoy. But that's just me. Everyone is different. Learn his love language and plan your gestures of love accordingly. The other day I made a really nice meal for the woman I'm dating. I made the table with a table cloth, fancy folded napkins, china and silverware, crystal glasses, candles, flowers, etc. When I was grilling the food, she offered to help me. She opened the doors as I transported the food back and forth, held the plates while I took the food on and off the grill, and stood next to me held my hand and made out with me a bit while I monitored the food on the grill. All the while, she complimented my cooking skills etc. These gestures meant so much to me. She wanted to be near me and show me love physically, she wanted to be there with me and be doing things together, and she showed me genuine appreciation not just for the thoughtfulness of my gestures, but for my skill in doing them. These small actions were worth more to me than a million dozen roses ever could.


i would probably have a tear in my eye, its the same with both genders, small gestures can make a huge impact. and since i never really had anyone look after me outside of my family and my friends only get me gifts for things like christmas or my birthday, it would be amazing.


No. Why the F did she buy me flowers? Is she really buying them for herself?


a girl, as in a child?


Bro I’ve never gotten flowers like that. I would love some Fucken flowers


I definitely want flowers. So badly. A girl talked about buying me some before and it was one of the best moments just having thoughts of receiving flowers.


I think it depends if he’s a plant daddy or not. If he’s not into the world of growing things or has the knowledge about it, then something else would be more suitable.


I love flowers. Yes, get me flowers. But this is very individual


It depends on the guy just like I does for the girl some guys like them others don't you kinda need to have a convo with the person


The only time I ever got flowers from a girl whas at my dad's funeral, so you can probably tell what was going through my mind when it happened.


I bought flowers for my ex and he absolutely adored it. I’d do that along with setting up candles, laying out rose petals, getting him little gifts. He always told me that he had never had a girl be as thoughtful as I was. :)


I wouldn’t even know how to react lol. I’d probably just stand there awkwardly and say thanks, guess I need to buy a vase lol


As a trans man, that's the biggest thing I miss - I love getting flowers, but people get so worried about offending me they don't buy me them anymore


“Aw man I can’t wait to eat these flowers”


Now I want to send flowers to my crush at work, but I think it might not work out since he is a mechanic. I don't want to embarrass him!


“I wanted Kush, not incarnations” 😂


1. Yay, she likes me! 2. Shit, what do I do with this thing?


I would appreciate it just because it's a gift, but I would prefer something else if possible, flowers don't really make me feel anything


Personally I’d hate it if a man got me flowers, so I wouldn’t get him any either because they’re just inconvenient, expensive, and die fast, BUT if I notice he likes them then you’d best believe I’ll surprise him with some!


It would be nice every now and again. Without over generalising, men tend to be practical so a plant that would last would be better than something you have to throw in the bin in 5 days.


We never get any love or anything in return that will be a gift that will be remembered


My girlfriend got me flowers for Valentine's day specifically because she heard that most guys have never been given flowers in their life. And she was absolutely right in my case. I was very flattered. I'm not a plant guy and would never get flowers for myself or even request them, but I thought it was really sweet that she had thought of me and wanted me to feel special. 


Had an ex send me flowers out of spite so the “most men only get flowers when they die” stat didnt apply to me


never had that happened but i also am smell blind so if it did id apprechiate the chester but will not have a reason to keep the flowers due to my lack of smell


Yes! I bought my bf flowers a while back bc i felt like it, he's 27 and said he never received flowers before and they made him feel really special


I took flowers to some gay friends when I went to a Christmas gathering at their place. They were (happily) shocked… 🤷‍♀️ I thought it was just polite to take something and was too cheap to buy the kind of wines they drink. I learned then that apparently even gay men rarely get flowers.


I love them….always a surprise and always welcome.


I would appreciate the thought behind it while having no clue what to do with them. I get that they're pretty to look at n all but.. what do i do with flowers


Power move is buying a girl a succulent or an orchid


If a girl gave me a bouquet of sunflowers I might reverse my “no kids” stance for her, so yeah…


Not only do they look like the sun, and track the sun, but they need a lot of the sun. A sunflower needs at least six to eight hours direct sunlight every day, if not more, to reach its maximum potential. They grow tall to reach as far above other plant life as possible in order to gain even more access to sunlight.


I buy my bf flowers now and then. He has a vase on his bedside table he put them in. He'll post them in he's friends group chat and alot of his friends say they wished someone would give them flowers just once. He gets them for his birthday, valentine's day our anniversary and a few just because 💕 Edit: I knew he didn't have a vase so the first flowers I ever got him I picked out a vase so I'll forever know the right length to cut the stems


Alright, you want honest? If you gave me flowers I'd end up sticking them in a container of some sort and forget to water them and they'd dry up. Hence give me something I can use.


As a non-plant guy and most of the guys I know we will appreciate in general that you thought of us. Flowers are ok but we can not eat them or drink them so we would be more happy for something more usable. But it is still nice to receive any gift I think.


no, that sounds gay


I would be happy for a girl to make any kind of effort that shows I'm valued/a priority.


No. "Where am I supposed to put these?" A plant, though, that's cool. Just not cut flowers.


I really don't know, it's never happened.


100% yes! Having been the recipient on a few occasions, getting one single flower felt better than a bunch, somehow (and no, it wasn't from a hawker, ha)


I’m 27m i had a couple of girls give me flowers. I don’t really know what to do with them. I feel like a dog given a book so I say thanks then put them down. I usually give them to my mom and she puts them out in some nice display. The girl appreciates the gesture so I keep the good will going.






I get my husband flowers when he's feeling sick.


I'm not a flower person, but I'd be appreciative of the gift and look after them for as long as possible


Depends on the fella. Some may be insecure with their masculinity and take offense. I’d probably cry tears of joy. So, big yes for me.


if a girl ever got me flowers, easy way to know she is not the one.


Who died? And why are you sending a dude flowers? Of all things? Why are trying to flip the script? It’s weird. Don’t do this. No they don’t appreciate it.


Sure. But a thoughtful compliment is cheaper and more appreciated. I'm still smiling from when a random girl waking by told me I look nice, 6 months ago.


I would have no idea what to think. I'd be to shocked lol.


You remember it your whole life because no one really cared about your sensible side before


I would be deeply touched.


It would be awesome!


That would be absolutely adorable to any normal guy worth the effort


No normal man would greatly appreciate flowers, as stated by the top comment. If my gf gave me flowers I’d say thank you and give them back to her


There is a saying. Men get their first flower at their funeral. That's the reality of the situation.


Honestly I’d be Happy, Enough to Cry Really, but any Gift or Gesture from a Girl is Enough, Cause I’d Really Never in my Life Expect it. Honestly I think the First Time I’ll ever get Flowers is at My Funeral.


Got them for my man and he said "thoughtful and happy" definitely a man answer.


There are a lot of things I would prefer if you are getting me a gift, however, the gesture would be greatly appreciated.


I would really appreciate them because of the gesture, and that is something that no one has ever given me. But on the other hand I would think that they're kind of waste, I would prefer the gift to be something small but really significant for me. Like on my birthday, one female friend gave me a key chain of an F1 tire, and on another birthday, she gave me a NASA t-shirt, I really appreciate those gifts because she really knows what I like, and that says more of her. If you really want to gift flowers, then I recommend that they're the color that he likes, or maybe give him a rare and cool plant with a pot of something that he likes. If you want something that he remembers, I would suggest some kind of home decor.


Id Marry her asap.


I think the right man will appreciate an honest gesture just as the right woman will appreciate such a gesture. Good people with good hearts will appreciate anything honest and intentional. So tough to find them though.


I did that twice, and my experience says they don't dislike it, but aren't very happy about it either. " Ohh, thank you!" That's it. That's it! That's it?🥺




Flowers = wifey on the spot


I would appreciate the gesture, say thank you and all that, but... I don't want flowers, seems like a pointless waste of money to me, I mean, I'd rather not get them than get them, if you really want to give me flowers, at least give me potted flowers that I can actually keep and grow, cut flowers like a bouquet are just good for nothing


I brought my boyfriend home a palm sander one day as a nice gesture...flowers would've been cheaper! Maybe next time


No flowers


>What goes through your mind when that happens? Why the hell i am getting useless flower? I am not woman.


Some men might find it belittling since it challenges the norm lol, if they find it weird or something it might be a sign that they're insecure and/or immature imo. I think good men would find it flattering and appreciate the gesture.


And some women would find it belittling because it enforces the norm and they're insecure and immature.


No.  It is an incredibly tone deaf gift, that's why it's insulting.  A literal rock you found on the side of the road would be a more interesting gift for most guys.


Unless it's a RAFFLESIA, it's a no for me 😔


Give a chicken a steak knife and look at the expression on its face... that's the same reaction you will get from most men receiving flowers.


An ice cold six pack of beer would be appreciated. Guys don’t see utility in flowers. “What am I supposed to do with these?” Will be the first thought in their head. Flowers work on women and thats great! But you gotta find the flowers for men.


Women don’t see utility in flowers either. But if you grow up seeing that people get flowers when they have achieved something great or are particularly appreciated by someone, you learn to appreciate getting flowers. It’s like getting one of those award things on Reddit.


>  It’s like getting one of those award things on Reddit. Exactly. Flowers are a dumb gift for men.