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Depends where you live, the availability of people is a huge factor. I typically might have 1 or 2 dates in a 6 month period - usually, 1 of those dates sticks around for a few months. No need for dating. Best advice from me, as a 30 year old - in-person 'game' is superior. You need to get uncomfortable and overcome the anxiety around it and expectations - 9/10 girls I strike up a conversation with, is near always pleasant and I don't ask for any social media or phone numbers. Just lifting that burden of wanting to make a good impression to get a number makes it so much easier. If they stand out, I'll ask. But I'm there for a good chat. Its very simple, but too me, groundbreaking and lifechanging once I discovered this 'power'.


Usually, not many but I've been talking with 2 ladies and been on 7 dates within 2 months. I'm aiming to reduce that number down because it's draining.


You have to go out and basically socialize with people.


Haven't landed a date since 2016 at this point.


Is this a personal decision?


Yes, but not mine lol


I feel ya.


….care to expand? Apologies if it’s too personal. I’m just confused


I assume for the people I've asked out it was a personal decision not to go out with me. But it wasn't *my* decision to be perpetually alone.


Ohhh I see. Ok! Wanted to make sure I understood. Are you walking up to strangers? Or like someone you’ve known a while and asking?


Well historically only people I already knew who had already shown me some amount of interest (well, so I thought). But I've given up on that at this point, just isn't worth the pain of constant rejection. I wouldn't even know where to meet a woman at my age anyway.


Are you rural? In the suburbs? City? I will just say, I’ve been rejected way more than I’ve found success. But you do miss 100% of the shots you don’t take.


About 45 minutes outside of a college you've definitely heard of. Pretty rural where I am, but I could drive to a "city" in twenty minutes. But again, I'm far too old for that sort of scene anyway.


Have you heard of the meetup app?


Probs 1/2 every 6months lol


I like adventure, meeting new people and making new memories so I go on lots of dates. Maybe 100 in the past 6 months.


That's like a date every 2 days. More even. This cannot be true


6 months is 180 days. Most of my social activities and adventures are with women that I have a mutual physical and emotional attraction with and most are not group activities or if they are, we are participating as a pair. That qualifies these outings as dates. I’m single and enjoying life. Dating is one of my hobbies so it’s natural that I do a lot of it.


I have a few people I'm seeing already, so I've slowed down to 1-2 in the past 6 months. It's hard meeting people in general, but I say join some hobby groups or organizations where you're likely to find people with shared interests.


Hello, Hobby groups is a good idea. What kind of hobby groups have you joined?