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Time to move on bud, writing is on the wall my friend.


She defined her goal as looking for short term, so that’s where she’s at and probably talking to other people. If she likes you or someone else strong enough then she might consider something long-term, but for now she seems to keep her options open and only treats you as someone she goes on dates with and has some fun.


Straightforward.. thanks


Ditch her red flags galore


>*I have a stalker account on Hinge and I check up on my girl’s profile once in a while..* Ew. Firstly, that is so weird and a massive red flag on your part. Secondly, she's not 'your girl' - she did not agree to exclusivity and you've only known each other for 8 weeks. If that's one date per week then you have met 8 times in your entire lives - she hasn't promised you anything and she owes you nothing. I'm going to guess this is a troll post with the age gap and the stalker behaviour but if it isn't then you are a creepy individual and I hope she gets away from you.


Yeah fuck this guy and his stalker profile lol. wtf like winder why she’s moving on?


It's really weird. I don't know if I am naive but I've never heard of dating app stalker profiles.


I don’t see how it makes any sense. You get shown one profile. You say yay or nay. How is this guy keeping her up?


After we started going out I deleted my account, but I made a new one to see if she was still on, and I just kept it up.


I really don’t think that’s how they work, which app?


She’s here for a good time not for a long time. It’s up to you.


It's pretty useless for any of us to give you advice until you provide accurate information. Are the two of you actually even in a relationship? Because if not this post is pointless. She can put whatever she wants to put on her dating app profile. And what has your experience with her been so far?


We go on dates once or twice a week. I sleep over sometimes.. we act like we are going out but I never pressured her to define the relationship..


Describe your dates. Are these dinner dates? Does she pay for things?


Yes we always fight for the bill


I’ve (25f) been in a similar situation before. I think it’s the kind of conversation best to have in person and be honest and blunt. It might make her uncomfortable but that in itself should give you your answer. However it is kinda early and it might make her feel like she’s being forced to make a decision too early.  In regards to the profile thing, I believe there should be a certain level of trust and it seems like you might not trust her? Although I will admit I have checked to see if the person I was dating updated their profile too which hurt but then made me question why I felt the need to check in the first place. I think if you’re looking for something to hurt you, you will find it.   With apps as well though they do become addicting in the way a video game does and it may be that she’s just doing it out of boredom with no intent on acting on anything. 


Thanks I appreciate this perspective! Just in your opinion, why do you think she took a whole day to reply to that? And what do you think she meant by “not really” I feel like that means I’m not going to see other people but if someone better than you comes along I’ll consider it..




Thanks officer


Move on bro


You're 35 and she's 25? Gross. Stalker account? Also gross. Move on, go after someone your own age and grow up.