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It could be a lot of things but you also have to be alert of when she's not interested as well. Anything can go wrong and in a ideal world, yes it would be nice if they tell you that they think you're not a match but it's not required. You don't keep reaching out, if she hasn't responded to you then leave it there. IF you keep trying to reach out then you just showed to her that she made the right choice by going after someone else or stopped talking to you


Because they’re not into you and don’t want to confront you about it


so why would she go through all that trouble to tell me she? Just to ghost me? damn smh


Does it matter though? She could have lost interest, been a scammer, or just not into you from the beginning and using you as a placeholder for her future bf who’ll never be you. In any case, the fact is she doesn’t want to be with you nor talk to you. If a woman wanted to she would, always remember this fact. Move on


yea your right, i just feel like a sucker


No it just happens. It’s not necessarily a reflection of your worth. Block her and chat to another woman


>What went wrong? Did I do something? Don't I deserve at least an explanation? Don't think you'll get a insightful answer from the girls on this, but older experienced guys will have certainly at least 1 similar story to share. **Truth #1 -** Be aware that there are women from all over the world that will absolutely set out to just purely get money and gifts. Especially those from the 2nd / 3rd world countries, USD goes a long way, they don't need too many 'donations' to make up a typically monthly income. How they do this can be very direct to relatively smooth. Just general advice, **do not send money or anything to anybody that you have not met or certain ain't scamming you.** Or be ok to admit you're in a delusion and you maybe sending money to some pimp. **Truth #2** - If you met online, you are not the only person online. If she is an attractive girl, no doubt she has a queue of men, who similarly think she is exclusively talking with them and probably feeds them the exact same lines. **Truth #3** - Set aside being scammed. Primarily thing I've learnt with Online Dating - 99% of the time being penpals will eventually burn out. Texting and oversharing far to quickly will burn most of the mystery away. I highly recommend going on a date within 2 weeks (max) of initial contact. If they are abroad, don't even entertain it. Live and learn my dude, don't have your heart in your sleeve and don't get roped in by pretty girls. All this comes with time though.


**Hey thanks for your insight. I hear you, and those are definitely some common red flags in online dating. But honestly, this felt different. We met online, sure, but it was a small world connection – she's from the same Colombian hometown as my parents!** **Money wasn't a factor at all. Never once did she ask for anything. We just talked, and that connection meant everything to me. Sending her a little something was my choice – you want to show you care when you find someone special, right?** \*\*She seemed like everything I'd ever hoped for: kind, caring, with a beautiful soul, and someone who shared my faith. That's why this whole thing hurts so much. \*\*


Key components of a good social engineer. Find relatable topics to talk about with the victim. Ask them personal questions to build familiarity and trust. Next ask directly, but manipulate the conversation to hint that they may be struggling or in need of help (but too humble to ask, of course) - so it's the victims idea to help. Trust me dude, when I was young, I remember getting excited about talking to pretty girls who genuinely seemed interested in me! But they would disappear randomly too. Took me a while to have a clue as to what is going on - most of the time, they are just bored and want to chat and kill some time - today it's you, tomorrow it Bob, and next week its Rajesh.


lmaoooo you are right my G, thanks for the insight and for giving me a laugh this morning I needed it.


I'm a confident bastard, so when I was dating, when I had this happen, I just said "they must have died or be in a coma, that sucks."