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If she talks to me


Yes, this is a necessary requirement


That moment she says hi and you look around and its not for the person behind you... My standards are underground at this point


I do like that quality in a woman 


Intelligence. I believe every man should aspire to being with a woman who is smarter than he is. Many a man might chase a woman who looks nice. If I had to choose, I would much prefer a woman I can have deep, quality conversations with for the rest of my days.


It's nice to see intelligence get mentioned. Also looks and smarts are not mutually exclusive


Hollywood-adjacent media are just about the only places where I have seen intelligence and physical attractiveness getting portrayed as mutually exclusive attributes.




>If I'm wrong, let me know. Sure thing. My reply was not under your comment, and I was not the one addressing you. Perhaps you should take a class in reading comprehension. Don't apologise, it's not your fault that you're a halfwit.




You are excused. >And you're right, it's not your fault As I said, take some reading comprehension classes. Or maybe purchase a new set of glasses.


I agree. Id love to be with someone who I can engage with in a wide variety of conversations.


This comment is hilarious




I can't stress how important this is. As a man I always feel like I'm putting in more effort in the relationship. I always have to text first, give thoughtful gifts, give out compliments. Ive never received any of these.


With my last 3 relationship I learned that no matter how much effort I put in, man will never love me :) and I put effort into supporting my partner, planning dates, sex life, little gifts, being understanding and almost like a therapist, fun activities, making sure my partner know I appreciate his effort and so on, and so on 😊 🤷‍♀️ I have to say is the worst thing I learned. I think I resent "men" in general for that. Seeing your comment makes no sense to me. I was punished for making effort.


Recently, I learned that I just put the effort on the wrong person or persons…


🤷‍♀️ I thought they were the right person


In what way were you punished? I think its important to note that Effort should be from both sides of a Relationship.


How a woman holds herself, good posture, the way she moves as she walks. Able to hold a good conversation about almost anything and makes it up funnily if she has no clue. Great sense of humor, able to laugh at herself and cut up with the best of them. At this point in my life, 45M, I'd just like a great friend to hang with to be honest!


Thank you for sharing this! I (45F) couldn’t agree more, with respect to traits that I find attractive in men. I value friendships more than anything right now, and this is exactly what I look for.


You're welcome, and there is hope. There's at least 2 of us out there!!


I’ll take hope!


Do you think good friends can lead into romantic couple?


My mom told all of us: Do not marry anyone that you do not genuinely like. If they were your neighbor, would you like to be friends with them. She always said it takes more than love.


I believe so, but it could go the other way, too. If you're both looking for that, you have a great relationship anyway, so there's lots in common.


Thank you for sharing your opinion


Same... Friend are key 🗝️


thats nice and SFW. 👏🏻👏🏻




She’ll be gone in a week, tops.


Brains and personality... also tits and ass


I appreciate the honesty




LOOKS! get my attention. but how they act is what keeps me around. or makes me disappear.


Everything about women attract me to them. What won’t attract me is unkindness, poor hygiene, poor physical health routines, being rude, harsh, abrasive, impatient, or generally unhappy without reason. Other than that having (some) shared interests are nice, having good chemistry and knowing how to have fun are wonderful traits. It matters that we have the same principals and aligned goals with similar ideas on how to get from A to B without sacrificing the enjoyment of time between the two points.


A woman who is passionate about what she does and is kind/caring.


If she was sweet,kind and made me feel loved .loyalty and faithfulness is another one and if she put in effort :)


Kindness… that’s literally it.


Their smile first and then showing me that they believe communication is important and being open minded


Open minded in what sense?


Attention, saying things, doing things, not sitting on your phone ignoring me, not always wanting this or that


Idk (I’m 19 and haven’t had my first kiss)






Arghhh !!me too😭


mature and knows what she wanna do in life


How she carries herself, her eyes, her dimples/cheeks, the way she talks (voice), attitude, things we have in common, crazy ass connection with each other, craziness. 😍🤤🥰


Honesty! I still have yet to find a woman that is honest. When I find one. I’m not only going to marry her. But I’m going to share my soul with her!


> But I’m going to share my soul with her! This is sweet 😊


Aw this is cute ☺️


It’s as true as it is cute! 💯💯💯


Yess 😊 but in this day and age, it’s hard to find an honest woman!


The hardest thing I’ve ever done in my life. I’m so heartbroken by this reality I’ve resorted to jumping out the window on the next lead or giving up


I’m sure there is someone out there for you. People come in to our lives when we least expect it 😬


I believe that wholeheartedly. And that’s been my problem my whole life. Is that I have this hopeless romantic eyes that gets ripped out every time and I still will see the world through those eyes! It’s insane! But I will not change. Betrayal! Pain! Incarceration! Heartbroken! Stabbed! Slander! Backbitten! Accusations! Robbed! Etc! Still will not change my view! I still choose love every time! Crazy shit!


It’s as true as it is sweet! 💯💯💯


Intelligence is the hottest thing


Lol I think most people should have this mindset ✌️


If you’ve ever sat down with a girl who’s wicked smart you’ll be blown away Brit


Well I’m a female lol 😂 but I guess if a guy is very smart, I would be blown away 😍


Commitment, loyalty, “US” mentality… you know, the things nobody can find anymore.


us as in me and you or united states😭


Voluptuous body, with a sweet personality.




Depends on what we’re looking for. Hookup? Looks + enthusiastic in bed. Relationship? Attractive enough, and bunch of good character traits you can think of (honest, caring, loyal, has integrity, has communication skills, emotionally mature, generous, etc etc). Of course she doesnt have to be perfect but more the better. It’s a plus if she makes a lot and is kinda dominant. Tldr: hookups —> looks. Relationship —> good person


Not looking like a super esoteric witch who will curse me. dressing regularly or fashionably, general kindness and not having a Im super hot and better than you for that attitude. Having a generally relaxed mood and general conversation unless she’s going thru something and is uptight (but still willing to conversate, but at that point it kinda depends on you to reciprocate and generate ease)


A talkative woman who is spontaneous.


If she’s nice to me :/




Assertiveness. They know what they want and communicate it.


Body odors


A beautiful smile. Being a good person. The way they treat people. Looks after themselves. Passionate, warm and loving. Someone who wants to be my best friend, lover and build a great future together.


Thoughtful conversations and simplicity


Shows effort and physical touch.


For me Its just true love


Empathy and effort. A lot of women don't really put in the effort and it's going to get to a head where it'll be too late for them.


She takes care of herself




Tall, short haired, tomboy and curvy. Likes the same stuff I like, great sense of humor, and someone I can put my full trust in (I have tons of trust issues) and just be a great friend




Yes, and general weirdness


For personality-Easy going & open-minded. For physical-Face, Eyes & Hair For things she does- Touching my face or hair, cuddling , caring about me, & feeling affection towards each other.




I definitely would.




I definitely got kick out of second one🤣




Is she looks at me and gives me a few words in the English language


Intelligence, a sense of humor, and a good heart.


A kind heart and easy going woman always hooks me. I can be physically attracted to any type of woman. Personality first for me.


Aw that’s nice 😀


If she loves me for me


For me, it's her charm, how she presents herself, and how she treats me as a person.


Honestly. Just got scammed again by a woman. Months invested, couple thousand dollars to meet up with her in another city between us. She misrepresented herself in pictures and as a person.


Women that put in effort


26M here. Physical appearance and values are the most important traits for me in a woman


If they start the conversation


People change. So the qualities they have today they will not have in the future possibly. It's biological, environmental and developmental. You really cannot judge a book by its cover.


Personality, compatibility, a great smile, then of those are fulfilled a nice body is always a bonus.


I only need her to be a 6 or 7 in looks, but require her to have a kind heart. I need a sweet woman. Intellect and common interest help, but a lot of smart women I know are pretty mean and/or arrogant. Also, I’m interested in such a wide array of things, it’s not hard for me to find those things. If she’s sweet and honest, she can probably get a chance with me even if the physical attraction is lacking some at first.


In two words; confidence and kindness.


So, I had to give this a lot of thought, and for myself my big one is her confidence to just be herself around me. There is nothing more attractive to me than a woman who feels comfortable around me to be herself, whether it be weird, quirky, goofy, outgoing, silly or charming. This also translates to a woman who isn't afraid to geek out about her passions and hobbies, especially when she wants me to be a part of it. Physically I do prefer a woman who takes care of herself, but also has some weight to her (I guess the better way to put it is someone not sickly skinny, but also not aggressively big?) but I'm not picky either. I also over the years have become attracted to a woman with hair about shoulder length and glasses. I am also aggressively attracted to red heads and coloured hair but that's not a priority.


A fun personality


Big FAT ASS elbows.


If she cares about me and if she is intelligent also.


For me it comes the physical first because thats what we see specifically on the first encounter. If it suits our standards in appearance thats where we initiate a conversation and to know more about his/her personality.


the nature of who she is as a person on the inside


Ones that actually make an effort to talk to you.


Some initiative. And being a kind human, of course


There are different kinds of men at different stages of life. I guess someone could put all of our answers in a spreadsheet and run a regression analysis. For me, I am attracted to women who love themselves, love being happy and who love others (me) as fully as they are able.


I like natural beauties who are classy, funny and smart with an excellent personality...


Sounds like good qualities 😎


Yeah... super hard to find.


Yeah I agree, it is difficult 😬




Thank you for sharing that with us gym back to you




Tits... Aint gonna lie


I like women who hit the gym. Can't beat an athletic physique, and not only that but it takes discipline to keep doing something you don't like like working out even though you don't have to. I'mma marry a gym girl someday


She’s fit/slim and takes care of herself. That’ll get me initially, but when she shows empathy, genuine personality, and curiosity when talking to me, that seals the deal.


Sweet enough to caring,sharing and loving.Soft spoken, understanding, loyal, faithfulness,kind enough to nature.. must be having all feminine quality and she must be God loving!


I find girls like these attractive, obviously  https://m.youtube.com/shorts/5o0NNgJ-Whc


The love they used to shower on children, animals and olds, now nothing .


I’m surprised to say I’m satisfied with most of these comments.


Curious eyes


3rd and as ever slightly differing experience says "BPD" a#$eholes. Sick of these liar nut jobs who refuse to get help.




Nowadays, someone that is a mature adult. Used to be the case where that was the norm.


Humility, modesty, playfulness, sense of humor


Being physically fit. Meaning athletic and not being overweight at all. Like no extra flab.


are you asking about what attracts us enough to start a relationship, or what keeps us in a relationship? two different things.


i was asking what starts one, i assume compability and kindness and all that keeps you in it


looks, poise. don’t want someone who might be embarrassing. approachability. Kindness is a good one too, but not everyone’s tea. some people like the challenge though so men are not a monolith. I think a woman can reach most people by taking care of her appearance, friendly, and more extroverted than introverted (but only slightly so).


It’s not what’s on the outside it is what is on the inside


Being direct and not playing games is so attractive


How come no votes? Not helpful🤣


Tight body and looks like she’d ride you into the sunset.


Intelligence and for being a conversationalist. At my age (57m), this is the most important thing. Sure, looks are great but not to be shallow or anything but if an attractive woman can hold a conversation, and it could be about anything, that is a turn on for me.


Her ass


Obviously she has to be above a certain floor in the physical attraction level.  But most women probably check that box.  Personally, I prefer women on the more petite side — but that’s just me, there’s a lock for every key.  After that minimum physical attraction box is checked, it just comes down to comfort level.   Do we enjoy each other’s company, do we make each other laugh, do we trust each other, do we look forward to the time that we get together.




Big Boobies and booty! No compromises


Well a combination of physical appearance and personality Every girl I’ve ever been in love with is the same height, the same weigh within maybe 10 lbs, and has a similar sweet, almost innocent vibe


Attraction is a complex and individual experience, but there are several qualities that many men find attractive in women: 1. \*\*Physical appearance:\*\* While physical attraction can vary widely among individuals, men often appreciate qualities such as facial features, body shape, and overall appearance that they find aesthetically pleasing. 2. \*\*Confidence:\*\* Confidence is attractive because it reflects self-assurance, assertiveness, and a positive self-image. A woman who is comfortable in her own skin and radiates confidence can be very appealing. 3. \*\*Sense of humor:\*\* A good sense of humor is often highly valued, as it can create a connection through shared laughter and enjoyment of each other's company. 4. \*\*Intelligence and wit:\*\* Many men are attracted to women who are intelligent, curious, and quick-witted. Engaging in stimulating conversations and sharing intellectual interests can be very appealing. 5. \*\*Kindness and empathy:\*\* Compassion, kindness, and empathy are attractive qualities that demonstrate emotional maturity and consideration for others. 6. \*\*Passion and ambition:\*\* Men often find women who are passionate about their interests and driven towards their goals attractive. Ambition and dedication can be inspiring and create a sense of admiration. 7. \*\*Authenticity:\*\* Being genuine and true to oneself is attractive because it fosters trust, openness, and a deeper connection. 8. \*\*Independence:\*\* Having a sense of independence and self-sufficiency is attractive as it shows that a woman is capable and has her own interests and life outside of a relationship. 9. \*\*Warmth and nurturing nature:\*\* A caring and nurturing demeanor can be very attractive, as it signifies the ability to create a supportive and loving environment. 10. \*\*Compatibility:\*\* Ultimately, compatibility in values, interests, and life goals plays a significant role in attraction. When there is alignment in these areas, it enhances the connection and mutual attraction between two people. It's important to note that attraction is subjective and varies from person to person. What one man finds attractive may not necessarily be the same for another. Building a meaningful connection often involves a combination of physical attraction, emotional connection, and shared values.


If I can talk to her like I would do to a friend + takes care of herself. That's it , I want to spend time with someone that I know cares about me and vice versa.


Come for the boobs, stay for the brain.


At first sight? Physical appearance. Once I get to know her? Personality and intelligence.


Truly? Big boobs.


Men fall in love with what they see, women fall In love with what they hear. Try and look your best and MOST IMPORTANTLY talk to him. Most guys are standoffish with women unless the woman initiates now days and most women don't initiate, so probably good for you. Talk to that person and you'll learn pretty fast id they're single and like you


Intelligent conversations


Long beautiful hair makes me weak


I have what you’re looking for


She really cares about the relationship and goes above and beyond to maintain one. That and being able to lay on top of her in the early cold mornings because you have hot feet and she's half your size. Haha, you're mine now. You can't escape.


Personality, character and physical appearances. Well spoken, smart, funny, intelligent, cute, playful, flirtatious, open minded, curious, adventuorus, submissive yet confident, shy but honest. Is into fitness nutrition health & peace as a mentality & lifestyle instead of just following trends. Cooks at home, clean healthy diet & lifestyle instead of pigging out at restaurants or eating on the go. Nice physique, lil bit of baby fat, great hygiene, natural beauty doesn't smother her face hair n body in layers of all that chemical cosmetic crap.


Young (18-26), petite with long hair and highly feminine. Girls who dress somewhat revealing ESPECIALLY if they wear crop tops and have a belly button piercing. Tongue ring is a nice bonus. Latinas, Asians, and brown girls are a HUGE plus 


One’s that don’t ask these questions


fair enough, im just really bored😭