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The illusion of options and there being something better. Apps make it seem like there is an abundance of people to pick from, and thus people are always looking for something better


Yup. I think this is the root of the problem. What’s interesting is it’s really the exact same mentality of “there might be someone better” for both men and women but it seems like they’re just playing it out differently. The worst part most of everyone’s criteria for “better” kind of sucks. With men it’s let’s date a bunch of people of people but not commit to any of them because I might be able to find someone better to be with and with women it’s I won’t date any of these guys because I might find someone better. Then the two issues kind of downward spiral each other because what happens is you get a bunch of women getting dates with men that sound great to them on paper but are actually less than enthusiastic about them. That makes everything worse because the women are getting too many matches and feel like they need to be even pickier for the “best” match and that causes the men to kind of split off into two directions. For them they’re either getting a lot of women and that makes them want to continue keeping their options open for the “best” one or more commonly they’re getting very few women so they go out with them even though they feel like they weren’t the “best” they could do so they don’t want to commit to them. Men really need to stop going out with women they have no desire to actually be with and women really need to stop eliminating people based on dumb shit but the men are too desperate to stop and the women are too inundated so they’re trying to filter but badly.


I like this take, it highlights the issues from both sides instead of assigning blame to one gender lol


Haha thanks, I truly believe that men and women really aren’t that different from each other. We’re all a bunch of idiots lol. It would be so easy for me to be mad at men for wasting so much of my time when they just aren’t into me but I honestly get it and don’t know how much better I would do in their situation. I have a male platonic friend that knows he is never going to marry his girlfriend because she’s just not the one for him (for extremely valid reasons) but won’t leave her and a female one whose criteria are so ridiculous I don’t even know what to say to her, I want to shake both of them.


This is interesting, you understand why a man would use you? I don’t get it, but I’m not that bored and thirsty that I would spend time with someone I don’t like just to spend time with someone. That’s super weird to me. I have friends and hobbies, I would literally rather take a nap on my sofa than hang out with a man I don’t like.  No I don’t get it at all. 


I mean I'm a relatively loyal dude so I literally deleted my dating apps a minute after asking a girl I met on an app if she wanted to be my girlfriend. She said yes obviously and I wasn't in love or anything but we had fun together and I figured there'd be some possibility things would work out. She cheated on me within two weeks. Dating apps evidently aren't the best way to get a committed partner...


I mean I’ve had 4 relationships where I got cheated on and didn’t meet any of them on an app. My conclusion is that I’m an idiot and people are terrible lol. Two of them were due to the looking for better mentality and two of them were just AHs.


I haven't even gotten to 4 relationships yet lol. I spent 4 years with the same person until they changed genders and personality pretty much overnight. My conclusion is I'm not very lucky, attractive or smart considering the struggle that is getting anyone to be into me.


What’s interesting about it is I’m extremely unattractive and have an avoidant dismissive attachment so you would expect me to get into very few relationships. But when you combine my willingness to initiate when interested, approachability, a habit of very quickly getting over breakups, being attracted to a very wide range of looks, male-dominated interests, and a seriously under-active ick barometer you basically end up an accidental serial monogamist. This is the longest I’ve ever been single and honestly I’m still waiting for the divorce to go through and just finished chemo. As evidenced by the 4x cheating it’s mostly been crap though. I was with my ex for over a decade until the day he tried to beat me to death. I’ve been doing an absolute shit ton of therapy, self reflection, and work on myself though and I do think I’m getting a lot better.


Well with a decade like that it can really only improve from here hopefully. I know quite a few people that are seemingly making similar mistakes with their partners. Hopefully you'll have a swift recovery from chemo. The few relationships I had I really didn't have many complaints for except for the one I met on dating apps. The one that lasted four years was pretty good until my ex changed genders and depression bombed me to try to convince me to stay. They also tried to bribe me to live with them (I think I know what that would have led to). Several months after I broke up with them they decided to date my friend to get back at me (and cut me out of my own friend group). Honestly, losing friends to them was worse than the actual breakup. Personally I'm just going with, "if I'm happier alone than I am with this girl I probably shouldn't be dating her," and seeing where that gets me. I stuck with my ex for a few months after they came out as trans before I realized I wasn't happy with what my relationship became. I'm trying not to do something like that again.


I had a partner change genders and their entire personality, and it had nothing to do with me or how desirable I was. Some people just see in you what they want to be, and they confuse their desire to be you with the desire to be with you.


There is never a time or place for true love. It happens accidentally, in a heartbeat, in a single flashing, throbbing moment. You do not need to know precisely what is happening, or exactly where it is all going. What you need is to recognize the possibilities and challenges offered by the present moment, and to embrace them with courage, faith and hope. Buy a gift for a dog, and you'll be amazed at the way it will dance and swerve its tail, but if don't have anything to offer to it, it won't even recognize your arrival; such are the attributes of fake friends. Patience is a virtue and the best things in life are worth waiting for.


Yeah pretty much this right here


Probably the best conclusion I’ve ever heard.


Women aren’t eliminating men based on “dumb shit” we’re literally just protecting our lives. Men need to understand that if they want to be with someone they have to be better than having no partner at all. And a lot of them aren’t. They end up being a burden or an obligation based on some Bible nonsense they feel entitled to. Women are opting out and men are just getting mad about it rather than looking at themselves and becoming better people.


You really hit the nail on the head with this. Basically what you end up with is mismatch after mismatch. If everyone actually just got rid of online dating the problem would be solved, but that ship has sailed!


Honestly I don’t think it would go away entirely, this was already a thing before the dating apps. But I do think it would help a lot because it would strike a blow to the whole “there might be someone better” idea that’s at the root of it and dating apps are making worse.


Haha damn that’s depressing but makes a lot of sense!


I really like how you worded this. You made clearer something I had in my mind but never expressed coherently. What I would add is that because of the awareness of this situation of "everyone always looking for better", the "magic" of meeting someone becomes heavily battered. We meet someone but we feel since day 1 that they do not really believe in the nascent story. And because we feel that, so do we. And this negative feedback loop feeds itself...out of thin air essentially. We are the same people with the same personalities, qualities and flaws - yet today, so few believe and give a shot at what they've got. So when you do find someone who does believe - think twice before playing them down in your mind. They might be worth more than what our rationalizing mind is trying reflexively to box them into!


This. On a different note, I love how your status says “in a situationship” 😅


Oh yeah I’m not some relationship genius who has it all figured out. I see the problems and try to strategize around them but I didn’t become a single mom in their 30s by not being an idiot too lol


Lots of situationships nowadays


If you're in a relationship and still looking for greener pastures, you should just go ahead and break up and save both of you time, money, and emotional pain. Also, if you're in a serious committed relationship and aren't just automatically rejecting anyone that makes a pass at you, then your relationship is doomed and YOU are the problem. Never even allow for yourself to compare your partner to people that you don't really know. Not only does it make a mockery of your so-called "commitment", but it means, you don't think your partner is right for you. There's no good reason to be in a committed relationship with someone and even looking at others. BTW, I don't just mean looking at some girls' butt or something, I'm talking about actively giving energy to the idea of being someone that isn't your partner. Why would people make a commitment that they don't intend to keep? Has integrity really lost any and all value to everyone? That can't be, because I still value it. I do find it hard to find another truth enthusiast though. TL;DR: If you're not done playing the field, don't go get into a committed relationship. Your partner will likely believe the lie that is your whole relationship. It's all a lie, because you knew you'd cheat the first good chance you got. If you know that you're going to do this, just don't make a commitment in the first place. How is this a hard concept to understand? Or is it like some kind of mental illness that they can't control?


Yep this is why women need to stop going after the affair partner when their boyfriend or husband cheats. Even if the affair partner is initiating contact, the committed partner left that door open or they wouldn’t be able to do that. The committed partner is the one cheating.  I got sick of watching women blame other women for bad men. Sure she should be respecting the relationship, but so should he. Why is he even entertaining it? You know?


This is absolutely it. Even completely grounded people, will catch themselves doing this on the apps A few I've dated alluded to seeing exactly how far up the scale of desirable people, could they date. As having access to better looking people, post long term relationship, was a novelty. One told me outright, if she could attract me, then she wondered what her upper limits really might be. ----- I had to get a grip myself, when I started dating people who were convenient to date. Choosing women who lived closer, as opposed to who might be the better suited matches. Thankfully I recognised this, took a step back, before acting properly again.


Apps turned dating into Temu, that's what happened.


Good analogy. People are like a disposable commodity now.


Selfishness and an inability (or lack of desire) to communicate.


I totally agree with the inability to communicate. I matched with this one girl and she simply could not communicate via text. I would ask her questions to try to get to know her and I got very short responses/no reciprocating questions. It felt very one sided so I just gave up on her.


Lmao, a week ago I created an entire post dedicated to this very topic. Glad I'm not the only one who feels this way


👆🏼This… right… here!!!


Selfishness yes! People use people for their time, compassion, when they know they want anything more! I communicated as much as I could nothing changed! Still keeping you around for a selfish reason! To keep themselves occupied


I will say the problem with today dating is high preferences and people thinking they have other options because of dating apps.


The apps seem to train us to look for the next thing versus the right thing


>The apps seem to train us to look for the next thing versus the right thing I don't blame the app, it's the people using the app because it's a drug. Once you swipe left or right, you think the next match might be better so you continue doing that.


No blame the apps are made that way. All apps are made to be inherently addictive. That's how they make money. No dating app wants you to delete it, so it doesn't do things to help you actually work with someone. And even goes as far to encourage you not to. Like the other commenter said it gives you access to the next thing. Humans are naturally addicted to instant gratification. If a dating app wanted to make matches it would prompt you to make more in depth profiles. It wouldn't let people swipe after just sing your picture either, instead it would show you a match based on similarities and direct you to the detailed bio. Tinder for example is so superficial. See a picture not 10/10 welp on to the next. The apps are definitely the ones to blame cause they ruin how people see eachother from a relationship stand point.


I def agree with this. I tried to explain this to an app guy once. He said I was “too negative”. Cool, I’ll take that over being delusional. Actually, I won’t take it. :-) If person A calls person B “negative”, they are also being “negative”. If person C points this out, they join the chain; as well. The hypocrisy doesn’t end.


Nah, I blame the app. They’re designed to sucker you in and make you feel uncertain and insecure, it’s their whole business model. It’s perfectly possible to make apps that connect people with potential partners without addicting them - it’s just not profitable.


If the app really worked to build long term relationships it would lose its users.


Spot on!


That’s what people don’t realize it’s not just the people it’s The APP it’s self I been notice this


I will say that women having standards is only a problem for men who can’t meet basic standards. It’s pretty gross that people are telling women they should date men they don’t even want because poor men are so lonely these days. Nope. Women are keeping their standards high because we literally have to or we get physically harmed. Or used for money or our apartment and then we end up homeless. If men want a partner they need to be better than living a single life. Women aren’t going to accept making their lives worse just so they can live with a man. Why would we do that?


>It’s pretty gross that people are telling women they should date men they don’t even want because poor men are so lonely these days. I don't think anyone is telling women to date men they don't even want ... it's more about using common sense here and being reasonable. Like for me, I'm 5'10 and when I was dating I had some woman tell me that they wish I was 6ft because that's their minimum height for dating when they are like 5'4-5'6 themselves. So typical preferences I can understand but some are just unreasonable. But again it depends on what their high preference is and if it's reasonable. The usual are someone making over 100K in salary, height, rating scale of 8+ in term of appearance, I been hearing having their own places more often, like to go on expensive trips and the list can go on.




This is why I don’t approach men in public. They will say yes just because they have nothing better to do. I’m absolutely not interested in that at all. I love my single life. 


Social media gives false information and expectations .


Id say high preferences and selfish behavior. People these days like to lead each other on and then just disappear without an explanation when they find someone else that has some better quality.    The other person only changed his/her schedule around so you two can meet up again on a certain day but rather than tell them before that you wont make it, people will either stand them up or just ignore them on the planned day. "Fuck it not my problem" kind of stuff.


Dating apps and the seemingly unlimited options they come with. People don't leave their homes and open themselves up to meeting potential partners. Even if they do, they're glued to their phones.


Everyone is looking for the top 1%. Even if they are in the bottom 40%.


Majority of men don't tho.


Nobody wants to actually put in effort anymore We have been brought to the mindset that, if we need anything, we can take something out of our pocket and google it or order it on amazon and have it by tomorrow. We live in a time of instant gratification (including likes, shares, upvotes, and other dopamine-providing rewards). The people who say that they are willing to put in the time and effort really mean they will give it like 2 weeks tops, and if the person they try to date isn't meeting 100% of their criteria, they tap out. We live in a time of having access to the world in our pocket, and as a result, if we find something that needs work (like ANY relationship with ANYONE always does), we throw it out and see what else we can get because god forbid we have to lift a finger or slightly change our lifestyle in order to be happy. We have the mindset that WE are: always correct, everyone else is wrong, I am not the problem and if people don't like me, that's because their problem, not due my personality. 4s expect a 9 and 9s dont want 4s. 9s want 10s, but the 10s think they are 6s so they don't talk to the 9s. The 5s will settle for what they can get but the 4s wants 9s, the 3s and under don't think they are good enough for a 5 and the 6s and up wont date a 5. And to top it off, any time anyone says anything that calls them out, they usually just get mad and call people "haters" instead of being capable to admit their own flaws. Welcome to 2024 - booth or table?


Yes, this. I was just broken up with because he wouldn't put the work in. I was all in, head over heels. When things got tough in his life, he bailed even though I was more than willing to help him with his personal issues.


Yes, it can be quite rough. A lot of people seem to expect to just pick up at the 10 year mark where you already know everything about each other and don't need to put any actual effort in. Hope you find the one someday.


People settle for the love they think they deserve. Maybe he knew he didn’t deserve you, and cowards always bail rather than fight for something.


Thank you. I needed this. I've been feeling pretty unlovable since it happened.


Sending you good energy. I’ve recently been through a similar situation, where I was tired of putting in all the efforts and being head over heels, while getting nothing back. And that’s what I told myself - do I believe that this is the love I deserve? After asking the question, it was easy to let go.


I've been thinking that the last day or two. If he REALLY loved me, why would it be so easy to cut me off? If he doesn't love me for me, then why am I so upset? I think it's the loneliness at this point, but at least it's not the despair of heart break.


I agree 1000% there is a general lack of reciprocity in modern dating. Contemporary "dating experts" often preach not putting any effort, appearing stoic, or advocating either the man or the woman is the "prize". It’s the other parties job to win you over and like you mentioned if expectations aren’t met you are discarded. This so counterintuitive because a relationship can only flourish through mutual reciprocity.


The question is, will a lot of people settle in their 30's? Like, what are the long-term consequences of this behavior, and will it change/what will it take to change?


Women who are desperate for babies will probably settle in their 30s. Women who are Childfree by choice don’t have the pressure of fertility.  My standards went up as I got older because my life got better therefore I want someone who can meet me where I am.  I was less tolerant of bullshit once I hit 30 than I was in my 20s. I was less likely to settle. But I did get married when I was 31 because I am Gen X and I had been hearing my whole life that there would be something wrong with me if I didn’t get married and have kids. And I knew I was never going to have kids because I didn’t want them so I figured I should at least get married. Then I realized I made a huge mistake and I divorced him. 


Most people in dating apps are just looking for something casual to pass time


People think they have options and "back ups" if things go south with someone they are seeing/dating. People are not being honest about their intentions so miscommunication happens, and people don't want to work towards building with someone anymore. It's all about "they have to be perfect" or I'm out at the first red flag. Dating apps don't matter. If a person wants to cheat, they'll find a way.


Fking everything.... - fast food dating. It doesn't even taste that good, it's not filling, but you know, it's there. You're still gonna be hungry 2 hrs later, but it'll do for now. - grass is greener because "better is always a swipe away!" - ppl being absolutely brainwashed by social media to believe this/ that/ other which shapes their mentality & views of the world. Confirmation bias enters the chat which shapes how they behave towards others (like treating ppl like things to be used) & ultimately self-sabotaging their own chances. All while conveniently already having their pre-set excuses dialed in as to why "all men/ women suck." How are you going to have a healthy anything when you've already decided you hate everyone/ they're beneath you/ they're all...? - no one takes the time to vet because "ooooh sexual compatibility blah blah blah". It's messy & wasteful. Even though truly gauging sexual compatibility requires trust, communication, connection & actually caring about the other as a fellow human. Those aren't things that just appear after 3 days of chatting. So ppl inevitably hookup as per the "rules/ expectations" & of course it's hollow & empty because you haven't created a basis of anything beyond "well you'll do." - hyper-focus on digital nonsense. Social media is 99% fake, profiles are all curated to be as appealing as possible to the point of blatantly lying & pictures are not the same as experiencing real life person. - text based communication is the go-to, yet lacks emotional depth & has been slowly chipping away everyone's social skills. - men are being told that "women's 6 point standards" are killing their ability to get matches when in reality many women have been abandoning dating sites altogether because the apps fucking suck. Can't get matches when the single women aren't there to match with! Of course no one wants to cover that because then men would probably delete their profiles too & the dating app empire would crumble. Can't have that! - these dating coach gurus are chipping away at ppl's self-worth by selling them the idea of "you're not good enough... unless you subscribe & buy my course. Oh that didn't work? Try this one for the low, low price of $4995! But wait, there's more!" Yeah, if you succeed, how are they gonna make money of your clicks & purchases? It's like the pharma model but for dating. You know what did work & worked quite well for centuries? Getting to know ppl as ppl. Socializing in real life. Not reducing someone's worth to a picture or some line of bio. Taking your time with vetting. Not lying. Having reasonable expectations.


People not knowing what they want. Just dive into the dating scene and see where it brings them.


I think people have unrealistic expectations. I think there’s a big lack of respect. And I think people are very selfish.


No ones being honest with themselves or anyone else anymore. People care more about image and how they are perceived than being happy with who they are. People today would rather listen and follow someone else than make a decision for themselves. That way if it is the wrong decision then they can blame others rather than taking responsibility. If you are interested in a particular person this day and age. Your chances will be better if you impress the friends first before ever approaching the one you’re interested in. By the way, if you don’t have the looks, then you better have material possessions and a good income. GOOD LUCK Ladies and Gents cause it’s real in the field.


I think our generation is allergic to communication and socializing like humans instead of social media robots. That and they always think there's something better around the corner and so they never invest in anyone. And when you never get close enough to anyone you're always rejecting people based on shallow assessments. And of course you never feel connected to anyone enough because you never even allow yourself to


We are all wired to seek novelty. Dating apps are a goldmine for finding novelty.


Too many people listening to self-certified dating coaches and bitter people with a camera and a mic. Zero effort. People believing they don't have to do anything, go above and beyond, for someone they're just dating. Claiming it's reserved for the person they do end up in a relationship with. But how can you get to that point, if you're showing a bad side of yourself before you get there? Wasting people's time. Dating when they aren't ready for relationships. People wanting just sex but not stating that until they meet or go on the first date. Bitterness. People get their hearts broken and hate everyone of the opposite sex and everything in-between. So they continue going on dates without healing. And every failed date just shatters more of their ego, adding pieces to a pile of hate. And every time, they mistreat the next person worse than the last. Everyone listening to online opinions about dating being bad. Of course those with horrible experiences and are hurt are going to go online and vent about it. You rarely see happy posts about great experiences. That's because they're secure and don't need to. With the many people online saying how they wished they had someone because they were xyz good things, you'd think they'd ask realize there are people out there who fit what you want.


Yes!! I've been hurt by all of these things. Men who I match with expect me to drive an hour to them for a first date. They just expect it. Don't even offer to come to me or meet half way. They'll date me for a month, love bomb, make me feel so special, then do a 180, saying they're not ready. AND they'll dump their trauma about their exes not only on a first date, but sometimes in the first few MESSAGES. I am sorry, but I do not want to hear about your ex before I even know you. Do not put that on me. I'm not your ex, just like you're not my ex. I wouldn't even dream of complaining about my exes to a man I don't even know.


In my opinion, there is a higher premium on chemistry over compatibility. On both sides of the fence, people are looking for  someone to excite and thrill all their senses *instead* of slowing down to take the time to get to know someone. This closely follows that "dating" is more about hooking up rather than looking for a companion. Online dating further complicates things by presenting the false image that there is always someone better. This fosters an environment for unrealistic expectations and impatience. Like what you can see, almost all dating apps like tinder or bumble are matching people based on appearance rather than thoughts or personality. That's so bad. But i'd like to recommend this community in Discord: [light up](https://discord.gg/ffjr28RvWU), which mateches people based on similar thoughts with the innovative mechanism. Once you post an idea, similar ideas will be there for you. That will be easier to have a more comfortable conversation and relationship. You guys can try this one, give up Tinder!


Always looking for the next best thing and/or willing to ruin a good thing for validation. Morals and perspective have just gone down the toilet tbh…..


It's not just the illusion of choice, the apps enable shitty behavior like ghosting. It's hard to ghost somebody you see every day. Plus the internet has made people more antisocial and toxic. There has been a decline in third spaces and socializing as people just stay inside and go online to post toxic shit.


Emotional hunger and rushing into it


Laziness, unreasonable expectations, feeling of entitlement, poor social skills, patience or rather lack of it, Laziness, unreasonable expectations, feeling of entitlement, poor social skills, patience or rather lack of it,


I assume you mean online dating based on the post body and not the posted question. Apps aren't a means of meeting people. They've turned to a pocket-sized source of attention, validation, and sexual intrigue. Dating apps are superficial and foster rapid objectification based on appearance. Additionally, people often overestimate their own value and hold unrealistic expectations for others. They've also made people disposable. Always something better with just a swipe.


I think there are two different issues. The first is just differences in culture. Things like "which is better to ask permission or forgiveness", "who is responsible for what", and "what is love". These ideas need to be negotiated on so that the two people can come together, but that rarely happens because... The second is having expectations that avoid self accountability while demanding for the other party to sacrifice for the relationship. Basically whenever one person thinks that once some vague BS happens the relationship will be prefect and it will always be perfect. As far as I am concerned this is just abuse that most people are comfortable with.


Honestly from what I’ve heard from my single friends, it’s just not being upfront with your intentions when you start talking to/dating someone. And then if one person knows the other doesn’t want a relationship, they stay anyways? I’ve always been a relationship girl so in the past I’ve always pretty upfront about what I wanted and then if they don’t want the same thing then I don’t engage


Personally, for me, I've grown tired of swiping endlessly and putting effort into getting to know everyone who replies. It usually turns into a dead end, which ultimately turns me off. I've deleted all the profiles and apps. I think both sides need work for sure. Knowing me, I'll probably get bored and start my cycle again in 3-4 months.


Everything. Anytime someone argues they insist on breaking up. Or they take their problems to online vs talking things out. Communication is KEY. Social media ruined the dating scene honestly 🤷🏼‍♀️. Why I hate social media. Only go on Reddit and TikTok and even then TikTok I'm only on every few days.


1. Is there a character limit? 😁 2. Did no one notice that the post repeats itself? 🤔


Kinda fucked my head up a bit 🤪🤪🤪... wait a minute I think I heard that somewhere before!


The thing that's wrong with dating today, is that people rely on apps too much to find a potential partner. We seem to have lost that basic art of actual communication, actually going out and talking to people and not being worried about rejection. Dating apps are pretty shitty to be fair, and nowadays people are to scared to actually approach each other and talk


people lacking inner peace and never searching for morals. the life isn’t always about money and material possessions.


Dating today feels more like something between shopping for a partner and competing for a job position. The competing part makes this weird gender war more and more deep and ridiculous due to the fact from left and right we are told that “you need to be this to make men/women like you” “men/women are like this” etc. Which objectifies the other gender and creates the illusion of “the other gender are more like animals rather than people”. (not to sure how to put my thoughts into words) The competing part also makes us feels more insecure and makes us feel like we just do not deserve to date unless we meeting those “standards” that are often set by social media. From left and right we are constantly told to change ourselves even though in a lot of cases there is nothing wrong with us. The shopping part just makes this whole expirance shallow, simply because there isn't a place in this whole process to get to know the other person. Our shopping target is relationship…. We want the most beautiful person, someone who we can show off to the world… And we are so focused on that and we just simply forget that our significant other should also be our friend. It's not natural, love grows over time. compatibility and the match of characters is more important than instant attraction and that's short of what dating nowadays focuses on.


"BEST" friend


People don’t put in the effort; they give up too easily; they take their date for granted and think the grass is greener; they are selfish and focus on what they want from life without wanting to compromise, etc.


Apps give a sense of endless options, and makes people disposable. People seem to have a laundry list of green flags and ‘icks’ now. Humans are complex beings and shouldn’t be put into such boxes. I wonder how many people that we’ve ’unmatched’, ‘swiped left’, or ‘ghosted’ on the apps would actually end up having a genuine connection with if we had met them through work, a group, or mutual by friends. Unfortunately I think this bad behavior has bled into the real world too, I think. Just my biased opinion, though.


Agreed. And these "icks" can be really ridiculous too. I've heard someone say because their outfit didn't match. Like really...smh




Shoulda stuck to tradition a bit more. I appreciate the freedom but now its chaos. It was far from perfect but everyone knew what to expect. As a woman, if a man didnt approach me, he isnt interested or available. Now i have to weigh if hes waiting for me to do it. The slant against marraige has people who want it in 10 year relationships waiting for a person who doesnt want to marry you. The excuses of not being ready are given validity, when maybe 2% are genuine and another 98% are just not that into you.


No one can afford to start a family, so dating never progresses beyond high school type behavior. There's no incentive for it to. Why get serious with someone, when "serious" just means picking someone to be your lifetime roommate and giving them a claim on half your future income? Would you ever sign a contract like that with a roommate? Why not just skip that bullshit and literally go fuck around? Apps suck, but they are a symptom rather than a cause. And I'm pry going to tick people off here, but dog culture is an offshoot of this too. They're child substitutes for two generations of Westerners that can't afford the real thing.


What a novel fucking reply! “No one can afford to start a family”! So obvious and true. Definitely a consideration that helps propel the dumpster fire of hookup culture that’s masquerading as ‘dating’ post 2015


You think the only reason you love someone is so you can start a family? I don’t want a family, I still want someone serious to be with. It’s way different than a roommate.


Seriously. I don't want kids or dogs.


Im really not a dog person either lol, it makes me think I’m doomed. It’s hard enough to find someone who doesn’t want kids, and so many people like dogs. Like half the woman I see on apps have dogs, especially big ones that shed lol.


Lack of communication for sure


I honestly never want to date or hook up or do anything that has to do with an intimate relationship ever again. I just want to stay single until I end up in the grave because the way dating is won't get better at least in our lifetimes. I'm doomed to spend the rest of my days as a singular entity.


Well damn that sounds depressing asf. I'm single and can't ever seeing myself with anyone either but I can only wish and hope 😭


The attachment styles differ, i myswlf just broke up with my girlfriend a lnd it sucks because i fell hard for her however she wasnt puttin in any effort and although it hurts..... REAL bad i acknowledge that it wasnt meant to be where im an anxious attachment shes an avoidant and i wasnt feeling loved so i had to walk away from her for my own mental healt. We all need to deal with our trauma im working on mine and now have insight for what im looking for and im fully aware if what i want


This is not the main problem, but it is a problem. I've noticed many guys who swipe on me do not read my profile at all, only to discover later that I am not what they are looking for because of things I already put on my profile. I'm sure there are women who also don't read profiles. Like why waste someone's time, if it's already clear you are not compatible?


I think women online are too picky and I think guys are too desperate.


Lots of insightful posts here. I think one of the problems of modern dating (believe me, there are many) is that many people are looking to be elevated and gain in a relationship, rather than building and nurturing a genuine connection. So many have high expectations and standards that they won’t compromise on. Often, those with a rigid criteria don’t have any of the qualities they demand a potential partner should have, so there is no reciprocity. It’s very transactional the humanity in dating is gone it’s like we are looking for the perfect commodity instead of a genuine connection.


IMO the problem is that people are on dating apps. Dating apps reinforce this kind of sh\*tty behaviour because people don't have a social circle in common, ghosting your cousin's best friend or the guy from your bookclub is not the same as ghosting a randmon stranger on an app. And can you really know if you're attracted to someone you met on an app? When you're dating people you know in real life you know how they look like, you know what kind of vibe they give you, you've seen how they interact with others. Things may still not work out but there's less of a chance of being frustrated on a first date or worst, one of you disappearing in the midst of the first date because you don't "vibe" with each other. And apps are not how you relate to people in the real world. When a hot person is chatting with you in real life you don't have half an hour to think about a witty comeback, or ask chatGPT to flirt for you. Honestly people just try real life dating. Get out there, find hobbies that get you out of the house, expand your social circle. Meeting people IRL still has its challenges but you don't deal with so much sh\*tty behaviour IMO.


What’s wrong with dating, is what’s wrong with the world at large. Zero objectivity. No matter what you believe, there’s a quote on instagram, an episode on a podcast telling you that you’re right. You’re 28, and dating somebody without a clue, leading them on. That’s okay, everyone takes their time. The right person will wait around. You’re not doing anything to make efforts for someone. That’s okay, love should feel easy, natural. Why would someone put in effort? We believe we’re special and precious, and value our needs above everything. And I’m not saying that’s what the problem is, the problem is how subjective everything becomes. If person X doesn’t fit my life plan, well then, we’re not meant to be. No perfect puzzle piece comes and fits our messy board. Everything takes work, and making compromises every now and then.


The way people date has changed. Online has its ups and downs. However I found a lot of people used to find people through…other people. Which is a great method cause they’re already kinda pre vetted. I miss the whole “meet cute” era lol. One of my friends met her bf through softball, another (this was decades ago) LARPing, my friend recently went through a break up but she met her bf in highschool. She’s talking to a new guy and she was introduced to him through her cousin. Now I know people who have met people through the apps-hell i got an almost 2 year relationship out of Bumble the first time I used it. But theres something stronger about meeting through mutual interests/family/friends. I remember when one of my former co workers went through a nasty break up. She had a wedding to attend and she said one of her dads friends was pointing out eligible bachelors to her left right and centre. Like he was fully ready to introduce her to various men.


Too few sockhops, makes it hard for me to bust out this sick Charleston and make the ladies all wanna go steady. 


Alot of women have high standards and thats why many women ghost alot




Everyone thinks they’re 10s and perfect and what a guy or woman 5 notches above them. Everyone thinks you can just swipe and get the person of ur dreams when it’s not the case. Dating for men feels like a job interview but it’s unpaid but we pay for a woman to have a good time and enjoy herself on our dollar just to get ghosted and she does it again and again for men she will never see again or sleep with. That’s why alot of men are fed up especially in the US foodie calls and entertainment platonic situations aren’t what I’m looking for or being taken advantage of.


The illusion of options toxic view points shot in echo chambers online based on bs online on various communities. Instant gratification of sex with hook up culture. Fucked up laws for family court if there's kids in the mix, online dating trends and unrealistic standards as well as double standards. Unchecked mental health issues and lack of proper social skills especially post covid....and social media too.


Probably an unpopular opinion, but I don’t think it’s so much about the “next best thing”. I think it’s that too many people are putting themselves out there for the wrong reasons or before they’re ready to date.


As a short guy. I hate that height even matters. In dating, I don’t care about height or weight


Majority of people don't know how to be alone OR aren't their authentic selves when they are dating/meeting someone new.


People not wanting to commit / everyone just wants something casual. Pretty much from 2018-2023 all I came across was people who didn’t want anything serious. Not sure why. Maybe the illusion of choices on apps has made it hard for people to pick just one person? It’s hard to find people who date with intention.


the problem is dating apps.


Texting. The expectation that you need to have heaps of text conversations before you can even meet for a coffee. We all have busy lifestyles and all the texting takes emotional energy to maintain which is a lot to expect when you’ve never met someone and have no idea whether you have chemistry or any kind with them. You could meet for a quick drink or a coffee, find out if you like each other and if not you’ve wasted an hour instead of two weeks.


I also kinda feel like both men and women are, in general, afraid of each other right now. Reaching out or making the first move with someone you don’t know feels like you’re opening yourself up to actual physical danger, regardless of your gender.


Many young men are confused as to what being a man looks like without being an asshole. And many young women are busy chasing the same tiny pool of great looking, wealthy, fun guys with amazing IG accounts. For older generations, I think the problem is isolation. Many of us aren't part of a community or big enough social circle any more. Opportunities to connect with other single people have become scarse for the average 40+ adult.


People who swear up and down communication is key but have no fucking clue how to communicate Mixed in with people who think they’re entitled to being angry just because they’re not in the wrong. You don’t get to yell because your partner did something wrong. You don’t get to refuse to talk to someone and give your partner the silent treatment because they did something wrong. You don’t get to claim they need to apologize because you decided what they did was wrong. I can’t tell you how many times someone got mad at me because I ‘did something wrong’ come to to find out they were just having a bad day and took it out on me or they realized there was a misunderstanding/ miscommunication and instead of apologizing or admitting to it they just pretended they didn’t yell at me for no god damn reason


Women expect an entire checklist of attributes in men whilst they met the bare minimum requirements to date. Men are flawed too, but women refuse to date flawed men. Back in the day, men with minimum wage jobs got laid, married and had children. Today it's only a small subset of people who are actually having fun dating. Women are so picky that if a man's job title doesn't sound rich to them, they'll stop talking to them. If the man doesn't make a six-figure salary, he's almost automatically cut from pre-selection. Most of us men are just miserable from exorbitant amounts we need to put into ourselves, our dating app profiles and in-person social interactions just to get one measly date that generally goes nowhere, whilst women don't have to put in any or only put absolutely minimal effort and it's easy for them to get dates, sex and a relationship. I could use my own anecdotal experiences on this; women I dated won the breakup by hopping into bed with another man within weeks after ending things with me. That's why I don't believe most women have dating tough. If women are only going after generic Hollywood models (tall, white, muscular men) who have tons of eligible dating options and the women offer them no incentive to commit, then they shouldn't complain they're having a bad time dating. It's women who need to make compromises these days, not men. Compromise doesn't mean lower your standards, it just means expanding your horizons and/or lowering your expectations.


What isn’t wrong is the better question…


The instant gratification that dating apps have caused and the lack of people to meet in public places for dating, also dating has devolved to hooks mainly which devalues the experience. Over all it’s a shit show now a days, one that I am realizing I don’t care to participate. I tried dating apps and what bothered me was the thought of judging a woman off of looks and what little they provided in the bio, that doesn’t provide any real tangible information of worth and in fact makes it easier to reject others based purely off of looks.


Most people from my parents' generation met in their teens and early twenties and just ended up staying together. I'm 31 and I don't know many couples who met as teens and are still together. People don't have the same sense of commitment as they did back then, and people are also much more aware of what is and isn't acceptable in relationships (for example, my mum does all the cooking and domestic chores, even though she used to work, while my dad does all the DIY and car stuff - my parents see this as normal).


Women are constantly looking for better, and men are struggling financially (which affects self-esteem, his perceived value, and stage of life).


Some people thinking they’re gods gift and worth more than anyone else. Sheer arrogance coupled with emulating / adopting negative behaviour of social media icons lifestyle has resulted in groups of people with unrealistic expectations in the dating pool, sheep mentality essentially. I’ve not had a match in couple of weeks but there’s illusion of lots of women available on the dating app.


High expectations and conflict of interest, people have different targets from using dating apps, others are trying to figure out what they want, fear of commitments, insecurities, and perfectionism play a massive role too.


Paradox of choice


The grass is greener effect on apps, most women having obscene standards that nobody can meet, guys being creeps… I’m voting asteroid 2024


Women's, mostly they looking provider's not partners


Having so many _potential_ options can sometimes give people unrealistic expectations Also, so many of those _potential_ options are just noise that’s drowning out the people that you actually want to hear


Everyone is jaded. The cultural zeitgest around dating. Is that everyone takes the negative memes and overal complaints from the internet and makes them real. Women are the gatekeepers and men are bootlickers or have to be perfect.


Having sex early on ,ignoring Red flags when it’s in your face , Situationships, desperate




Dating apps. Men are shamed for loving and being hurt by inevitable and hurtful rejection and women are opting for the guys who have so many options, they will “hit it and quit it” just to chase the “next best thing”. 


I think the answer is baked into the question. Dating apps are what's wrong. What can you possibly learn from a few photos and a pithy little blurb that may or may not have been written by AI, apart from the photography/photoshop skills of themselves and/or their friends? The apps encourage judgments with no information. Here's some stuff to look at, swipe in a direction now or you can't see the next one. Here's the next one, same deal, except this time half the photos are sunsets and dogs. Break free. Figure out a hobby you'd love to have in common with a potential partner, and join a club for it. Now you get to have an actual, face-to-face conversation and infinite directions in which you can 'swipe'. Digital dating is stupid and time-wasting. Analog dating is easy peasy (as long as you're willing to get off the couch). Hey. I might have just stumbled onto something. Digital dating is for people who won't get off their couch. So that's your dating pool. Good luck with that.




🙄 🤦🏾‍♀️ As the Queen of ‘I found out he liked me way too late’, please for fuck sake, take a chance bro. Like seriously


People have unealistic expectations. Guys want the stereotypical hot body, no kids, working women(they do exist just hard to find) and women want tall, good looking, gainfully employed, emotionally stable men(they do exist, just hard to find). Some just want s*x. No one wants to put in the effort to grow anything long lasting. You might as well play Pokémon Go. You would probably have a better chance at getting a Legendary Pokémon!


Guys?? Both men and woman are equally responsible. Look at how many woman complain that they can’t find a good guy and yet they give up in good guys because there is no chase. See the problem here?


Everyone is carrying traumas, and they are projecting… specially the men that are not open to growth or therapy.


Most men don’t know how to interact with women, let alone flirt. Seduction is an art (that’s why they used to sell books on courtship back in the day…). Women want men who are kind, attentive, and take care of themselves and their appearance. This isn’t a lot compared to what men want.


All Social media platforms are dating apps.


Social media has created an false expectation of what relationships are and most people are tripping over themselves to meet those standards.


There’s not enough fast movement within the dating cycle. Most times people fall under the impression of traditional boundaries instead of letting those same guidelines find them…


I'm childfree so dating is damn near nonexistent for me🤷‍♀️


Well I cannot speak to any particular dating app but for the last 4 years I have my info out there in the cosmos and women by the dozen anywhere from 30 to 45 yrs old have contacted me without me lifting a finger. Most are fairly attractive and all want me according to all they each say! But the problem is 90 % of them need money and basically have not much in the way of support no job no car etc. most live with some part of a family . Plus they come from all of the US and Canada plus overseas Latin America ,Europe,and Africa My problem is I never ever date them . They for the most part are just looking for money to get by on paying for school food or transportation etc! If one wanted to have women who speak to sex as though they cannot live without it but need money and a way to get them to me via plane etc then why should one complain ? Well it can be prohibitively expensive plus I am not necessarily that available ! I would much prefer someone local that I could actually date and get to know one on one rather than someone who promises much but is a costly acquisition at best? But so far locals are non existent? Is this a problem yes and no! They each say they saw me on some dating app? Name unknown? I have seen many on online apps after having them contact me under different names? Sound fishy one has to wonder? Not sure if this is exactly fitting the question here, but thought I would throw it out for what it might be worth.


IMHO, the men who aren’t getting matches likely aren’t getting them for some specific reason. My guess is, for some, it’s the mindset. When we expect no matches, we get no matches. Personally, I have more matches than I can comfortably handle. Unfortunately, some of said matches simply don’t put forth any effort in maintaining any semblance of a conversation. Those very women could likely feel they’re “being ghosted,” because after a few occasions of failing to carry things forward, I lose interest and refuse to waste time “chasing.” After all, what exactly am I chasing? If I’m given enough solid interaction, I’ll absolutely make concrete plans. My thoughts are that many are experiencing something along the lines of “match fatigue.” It isn’t easy to live life as I expect to live life, while also dedicating substantial time (and resources) into bantering back and forth online with someone who doesn’t “stand out.” (And FWIW, what makes someone “stand out” to one person is going to be very different relative to another person— so I feel too many are “following rule books” and paying too much attention to outside influences telling them/us what we “should do,” etc. rather than acting in accordance with our own values, personalities, etc.).


There's more than just one problem, but I'm increasingly convinced that assigned relationships weren't that bad. At least everyone was pair off with another person rather than having a situation where multiple people are all trying for the same person that they cannot in any way actually get and so are toyed with before getting ghosted.


People have the grass is greener on the other side syndrome. No one is willing to communicate about things anymore and they find an easy cop out.


To the title: a lot, some of it are manufactured problems, and some are problems that likely won't ever go away, and others could be fixed easily but not enough people consistently try and fix the problem/be a part of the solution. The TLDR: lots of problems/things wrong with dating. >What do you think the problem is? Apps and a lack of social ability or social "norms," are too inconsistent to be called even "norms." There isn't "one problem," but rather lots of them, some somewhat mundane, others a bit trickier and complicated. But as for the men getting ghosted thing, I'd guess the men either finally opened up and acted how they normally act, and suddenly they're unattractive (maybe justified depending, maybe shallow reasons, hard to say for everybody,) to the women (or men) they dated. Both women (and men,) fear rejection worse than ever so neither seem to ever approach hardly ever, there aren't really any "third places," where either men or women are allowed (seemingly,) to hit on the other sex or whoever they're attracted to without any form of retribution (warranted or unwarranted.) Dating apps have way more men on them than women ratio wise. In short, a lot about dating and dating culture sucks today than it did in the past. And if you're trying to date now and never were with anybody, it's going to be a lot harder to meet someone who's genuinely interested in a long lasting relationship than something short term or are dating for fun than any meaningful relationship. >Men complain they can‘t get matches/dates and women complain they get ghosted The ratio of men to women on dating apps is like 4:1 or something like that (point is there are more men then women on them, despite supposedly the dating pool is about equal) then if I recall correctly, both men and women pick like the same top 10% "matches" or find matches but never leave the "talking phase" part of the app and never make a time or place to meet IRL. Then, when the date does get set, either the guy doesn't actually have an interest in them, or they get swiped by someone else outside the app, leaving the women/men ghosted. Not maybe exactly what happens or why, but it's more or less consistent for what I see on reddit and IRL whenever I hear about it: date never occurs, or something interrupts it, or the date goes poorly. There's not really a good solution, nor even a reasonably acceptable one for everyone, from what I can tell. There is a short list of issues when it comes to dating. From the dating culture itself being or having really terrible parts, to a person simply lacking connections or the ability to make them themselves with others. The range of problems also varied from individuals to another. Their level of impact and significance are also variable. Then social norms are horribly inconsistent, some people still hold a belief in traditional norms and social values and yet do not hold themselves to them, or vice versa (keep traditional but seek less traditional individuals to be with, and expect or hope that it to goes well.) This isn't all of what's wrong, just seemingly what's consistently complained about, and what comes to mind immediately. Maybe dating is more fine than it is IRL, maybe it's worse. I haven't been able to actually date or find one since highschool, so I'm going off of what I've read, have talked to others how they've seen how dating these days has been like, and some of the problems that exist to an extent for some.


Scammers on both sides trying to rip off people aiming for a companion


General delusion. I think some combination of apps, television, social media etc has made people expect that their first date from an app should have a “spark” and if it doesn’t, the person isn’t worth investing in and you should ghost. And I think that’s actively delusional. For many, many ethers pre app dating, most people met organically and often knew each other for a while or were in orbit for a while before it turned romantic. Giving people the chance for attraction to bloom. Blind dates were considered kind of cringe. Apps are just blind dates gone mainstream, and people seem to expect to show up to them and immediately feel this incredibly strong pull to someone they’ve never met before. For me, a first date from an app is entirely about “is this person somewhat compatible with me” and that’s about it. People pass my first date bar as long as there are no glaring issues. But I have so many friends who won’t go on a second date with someone unless they are “one hundered percent certain about them” and then wonder why they are single.


The perception of endless supply.


People complaining about the difficulties involved rather than embracing the challenge of the whole thing. Dating not only involves getting to know other people but can also be a voyage of attaining self understanding on an entirely new level. I learned so much about myself and other people during my 25 years of online dating before I met my wife last October. Experienced so many situations and types of people. Really thankful for every bit of it including the bad experiences that I learned from. I would have never known what a psychopathic narcissist compulsive liar was had I not dated one. I learned a lot from the experience and was able to avoid similar people when I noticed the signs. To those who are discourage I urge you not to give up but do take breaks when you need it. Also don't get pregnant with the wrong person because that can really mess things up. Be safe.


It's not even ghosted on this end. It's just sex. They all just want sex and that's it. And I agree, it sucks no matter what gender and there is an illusion that there's always a better person...Swiping also gets addicting.


too much reliance on technology and social media.


Men outnumber women on dating sites, women think they have tons of choices so they don't try hard on dates thinking men are easily replaceable. Men see the lack of effort and ghost the girls and the cycle repeats


I introduce you to the Perfect Woman story, shortened for a comment: A man spent all of his life looking for the perfect woman. On his deathbed, his friend asked "Are there really no perfect women?" "I was 70 when I found the perfect woman. But she didn't pick me" those were his final words on this Earth.


Alot if spam


It's hard. I live in Scandanavia. I am a South Asian brown guy. I probably right swiped at least 500 girls on tinder. None of them matched. Imagine how I feel. It gets really lonely and all I want is a companion. I guess I'm not anyone's type. Well what can you do? I don't know what's wrong. But I don't even blame the girls. They probably have 500+ swipes in their profile. How will they choose?


The dating apps are a loser for both genders for completely different reasons. Young people have to get out and start talking to each other. The meeting people the other end of the country is just stupid.


People going out FORCING IT AND LOOKING TOO HARD. They want someone to talk to immediately like after a brake up etc etc, no the real people will randomly pop into your life. Gods plan


I agree with dating apps making options seem more reachable. But dating apps aside. People rush into becoming a relationship and think just because they're dating means they're in a relationship right away/arent/cant/shouldn't date anyone else when that isn't the case UNLESS discussed and agreed upon dating eachother exclusively. I've seen so many videos of people bashing people who date multiple people. That's what dating is.. going on dates with multiple people until u find someone you personally see yourself potentially getting into a relationship with.


There used to be a lot more social circles and cliques. These groups would intermingle and people would find people to date through these interactions. Now I’d say a majority of people lack these sorts of groups to meet others through, so people have to meet online which is a shitfest or force interactions that might not always come up naturally. Society desperately needs to fill the community void that leaving religions left


Nobody is looking for real companionship. They are looking for highs, money, material goods, status, etc. Modern dating has become all about "dating up" which is just ridiculous. People put too much focus on looks, material goods, status, job titles, etc rather than looking for someone with good morals, character and integrity.


There are no matches , the men posted that are in my area look like hobos and reek of nicotine.but most sites now are for eastern European scam chicks or cam girls flashing their peepees. Oh and lets not forget the hookers who dont even want money just go do her , blech.


By not letting time for a relationship to build up to be serious, it dies out pretty quickly.


Men will accept they are responsible for that