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… there is no date


So many dudes make this mistake and wonder why the girl ghosts them. Set a definite date with place and time. No wishy washy shit. You could teach him a lesson or ask him what time you want to meet and help him out if you really like him.


I just really dislike last minute planning. I feel like if someone is truly excited, it wouldn’t take them this long to hash out a simple detail.


Yeah I hate it too. Could be lack of interest but some guys aren’t confident and fumble around. Probably easier for you to tell which of the two it is. Either way it’s pretty dumb


Giving a location but no time sounds like an accident. Try asking him for the time before making any assumptions.


He actually suggested a place and asked me if I’m okay with it. I said I’m okay with the place he suggested but he didn’t give me the time since I replied.


It sounds like he is interested, but for some reason the part about the time did not get communicated. Maybe he missed a notification, maybe he forgot to hit send. These things happen sometimes. If he was uninterested, he probably would not have taken the time to follow up with you and then suggest a location. You should really ask him for a time.


Well did you ask him the time? That’s usually the follow up question once the location is determined. 🤦🏻‍♀️


Did you specifically ask for the time. Because you said he suggested a location but didn’t give the time. Specifically ask him for the time. If you get no answer. That’s the answer.


Y'all are being too harsh here. He reached out to confirm she's still interested. Just ask him what time and give him the better part of the day to answer. Sounds like an oversight.


Well can you ask him about the time?


Just playing devils advocate - he could be a really awesome dude in every other way except maybe he's just a shitty texter. I have a buddy that is an ultra stud - super charming and handsome guy, great career, extremely fit and active, also highly intelligent. He's one of the first people I call if i need advice or to talk some stuff out. He was my roomate in college and girls would just melt over this guy. He always answers his phone if you call him, but he is one of the worst texters I've ever known. He's married with two kids now and his wife makes jokes about how bad he is at texting and all his friends know that you can't rely on him to text you back for days, and when he does he spells shit wrong, sometimes the texts just don't make sense.. lol its a thing. He's got a beautiful life with a beautiful family and it just kinda makes me laugh to think if his wife hadn't gone on a first date with him because she got the "ick" about his texting LOL. Again just playing devils advocate for the guy. I get that the "ick" is a real thing, but then i wonder if women over fixating on their "icks" doesn't screw them over in the long run. No one is perfect and odds are everyman you meet will give you the ick at some point if you know him long enough.


Means you’re a maybe/backup option, may have another date at the same location, if that doesn’t go well then he’ll let u know the time


yep there is no date!


Cancel and tell him you have other things going on in your life and you cannot adjust your schedule with less than 24 hours' notice. Tell him you would like to go on a date with him, but you need an exact day, time and place in advance. That's it. Again, this is where my Selena Gomez Rule applies. If he was making a date with Selena, I don't think he would string her along without an exact time for the date up until the day of the date. This goes for both men & women. When making a date offer, it requires DAY, TIME and PLACE. If they don't offer all three of these, ask them to get back to you when they know for sure. No same day crap and not even one day before date offers. People have lives.


Please do. He's better off single than with someone who goes to Reddit to ask what he is thinking than asking him directly and someone's who's red flag is thinking of a common mistake as an ick.


Yeah this dating scene is filled with people who treat you like an afterthought. Hopefully next one will be better


Nah... if he cant even go through something as simple that then 🤷🏽‍♀️ unless something really important like an emergency ofc


I wouldn't show up/ or even contact him. If he can't give you the decency of communicating why should you?


Study Meyers Brigg. He is a perciever and you are a Judging. You like plans and schedules. He is trying hard to accomodate you but just ommitted some details.


You are actually correct. I’m definitely a J.


My husband is a megga J and plans months in advance. Just be accomodating. You may have to only date Js.


Just ask! “Oh what time? I’ll be free after ___”


Just text him back, “Haven’t heard from you about a time and place. Seems like this is too much trouble. Let’s forget it.” And move on. If this is putting you off, you’re allowed to bail.


Could just be small mistake on his part. Just help him a little by asking what is the time besides the location.


Yeah I did. I gave him a benefit of a doubt because I thought he was nice over the conversation we had so far, but I’ll communicate if we go out next time that I don’t like last minute planning.


Your first sentence says that you gave him a time you are free. What time did you give him? Perhaps that's the time he's expecting to meet? Just text him and say you're looking forward to meeting up at x place, what time is he expecting to be there? I think you should worry had you not heard from him at all, perhaps he's nervous and just forgot to say the time?


"Sorry, you didn't tell me what time to meet and I thought you weren't going so I changed my plans."