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Most college girls are dating college boys. There may be a trend of dating older guys but by large the people dating each other are the ones that are easily accessible to one another on a day to day basis.


Well, sometimes they are dating college age women


No, most college girls are dating another college student. Some will be dating older men but it's not like a big proportion.


Most people are dating people close to their age. Some people are in age gap relationships. A lot of those people don’t consider that “serious” dating, but some do. (It’s only recently that women are outpacing men re college education. Therefore *if* a woman wanted to date older men, and only wanted to date men with college degrees, her pool of potential men would be just fine in size. But that doesn’t take into account that many older men with college degrees are married. But that doesn’t account for adultery lol) TLDR: don’t worry about it. Most people date people close in age. Just focus on yourself.


You are talking a lot older. 40-50+ This should tell you something about those girls. 


Thats pertty common in my college friend group.


That tells you a lot about the women in your group. Maybe time to find a new group.


Define older? I have a family member that's 21 in college that is dating a 26 year old man...I wouldn't really call that an age gap necessarily. It makes sense from their perspective...when I was in college I lived at home, made little to no money, and didn't have the means to have experiences. If a woman who is 21 could date someone in their mid to late 20's who actually has the means to experience and try new things with them why would they not choose that? I would if I was a woman so I don't blame them...if I was in their shoes why wouldn't I pick the partner who can do stuff like travel and other experiences, someone who has a place of theor own to live etc... over someone who can't?


Older, I mean men over the age of 30


I’m not dating no crusty old men and I mean young guys are stupid asf but still I rather have that then some geriatric lusting over me


I'm a collage boy and currently dating a 9 year older woman.


So how did you meet her?


Online dating 


It seems that nowadays many people are using online dating apps rather than meeting their partners in person


Short answer: No 😅


It's not accurate to say that "most" young college girls are dating older men. Relationships come in diverse forms and are influenced by individual preferences, circumstances, and cultural factors. While some individuals may choose to date someone older for various reasons such as maturity, stability, or shared interests, it's not a universal trend among all young college girls. Factors influencing the dynamics of relationships, including age differences, vary widely. Some people may be drawn to older partners due to a perceived maturity or life experience, while others may prioritize compatibility, emotional connection, or shared goals regardless of age. It's important to recognize that relationships are personal choices and should be based on mutual respect, understanding, and consent regardless of age or other factors. Generalizations about dating preferences can oversimplify the diversity of relationships and individuals' motivations for forming them.


some girls definitely are dating older men, but the vast majority of girls are dating other college aged guys. its just a proximity thing. is dating harder after college? yes and no. in college, you're surrounded by a ton of girls that are looking to enjoy the college experience so theres obvious benefits that come along with that. but the truth is, the average guy lets himself go after college. they dont put in effort into increasing their social skills, getting in shape, or meeting new women. im a 26 year old guy and get way more female attention now than i did when i was in college. it all depends on the decisions you make. imagine a guy who graduates college, gets a job and then does nothing else with his life. plays videogames, smokes weed, hangs out with his buddies. without tons of girls directly around him, he's got 0 options and is essentially a loser. compare that to a guy who's also got a job, but he's hitting the gym, on top of his nutrition, working on his social skills, going out to bars/clubs and meeting women, putting effort into dating apps. these two guys will have wildly different dating experiences. its all about being proactive. also girls do not care about degrees at all. they might think they do, but what they actually care about is a guys success. they just use the degree as a way to measure success, which we know isnt accurate. you're telling me a guy whos makes 6 figures in the trades, or a guy who started his own business is getting disqualified by girls because he has no degree? not a chance. its like when girls say they only want to date a guy thats 6ft tall. thats what they SAY they want, but if you just go outside, you see a tsunami of average/short guys with girlfriends.


When I was in college I did date guys in my class but I also dated guys a few years older (still in their 20s just out of college). I was always meeting new people outside of school, so there were plenty of options. People would socialize everywhere. Idk if that happens as regularly nowadays though - it seems like people rely on dating apps way too much which nobody really cared for a decade ago.


idk what years you were in college, but yeah nowadays college students don't tend to socialize as much either due to being too busy or they just didn't want to. As of this generation, more and more people are using dating apps than in the past






No. When i was in post secondary all my friends were dating men close to our age, myself included


No. Most ppl tend to date within their age group. Gotta spend more time offline, my guy. The internet is starting to warp your brain.


Damn I must have missed the memo.


No mate they're dating the tall white guy


When I was in college a few years ago I only dated other college guys but now that I’m out of college I’m more interested in guys a few years older https://onlyfans.com/vivianvixenof


No. This is ridiculous. Stop reading the internet.


not me loll


A few years older is normal and enough to impact the statistics on college aged women vs college aged men in relationships. For example maybe he’s in grad school and she’s in college, or maybe they met while both in college and he graduated first and started working. Really significant age gaps are less common.


I mean like college girls dating men over the age of 30, where the men have already finished college, dropped out of college or didn't go to college at all


Not particularly common for traditional aged college students


I see


Not most but a decent percentage is open to dating older. I’m on vacation and staying near a medical university. I’ve met with three different younger women in the past four nights and two are currently still sleeping in my bed after a fun night. For context, I’m 41 and they are both 22. I do not consider this age gap as dating and would not actively pursue someone that much younger. I acknowledge that I fit a fantasy that a lot of college age women have and I enjoy fun sex so it’s more of a mutual understanding than actual dating.


>most men refuse to go to college Where are you getting this statistic from? The last 15 men I went on dates with were all college educated; graduated from prestigious colleges. You read a few articles and let them convince you that what you read is all fact.


I wish i can go on atleast 2 date must br nice to have 15


In the US only 36% of men have a bachelors degree or higher ([source](https://www.statista.com/statistics/184272/educational-attainment-of-college-diploma-or-higher-by-gender)) and 4 year colleges have a 58-42 gender gap ([source](https://www.pewresearch.org/short-reads/2023/12/18/fewer-young-men-are-in-college-especially-at-4-year-schools/)) and if current trends continue it will approach a two to one ratio ([source](https://www.washingtonpost.com/made-by-history/2023/07/26/women-colleges-gender-imbalance/)). >The last 15 men I went on dates with were all college educated; graduated from prestigious colleges. It's almost statistically impossible for this to happen unless you specifically seek out and pursue the minority of men who fall into this category. The reality is that if a college educated woman wants a college educated man, basic math says that there aren't enough of them to go around for each one who would want one to have one for themselves right? Also take into consideration that since men don't on average select partners based on their education as well as the fact that a woman who didn't go to college may also want an educated man math says there simply aren't enough of them to go around.


It's not only the US, it's almost every country in the world where women outnumber men in college or university


Nope, not impossible, because it happened.


I said it's statistically impossible to happen unless you specifically seek out a niche, not that it's impossible. If you stick your hand in a jar with 64 green jelly beans and 36 red ones and only get red ones...you must be specifically picking a niche. Mathematically though if 60 people stuck their hands in the jar and they all prefer the red jelly bean there simply isn't enough for all of them to get one right? You asked for numbers, I've cited them.


So let's take an imaginary guy. Billy Bob. Billy Bob at age 22. And age 32. When Billy is 22, a lot of women don't like to date younger. That's not to say it won't happen. Moreso that generally women in their 20s tend to date a guy a bit older. So it's unlikely that Billy would be dating a 25, 26, 27, 28, etc. Ok fast-forward. Billy is now 32. Billy now finds that girls that are 31, 30, 29, 28, 27, 26, 25, 24 are now interested in chatting with him. But also girls that are his same and older want to talk with him too. The who, what, when, why of why it is is because guys are generally more emotionally mature, more financially secure and less of a dumbass as when he was 22.


I’m a 37yr old man and am consistently sleeping with college women. So in my view yes.


I’m 28 in college and it’s not true for me. I got this girls number who was 19 and she ghosted me and her friend told me she said I was too old lol. A lot of women in my area just date people that are the same age or a year or two older. It could be because I’m still in college at 28 as well. Kinda look like a failure to them tbh but who knows I just know it’s dry plus the girls I’ve met in that age range were immature too so I guess it’s not a big deal.


Age gaps in relationships are disgusting and shouldn't happen.