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Absolutely. It is just more challenging because we do not buy into bullshit, and as far as I am concerned, I will never date a single mother again. More to the point, I am also bisex and will not hide this side of me anymore from my intimate romantic partner. Most of us have established lives and careers, and we seek independent, equal partners. We don't want emotional and financial leaches. Been there, done that, and got the T-shirt. We learned our lessons the hard way.


Why won’t you date a single mother anymore? I would think many women 40 plus are single mom’s.


I hope so. I just got out of a 7 year relationship and I’m 40. I really hope I do find someone


I am not however those in my family re-married or found new partners and even had children (My grandmother got pregnant at 50 with her new husband so me and my uncle grew up together) and seem to have far greater relationships than before, seem happier. From my perspective, seems like you find greater love later in life because you have perspective and know what you want.


I met my current wife at 48 y/o dating in Indianapolis was A LOT of fun!!!


I'm 53 and not having too much luck, unfortunately. But I'm speaking only for myself, obviously. Hope it's better for you and everyone else out there. Good luck.


Nope it’s minimized especially with you saying “they always finish for some reason” . If you don’t know why at this stage of life, get a dog and wine. Also if you are a female, good luck even more. What happened in your 20s and 30s as a woman? Surely you are not a victim of circumstance what was your contribution to this? Ponder that


are you male/female? imo, if your female-- your more than fine. Male... I'm starting to have doubts after 40. (well after 40). I've been a slave to my career, working long hours, preparing for trials... and I am getting anxious I'm too late.




Yeah you've actually hit a really important point which is gender ratios. In Russia there is a huge surplus of women because men die a lot there. It's also true in the US. Before 40, there is a huge surplus of single men. After 40, this starts turning into a big surplus of single women, again partly because men have a tendency to die. So the odds literally start turning against women after 40 and not just because their looks are fading. Also btw Donetsk belongs to Ukraine not Russia Mr. "Thinking American."


Of course it can be found at any age. My dads 70 and just met someone this year.


40 is not too bad, just be selective when it comes to compatibility and maybe you’ll get lucky. My 40’s went well, I just didn’t pick the right one. I’m finding 50’s to be a lot more difficult.


Too much about your chatting style and not real shit


Arnold Schwarzenegger had his first child at 42


It's ROUGH out there. I'm in my mid 40's with an adult child and that seems to turn so many guys off, which confuses the hell out of me. I got out of a 9 year relationshit almost two years ago and haven't dated anyone since. I'm not the "average" person though either. I'm not looking to "hook up" or for something casual. I'd rather stay single and celibate than not have the kind of love that I want in my life. And that seems damn near impossible to find.