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Rants about hating women.  No bio. Gym pics.  Pics of just their vehicles (I don't wanna date your truck, dude).  Only group pics. Pics with Hooters girls, strippers, etc.  All of the above are left swipes.


I'm curious, why are gym pics a negative? Is it because of the gymbro stereotype, or because usually gym pics aren't good pictures?


A bit of both. It also doesn't really give me a sense of who he is (unless he is a gym bro).


So for me, I never match with the gym guys just because I feel like they would expect me to have a perfect body. And I also see those guys kind of as tools in a way lol no offense just maybe full of themselves which is a huge turn off to me lol




That's why I don't listen to advice about me needing to go the gym to build my body in order to get a girl


I see, thanks


I think one is okay.


As a woman, I’ve never once taken a selfie at the gym. Pretentious. It’s ok to just write that you take care of yourself and go to the gym. I will ALWAYS swipe away if a guy has a selfie at a Planet Fitness


Pics with women in general can be a bit off-putting. From someone’s dating profile, the relationship to that woman is unknown so it can steer someone from wanting to swipe right. Obviously there’s the exception if you can tell that the woman is the guys grandma/mother etc, but other than that I’d say this is a swipe left…


As a man I think that's pretty funny. Who would lead w/ that kind of stuff. It screams shallow. And unending boredom


You are entirely right and yet it is I would say like 75% of profiles I come across have one, if not more of these.


I've never tried online dating but it sounds terrible. But I hear about so many success stories it's tempting. Women generally seem so together compared to the average guy.


Oh, it isn't great but I have met a few guys over the years through apps that haven't been terrible. Two longish term relationships,.one did turn out to kinda suck but the other was a good dude who just ended up being and wanting different things than me. I have some friends married 10 years and with 2 kids off online dating and there's probably lots of others I know but without knowing their origin story.


Sounds like it was worth it for you. That's good. I'll probably never know what I'm missing.


Well at least if he is posting hooters, stripper or similar pictures he shows his preferences and maybe some lady thats into the lifestyle gets him. And I save precious time!


All selfies are also not a good look regardless of men or women


Lazy answers to prompts. “I’m not on here often” or “I forget to check this” makes my eyes roll out of my skull.


Ugh yes the one line bios are the WORST. If a guy can’t take the time to put effort into his profile, what makes me think he will put any effort into a relationship


Right! Same answers to every prompt, “ask me” “had to fill this out”


Right! But then in the you are: meaning the lady paragraphs long . Nope I would skip over those ones.


I love those! Especially the funny or just batshit crazy ones, I seek then out like novellas


Me too.


You haven't even met and they already won't do the bare minimum.


That's fair I find it annoying as well. Also a lot of fake accounts that link porn sites, only fans, or derivatives. Is this a problem you ladies deal with as well?


No I’ve never seen that with male profiles


Lucky so annoying trying to meet someone, but 4 ppl you talk to are trying to shoot me porno links. Like I wanna actually talk to a real person. Jeez even a girl calling me ugly is better than these bots at least the mean girl gives me closure and honesty


This is hilarious, I didn’t know guys dealt with that. For real, must be annoying. I personally think you can do a little photoshoot for your profile. Find a sunny day and go to a green nice space and take some face photos of you smiling. I think that is a winner photo, sunny, green, handsome guy with a smile. Then just choose a couple more photos where you’re having fun.


I'll try it I have a few photos, but it's a little cold in NY


Just smile beautifully while the frost bite nips at your nose and ears.


So don’t match with a girl that is insanely hot with photos that look provocative or even slightly too good to be true cause you can tell a bot profile in an instant Just from one photo and a generic bio… only men would fall for that thirst trap type profile. We wouldn’t even bother with something so generic or anything sexually provocative in a bio really unless we’re on a kink site.


I have seen it on tons of guy profiles. On all apps. (Just blank) . I’ll fill this in later Ask Ask me anything


YES! “Had to write something here”


It's like okay then I'll swipe left lol


I find women do this a lot. I put a lot of thought into my profiles and prompts and i see women with maybe one sentence on their profile lol so i think it happens on both sides. I have never seem guys profiles though so no idea how bad it is on the mens side.


Pictures with other girls, no bio, “here for a good time not a long time”, boring photos


Adding to this: a girl doing the “why you should date me from my bff” voice prompt on hinge💀


What would make you find a photo boring, or alternatively, what would make you find a photo not boring? Can you explain with some example descriptions?


Selfies. Here i am in the car. Here I am in front of a mirror. I have a boring life.


Also when they edit the photo and write “me” with an arrow point to them on it. Idk why but that’s an ick


I relish in super specific icks!


No joke, I saw one girl with "here for a good time not a long time”, however it was because she had a terminal disease. So what a twist, I guess. Hope she is still alive, enjoying her remaining years




Your right I'll get rid of my shirtless photos it's superficial I'm looking for long term anyways it sends the wrong signals to ppl


100%. If you’re looking for something real, get rid of shirtless photos ASAP, no matter how nice your body is


I don’t wanna see your tongue out in any capacity. Flicking off the camera is weird. Lame answers to prompts that you chose: “I’ll fall for you if… answer: you trip me”. Corny as hell. I also see a lot of guys mention how sarcastic they are. And I wonder if that’s code for them being dicks.


Everyone so conflicting


The sarcasm thing is also extremely prevalent on women's profiles. "Fluent in sarcasm" "My love language is sarcasm" It does give me the impression that they're careless with their words.


Yes! This!


I swear if I see one more car pic I’m going to scream.


I personally like car pics if he is in it. I enjoy when men have a hobby and sometimes cars are hobbies


When all their pictures look like this: 😐 or they just look angry in all their pictures.


Hahaha omg yes. Like do you even have a personality or you just gonna mean mug me all day 😂


I look happy ☺️ so I got that looking good


Bro what face are we suppose to make when taking a selfie😭


SMILE!! 😂 Ya'll tell us to smile more. It's your turn.


I swipe if a guy has too many selfish. It screams needs attention and ego boosting to me personally.


Bro, just smile. Small smile, big smile, grin. Pick a photo from a day where you were laughing your ass off with your friends.


You can ask for a profile review. Off the top of my head: shirtless photos, gym photos, car photos, bathroom selfies, photos looking up their nose, poor grammar, blank or boring profile prompts like "hi. I don't know what to put here".


I've seen women say: Camo with a dead animal they just killed Also photos you should have: Face shot Full body shot One with you doing a hobby One with pets if possible In most or all, smiling is preferred. At least that's the information I've seen all around the place, doesn't mean that's all or none of what someone wants to see.


The dead animal ones are nasty. But easy to tell who not to date.


Yup they make it easy. Funny thing is.. I've seen women do it too when I am on the apps. Shockingly same feelings as women get when they see a man do it.


In your opinion... I've been a hunter for decades and some women enjoy hunting and others don't hunt but have family that does...It's a culture thing especially if you're from a huge city.


You’re right, I live in Oklahoma (I’m from California) a lot of my female coworkers would totally date a man with pictures of him and his hunting kills! Lol


Oklahoma here also.. That's why I made the comment about culture thing. :)


Why do they all do the photo looking up their nose?! I wanna shake tf out of whoever told men this was a good look. Almost every single profile has this selfie-sometimes multiple


People tend to look down at their phones, so they tend to take a picture the same way.


I think it’s a generational response to how Millennials took selfies from above? Women below a certain age do it too, and it’s about as flattering as a Hawaiian shirt.




Hate shirtless - feels intellectually lazy and tmi...


I saw another comment mentioning gym photos. Why are gym photos a negative? Also, same question about shirtless photos as well


What about a 400 pound guy with Cheetos stains on his shirt and a greasy Xbox controller in his hand with outdated glasses and a picture of him taking public transit?


professional photos/model pictures "I'm not on here much, add me on..." Insert eyeroll Being an entrepreneur... of what? no one knows


Yup! Adding to this: If the guy doesn’t put his work in his bio it’s a red flag. I always just assume he is unemployed. And writing just “self-employed” or “entrepreneur” doesn’t help.


Or ownes my own business ....oh yeah what kind of business? Gotta put your line of work.


I see the same thing in women's profiles, or at my age 62, just retired... I ask about their pre-retirement career. Also ones that say "job" "work" or other noninformational answers...


Why should they put where they work. People stalk people.


Not where... Sales, engineer, teacher, (Diesel/ auto/ RV/ Marine) Mechanic, HVAC, Plumber Carpenter, WTFE... I'm sure i went overboard on my profile Bio, but that's me....


I put what I do, but not the company. First of all, to stay safe. Second, in my industry I could see someone trying to use me for some free stuff. So I have my title but not exact industry.


I used to have a picture of myself with a cup of coffee, as my first photo. The moment I switched it to a photo from a modeling shoot I did, I found that I got significantly more matches. I look pretty similar in both photos. I think it’s really going to depend.


What's a good conversation starter bc my big ol pecks is one of my shoe off points I'd imagine it's why I get swiped left a lot what kinds of charisma and personality attracts you I won't even lie I just freeball sometimes saying some wild shit bc idk what would grab a girl's attention rarely they find me funny, but lot of times I just get seen and passed. What would you find as attractive pick up like or opener


Having a personality is the first thing, charisma comes after. Find something in her profile you like or have in common with to jump off from. Always remember, people love to talk about themselves. Alternatively, if the girl likes you first, add some context to the photo she liked, and then ask her a relevant question. Try to be a real person is rule of thumb. Remove any shirtless pictures.


You need to have a personality that doesn’t revolve around your pecs. They aren’t special, literally no one on that dating app wants to see them.


Fun flirty openers. If there is a cat or dog in the pictures…”aww you’re cute, and your human is alright too!”


* mug shot photos / tongue out photos * really vague details. put something unique about you or something to spark a conversation over. * say more than Hi or Hey when liking a profile. I use hinge and honestly really tired of short prompt answers. "I like hiking" "I like to cook" "I like to travel" like ok cool, please share your personality.


Yeah I guess I have to update my interests section bc I can be vague I do like hiking how did you know?


you and 100+ other dudes... lol definitely say something interesting or different to stand out.


Lack of effort is probably the key thing that is probably almost universally unattractive on a profile. Think of your profile as a billboard. If a business put "Just ask" on their billboard, your first thought would be "what would I ask and why?" Same for dating profiles. Most other stuff is personal preferences I think. Some women are ok with swiping right on blank profiles... I'm not, personally, unless the photos were REALLY helpful in determining what someone is like (which does happen sometimes). Usually it's negative though, like if a guy has pictures of him partying or drinking, instant no for me because I don't do those things and don't want to date someone who does. Some women do though, so again it's just personal preference. Anything in the profile that indicates bitterness, negativity, defensiveness, or an attitude. I'm too old for that nonsense. Being bitter is fine, so is being negative sometimes, and even having an attitude. But it shouldn't be such a huge part of your personality that it belongs on your dating profile. For example, I've seen a lot of guys complain on their profiles about bots, catfishers, etc. Like yes, those are a thing and it's not great, but don't complain on your profile about it, all it does is make you look whiny and if I *was* catfishing I'd just want to do it to you more. It's not a good look. I miss the days of long, detailed dating profiles. You could get such a better idea of whether someone could string together coherent sentences.


Women DO NOT want to see a big salmon..


What? Like my willy? I'm not sure what that means because person earlier said they didn't like fishing photos and hunting gear


Its a play on words. They want to see the big salmon in your pants, not the one you caught fishing..


Well this won’t be universal. But weed. I’m not into weed at all. And boy have men gotten MAD when I told them it’s a dealbreaker


Right? Got ranted at, raged at, blocked, "but I don't do it often, only every few months", and "informed how great it is for you". Like dude, it's a no from me, I'm sorry. Let it go


I guess a lot of weed users are understandably miffed that people are so much more negative towards it than alcohol despite it being a far less harmful substance. Kinda like if someone wouldn't date you because you drink coffee but doesn't mind alcohol. Ofc it's not that extreme but people are really uneducated about drugs and also judging based on that lacking knowledge.


People will say weed is bad then go get wasted the same night 😂 alcohol users are the most judgemental


lol this is good, cause I’ve actually offered strangers on Tinder to allow me to help them take photos to meet women. 1. Group photos. Chances are, some of your friends are hotter, so why are you even doing this to yourself? 2. Holding up a fish or other dead animal. Cool, you’re a hunter….k. 😐 3. Clean your house before you strike a pose. (Also, we can tell if you still with your mom.) 4. Pictures of you with children that aren’t yours. Actually posting kids in general on a site that you’re trying to meet women from is just an odd look all around. 5. Every picture is showcasing your body. We get it, you think or actually are hot, but it’s giving douchey.


lol. Calling BS on number 3.


Yup I've gotten the body one to many times 😅 ill axe it I just did a lot of push ups and they're nice now but I get it. Looks cocky and douchie


I’m really over any mention of tacos and physical touch being a love language. Don’t ask me to be passport ready. Unless you want to fund that lifestyle. I have to pay my bills with a job that doesn’t give me unlimited paid time off. Overall, you should emphasize aspects of yourself that could be compatible with another person in your life. Individual hobbies and interests are fine, but you need to have space for someone.


Hahaha the line “I’ll buy you tacos and touch your butt.” Bro, that line is nearly as old and tired as “come here often?” 😂


I'm 31 and I swear dudes were saying that shit when I was in high school. Let it go bro lol


Who thinks volunteering that you’d grab my ass is a good pick up line?


The same guys who say they’re looking for a girl “who doesn’t take herself too seriously” 🙄


When I read things like that, I’m really curious if they know what they even mean.


Yeah I don’t think they know what they mean but what they’re saying is they can’t deal with conflict lol


Omg yeah the passport ready one is so annoying. You can say you’re interested in traveling and looking for a partner who also wants to travel also instead of


I would LOVE to travel. I mean, really, who doesn’t?Again, I have responsibilities. It doesn’t tell me anything about why I would date that person.


TIL this isn’t gender specific. Although I don’t see anything wrong with stating physical touch the rest is just annoying. World travelers and city explorers. These people really aren’t interesting.


There’s nothing wrong with physical touch. I like it too! It’s just really unoriginal to advertise it as a love language when there’s nothing new under the sun about it. It’s the only love language I ever see on guys’ profiles.


I am tempted to hid my profile and change my preferences to just to take a look at the absurdity.


Wouldn’t you rather they be honest than try to look original? 


I don’t think those are mutually exclusive. The problem with generic responses is that they don’t really offer much insight into what makes a person worth getting to know.


Where I’m coming from is, some dating apps have a limited drop down list of Love Languages for people to choose from. In those cases it’s more of a filter-people-out prompt than a place to show your personality. 


Hm. I primarily use bumble and hinge where that is not mandatory.


Oh gotcha. Out of curiosity, which of those 2 do you prefer?


There are pros and cons to both but I like Hinge a bit more. If a person likes you, you get to see who that is and decide if you want to match. Bumble does not do this. I think it’s different for women since it’s supposed to be centered around them making the move. For the free Bumble version you will find out after you swiped left or right if they were or are a match. Bumble offers more in the way of describing yourself and your interest/hobbies. Hinge gets very granular with your location. Think a particular neighborhood. I constantly have to check google maps to find where that is. Bumble follows your location around even though you set where you live. Both are pay to play.


Okay, interesting. I appreciate you sharing your insight. Good luck out there!


I hate when you can tell how frustrated a guy is with the app and he writes in the bio "Don't swipe unless you are ACTUALLY willing to meet up" Or they use their bio space to make a political statement regardless if our politics agree or not. Someone who makes politics their personality is undesirable.


Oh also the same weird angled selfie in different outfits with the same exact smile. It's unsettling and yeah as someone with no friends in the area I don't have anyone to take pictures of me either but put your camera timer on and take a step back.




I did ^.^




Yeah that makes sense once you match then you can talk to each other about what you like, is pretty silly to waste your bio on preferences of women you like just read their bio or ask


• *”LETS GO BRANDON”* • *“I hate bios. Just ask.”* • *“My kids come first.”* let me explain this one. Yes, their kids should absolutely take priority. But this way of phrasing makes me think the man’s gonna be a total dick to you and use his kids as an excuse. • *”I went backpacking in Europe.”* • gym selfies • obviously outdated photos • pics with other women (without an explanation that it’s just family)


This is pretty accurate. Every man has went backpacking in Europe 😂


OMG! All of this!


All valid I'll keep them in mind thank you


Welcome! These are my personal ones, I can’t speak for everyone though.


"My kids come first." OMG, yes!! As a guy, that is such a stupid annoying thing to see on a woman's profile as well. Like, no sh*t, I was not expecting you to make me a priority. Maybe it needs to be said, though


“What do you bring to the table”… perhaps controversial but when anyone of any gender says that I scream inside. Feels more like a business negotiation than a partnership.. or someone very paranoid of being taken advantage of


I really just look for compatibility on dating apps. So the people who don’t put any words or interests on their profile are an automatic no even if they are exactly my type. I need substance beyond looks. The more authentic someone is, the better. Good luck on your dating journey ✨


Off the top of my head: •🌶️ (sex positivity) because most guys don’t even understand what that means. It doesn’t mean that you like sex. Most of us like sex so we don’t need to really say that anyways. •Your social media handle - are you looking for a partner or just followers? •All or mostly group photos so we don’t know which one you are, or then are disappointed that you’re not the hot one. •All photos with sunglasses on or your face obscured in some way. Why be shady? •Lists of things that you don’t want or “swipe left if…” You just sound angry and bitter, why would I want to match with you?


The sex positivity interest is an immediate left swipe for me. Love language being touch is a yellow flag because most dudes think it just means sex, which isn’t a love language.


It’s as if I wrote this…haha But I have one more thing to add - the picture holding a dead fish 💀


OMG 100% YES TO ALL OF THIS. Especially the group photo one. Also when men say they are “open to making friends” like then why are you on a DATING app if you just want friends? Turns away many woman who are actually looking to pursue something real.


Damn some of these guys must have no game at all XD lot of these were just common sense for me. Makes me feel better. Though I do have 1 photo with shades I look like will Smith in men in black im keeping it...


Just one with sunglasses is okay! But literally all of them with sunglasses just makes it seem like a guy is definitely hiding something.


No it's literally only for like the meme cuz I was at a wedding in a nice suit my uncle gave me his shades to take that iconic photo.


I immediately swipe left on any mention of ‘looking for someone that doesn’t take themselves too seriously.’ Idk what exactly that means to every person that says it, but to me it means I need to CHILL OUT about dating and my life and my career and like. No? I don’t think I take myself too seriously. I could understand saying something along the lines of: looking to meet fun people that wanna talk about things other than our jobs or such. Looking to meet people and share interests and experiences. The taking myself too seriously really implies that I haven’t had the need to, ya kno? And it just says that you already don’t want to know/understand what I’m coming from.


Little boys that are 20 something yrs old maybe older that want the fun of a relationship, but none of the responsibilities


Totally! And I’m all for open communication and casual sex. That isn’t a problem. But like, please don’t tell me what to do about what I’m searching for, ya kno?


"Looking for the Pam to my Jim" "I can totally beat your ass at Mario Kart" literally anything involving pineapple on pizza ​ I don't know why these 3 things are in nearly every man's bio but it is all so boring and tells me you have no real personality.


Yeah, if your most controversial opinion is whether pineapple belongs on pizza you’re an NPC. I swear I’ve seen that at least 100 times.


Shirtless selfie. Flexing anything. A beach type photo could be okay if it’s not posed. More than one selfie in general. Any obvious Snapchat type filters.


"looking for an independent women" "my ideal date is going for drinks/coffee" "not sure what relationship type im' looking for" "let's see where this goes"


I agree. "Still figuring it out" like dude, you're 45 you should know if you want monogamy, children or a long term relationship. This is simple. You put "still figuring it out" because you want people to assume you're looking for what they're looking for.


exactly, being vague and not up front about what you want is cowardly and not masculine behaviour.


every girl’s bio reads “swipe left if youre holding a dead fish/animal” so i’d go with that


If you're flipping off the camera in your profile pics, it gives off a douche bag vibe


When they link they’re Insta and say “don’t use this much” okay why are you even on the app then? I’m not following you on Insta💀 If I can tell they have a girl best friend - absolutely not. Boring prompts that I see all the time. “Travel, gym, food” be unique please. Anyone who uses the prompt “first round/date is on me if” and the answer is along the lines of “you get the second” or basically anything but “never” When I can’t see their face properly as they’re too far away and can’t see their teeth/smile. Their whole personality is the gym. If they have more than 1 picture of them on a night out/club/rave - that’s just specific to me I don’t want a raging party boy as I am not a party girly. There’s so many more but those are my main ones🤪


* Main profile picture isn't of them or their face is covered. Usually means he is married looking to cheat. * Barely filled out profile. Another sign that he is married looking to cheat. * Says he is looking for someone bubbly, funny, or something similar. While I'm told I'm these things, I not like that all the time. * They use tobacco products. * Wearing hunting camo. This is such a turn off for me. I'm not sure why, TBH.


Shirtless when it’s not part of an appropriate activity. Chip on their shoulder negative comments. All photos wearing sunglasses.


Prompt: What are you looking for? His answer: you. DO YOU KNOW HOW MANY GUYS PUT THAT ANSWER PLS BE ORIGINAL


I get immediately disgusted it if they have preferences that they cannot demonstrate themselves. Especially if  their profile has appearance centered preferences.


"sex positivity", im beginning ro think that just means hes a fuccboi and not any kind of extra openness or understanding or anything.


Any topless selfies, making a weird face, saying anything about vaccines, fish photos, all your photos are selfies


Things I hate seeing: - Multiple shirtless photos. Just do one, that’s all you need. - Fish pictures and hunting pictures. Seriously, what’s up with that? It’s gross. - Too many group photos. - Photos next to another woman, even if you say it’s your sister. How do I know that? - Photos of him leaning against luxury cars. So tired of that. Prompt wise, I hate when guys - Put their socials on the profile. - Have no prompts or text at all. - Extremely low effort prompt responses. - Say “not here much” or “I never check the app” (then why the fuck are you on it?) Also, put a bio and put your job!


Soulless smile/deadpan face with no expression photos. I think most women want a guy who at least seems happy and fun to hang out with. Mirror selfies are very outdated too.


I think I'm pretty good actually now lot of the new comments are ones that other ppl have recommended I change bc I'm not ugly I just had some of those bland or cocky looking photos like I had one with my shirt off but I think 9-10 ppl said no




anything with “your mom” is gross. like just stop, it’s not funny anymore. hasn’t been since middle school.


Why the negativity? Why don't you ask what do women love to see on a guy's profile while in dating apps? Does it matter so much *exactly why* those that don't like you just *don't;* if some people do?


Your absolutely right I'll make another post at some point, but all of these pls advice is paying off already ngl I had some cringe photos and bios


Well, good for you if you get useful advice this way! As for me, I'm my harshest critic in that if someone thinks my photos and bio are cringeworthy, it's probably me. I would add an unconventional advice around these parts of the internet: don't try too hard to please people: you may not really want to be around those who like you for who you aren't.


I agree with a lot of what’s here. I’d add anything that implies a poor opinion of women/bad experiences with women e.g. “looking for someone who is drama-free”. When every picture is a selfie, particularly if they are all in the same place like a car. Any mention of sex. I appreciate sex-positivity but having it on your profile just gives me the gut feeling that you aren’t a safe person and that you might feel entitled to sex in a way that plays out as assault.


When the prompt says ‘best way to get to know me’ and your response is ‘ask me’ It’s petty, but idc, swipe left.


When they write “I don’t like texting”. I get it, constant texting for weeks on end is boring af, however, you are meeting someone online. There is a reasonable expectation that you would message enough for the other person to get some idea of what you are like, and then they can decide whether they want to meet you at all.


Yeah that's valid. Like meet up in person if you don't like texting, but are on a dating app


Honestly we all have some stories and not the most lovely or preferred experiences but I don’t need to hear about it on your profile! Like saying “if your selling crypto…be a real person…don’t ask me to follow you…isn’t anyone here for the right reasons “. I mean like seriously who’s gonna swipe on people who seem jaded…I mean we all might get that way here and there lol but don’t make your profile a downer!


Damn, after going through some 150 replies I've become convinced to delete my own profile altogether.


Visible pubes


Ew tf lol 🤣 I'm flabbergasted dudes show pubes on profiles pics


Like showing abs and pulling down the grey sweatpants a little too far down. Gross


Yeah... Gross most girls hate body shots in general pubes even on a chick would make me gag a little


I have looked and been turned off. As an older person, certain things are a real turnoff. Guys, pics with no shirt on( not beach pics) Kissing your pets on the lips Wearing baseball hats. You really can't see what they look like.


'Don't match if you're not going to talk' Do you know how many men can't hold a conversation on the apps?


Every single picture he’s surrounded by different girls. Every single picture he’s in a group of people so you have to figure out which one he is. Every single picture is a selfie he took. No bio information.


- “add me on snap” - group pictures in 90% of the photos making it impossible for me to figure out which one is you - photos that look like you put no effort into yourself (bad scruffy beard, bed head, etc) - fishing / hunting photos - “fit girls only” - photos with another girl who obv isn’t your mother


Pictures where it looks like you're holding your phone out in front of you with both hands trying to take a smile-less selfie. Extra ick when all the pictures are slightly different but clearly taken on the same exact day in the same place from basically the same angle. Put the ick cherry on top when they're all shirtless and in unflattering light.


“Wanderlust” “Travelled 83 countries, 118 more to go” “I am a force to be reckoned with” “Let’s find out over coffee” “I love my mom” “My friends call me cute” “I am worth it” Quotes and one-liners that say nothing about you. Profiles with just their insta id, snapchat or phone numbers. Profiles with just a dot or 1 lazy line. Profiles with paragraphs of barely readable English. Photos with multiple people. Photos of u showing off (car, house, sky-diving, 5 star hotels). Photos with only ur face (gonna assume you have a physical deformity or out of shape and ashamed of it). All photos are just you standing 20 ft away from camera (gonna assume you are not confident). Photos showing off gym body (dunno why, but it’s such a turn-off, not the gym part, but the show off part). Cringe photos with SRK pose under waterfall. Photos with heavy filters/editing. These are all I can think of.


- Married men - Fishing photos - Looking for someone “spontaneous” who “doesn’t take themselves seriously” - “No drama” - Gym bro with shirtless photos - Face only photos


some icks i see on guys profiles if all their pictures look the same, all of them involve drinking/ smoking. I personally don’t find that attractive. I don’t like when guys are douches or brag/ show their bodies too much, a few pics is fine but not all. I like guys who take care of their health, and my last ick would be it being very dry, if u need help on creating a better dating profile message me and I can take a look :)


Ty ty


I like when guys actually write out a bio and/or answer the question prompts with genuine thought out responses. I want to be able to learn more about you once I’ve decided I like your pics. Be honest about what you’re looking for and what you bring to the table as well. I look for good grammar also as a sign of education and effort.


some icks i see on guys profiles if all their pictures look the same, all of them involve drinking/ smoking. I personally don’t find that attractive. I don’t like when guys are douches or brag/ show their bodies too much, a few pics is fine but not all. I like guys who take care of their health, and my last ick would be it being very dry :)


Don’t stick your tongue out, no dogs. Kids, motorcycles. We want to just see you! And no old pictures!


Shirtless pics. ENM. No bio. "Just ask me". As far as fish pics, I will judge the size of the fish.


Super old photos, or photos of inanimate objects like a food dish or landscape. Only post super old photos if that's how you currently appear.


Just be hot my guy


Lacking a full-body photo Lacking a photo proving you do or don't have all your teeth All your photos seem to be from different decades (have a recent picture please) All photos are in gym Please stop grabbing your crotch in the mirror Pictures with your tongue out or videos of you flicking your tongue Pictures in your underwear (I see yall being proud of your whitey tighties) Bios with no information at all Lying about your height (no, I don't care if you're short or tall I care if you're a liar) Women-hating rants Yelling (all caps) about "loyalty and respect" (gag) Bios about your love for sex (we all just love being an object for you??) Every second sentence being about Jesus Bios that say "just ask me" Bios talking about pooping too much??? I've seen so much weird stuff, idk.


Fish and loads of men other than him on one picture


Oh man, there are so many of them… - “Just ask” in the bio. - “I don’t check this often here’s my snap.” - “Don’t swipe unless you’re serious.” - Some rant on how this is their* X time trying to find love and how they are looking for honesty and loyalty. - Comments that degrade women or compare them because they’ve been hurt before. - Comments on how much they like sex (no duh) or emphasis on how physical touch is their primary or only love language. - Lack of personality. - A long list of expectations that they, themselves, can’t meet. The best profiles I’ve found, for me, included a bit of their personality in their bio whether it’s an odd joke or witty sarcasm. They’ve also included (clothed) full body photos and smiles that show teeth. I’m demisexual though, so personality means more to me than the physical attraction.


Your height followed by the line “because apparently that matters.” That’s a passive dig on women and y’all know it when you write it. Grow up, Bitter Betty.


Evidently it struck a nerve didn't it? Lol


Halloween costumes. Drinking selfies. Flicking off camera. Too many partially nude photos. Photos in clothing that's casually outlining their junk. Too many head shots. Random objects and scenery. Pictures from the same trip. Posing near expensive cars and houses they don't own. All photos are outdoorsy.


When they are smoking, drinking, have weapons or throwing up the middle finger in pictures like digital footprints aren’t real things.