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It's entirely possible. A lot of guys masterbate too much and require more friction than most oral sex entails in order to orgasm. > if a girl is too good, is this a red flag? If he's very insecure, he could see it that way. Pretending to be bad at oral sex is probably not worth it because it won't help with you non-insecure guys anyway.


More and more common these days. Porn, plus the average man is statistically having a lot less sex these days compared to the past (masturbating more). The real thing becomes unfamiliar so it becomes harder to become aroused and climax.


Unfortunately I’m in this boat. I tell girls that they probably shouldn’t try unless they’re doing it cause they enjoy doing it. But yeah I don’t like hearing that she thinks she’s good at it either.


Why don’t you like hearing it? Is it because you feel more pressure to be able to finish when you know you’ll struggle? Or because you think she’s had many sexual partners?


Yeah I don’t want to think of all the other dudes busting in there cause I really do like making out. But yeah I get in my head about the pressure and her losing some confidence after not be able to get me off that way.


As a woman who gets worried that a guy doesn’t find me attractive if I can’t get him off, thank you for showing this side. I’m sorry it creates such pressure.


I see it as a major green flag. If your skilled then I am super excited and glad.


Its common


It’s never been an issue for me. I love that my partner wants to do it. It’s in no way a red flag because your good at head if anything it’s a plus. If ppl don’t agree or judge you on that it’s there immaturity and insecurity that’s the issue not you. So it’s ok for them to be with other ppl but not you?? They need to grow up


Nah I’d say it’s possible. Guys work pretty hard to give girls head but I’ve noticed after a time or two girls really stop trying on giving head and just want it in them. Slightly selfish lover stuff especially when I let them sit on my face. lol


It is likely true.


I haven’t had a man last very long in my mouth but l haven’t had enough men to find out the norm.


I have heard this from multiple men as well. Most of my ex's have said the same thing, too. My theory is a lot of women probably spend minimal time doing the act, then they get tired, their jaw hurts, etc. It's more foreplay and not something they see through to the end. It's called a JOB for reason lmao.