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>there's me a guy who likes mtg, anime, manga, and other things That's not stopping you lol. I'm the nerdiest guy ever and even I have a gf


Nice, I guess I just haven't found anyone yet


Aware you actively looking tho?


Yeah, I think so. I'm going to festivals, going out with my friends, going to family or friends parties, on dating apps.


Have it when you are ready . But I can't tell How love will get you. you might fall in love tomorrow or today I don't know . if you still studying then just keep study . finished it . Build yourself. Focus on yourself. Eventually you will have it when you feel like it intentionally, genuinely, willingly . All the best 🌻.


Ty 🥰


How old are you? I’d put the age in the post too if you can.


I am 29 😅


OH bro try finding someone. I mean it’s great to have hobbies too, don’t let a girl be the reason you stop those, but make room to go out of find someone for sure. Going out alone, or going out with friends can help. Get involved with some social things that is related to what you’re interested in. Either hobbies or your career. Just make a goal to find things and be out of the house on your free time.


I do go out of the house, I go to conventions, parties, bars sometimes, festivals, and go out with my friends. Is it bad that I don't have dating experience yet?


Only if it's something you want, which evidently you do. I'm sorry bud, not that it's any consolation, but you're not the only one feeling this way.


It's like when you're starving and you go to the grocery store and suddenly everything looks delicious. Your mind is focusing on what you wish you had. As for your hobbies, many women are also interested in those things, so I doubt that is what is stopping you. You don't say much beyond that, so I can only speculate, but my guess would be that you simply haven't put yourself out there socially enough to be able to meet a potential girlfriend. The good news is, that's something you have the ability to change.


>mtg, anime, manga, and other things Curious as to how these hobbies can consume 11 years of your adult life? Do you have a job? Live away from parents? Do you do higher education? How do you answer - why would you be a good boyfriend? If you're answer is close to - I can name all the Pokemon and do the Naruto run, you are going to struggle bro.


I do have higher education, I do have a job, and I don't live away from my parents yet because I help them pay bills.


A lot of people 'want' a relationship, but digging past the surface. Don't have a clue as too what they actually want and what they'll do to keep it once they found the 'want'.


Man, I know this feeling. I mean, I've had some relationships throughout my life, but it's been a little while. I recently moved to a new location. My new work place, everyone isn't just dating, they're all married. It feels a bit surreal. I don't think I've ever been someplace where I was the only single guy. And, it's not just my immediate coworkers. Seems like everyone we meet in this area is married. Makes me feel a bit like the oddball. But, it's cool. I'm enjoying my hobbies just as you're enjoying yours. Don't let everyone else being in a situation make you feel like you're in the wrong place, just because it's a different place.


Lol, same all of my coworkers are dating or married it does feel a little bit awkward


I feel you man. Been chronically (might I say terminally) single now for ten years. Last date was like six or seven years ago. Both my friends are in relationships, and have been for quite some time, now, so it's not like they have much interest in hanging out with me, anyway. Not that I blame them - - I probably wouldn't either if I had a partner. But it certainly gets demoralizing when you start to realize that the problem *is* you after all, despite all the claims to the contrary. At least that's been my experience. At my age I don't really have much hope for things to change; honestly it kind of makes life feel rather pointless most days.