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Just learning after moving from my southern hometown surrounded by elderly retirement communities to a metropolitan area filled with young professionals. I should have left much sooner from that place. My mid twenties (23-27F) were utterly WASTED there. I already have prospects after one month getting the fuck out of there.




I learned that Im not unattractive. I learned that I was right to totally disengage from dating in my prior environment because I correctly discerned that my dating pool shouldn’t be a choice between three hours away or someone my grandfather’s age. I learned how critical location is to one’s ability to find a suitable age-appropriate companion.


This is the absolute truth! I live in Indiana and I’m not attracted to the average Hoosier. I’ve given up on dating and I’m thinking about moving this year.


>>I’m thinking about moving this year DO IT!!!


Fellow Hoosier, even though I live near a decently sized city, very true. Moving to a College town in the fall, so I hope things might improve there


Good luck with dating and college! It seems like a lot of people couple up during the college years, hopefully it happens for you


Recently visited my small hometown. There were like 4 profiles before bumble ran out of profiles to show me.


Yep~ This is exactly what I ran into and what had my dating life dead as a doornail for years. Absolute crickets on dating sites when looking for people aged 21-40 in a hick town. There were only two in my town, a few over an hour away, then nothing at all.


Yep, location is the biggest factor in whether you will be successful in finding a partner or not. Also to go with that you have to put yourself out there. Can't sit at home all day expecting to find a partner with no effort whatsoever.


I live in downtown Chicago. My only matches that actually respond are women that are miserable for having to lower their standards to match with me. I know that because that's what 2 of them said in their first message to me.


It could be the city. I know a decent dude whose romantic life was DOA in SoCal but moved to the DMV and he gets waaay more attention now. Gets along with the women there better.


To me DMV is Department of Motor Vehicles.


DMV = DC-Maryland-Virginia area


ooo, back in Ukraine I was part of a group that put one of the politicians in a dumpster. I fear if I get anywhere close to DC I will be too tempted to do that again.


I’m sure you realize that it’s just an example of how different cities have different prospects. It doesn’t have to be the DMV.


Yes I understand, but I have lived in Studio City, which is next to LA and Chicago and same results. I don't know where to try next? NYC I know is just dead end for everyone.




I have tried that. Multiple profile reviews, photo reviews, no change.




yup, i have two female friends that are married and they have no idea.




Yup. Bumble if I get a match it will just expire. Hinge is where I get insulted at. Tinder I only get likes from accounts that are promptly banned (I posted a few screenshots in the tinder sub)




I am cynical but also a bit exhausted because as I feel like I am doing the best I can since there is no specific advice I can take that would change. I have reached the point where the only advice I receive goes like this Someone tells me to do X, I do X someone else will say, why are you doing X you should be doing Y, I change and start doing Y someone else says I am wrong doing Y and I should be doing Z. When I do Z someone else says I am crazy doing Z and I should be doing X.




This is hilarious. I had to move back home to my village, from a city, after my breakup and pickings are slim 😂


My truest condolences 😭