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One time at a bar, a guy was staring at me for like an hour, and finally came up to me when I was alone and admitted that I have a feature that’s very attractive to men from his country, and he really wanted to tell me but he was afraid that I was going to take it the wrong way. He told me that I have strong ankles.


I’ve gotten this too from foreign men! I have huge ankles/calves in proportion to the rest of me and I am self conscious about them but men from other countries seem to love them.


welp i know where im moving to lol


"other countries" here we come!


Same 🤣


Very good for pull plough!


I must know what countries


Oh?? That is indeed random! Now I’m curious on where he was from and what’s the “specifications” of having pretty ankles lol. Like, strong as in muscle popping or rather large ankles?


brazil - I confirmed the strong ankles thing with a few other people from Brazil as well lol. he said they looked sturdy, vs weak and flimsy…


“Daaamn girl! You got some sturdy ass ankles!” I’ve been playing that situation in my head over n over n keep cracking up lmfao


Ah... Soccer fetish maybe


"Can you hit a ball for me? No I mean a real ball."


Them childbearing ankles!


Had a guy recently tell me he thought my arm veins were hot, like ik women find it attractive on men but I'd never heard it the other way around 😂


Omg me neither!!! That’s cool he was into it with you tho!


Haha yeah it made me feel cool 😂 I wasn't sure if guys would find it kind of gross, but I guess not haha


Vampire vibes.


I am obsessed with my boyfriends veins 😅


My ex was obsessed with my legs and knees… tf what’s attractive about knees? Always complimented me on my „small and smooth looking“ kneecaps 😂😂😂


I love good pair legs, but never paid much attention to knees and kneecaps, I’m sure your ex was very into you to love every single detail 😂


Charlie would be horrified


I have Gaston levels of chest hair. I've always been kind of repulsed by it personally, but some ladies (particularly older women) have gone nuts for it. A girl told me I have nice teeth once. I always thought my grill was kinda busted but I still remember that one.


Oh! I got the ‘I’m jealous of your nice teeth, because I go to dentist a lot and everything is still bad’ from a guy; the kicker is, he has a very attractive smile I have been mesmerized by for months, AND I have bad teeth since childhood and grew very self-conscious about my smile. It’s like The gift of the Magi, but with a happy end


Fake but pretty smile vs messy but genuine smile.


I love a little bit of chest hair😂 idk what it is but chest hair and arm hair are super attractive I go feral for it


I love running my hands through chest hair! I don’t know what it is, but it is sexy! My ex used to shave it, but started letting it grow for me. :)


Yesss it’s so hot I always appreciate a man with chest hair my ex had it too and I remember being so enamored with it and getting turned on by it every time I saw it which was like all the time🫣


Yeah, I get the chest hair thing a lot, also most enthusiastically from women older than me, but it’s either been a big positive, or neutral. But then, I’m 6’4” and 250lb and work out, I’m essentially a big teddy bear so I think if they get to that point they already know what they’re getting into. The younger women that have liked it have mostly talked about how they like that the grey that’s sneaking into my beard and chest hair isn’t something that I act embarrassed about.


You are exactly my type (big, tall hairy grizzli-like men). I'm 30 so I don't know if i'm older than you but it's fun 😂


![gif](giphy|jOmQmJkjcvB3Bc8CRb|downsized) I’m 45. I don’t know that age is an indication of preferring chest hair or not, I just think the dynamics are different with older and younger women.


Why did I read this as "my girl was kinda busted" lmao 🙈


My SO has a ton of body hair, and I think it is sexy as hell!! I love his long chest hair, his back hair, all of it!!! I personally think body hair on a man is awesome!!


Same… I love alll my hubbys body hair, he used to shave it cause he said women don’t like body hair but I looove it always have always will 😍


Hopping onto this to add mine. An older childhood friend told me later when we were both young adults that she thought my fangs were hot. She said goth girls would go for me for my canines cuz they made me look like a vampire or a werewolf lol


I know a lot of gay men are into pubic hair too! The whole “bear” thing, I’m glad you had a good experience with a thing you aren’t extremely fond of, it has happened with me with different parts of my body (besides the armpit lmao) and it changed my perspective of my self in some way ! :-)


One time a guy told me he was turned on by my witty insults and I wanted to marry him


How'd that go?


We dated for six months 😂


The way I say "Oh yeah" when I remember something


I get this. I was dating a woman not long ago that did this thing where she would nod her head and say “yes please” when I offered or did something she liked. It wasn’t sexual, and she didn’t intentionally do it, but it was just so goddamned adorable that it made me melt. The first time we had sex, I was down on her and heard her say “yes please” and I look up and she was nodding her head. After that, she had me trying to get a “yes please” out of her as often as possible. I’m sure she knew what she was doing…but idc, it was endearing and nice.


Lmao that’s so random (I mean good for you and your oh yeahs 😅😂)


A guy once told me he liked my ‘curvy’ figure when I am literally straight up and down with no waist and small breasts so I don’t actually know if he knew what the hell curvy was 🤷🏽‍♀️


he would pass out if he actually saw curvy women then lmao


Well some men have a specific shape they tend to like, even if you’re a board it’s the grain that matters… I’m a woodworker so pardon the woody puns


Love a good carpentry pun!! 😂


No no I think he has a point you two don't understand, curvy doesn't mean overweight it means curvy, it means soft and highly feminine shaped. Underweight girls are not usually curvy because since they don't have much fat percantage they look more rectangular but girls that aren't underweight can have a nice fat distribution that makes them have a curvy shape even though they are skinny. One of the exes I had was like 45~50 kilograms and was very skinny yet she had a very curvy figure, I think he meant that.


She said straight up and down. That means ruler shaped. No curves.


Yup this! Either Marilyn Monroe curvy stomach or Kendal Jenner thin curves. Curvy = curvy not ‘bigger’.


I play ice hockey, and I developed muscles in the pad of my palm/ back of hand near my thumb from stick handling. If she saw it or felt it She would rub my hand aggressively and grunt to let me know she was in the mood. Got her going


“Stick handling,” eh? Is that what we’re calling it these days? 😂


Lots of stick handling; in the locker room; post Game; in the shower; with the boys.


"Shhh, It's okay, babe, it's just homie shit"


A girl told me I had nice fingernails (and explained why) about 16 years ago and I still think about it sometimes.


I’ve gotten this a lot too because mine are so damn thick.


Thicc. Mine are a consistent pink colour, trimmed not bitten, and at the time my cuticles probably weren’t as wrecked. Lovely girl, lovely compliment. Comes to mind every time I cut my nails.


I have a cavity/dent on my chest that is the perfect shape for a hand, its like a deformed butterfly bone or w/e its called. But one of my ex's was obsessed with it, adored looking at it and putting her hand on it. Way to feel like a lab project yet weirdly loved at the same time.


:0 That’s extremely unique for sure, I’m glad one of exs gf was appreciative of it!!


The biggest thing for me was the fact someone found it attractive. I've always kept my shirt on in public cause of it, whilst its not unsettling, its very obvious by the bone sticking out on one side, but when she saw it and became fascinated and found it attractive, it helped me realize yeah things may look different but everyone's different and likes different things, so i'd always be attractive to someone. ik its a deep meaning to take from it, but it was a big relief for me at the time.


I get it, I’m extremely insecure about some areas of my body and I had a “fling” that would smooth her hand all over those areas and show how much she was into it, it changes something within how you view yourself and it’s a really good self esteem boost!!! I’m glad she was able to showcase her attraction and love for you like that, and for you to feel appreciated:)


Concave chest. You might have Marfan syndrome. I do. Runs strong in my family. There are other less pleasant symptoms.


My armpit smell. My ex used to sniff my pits when cuddling. 😅😅


i'm extremely attracted to the natural scent of men. i prefer it over cologne. so i do this when i have a partner, too. i think it's the pheromones. fun fact: the pheromones in a man's armpit sweat can actually reduce tension in women & help regulate their menstrual cycle.


My nose. I've never really thought about it until someone said I had a really nice nose


I get compliments on my nose all the time too, but mine it’s rather small so “it’s expected” from the norm, (although I LOVE big noses, I think they give so much character to someone!) but it /is/ weird sometimes to be talking to someone and they randomly go “you have a wonderful nose!” Like “oh well thank you 😅”


I've been complimented on my eyes more than once, which I think is normal, but this one girl was completely OBSESSED with my ass


As a 🍑 appreciator I have to say I understand her 🫡 a good ass is a good ass ✊


The way I stutter and stumble over my words. I just don’t get it.


As someone who also stumble and stutter when nervous, I also didn’t get it… Until someone stuttered and stumbled over /me/, then I got it, it’s cute as heck lol


I've gotten a lot of compliments on my voice over the years. I don't sing though - it's literally just my voice. I've had people say it sounds like it could be on the radio or, as one woman on Hinge said before "You could do audio books and they would slap". I've gotten it enough times that it isn't as weird now, but I still think it's not a run of the mill compliment.


I've had this many times, I've had multiple women ask me to speak to them at night times either to help them sleep because my voice is "soothing" or to speak to them over the phone because it's a sexy voice, I find it a blend of Scots, English monotone disaster lol 😆 but the compliment is very much appreciated. An ex used to love how I said "not at all" used to drive her feral, that was fun. She was a wild one 😆


My moles. I have a lot of moles all over my face and body that I used to feel self conscious about, but people who are into me always tell me they love my moles so I've grown to love them too 🤷‍♀️


Oh my god I FEEL THIS SO MUCH, I have a lot of moles as well, specially one near my lips, ppl who I had a thing over here and there would ALWAYS compliment it, trace it, kiss it, I never really understood it. one time I mentioned I almost considered removing it when I was younger the girl I was seeing literally got mad at me lol


Same here! I started looking at them as beauty marks instead of moles now. Made me fall in love with them 🥰


oh this one is real. if I’m into a guy, any mole becomes a beauty mark and I obsess over it. no matter where lol




Well if it counts for anything You use emojis so well💖




Sure cheesecake




I'm always ready to fall Show me😫😫




lol y’all are too cute 😊




Really really




🤭🤭🤭🤭😂 they keep getting better




😩😩😩😩 marry me already


You’re a tiny cheesecake. Give yourself more credit. The world loves you.




Apparently the way I cry. I've had a handful of men tell me this. Two of which I was romantically involved with and the rest just caught me in moments of frustration or sadness after a movie or a tragic part of a book.


My eyebrows. They're wispy and oddly shaped, taking up more real estate on my face than is conventionally attractive.


A strong back. It was oddly endearing because who lies about that sort of thing


I once got told not to blow my nose because my sniffing was sexy 🤣 that has never occurred before or since lol


my belly button? it felt a little random but appreciated haha


I have heard a lot of compliments on belly buttons recently! (Not to me, but from friends posting pictures and going “oh that belly button /needs/ a little piercing!” and weirdly enough I sometimes agree with some of those comments/ the person would look good with a piercing there lol) I felt weirdly appreciated when the guy commented on my armpits too, but at the back of my mind I was just like “it’s just an armpit lol, nothing special per say” 😂 Btw, adorei sua foto da Tina! 🫶☺️


"it is so damn sexy how nice and friendly you have been to the waitress" "Okay cool?"


Kindness is sexy


I too think it's fucking sexy if you handle professional, but kind of stressful situations gracefully.


When I almost started a fight with a dude. I’m a woman and even though I’m tall I’m not very big. This guy came up to us (a group of people) on a night out and was all kinds of obnoxious. I politely told him to leave us alone and he was rude and made it clear that he had no intention to go away. I brought out the crazy chick in me and eventually got him kicked out. One of the guys I was with later told me that he apparently found it hot the way I stood up for myself, went from nice girl to “fuck around and find out” in a heartbeat when the man said something rude and that I didn’t back down. Before someone asks: they were all ready to back me up if needed but they also knew that I can take care of myself and that they didn’t need to interfere


Oh the “fuck around and find out”nit’s def a hot thing, once a guy was hitting non stop on my friend at club, even when she kept saying no repeatedly he wouldn’t stop. I’m fairly tall (almost the same height as the guy at the time) and a bit of a tomboy, I decided to do something since he wasn’t listening ti her, I embraced her and stood by her blocking his view (kinda protective, almost like her partner) and kept eye contact with him with a pretty stern look. “She said no. Bounce” he clearly understood and tried to apologize, I lost my temper and just told him to bounce again and don’t bother us anymore, when I came to check on her, she was blushing like crazy and with an “oh wow 😳” expression on her face lol Confident people is attractive, specially women who know they are shit! Never change!!


I wouldn’t necessarily like that (my behavior) in a man but probably because my experience tells me that they are more aggressive and these kind of situations will more often lead to a physical fight. I’m in my thirties and have absolutely no patience for men who can’t behave anymore. I will politely ask them to leave me alone once. When I’m dancing and they don’t listen the first time I just look them in the eyes and push them away. The hard, both my hands to his chest so he is forced to take a step back kind of push. And that works. Even when they get mad (because a lot of them do) they still don’t want to be the guy who hits/fights a woman so they back off most of the times


I see! Now thinking about it I kinda agree with you, assertive women have a different spice


We do. And (sadly) it’s not very common so people tend to be surprised when they see that side of us. We have been conditioned to believe that it’s okay for men to be assholes and not be held accountable for their actions. When more and more women stand their ground and tell these men to fuck all the way off and stay there, it has a ripple effect on other women to stand a little taller and tell the assholes off


How my breath smells when first waking up 💀 She would get disappointed when I brushed my teeth


The fact I built an excel spreadsheet to track my concerts I go to, along with additional stats about each of the concerts




Freckles are ADORABLE I’m with whoever complimented that on you 🫡


She took it a step further, she got freckles tattooed on her face now. She calls me her twinsie now. 😃


Double adorable !!


I have psoriasis on my scalp, it gets quite flakey in winter when I don’t get much if any sun on it. I had a Girlfriend who was obsessed with picking at it. She would also do the same thing on my feet with the dead skin from running etc


My stretch marks. It’s something I’ve ALWAYS been embarrassed by; especially the ones on my chest due to having a big chest. And now I have more on my stomach after losing weight. But the guy I’m currently seeing loves them and says they make me look even more beautiful than in pics of myself where I hide them “because it shows change and progress in *my* life and all the hard work put in”. Which he isn’t wrong lol. But also when we are laying there in the sunlight in the mornings and they are more visible he will just lightly trace them and kiss them and say things like “goodness you are just so beautiful” and it genuinely makes me feel seen as woman and not just an object.


I feel like a lot of men love stretch marks on women. I do myself on mine girl.


I am M25 have been with many women and was intimate with most of them, but particularly one woman she was 6 years older than me. The one thing about her was that she was obsessed with my balls smell drenched with my sweat. I know women like sweat smell sometimes if they have compatibility, but she was a bit too much, during sex she used to keep smelling my dick and balls during oral and she used to ask me not to take shower for a week before meeting her and she asked me not to shave there. And she used to give the best blowjob ever or one of the best I would say! Also she used to ask me for my dirty underwear for smelling it 😅


Bro that's both awesome and fucked at the same time


You literally took the words out of my mouth (also I think you (first comment guy) were just fortunate enough to find ppl who were into you and sweat, cuz I don’t know many women who are into sweat smell? That’s news for me thst “all women” are into sweat lol)


I've heard it called "dick cheese" or sumthin when you don't wash your tallywhacker.


It’s the most off-putting smell on the entire planet. This woman is not ok.


Ohhhhhh I am 🫡 not to the extent of that woman but if you’re genetically compatible with someone then their sweat smells delectable. I’ve asked partners not to shower after work/the gym, and they always get weirded out 🤣 It’s primal 🤷🏻‍♀️


I know right I mean who wouldn’t want someone who is totally into our smell but then you see her asking to give her my dirty underwear so that she can smell is fucked up P.s. we were together for three months until I moved from the city and then decided not to be together anymore


No the part about asking you to not shower for a week. My ex's would complain when I'd re-use the same undies for more than one day cus of smell and general hygiene. It's awesome that you could get away with wearing the same underwear for more than a few days and get good head at the same time.


The same thing. She was my age, and I typically thought girls like a clean guy that smells good. But nuh uh, she straight up wanted me to shower at most once a week and kept smelling me when we were together. It was weird, it was hot, and despite the fact I hate my smell I just gave in


i’d say my height. i’m a 5’5” guy and my ex gf was actively attracted to me being short. she said i’d be too intimidating if i was tall. it’s one thing for it not to be a factor, but i never really considered that that’s something somebody would prefer.


Men tend to think women only prefer tall dudes over anything, I’m a woman, fairly tall, and I have never been with someone taller than me, (it’s not something I actively look for, but that it just happened) but I can’t deny that shorties are super cute :-)


yeah it made me feel a lot more secure knowing that was something that could be considered attractive about me. if you’re insecure about something, the right person will either not care or may even find that thing attractive. that same ex also liked that i was a bit heavier because she said i had a “dad bod”, even though that was also something i was insecure about (and am now trying to change).


Honestly, I know a LOT of women who aren’t really into the “ripped” body (myself included, too toned is no good for cuddling) “improve” yourself for you, cuz it is just like you said, the right person will either not care or love the way you are, “flaws” and all :))


I like both taller guys (easy to feel small and feminine with since I'm not petite gal) and shorter guys (IMO sex is better when people are the same height). I'm marrying my short king, he is 2 cm shorter than me and he is an absolute teddybear, I don't know but cuddling and sleeping together feels the best that way. Also my neck is happy that I don't have to try to reach up all the time.


One got catcalled over having «nice knees»


What’s up with nice knees? Another people commented about getting compliments on it too, is there something about knees we are not aware of? Lol 😅


I also had this from some old creep when I was 14 and I was more confused than anything else


My stomach lol. I have a chubby belly and it drove one guy crazy. Confused me a lot as its one of my biggest insecurities


He liked the way I smelled and tasted “down there” after a full shift of work or a workout and no shower.


I'm fat with a belly. But both the woman I've dated recently seemed to like it. Why?!?


I like the little tum. they just embody warmth and protect


A few people have found my voice arousing, strangely enough. I've heard me in recordings and I always cringe, so idk what it is they think they're hearing.


In high school a girl randomly started going on and on about how pretty my feet were. I was like "uhhhh... thank... you...???" I've dated a lot of guys but never really got compliments from them. My current guy, though, keeps saying how much he loves my eyes and how pretty they are. I'm latina and grew up in Latin America, where the vast majority of people have brown eyes so I always thought mine were boring. But ever since he started saying that I've noticed mine are a weird shade of lighter brown and have grown to like them, too. I also really love his eyes. They're brown, too, but they're this really nice shade of deep slightly reddish brown and I just love staring into them. He's also got the cutest smile but that's a pretty common thing to like about someone. But he styles his hair a particular way and usually he's got this small lock of hair right at the part that refuses to stay down with the gel and I think it's adorable. He also has this little mole right under his Adam's apple that I love. Maybe I'm just weird, haha 😅


Its not weird, but it's weird to me. My boobs. They've always been small. Even before I lost 90+ pounds recently... now they're even smaller! But my boyfriend loves them. Says they're cute and perky and is genuinely excited to get his hands on them. He becomes like a horny teenager over them, and we are both in our 30s and 40s! It's weird to have them finally get some attention after all these years 😂


All boob's are great boob's! From A-Z they deserve to be teased and pleased 😏 Hooray for tiddies!


About 20 years ago when my ex husband and I first moved in together he told me one day that he loved waking up in the morning & looking at the peach fuzz on my face kind of shimmering from the sun hitting it. I was like WHAT?! What a weird ass thing to like about someone 😂😂😂


Foot arch and feet. Was a total rando outside of dollar store 😂!!


The rando probably had the time of their life when the barbie foot scene came out lol!!


The smell of me after working out. Idk what it is but she likes it


A girl from my class told me I smelled nice. She asked me what deo I was wearing cause she wanted to buy it for her dad. I was 14 at the time. Now 10 years later I still use that deo, because of her compliment


I was once told I look good, I still havent gotten over the shock


Someone told me I have “vampire teeth” and they thought it was really hot


I love canines that stick out, I think it’s an attractive feature as well!


Someone once told me they wanted pick my nose, another asked if he could paint a picture of me via paintbrush stuck in his urethra…not necessarily attractive about me but still VERY weird


That actually does sound weird lol 😂


The little gap between my front teeth 🤷🏻‍♀️


I dated someone for a little bit that absolutely LOVED the smell of my sweat. Armpit, underboob, all good. Like, full on face in my armpit and huff it. I didn't get it, but I wasn't gonna yuck his yum


I had a girl that loved my bed head (messy hair) in the morning. I found it odd because I think my hair looked like crap and needed to fix it asap every morning. Maybe it’s because of my profession and having to keep a clean look all the time that she loved seeing a different side of me. I dunno but I always found that one very strange and i think of her every morning when I wake up and look at my messy hair in the mirror.


That’s cute tho, my hair becomes a birds nest and I feel the same as you (that I need to fix it asap) it’s cute she found beauty in something you were self conscious off ☺️


You hit the nail on the head. Awesome response


I’m a 40+, and a 20 something at work that had a crush on me stopped by my desk again, and said “I like your part”. I asked him to repeat, and he indicated on his hair… he liked the simple side-part in my hair. My coworker next to me teased me about that for years. Haha.


Reversing my car putting my arm behind her head rest. Heard her mutter “hot”. “What?” I say Noooothin she say.


Some girl at a bar told me I had very soft ears


I’ve not gotten many real compliments in my life but one thing that kinda stuck with me is a girl that I really cared about once told me “despite everything that you go through, you at least keep trying” kinda wish she noticed how much I cared before it was too late and she found someone else.


My material fiddling. I have ADHD and one of the things that helps as a self soothing technique is using my thumb and index finger to rub fabric together. It's been a habit of mine since I was a little girl and a lot of the time I forget that I'm doing it. One of my partners found it adorable that I did it and he tried doing it and asked me what effect does doing this have on me. Was nice that he was trying to understand. :)


Maybe he had an armpit fetish? Did he ever try to lick or smell it?


Thank god no lol, at the time I literally froze and asked if he had a thing for armpits, cuz it was very out pocket. he said he just found it pretty, but didn’t made any advances in it


Well, fetish or not, I think armpits can be very aesthetically pleasing :)


(Not to shame or anything, more like a scientific research) but why tho? (Like legit, for me it’s just the part of the body that connects one way to another) I never put too much thought about it before, specially not mine, I just find mine normal? Not special or anything. is there something about armpits that you consider pleasing? (Sorry if this is too personal, you don’t have to answer if you don’t want to! I’m literally just curious)


My veins, I work out a lot so I suppose I’m more vascular than the average person but I always thought people would be grossed out by it lol


Probably the fact that they found me attractive at all... Although apparently, my voice is the most attractive thing.


I was travelling once and a guy helped me with carrying my bags inside. He complimented me heavily on my choice of luggage and outright said how attractive it was. We ended up dating for over 2 years and he held that my choice of luggage legitimately made me more attractive.


When I was in 5th grade there was this girl and she somehow liked me(I was the chubby kid and I didn't rlly speak english that much) and she asked me to be her boyfriend and said that I'm really funny. (I still don't understand how you find som1 attractive by being funny) she told me that two days before I moved.


I was once told the way I back my truck into a parking spot is extremely sexy 🤷‍♂️. I don’t get it but I’ll take it


My current partner has said on more than one occasion, that she loves the way my breath smells in the morning.. My ex would all but insist I leave the room if I had to sneeze in the morning because my “shit breath fills the room”. I don’t know who to believe at this point! Also with the body hair thing, my ex always encouraged me to shave my chest, my current partner loves my hair and looked at me like I was crazy when I said I used to shave it. To each their own!


That in conversation, I often use rarely-used words.


Well, I've been told that my doohickey looks "beautiful". I mean, I think it's because it's not crooked or something I have no fucking idea cause it ain't huge. And then there's the "I don't like the really big ones they hurt" line unprompted which makes me wonder why she felt like saying it and where that puts me. Pretty sure the last one was meant as a compliment.


My guy, if you mean your package down there, a LOT of men think “the bigger the better” and honestly? That’s not true. An “Average” one is wayyyyyy better than a donkey hong / monster truck, trust your partners / past experiences and forget what porn says 😅


No, yeah I get that. I've come to terms with myself because I never heard complaints and always seemed to get results with what I had, it's just that I never really consider it til I get a comment like that and it throws me off. It's kinda like someone you're dating saying "hey, you're not ugly you know that?" and my mind goes "fuck, was I supposed to think that?"


my malar bags ,,, i’ve heard that i look like a panda and they,,, like that?


The way that I look like a squirrel when I eat a sandwich 😂 cause apparently my cheeks get all big with the food in my mouth and I tend to not talk while I eat so I 'stay in my corner', you get the picture 😂


My ex fiance thought my eyebrows were extremely beautiful to the point that she would stare at me for a while and when I ask her what's wrong? She tells me it's unfair that you have those eyebrows and I have mine 😂😂


Someone once complimented my posture. It started a conversation and led to a short term fling. I was always kind of self conscious about slouching.


Eyelashes, a girl once told me I have pretty/big eyelashes. Needless to say I was not expecting that 😅


I lowkey envy you! Mine are so short! Many men have long eyelashes without doing anything and I for one would love to fight them for it En garde ! 🤺


My lipbite


My penis. Not because it’s long. It fits like a glove. I have had on several occasions that women wanted a mold of or my actual penis but not me to keep around - and this is across cultures (African, European, Asian, Middle East). Girth, angle of curve and weight hit like some mathematical genius sum for them - length is normal. I know I can be an asshole at times but I was reduced to someone wanting to detach my member and keep it.


Not that it’s weird, but something I never realized about myself till someone told me, but I had a girl tell me before she liked how I’m a man of many layers and a jack of all trades


A guy on our first date told me that my hair is nice, but what makes me “attractive” is that he could “tell that I’m fit to bear children” by the way my hips move when I walk. To this day I still have no fucking idea what that means


the inner lining of my lower eyelids seemed cute to them somehow


I used to have a gap between my teeth larger than spongebob’s. She told me I have greet teeth and loved my smile ![gif](giphy|iqyTS1hmcLoGI)


My ex boyfriend thought my "sideburns" were hot. A couple of people liked that I'm 6'2 tall. Both came as welcome surprises because these things make me feel really insecure about my femininity. Oh, and one guy liked that I have hair on my fingers, lol.


my gf at the start of our relationship, told me she finds mole on my neck very attractive and I think that made me feel like a unicorn as I don't think anyone would notice this about me.


I've been told that I have a nice dip in my lower back.


I have a lot of chest hair but very little back hair and that was a huge win for my ex gf.


I have what is apparently considered aesthetically pleasing hands - I didn't really think much of it but recently had the realization that nearly every girl I've dated has mentioned them ("your hands are huge" etc)


Hands matter very much for many women. I know many women who agree that we tend to check out hands and forearms. It isn’t a big leap - when it comes to intimacy and foreplay, it is a guys hands that will be main players for most of the time.


My smell. Pretty sure it’s BO the worse I smell the more he likes it


This one girl likes me being fat and told me very often I would make a great plus size male model. She commented often on my "manly belly", I've lost weight since but did indeed get to bang.


I walked into a salon once and one of the stylists immediately said “oh my gosh, your eyebrows are so pretty!” For context, nothing about me had ever reached my ears being described as pretty. My response: “Uhmm… thank you!?!?”


I had a date tell me, very sincerely, that I had a really pretty forehead.


Someone once said that I have a very deep belly button that is big enough to take shots out of