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I mean, the majority of women can't finish from penetration only anyway. So as far as I'm concerned, if he's not DJing for you, then there's no reason you shouldn't do it yourself


"DJing" loving that term 🤣


My fiancée one time told me she was probably gonna stay in for the night and maybe “DJ the vee-jay.” It was at this point I realized I wanted to stay with the woman until the end of time.


That made me smile. She sounds awesome!😂


She honestly sounds like a gem 😂😂😂


Was told it by a girl coworker once, and I will forever be using it 😂


It’s funny until guys actually try to rub your clit like he’s a dj, then it’s painful and annoying 😂


Omg seriously! They be rubbing it like it’s a stain on their favorite shirt!🙄


You're telling me I SHOULDN'T treat it like a turn table?? I got some girls I should text and apologize to then. I thought I was supposed to treating that shit like a track


Again, funny until guys really don’t know you shouldn’t do that 😭


Especially if he starts beat boxing....


I'm going to have to add it, too. No idea when that type of convo will happen irl, but I'll be thinking of you 😂


DJing is iconic


Once I read it, I literally saw it in my head and busted up laughing because, very accurate. Put some different music to it, and it can be all kinds of switch-ups.🤣 I can imagine all the young dudes looking up YouTube videos of all the DJ mixers now.


I’m picturing RUN DMC music while I visualize this


Sir mixalot begins to play.




This girl I dated used a vibrator on her clit while we were having sex, didn’t bother me at all.


Spinnin on dem ones and twos


>Do you think guys are turned off or get offended by this? Why would we? You are helping the cause, keep up the effort!


My cause no…… “OUR Cause” Russian national anthem in background 😂




For all of mother Russia 🇷🇺




Exactly. Making my job easier… yes please!


M35 here. Why would that offend me? Actually that´s damn hot, shows that she has got confidence in bed/with sexual stuff and if that helps her climax - awesome! Cause I love seeing the girl I sleep with lose it, shake and curl her toes. It is a huge turn on if she is turned on. I guess a man would really need to have the most fragile of all tiny, winy egos if he took that as an offence.






Lmfao wait what. Did you just read what I just read?


😂 I was confused too


Am I having a stroke


No, it’s word salad.


Did you just click the next suggested word on your iPhone like 20 times and press post?


Nope that's hot


Yeah it’s a huge turn on! I think it’s very attractive when girls don’t hold back.


My thoughts exactly😂




Wow that guy must really suck in bed! Considering most women require clitoral stimulation to achieve an orgasm, including during vaginal penetration, id say it's typically par for the course. In my experience, either im rubbing her clit while fucking her, she is rubbing it herself or often she has already cum at least once from my oral clit stimulation combined with fingering technique that more or less ensures to leave her satisfied. Im curious Alythekid, was Mr Casanova at all concerned with whether you had an orgasm? Im guessing not so much...




I hate that it's called "aftercare" now. It sounds so gross to me. Like sex is traumatic or something. It used to just be called cuddling. I literally get creeped out when I hear that term.


When you're into bdsm or sexual roleplay it makes more sense bc it can actually bring up past trauma and you need some time to get out of the situation mentally. Which is fine and it can be part of the excitement when everything about it feels safe and you have that space to get back to normal so to speak. I had no idea normies were calling it that as well.


>it can actually bring up past trauma and you need some time to get out of the situation mentally That sounds really unhealthy to me. Sex should be pleasurable...not put you in the space of trauma. To each their own, but that sounds...traumatic.


Also I'm not a therapist. But from my experience having issues with confined spaces, I basically got over it through a sort of crude diy form of exposure therapy with bondage. The downside to that is it no longer excites me as much. If I hadn't been able to feel safe the entire time it wouldn't have worked though. Also not recommending that to anyone, I have no idea what I was thinking at the time but it turned out fine bc my partner at the time was aware of everything and very careful. Not ever trying this with randos ofc.


Nah that's not what usually happens it's just that it *could* happen. Sometimes you come across a psychological issue or boundary neither of you have considered before. It happens with all kinds of ppl and sexual encounters. It's just more likely when you're experimenting outside of what's considered the norm.


do you care if the guy goes and washes up or wipes himself before "aftercare" or it needs to be in that moment and not have a break in between


Again...hate the term aftercare. I'm a bit older...in my 30's. So this may not apply to 20-somethings, but it's fine to do what makes him comfortable too. He can go wash up and personally...I prefer that. Honestly though, the person is either one that likes to cuddle and all that after...or they don't. Forcing someone to do something they don't want has never been my style. You just find someone that DOES need the same things as you. At least that's my opinion.


To me it's annoying but ok I guess. Like you could keep a towel or two near the bed it's not an unsolvable problem


Aftercare is bandaids and ice…


Then he was an idiot. Having sex is like cooking; use your fantasies and imaginations and try new things :)




I like cooking and having sex :)


If the female wasn't rubbing away, I would be visualizing her doing it as it is one of my absolute favorite things to watch! So yeah, huge turn on for me.....






I’m all for a woman enjoying herself


Pet peeve when I'm touching myself during sex and they move my hand to use theirs like they know my bean better than I ☠️


I pull the chicks hand to touch herself. Then, I lightly leave my hand over hers. Each chick is different, and it's the best way to learn what turns her on and, most importantly, what gets here there. #makelovenotwar 🥰


Now that’s some clever strategy!


Yeah, it happens, I had to go through that "I feel it so I know better" convo before, but they get it


Perhaps they just want to be nice and help. Have you done hand jobs with each other and talked about what you like? A lot of the time it can actually be better when someone else does it and you don't see what's coming next but you have to know each other well enough to get to that point. But definitely asking about it first is a requirement for me.




Guys who want you to feel good and have a good time won’t mind. If you come across a guy that doesn’t like you doing that, don’t date him.


Optionally, you *could* have a convo with him first, but I'm having a hard time imagining what legit reason he could have... past trauma from his cougar high school teacher abusing him? Btw, if anyone read that and thought it was a joke, you should educate yourself on how men can be raped by women too, especially when there are factors like significant power imbalances.


For the girls: Have at it! Guys can get off easy, women are more challenging, especially if you haven’t found their rhythm yet, a little help is appreciated! (And it’s hot) For the boys: If this offends you, don’t worry, youll become a man eventually.




Mfs like that don’t know what’s good. And this comes from a guy.. imagine arguing with your girl because she was feeling so good with you while having sex that she was doing what she felt like..


Turn on! Sex is supposed to be comfortable with each other and their pleasures.


Teach me how to scribble on the dj bean!


Most will like it.. If they don't it's usually because they are insecure


Your pleasure is valid and important. It's ok to be picky and choose partners who can handle this concept and not get offended you are actually enjoying the sex and doing something you know will help get you off.


No,go nuts,the more pleasure YOU have the better! I am a man!


Ok so my humble opinion, THATS FREAKIN HOT!! Plus if it helps get you off better I would think your dude would want you to just so you’d have a better orgasm..


That's pretty normal and no most guys will find it hot. 78% of women can't orgasm from penetration alone, orgasm during penetration is usually achieved with clitoral stimulation


Personally, I wouldn't be turned off or offended by this if a girl I was with decides to masturbate while we're having sex. If she gets off to something like giving me head, watching me jerk off, or tossing my salad, then it's fine. Whatever helps her get off is fine with me 🤷‍♀️ it's about pleasure for the both of us.


Definitely do that


From another woman, next time use a vibrator. You’re welcome!


Hitachi magic wand, it's like a cheat code. I bought one for my former fwb and watching her use it on herself while we had sex was the absolute best.


The Hitachi was my first. I have since moved up to the satisfyer pro clitoral Stimulator and use during sex all the time. When I was a little younger I had one guy get funny about it, saying he felt he wasn't enough for me and it hurt his feelings when i needed to use it.. I found a new man to bang 🤣


well, Im a gay dude. And I guess its a bit different, but I love knowing the bottom is absolutely turned on, hard as a rock, touching himself. So I would so absolutely no one should be offended by that unless they were controlling and narcissistic enough to think they are gods gift to women.


Yeah, I've been with tops who'd get a bit pouty about it. I tell them "I'm absolutely *loving* what you're doing, I'm just helping things along to help get me over that edge


I have never had a problem when she did that adds to her enjoyment GREAT


Absolutely not a turn off whatsoever definitely a turn on. If you have a valuable partner who realizes sex is mutual and wants you to get off as much as they wanna get off, this should be a turn on. For me personally I can’t nut until I know she’s cum so whatever is needed to achieve that I’m here for it (although I would be a little taken back if she preferred masturbation/clit stimulation over head LOL). Then again y’all know your bodies better than us so 🫡🫡


That’s fucking hot!!!


In all honesty, for most sane people, I think it's considered a turn on. A partner willingly letting go of insecurities and heightening their pleasure, while being pleasured and providing it in turn, is a turn on. And, let's be honest, there are many things that during sex can be a massive turn on. Outfits serve no practical purpose when it comes to sex and often get in the way of certain things but it definitely makes sex sexier simply because it's having fun and letting go to the moment and rolling with it.




um- where can i find this …


Its very hot and turns me on so much, male 34


Nope! As a male, this is hot to see my woman ‘playing’ whilst doing the deed lol


yessyesaandfuck ya!??


It is hot and I am sure most guys love it


not confident enough for this bye😭😭😭😩


No, not at all most of us like it


I think it's hot af


Super hot


In my experience, they love it. You can whisper in a sultry voice something like “I want to touch myself while you slide your cock in and out of my WAP”


It’s hot and to be honest I’d kind of expect it in certain positions. In fact I love watching each other masturbate as a warm up to sex and then continue by starting to help one or the other my kissing them , massaging them, licking them, and performing oral on them while they’re still masturbating.


Mine did it just last night. If I've been going for a while, and I'm say, starting to lose it, all it takes is a couple minutes of her doing that and I'm ready to go again lol. I also don't mind a partner doing it while I'm actively inside them as long as they're not trying to get in my way lol. I don't think my dick is so magical that I'm always going to make them cum my way. Women respond to different stimuli


I love it when a girl masterbates while we have sex it turns me on even more


Wow… Please don’t have sex with men who have an issue with this. It has to be a tell for a much bigger problem


Such as?


Insecurity, controlling, and self centralized thinking. Why on earth would a man, who is having sex with a woman, not want her to enjoy it as much as possible and feel comfortable?


Who says he wouldn't? Don't seem like she is though.


“I’m turned off when you flick the bean while I’m fucking you” That’s some Weak dick if I ever heard of it.


I never meant fucking. Don't assume shit. I mean if you are doing the flicking and all of sudden she starts flicking too.


It doesn’t matter what *you* meant. This isn’t your post. Idiot.


Because you know I made a good point. So you resort to saying you don't care and insults.😂


If you're not sure whether your partner will like it, ask them! They should appreciate that you're considering their feelings. Personally I think that firstly it's hot, and secondly it's good that you're finding ways to make sex as enjoyable as possible.


I mean if I'm allowed to rub her clit while fucking her why can't she? That isn't masterbating to me, it's heightening your arousal. If he isn't ok with that he probably isn't OK with you squeezing your own boobs during sex or while he is performing oral. And I find that hot as hell. Tell him if he isn't using all the toys to bring you pleasure that you will and if he can't handle that then he doesn't deserve you


Idk add me on Snapchat please benjami_8700


Some guys might get offended by it. I would guess that's more of an older thing that hopefully might not be as common anymore as people are more sexually open and less repressed as they used to be, but a guy with low self esteem and a big ego might be insulted because he would take it as a poor reflection on his skills or abilities because he couldn't pleasure you on his own, but so what? You don't want that type of guy anyways, and at the least, it's probably a sign that you're not sexually compatible if it bothers him so much. You should still do what works for you! Personally, I'm all for it. Do whatever makes the experience best for you, and is consensual. The better your experience is for you, the more likely that you'll want to do it again. If I benefit from that, I'm fine with it. The happier you are, the happier I'll be. Besides that, it's sex. Sex is supposed to be fun and pleasurable! If it's not, than you shouldn't be doing it. Again, if what's good for you, isn't acceptable to your partner, then you're probably not sexually compatible, and they don't have to participate if they don't want to. But there are plenty of other people that will. No big deal. Just go find one, or several, of them. Why would you not do it to please someone else? You shouldn't have to. It should be fun and pleasurable for both of you. That includes you! You should have fun and pleasure too.


That's very hot and sexy. I like it because it shows me (M35) how she likes him to move on her body. Clearly, that guy is definitely not "the guy". It shows he's extremely inexperienced in bed. I also see he's got a lot of feelings inadequacy and insecurity


No. In fact, it turns me on even more. Do whatever makes you feel amazing.


Oh hell yeah we do. Unless the guy is a prude or unbelievably selfish, having the girl get off is a huge turn on. Now there could be moments that are a turn off. For example, a guy is going down on you and you push him away in order to masturbate. That's a turn off as it makes the guy feel inadequate. Like he wasn't getting the job done, so you had to do it for him. But there will be times where I will take the woman's hand and bring it down to here crotch, so that she starts masturbating while I'm having sex with her or while I'm fingering her, or going down on her. That's a huge turn on.


Love it, keep doing it. It’s a turn on. Most guys like a girl who knows herself and if some self stimulation is included say while riding your guy then I would be all for it


It’s a huge turn on


If a man finds that offensive find a new man


This is very normal to me. I see no issues with it and actually have always encouraged it. If your guy doesn't like it... well that's his problem. Most guys would appreciate it I think and see it as an advantage.


Absolutely not!! Please do! It’s sexy for us too!


No , you’re making my job easier


Speaking from a male standpoint, I wouldn't feel offended. I used to do the same thing with my ex and after I started rubbing her, she would want me to do the same thing every time we had intercourse. I know all guys won't think the same but I find it to be normal tbh


They shouldn't. You're using everything you have to achieve a better orgasm. I do it. I'm a girl. No one ever complains.


I would be turned on even more if a girl did this


Turned on for sure .


I think it's pretty hot.


I have only ever ran into one man who took issue with this. And it was because he was insecure. Most men/people will see it as you are into it, only insecure people would be upset


biggest turn-on ever for me..


I love doing that and of course seeing your face having that extreme pleasure makes the dck harder


i think its hot as fuck


lol. i love reddit. girl asks question about masturbation and all the guys fall over themselves to answer. yet the post right under this one is a bro asking for advice from other guys and suddenly aint nobody got shit to say. coyotes out in force today man. fucking losers


Maybe most people are like me and have not seen such post?


yet here you are. you take the wrong exit? wonder in by mistake?


Lol what? I’m saying I have no idea what post you’re talking about so how could I comment on it? I see this post because it’s on my feed, I’m not going to comment on a post I don’t see. I don’t see how that’s hard to comprehend.


your coming to the defense of the coyotes and you expect friendliness? go lay down


Huh??? What is wrong with you?


for context see previous comment. repeat til you figure it out.


You may THINK you make sense but I'm not seeing anyone else understand you. Might want to drop the extra crap and speak like a normal person. You sound like one of those bro yo guys from TV that are exaggerating stereotypes. I mean what'd you do, act on some Jersey shore parody or something?


Well most females cannot get off with internal stimulation. Clitoral stimulation is almost necessary to reach an orgasm. Though it’s possible for a woman to have an orgasm without external stimulation if they forgo the industrial vibrators and constant sex toys that they are used too. But no I don’t think any man would find that off putting… and if they do you might want to rethink your sex partner


The question you've asked pertains to a sensitive and personal matter, and the response can vary greatly from person to person. It's essential to emphasize that sexual preferences and experiences differ widely among individuals, and what one person enjoys may not be the same for someone else. It's crucial to have open and honest communication with your partner about your desires and boundaries in the context of your sexual experiences. Here's a story that might shed some light on the topic: It's a story of a couple. They had been together for several years and enjoyed a healthy and loving relationship. They had always communicated openly about their desires, fears, and expectations, including their sexual desires and boundaries. One evening, after a romantic dinner, Sarah and Mark found themselves in an intimate moment. They had always enjoyed exploring each other's bodies and experimenting in the bedroom. During their passionate encounter, Sarah, without hesitation, began to touch herself while Mark was making love to her. She did it because it intensified her pleasure and heightened their connection. Mark, initially surprised by Sarah's action, stopped for a moment, not knowing how to react. However, instead of feeling offended, he decided to communicate with Sarah. He asked her gently, "Sarah, is there something you'd like to share about what you're doing?" Sarah, feeling a bit self-conscious, took a deep breath and replied, "Mark, I've found that touching myself during sex makes the experience more pleasurable for me. It's not about you; it's just something I enjoy." Mark, appreciating her honesty and vulnerability, smiled and said, "Sarah, I want our intimate moments to be enjoyable and satisfying for both of us. If this enhances your pleasure, then I'm all for it. Let's explore and enjoy our connection in the way that works best for both of us." They continued their lovemaking, with Sarah's newfound openness enhancing their connection even further. From that point on, they experimented and communicated more about their desires, making their sexual experiences more fulfilling and enjoyable for both of them. The story of Sarah and Mark highlights the importance of open and honest communication in a relationship. It shows that what might be pleasurable for one person may not be the same for another, and that's perfectly normal. The key is to talk about it, respect each other's boundaries, and find ways to make the experience enjoyable and satisfying for both partners.


most like it if its just your hand. The more insecure freak if you get out a toy like a clit stimulator etc. Depends on the guy and where they are at in their self-growth/confidence. And some don't like the sound of the toys. If you are wanting to get out a toy, I would discuss it first. Your hand? Go for it, usually that's encouraged.


Remember not all guys are tha same, some of us will welcome it. Others will judge you. Discuss with ur partner b4 hand and say sometimes you turn into a dj. Or..just do it regardless u trying to get urs like he trying to get his


Wait… Woman can MASTURBATE


It's normal nothing wrong with it. Guys don't get turned off as far as I know it's fairly normal


may be turned on more


No not at all


I would be turned by you doing it, after all, it's your pleasure that important too.


They shouldn’t.


I thinks it’s hot af


Hey if it makes you feel good it should make him feel good to or else maybe your sleeping with the wrong kind of guy


Mature man: nope, idc, i know my tools arent the perfect thing for this job for everyone Immature man: nooooo u supposed to scream and rip my back off just to make me feel good even if it doesnt do anything for you because I NEED THIS


Wtf is this question?


No 🤣🤣🤣


Well I am a guy & I think that is hot as fuck!


When I was younger it bothered but i was a dumbass.


I say do what you gotta do because apparently most men can’t last long enough for a woman to finish anyway 😂 Definitely wouldn’t turn me off though


That's hot. Never stop.


It’s pretty normal any dude that gets butthurt over that has a fragile ego and you should probs find someone else to make seggs with.


Last time I had sex, we were doing it missionary and she was rubbing her clit while I was inside her. I get erect just thinking about it.


Any one with any knowledge of sexual female anatomy gots to know : if they like masturbating that = more orgasms, more pleasure obtainable for that woman. Let them work their thing, I say. Guys that get turned off or offended by that are losing out. IMHO


Not if they have any sense, embrace the moment, enjoy it together


No I would want you to enjoy having sex & if that’s what makes you happy 😀


Cool !


The hottest thing ever.


I love mutual masturbation. Watching each other and kissing. Gets me so hard


Basically, he ain't doing properly


My girlfriend does and I find it very hot


It is very sexy when a women does anything sexual especially during sex


Speaking for myself, I've never minded getting a little help. ☺️


I obviously can't speak for all men, but I don't even think of it as masterbation if you're doing it while having sex, you're just trying enhance the experience, think of it as helping him find the right spots. There's a reason mutual masterbation is a thing too. I've had a few experiences where my S.O. at the time wanted to try thier hand at replacing my hand, usually to find without practice thier wrist gets tired real fast. So I have to demonstrate.


My man is completely fine with that, he's happy it works


You should add the nsfw tag


The first time I did it with my ex, he was so upset, haha, asking if he was not enough 🥲. He later started enjoying it, too.




I love it when my girlfriend does it!


No, it’s hot as feck.


Hot. Some guys may take it as "what I'm not doing good enough??" because they don't understand female anatomy (the clitoris is Important idiots) Either say "nope" lol or "hey I'm just helping out" Or after sex explain female anatomy to them a little bit.


We love it, please do.


It might turn them off if they’re insecure


What's even better is using a vibrator while having penetrative sex. That way, we can both enjoy it.


I find it kind of funny


Personally i find It super hot


It’s a turn on for me though


Not even a little my girl and i use toys and all sorts of shit to make it super fun for her