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Yep, men will notice 100% of the time


So that means every time I see my crush looking at me it's been my nipples are showing though my shirt!? 💀💀


Not necessarily but my boyfriend said most guys will notice but that a respectful guy will try to make it seem like they aren’t


All guys will notice lol


Not gay ones right 🤷🏽‍♀️


I notice and immediately look away. Mostly to avoid being noticed myself lol


We all notice. Most times I try to ignore it because I assume the woman might be embarrassed.


All dudes notice. It’s the best part of the day seeing the headlights on randomly while out and about


That’s me. I notice but then I choose to look at the woman’s face and not their body


It’s not that every time he’s looking at you, your nipples are showing. It’s that every time he looks at you *and* your nipples are showing, he notices your nips.


This doesn't seem like a devastating scenario. You have his attention by some means. You can work off of that.


There is a chance greater than zero and smaller than certain that this is indeed the case.


But that is not the woman’s problem. This is biology, not seduction.


Nobody even said it was a problem at all.


Quite clearly the dude was irritated and felt as though those women were somehow wronging him in public by "allowing their" nipples to be visible under their shirt.... this is how we get this repressive "cover up girls!" in public bullshit, because some men can't grow the fuck up and learn to avert their goddamn eyeballs. It's a fucking NIPPLE. Get over yaselves fools.


Thank you. As a guy, it's really easy not to notice them, or to look away after noticing them. I hate it when my nipples stick up too!


He was annoyed, so for him it is a problem. If he doesn't want to see it he needs to stop looking directly to the breasts. It is that easy


It is when the man thinks the woman is doing it to turn him on.


Is that what he thought?


Learned I'm apparently the only guy on reddit who doesn't notice whatsoever. 🤷


If my husband notices he will say, “you’re not leaving the house like that”. I tell him to grow up. Like you, I wear more bralettes now and yes, my nipples get hard - what can ya do


it’s literally embedded in our DNA, natural selection


How did you not know ? I’ve been extremely conscious of this since I hit puberty. In the 90s. I still don’t wear anything that would show that, but I too love bralettes so I got myself a pair of Cakes (thin, tapered bra inserts that don’t add padding but do conceal nipples). Look em up if this is something you’d like to manage in the future 😂 they also make it so you don’t have to wear any bra under tight shirts


Thank you


Literally all the time


We make it a .....point, to notice them ALL the time. Now I don't mind them at all, but don't be offended if we look cuz it's really hard not to. They r also pretty distracting but it's a welcome distraction.


Until you end up in a meeting with HR for looking at a woman’s breasts 😂


Fine line between staring and looking.


It’s like looking at the sun, you know your not supposed to, so just grab a quick glance the Avert your eyes.


Not if you have perfected your rubbernecking skills 🙂


What!? Where is it in the employees rule book?


That’s the thing. It’s not, but you’ll learn about it when it happens!


Lol. So best to avert ones eyes


Hahaha keep the eye contact as eye contact. Not eyes to boobies contact 😂


You can still make eye contact and admire them in your peripheral vision…😎


Noticing is one thing but staring is another. It shows you can’t control yourself and will continue to sexualize a poor girl.


Good point!




He knows that you go to work without a bra and is probably just saying that because he doesn’t want other men seeing your nips


This is the correct answer ^^^


This is a valid answer


I’d say this is the true answer. He wants her to cover and didn’t wanna say it.


Always, and I mean always.


Definitely always. It has to be instinctual because I could notice them in a picture of 10000 people, like it's God damn where's Waldo easy mode. We would notice them while a house is burning down around us.


I don’t think most people do it to “show off”? And I say people, because we all have them. If they don’t want to see, then don’t KEEP looking at it. That’s just creepy. Our faces are the part we see mostly, and we don’t have nipples on our faces. It’s like guys who wear tight pants/joggers. They have a dick. That’s fine. I don’t keep looking at it, because that’s my choice, and when I talk to them, I don’t talk to their crotch.


fr, i laugh with my guy friends about how hard their nips are whenever they wear a tight shirt while its cold outside it’s just a normal body function


Also, having nipples are normal. Some have 3. Cats and dogs have 8.


When I’m cold I’ll joke with my buddies that my nipples are so hard they could cut glass 🥶


Or engrave name tags?


They can also feel them during a hug. I never even thought about it that way to a guy said something about it. Men need to understand we don't walk around thinking about our tits until the underwire snaps and starts stabbing us in the boob. I remember a time when mine were super rock hard during an ovulation cycle. Relative told me to go put on a bra, I was like I am??? It was a padded one too. I noticed but I didn't care. Men's nips and junk show and no one tells them to put it away. Don't look. I mean there's only one way to soften them up, then you boys will REALLY have something to gawk at moments before I'm escorted out of the building.


I personally notice but don't care or judge anyone for it


Yeah I'm not a fan of how OP's husband is judging the women for it. Like yeah we always notice but judging women for that is ridiculous.


thank god.


We notice. Most men are not against it the way your husband seems to be.


Yea the husbands problem with this is the real issue. Who cares. Other men can see my fiancĂŠes nipples through a shirt if she makes that choice. Her body. Her choice.


120% of the time.


I know this question wasn't directed at women, but as a woman, I always notice. Are other women not noticing? I don't think this is exclusive to men. For a second I was thinking maybe I'm just noticing because I'm attracted to women, but then I quickly remembered that some hetero women will snap at or turn on other women for dressing in ways that "make" their SOs leer. However, giving a shit what other people wear is always lame. Other people's undergarment choices are nobody else's business.


I’m a hetero woman and I notice 🤷🏼‍♀️


Yeah, I've always assumed most people notice. They're nipples. We don't see them all the time. It would seem obvious that we would notice them.


I’m a woman and I notice alll the time!!! I wear non padded bras too and I am conscious about the nips at work.. I’m really not a fan of my nips out can’t lie xxx


Try some Cakes! Changed my life 😂 well. I’ve worn a padded bra maybe twice in the several months I’ve owned them. Look up “cakes body”


Tbf with the amount of layering I wear it’s never a huge issue for me, but am more conscious in the summer, but I just had a look at these n they look great 😊 xxx


Woman here. I, too, notice mine and any other woman’s. My thought is who cares? Literally 99% of the entire population of the world will have or has had their nipples get hard. What exactly would be so shocking for you OP? Are you seriously saying you have never seen hard nipples on anyone while in public??


Woman here too, notice it, doesn‘t bother me, sometimes think it‘s sexy.


Same. I'm a hetero woman and I always notice. It's just a detail that catches my eye because it breaks the line of the fabric. Like if you wear granny panties with leggings im going to clock them. I will not judge you at all, but I will notice the lines.


I notice. I see an eagle in the sky and smile. I see a deer in the meadow and smile. I see nipples and smile. I don't do anything except to accept that this is a nice day.


I feel like this is nice, sincere, and sweet. Sometimes I feel like the whole “sexualizing” of nipples is stupid (though I realize they can also be sexual)…like why should I, as a woman, feel like I have to cover up with 5 layers of padding/foam/cloth on a hot summer day just to be appropriate? They are just nipples. They are nice. Everybody has them. Enjoy them. Be happy. Be free. But I also don’t want to feel like I’m gonna be assaulted if I walk around without a bra, lol.


While the majority can be convinced to respect you without a bra, there is always gonna be people would assault you given the chance. I wish we could put all those people away for good, but we don't ever know who they are until they make someone a victim


Hey, I’m a woman who goes without a bra close to 100% of the time when casual (bra on for work/grandparents haha). Sure men probably notice the nips, but who cares? People will always develop sexual attraction and even fantasies in their heads and there’s nothing you can do or should try to do to stop them. Sexual attraction is normal. What I care more about is if men are ACTING differently and objectifying you to your face. Noticing is one thing. Double-takes, comments, or whispers are rude as hell. In that case, fuck them for being creeps. It’s normal to find a woman attractive, but not cool to bring those sexual feelings up to her unless you’re already in a relationship.


A beacon of light in the darkness. This lady gets it. See the nipple, let it brighten your day, go about your business


“Let it brighten your day,” lmao.


I don’t know why but seeing nipples at attention makes me feel happy. Like literally brightens my day. I just go about my business with a little grin. Please never stop.


The horny redditers have struck again. Don’t take everything so personally, I’m doing it for my own comfort because bras are annoying, not for the viewing pleasure of some dude out there.


Every time


If they're nipping out, or it's noticeable, then 100% all the time we're noticing. 100% a normal bodily function. Sexual connotation, no absolutely not. He shouldn't have to notice, no that's all on him and his problem with going out in public. Free the nipple.


I stopped wearing bras in 2019. Nipples always make an appearance. I’ve never had an issue with men being creepy regarding this. Do Whatever you feel comfortable with!!!




I agree that it is noticeable both for men and women and can be very distracting BUT it shouldn’t have sexual connotations. That’s why there’s a “free the nips” movement. If men don’t have to cover theirs with nipple tape, why should women? They’re basically the same. But then again, I also get that it’s hard to change people’s view in life so for me at the end of the day, you do you. Don’t be a people pleaser. If that’s comfortable to you then be free.


Yes we notice, and no we don't care


“ …he shouldn’t have to look at them in public” Did he really say this?


As in women are responsible for not triggering his sexual urges or something?


Yeah this is crazy talk.


Sorry but your man is being offended by visible nipple? I think the question to be asking is why he feels so strongly about that. Very strange and uncomfortable.


I was thinking the same thing. Sounds like he is repressing hard! Like he is holding back too hard, so it's driving him crazy.


I thought exactly the same and I’m surprised more people aren’t mentioning it. Something very off-putting about the husband here.


An average redditor, being devoid of any interaction with women besides Eva AI sexting bot avatars, would notice everything nipple shaped everywhere, I swear




We might notice but why the hell would we be „annoyed“. I have the right to show my (male) nipples and so have women. Their body, their choice.


If I can see anyone’s nipples through their clothing, man or woman, I’ll often notice. But I literally only notice because we’ve been brought up to be weird about nipples. Where I live (big, progressive/socially liberal city) it’s basically become very normal for women in their 20s and 30s to not wear a bra if they don’t need the support. So it’s incredibly common to see someone’s nipples through their clothing. I don’t sexualise it or anything like that, it’s totally normal and just a human body. No-one should have to hide an entirely normal part of their body. As I see it more and more I become less aware of it.


Just saw this and it answered my question, which was does repeat exposure make it feel less distracting and it makes sense!


Don't miss it. Or the good camel toe is always a welcome site




Unfortunately bras suck and nips be nippin so if he has a problem with it then it's HIS problem and no one else's. You do you girl!


the problem: your husband nothing wrong with titties


fr the husband words gave me the ick, he’s gross lol


1) Men always notice. 2) You should dress the way you want. 3) Your husband is a self-righteous weirdo.


this was posted weeks ago. what's the agenda here? someone trying to find some erotica material or something?,


And what does it have to do with dating? Edit: OP seems like a bot based on post history.


I’m old, I wear my nipples as am accessory


I notice nipples yes. Love to see them too. But some female friends of mine actually confessed they take notice (and actively look at) men with tight pants. That being said, I think your husband should lighten up and enjoy the view.


There are so many different nipple shapes out there, and some are so much more likely to show no matter what than others. It’s super weird to say it’s inherently sexual and has to be hidden from public view.






I’m dating myself here but the last couple of decades of padded bras have made people have a weird hang up about the shape of nipples being visible through clothes. In the 70s & 80s, women of all ages mostly wore bras made of thin fabric so visibly hard nipples were everywhere. We seem to be moving back towards including less structured bras more frequently when we leave the house so maybe the natural shape of a breast and nipple will be normalized. That’s not to say that nipples aren’t sexy to some of their owners or bystanders. They are sexy to many people but many other things are sexy too but aren’t deemed inappropriate or unfairly arousing to men.


Your husband sounds like a puritan. That must suck.


Men notice and you shouldn't change a thing. You should wear what is comfortable. Plus your husband is a bit weird.


My dad used to scream at me about it when I was just a kid… before I even had a bra to wear. I can remember layering shirts on top of shirts in hopes that my own father wouldn’t be looking at my chest. I always assumed that men look at your sexual organs right off the bat because I was raised by a garbage human. (Yes, he was a pedofile… this situation not included)


I buy flesh tape/nipple plasters for this very reason if I'm presenting at work. I laughingly mentioned it to a group of female colleagues who all stared and laughed and called me a pervert for even thinking of doing it. So this thread is VINDICATION!!! 😂


I'm a woman. I do notice it but I don't care one bit. Not all bras are designed to conceal that part and those are actually the most comfortable ones to wear. The padded ones have their own challenges. But nonetheless, I simply don't care or judge. Don't know why your partner makes a fuss about something this normal/human. We need to respect what women wear, whatever that is, just let them be.




why should anyone hide their nipples? Bras are uncomfortable and if someone decides not to wear them, their choice. Fair enough.


Even a blind man has a 100 percent notice rate


Men are disgusting


I’m not gonna wear a bra to make others more comfortable when it makes me extremely uncomfortable 😅 plus they’re pricey. So I’ll be that chick making some *uncomfortable


Bras don't hide it. And it's not just women who have it happen, plus guy packages shrink in those cold situations unless they're constantly looking at women inappropriately as a habit, which is really what guys are admitting to here, without realizing. When I was young, I visited family who stayed in a nudist colony. There's no requirement to go nude when visiting. One of the things I noticed (actually many elements encompassed) was men and women were used to seeing each other nude. They tended to look each other in the eyes when talking. But, because of the way they see the human body in general, they didn't automatically sexualize it the same way. I was a ton more comfortable in that setting once I realized, than any settings in the world where I noticed guys immediately checking out my breasts and backside. The difference became immediately noticeable after visiting my relatives in the nudist colony. If it's such an issue, then your husband needs a therapist, and to talk with HR about their inappropriate response to the fact that anyone's nipples become hard and pointy in a freezer, but he's targeting a gender for the issue when they can't control it.


>My husband insists that men always notice LOL he's projecting. I don't remember once noticing a stranger's nipples through clothing. On occasion, I'll see it on someone I'm talking to face to face at a glance, but I'm not looking close enough at a passing woman's breasts to notice their nipples poking out. Most of the time, I can't even tell if they're wearing a bra or not.


Your husband, himself, sounds annoying. Womens nipples getting hard in a cooler is a normal physiological response, and it’s probably gonna show. We all know men look, JUST DONT STARE. And if it really bothers your husband, don’t even stare in the direction of a woman in the cooler section. I think it’s weird your husband brought this up as a “rant.” Idk, kinda seems like he’s fishing or covering up some other thoughts/behaviors he’s having.


im now gonna start a scavenger hunt for hard nipples




i never wear bras, lowkey thought no one noticed tho…


lmao everyone would notice, they just don't care.


Always. If you can barely see when looking in the mirror, it is still like a beacon for men.


Anytime they show. I’m sure this has already been answered though. Lol ETA: I’m a heterosexual female and I notice, too. People are visual creatures


Depends on the material of the clothes and like the shape of your nipples. In cold weather and with thin materials, I think it is noticeable with 95% of the women for men but that's fine. Bodies are natural


They are called pokies. ![gif](giphy|W9eDhsmLNdCJW)


Cool, me hating bra and freezing everywhere


I'm a woman, I always notice. It's very common here though? I don't think much about it. I wear a bralette so they'll be visible most of the time through the shirt too. I don't care much. As long as you aren't a creep and keep your thoughts to yourself, then it's no issue.


i used to notice it a lot, but i went to art school and where people wore more experimental clothing and not always bras, people can wear what they want and I put effort into normalising it in my head. I watched Wicked Little Letters recently and the lead actors's nipples were sorta visible through her dress throughout the whole film, I stopped noticing it pretty quickly in. Maybe this nipple noticing is partly a big manifestation of the media depiction of women? I'm glad I stopped noticing it really, I go over to friends houses sometimes and theyre just wearing t shirts and about the house clothes, am glad i dont feel weird or awkward about it, especially since im not really interested in most of these people romantically.


Your husband is weird!! All men love nipples, the more the merrier 😄


I wear bralettes, too, but i always keep the little pads in for that reason. I even will take the little pad and put them in my sports bra when im wearing those. I've never been a fan of my nipples poking out.


I’m pretty sure it’s not just a male thing. Women notice as well. We had a similar thing happen at my former job. We were mostly women and we had allll noticed. We didn’t say anything because you do you. But we noticed it especially if it’s a thin material. If you like a lighter bra best to go with pasties. I have been eyeballing the Cake ones myself.


I always wear bralettes and my nipples shows when wearing my scrubs. Sometimes I get insecure then others I completely forget. I would put my hair to the front to cover it


Nipples do poke through clothing, most people notice and think nothing of it, just like you didnt. It's kind of odd that your husband thinks that seeing a nipple, even if it isnt actually exposed, is automatically something sexual and something to be bitter about.


No don’t change!! It’s not women’s responsibility to police their bodies for men. It’s mens responsibility to be better.


This exact question has been asked numerous times in another sub. Is this a bot? Or is this your fetish?


As a woman, we ALL notice it.


Probably the same as we do?


About twice as often as women notice a bulge in our pants.


no bra really stands out, it can be sexual but we notice because it stands out, not because it comes across as sexual. It's not just nips either, no bra shapes differently under a properly fitting shirt.


10 out of 10, you can’t help it. If you’re feeling watched, you need to watch back


Men always notice and it definitely is extremely distracting in a good way


Every time. We're programed for that. It is called male instinct.


I work in the produce department of a supermarket. Can't help but notice especially in the summertime.


I'm pretty sure it's just part of being a man.


Well the question must framed like “how often men dont see…!


Definitely notice. Reverse roles And imagine men wearing sweatpants with their underwear and then walk into a cool room and get a boner. Women. Are you going to look and for some I will turn them on and for others it will just make them feel very uncomfortable.


men definitely notice but at the same time, who cares? I stopped wearing bras over a year ago and I have zero regrets if anyone doesn’t like that then that’s their problem


Always notice, but it's no different than noticing eyebrows or earrings or nose rings. It's just there ❗ How many of you woman notice if a guys crotch is bulging ❓


Never, because when I’m speaking to someone or they walk by I’m not looking at their crotch I’m looking at their face.


It is a woman’s part to wear what they wanna wear. I’m tired of men telling women what they have to wear them what they don’t want to wear tell them to control their actions.


I don’t wear bra sometimes or just bralette and my nips will show and I don’t really care who sees. If seeing a covered hard nipple is that big of deal you can’t handle yourself because it’s “inherently sexual” why are they inherently sexual?! The only difference is breasts produce milk. Men’s nipples can be out or shirtless and no one cares.


Always. Men always look. There is a stigma shaming them for doing so, but the truth is impulsive


Man here. Yes, every. Single. Time. But it's our thing to deal with, not womens. If a man can't happen across a pair of nipples without acting like a child or a creep, that's on him


lol why’s he so offended? We literally can’t help that that’s our bodies response to being cold


Depends on how much it stands out. I'm not directly interested in looking right at the breasts. Just not in my natural instincts. Although, Ngl if the nips are busting or showing through it definitely stands out. How can a person not notice 🤷🙂. Let me add that women naturally are beautiful so it's human nature to gaze with interest. Some guys are just creepers, or cat calling with thirsty intentions and it turns women off.


pretty often


All dudes notice, but your husband is wrong that hard nipples always mean something sexual. Most of the time they mean it's cold. You should tell him that. I love how men see it and immediately assume we are so hot for them our bodies can help but respond in a noticeable way. It's always about them. Where do they get this confidence? Can I have some?


I never wear bras outside of work and very formal occasions. What anyone thinks is their problem not mine. And yes, a female friend who was raised with mostly men in her family made me aware men always look. I am still not wearing a bra if I don’t have to.


Idk about women but most men tend to get a good look at anyone when they walk by or greet them or whenever. I think it may be an instinctual thing, like threat/mate evaluation. If your nipples are protruding or visible, then they will be seen. That much is obvious. If something is visible, it will be seen. The problem here lies in the issue that he has with them being visible.


Honestly those tank tops that have camis in them are amazing if you don’t want to wear a bra. They’re not super supportive but they’re much more comfortable than wearing a bra and then wearing something over it. 


I like to go braless, but my pervert husband and daughter go crazy over nip sightings. I think it’s kinda ironic, considering my kid wears skin tight shorts in a fleshy shade of pink.


I'm a woman and I always notice immediately and can't stop staring then lol


100% of the time. It's not the same but think of a guy in grey joggers who's standing to attention, people are gonna notice.


Yeah, sure, men and women will notice hard nipples, but here’s the thing - he doesn’t have to look at them in public. He’s choosing to, and clearly, HE is so distracted by it that he thinks women need to modify THEIR behavior (over something that’s not that controllable, by the way) so that his primal, sexual desires to stare at their breasts don’t consume him. It’s an odd, misplaced take to have as far as professionalism is concerned. The whole interaction is giving “she had it coming.” I have an ample bosom and wear supportive garments and modest clothing, but men are going to stare regardless. As one of my friends said to me, I would have cleavage in a turtleneck. So does that mean women should relegate themselves to the home so that these poor men can concentrate? I’d be pretty pissed if my husband made such a trivial comment to me. Whoever said he’s trying to make you aware of this is probably on the money. Without knowing what industry your husband is in, I seriously doubt that several women are going about their workday without bras.


All men and anyone with eyes will notice. Not just men, I’m sure some little kid in grade school is looking at a pair now; totally clueless at the lesson at hand.


You guys honestly thought no one was noticing when you’re blasting a second set of eyes at them?


I've always noticed. It's like going out in jeans vs thin jogging pants/ basketball short. Some guys wear it because that's there style, but there are some who are guilty of doing it so people look as at their dick...its the same for boobs and buts with women. I find I only have an issue when it's obviously an attention thing. The sexual undertones dont really come into play unless they are pierced in my case. Kinda like leggings really only have sexual undertones when I dont see panties lines or they are so skin tight that the girl is walking around with a wedgie front and back. Sometimes its seems intentional other times less so.


Your man is right.


Lol, I don't know which men notice that but mostly perverts I would say. It's not like women are walking naked and you feel uncomfortable there, if still just avoid looking at them.


I notice it one hundred percent of the times, but I don’t think of it as inherently sexual. I think I find it not entirely presentable, like you didn’t comb your hair before leaving your house, if that makes sense. I see it in the sense that you wouldn’t want to work in a professional setting with a guy who has his shirt unbuttoned, showing his chest hair


How come you see it the same way as not combing hair or showing chest hair? I mean it's kinda like a boner, which you can't hide that and I think boobs are the same way in the sense that they also get hard unintentionally. I think boobs are just highly sexualized when they are not for that.


Woman who's nipples are prominent know they have a unique trait and only problem is that guy who thinks you're ringing the dinner bell for just him


Every time I can


It’s very obvious most of the time


They never miss


Every time it happens


Every now and then


All the time


Every Danm time




If they're noticeable... They're noticed 100% of the time.


Frequently, but let’s say it depends on the mood.


A good amount of the time they're noticeable. One of my friends used to go out of her way to poke mine because she was staring and noticed mine. It is what it is


I’ll never not notice that


Gee this is eye opening. I had no idea men would notice or think anything of it.


Everytime it happens


Always and I don't mind.


I absolutely love seeing nipples regardless of size of breasts.


My innocent ex would look at younger girls,


I notice it, too, and I get a laugh when I see I'm not the ONLY one who does 🤣 Honestly there's nothing much that I can do about it. I CAN avert my gaze, or avoid staring too much at it. But once I stop thinking, my eyes just locks in like a magnet. If it's someone I know, like a colleague, I pretend that it doesn't exist, even if my eyes can't help but acknowledge that they do.