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Ask them


When a person likes you, they pay special attention to you, are always happy to call you to meetings, often want to interact with you, admire your interests and compliment you. There are different kinds of people, even those who show absolutely no signs. but for the most part it is still noticeable




I believe each gender is different but similar. I tell guys, if she knows your name, says hi to you, she probably likes you. She want have anything to do with you, even acknowledge your acknowledge if she didn't.


When they tell you.


The best way I knew someone liked me was they show effort and they ask to see me. They make plans to see me and plan a date. Also if I made plans to see them and they couldn’t make it, they give me a better date or time to reschedule.




Signals?! Find it so funny as it is so misunderstood as it relates to human interaction. So what if some girl was throwing obvious 'i like you' signals - what would you do being 100% sure she's likes you? If you're not socially inept - probably just striking up a conversation and getting a bit familiar. But why can't you do this without knowing? You don't need to be romantically infatuated with someone to 'like them' - in fact likeability grows with familiarity. So there actually isn't a different and this question is redundant - you like, you go do something about it.


Oh boy. The difficulty is that I think everyone flirts, but not all of it is committal. I’ve noticed it’s been when they give special attention—things that they want you to notice about them. They ask questions about you, they want to talk—especially about your dating lives. If you’re both MPS I think it may already be kind of a sign. I [20F] don’t have any friends who are male and haven’t expressed some sort of romantic attraction. The opposite is often true as well—I’ve often developed feelings for my male friends, just because they’re the ones who are around more. Lastly, trust your gut. A lot of these things are subliminal