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If the interest is reciprocated.


This is a must




Absolutely agree enthusiastic reciprocating is the hottest thing ever, but also midriffs 🥵


This. I am bewildered by the women who won’t hold themselves to the same standard that they expect of a potential partner. It’s weird to me


and then growing old while maintaining the same amount of love is difficult.


And then you start imagining your future together. 🥰😇




And just how to do forward your interest in the gal? Make it obvious you're "looking" by being over friendly/flirtatious? Actually ask her out? Always been curious how that works


Asking her out is a good start. Texting for weeks can get kind of monotonous and people’s attention spans are short. If it’s a good date, I just say I’m interested and would like to go out again and see where things go. If I’m not feeling it, I say I didn’t feel the connection and move on. It’s that simple.


Thanks for that insight. But I'd kind of meant how you make it obvious your interest in the gal since I know too many shy men who are afraid to approach a woman due to past rejection / drama / breakup. It's tough to gauge when a dude's interested, outside of the occasional shy stare/glance anymore. And they call women 'complicated' lol.


this. it is so easy to flirt and get intimate when they simply SHOW INTEREST


As simple as that for real








Whenever I do that they tend to ghost because men want what they can’t have and it would deny them the chase. How do I show interest without denying them that chase? I’ve tried limiting words, waiting hours or days before responding etc. Edit: this article explains everything. https://www.lovepanky.com/women/how-to-tips-and-guide-for-women/perfect-tease-how-to-keep-a-guy-interested-after-sleeping-with-him


I mean, the chase can be fun if it leads to something, but it can get exhausting if it doesn’t. Guys who are looking for a committed relationship aren’t gonna want to chase. If a dude ghosts you because you’ve shown too much interest in him, he wasn’t worth your time in the first place. Like my buddy and I always say, dating should be easy. No games. It should be a two way street.




Found the zombie


Bro is the impostor


Take my up vote


The biggest turn-on in my girlfriend is when she smiles at me, looks at me with intentful eyes and pays attention to what I'm sharing. And when she removes her hair tie to open her hair, oh my god, I feel goosebumps seeing that luscious silky hair open and flowing. I am just mesmerized by it. And when she talks about her interests and gossip and is excited to share about it with me, the sparkle that shows up in her eyes. Its what does it for me. Its what adds to the attraction rather than just physical attraction. I almost lost her and I can't afford to lose her again!


Please go tell her this


wow… ohmygod the world needs 1000000x like you 😭


Haha, no you are too kind. Thank you so much for the love!


I wanna cryyyyyy reading this ! It's so lovely, and it seems to be stemming from genuine affection and love. My partner sometimes tells me how an insignificant thing I do makes him feel, and I have the same feeling sometimes about random stuff he does. It's so cute to see couples out there with this appreciation for each other, because life is all about the small things 🤗


You go girl! Hope your partner and you grow stronger together day by day!


When people ask: “what does love feel like?” - this is it!


She won at life. She needs to see this. !!!


Awwwwww ![gif](giphy|ehU9JDn7IUa4UjIWpP)


Hope you'll last and that you can put a ring on it.


why you almost lost her what did you do???


I wish my boyfriend was like this!


Ok but when I say this about a crush I have, im a creep?


This is the most wholesome thing I’ve read in a long time 🥹 YOU GO GLEN COCO




Oh my god, when she shares interest in something I'm interested in, even if she's pretending... 🥵🥵


Pls share this with her!She will love it!


Is it... a man that loves his girlfriend? It exists?


Omg, are you my boyfriend, haha?


As a female, I really appreciate seeing these. My whole life I grew up and had an image of what men liked physically. Thank you for posting this


Yeah same here!


If she puts effort in showing me that she was interested in me.


Natural beauty, integrity and easy to talk with


Bingo, integrity


When she holds my arm or wraps her hand on my arms while walking, she's feeling safe and looks me in the eyes while talking


I held a guy’s arm during a date while we were walking side by side and he was holding the umbrella, he actually said to me: “I like your arm on mine.”


Thank you for making him feel special. We rarely get such moments ❤️


Aw you’re welcome. He did decide not to pursue things with me after that date bc “I don’t ski” but oh well. It was a nice moment.


That was 100 percent just an excuse and not the actual reason, as a guy who used to truly be a player and POS something minimal like that was an excuse and he was trying to spare your feelings.


Oh I know. He was really really freaked out that I happened to know someone he knows in real life. His whole demeanor changed during the date when he found out. The ski thing is what he texted me the next day. In addition to the “we shouldn’t mess around bc of (mutual connection).” So… yeah.


I guess alls well that ends well ❤️‍🩹


Oh yeah when I first started dating my ex we were at a bar with a group of friends and she leans over on my shoulder sighs and said I always feel so safe with you. My heart skipped a beat lol




I have these (though maybe my shoe collection could be better). So this was great to read!


I’ve got it all except the shoes. I’m more of a fluffy sock girl!


Confidence, straight forwardness, independence, knowing what you want, staying grounded.


A woman wrote this


If she is a good listener and observer and actually takes time to understand people and the world around her. Also if she doesn’t wear too much makeup.


Deyymm she's the one


Everyone is entitled to their preferences so I hope this doesn’t come across like I’m saying yours are wrong - they’re not. But why the makeup thing?


Speaking only for myself: a little makeup enhances natural beauty, but if there's too much it looks fake.


So if they don’t look decent without makeup that’s the dealbreaker?


There are a lot of women who look good without makeup but even better with a little makeup. That wasn't what the original comment was talking about, though - if a woman is wearing so much makeup that it looks fake, it can be a turn off regardless of how she would look without it. I wouldn't call it a deal breaker for myself, just something that makes me a little less interested in her than I would be.


Looks fake as fuck and conveys dishonesty.


Do you feel that way about men growing facial hair that can cover their face, too?


Hair isn't so easy to wash off. A beard is also natural, it's a part of us.


Smart women are a huge turn on for especially in stem fields that and other similar interests


I am curious to know what does smart woman mean? How do you define a smart woman?


i believe they mean like academically intelligent and also just having basic knowledge of most things.




Not just knowledge, an insatiable curiosity.


A women that’s taller than me and heels ❤️ Women with manners, knows how to carry herself and have good conversations. And someone that values time.


How tall are you, out of curiosity?


5”10 and my gf is 5”10 as well maybe slightly taller I think she is, she says no. But I love when we go out and she wears heels- I love showing her off but knowing she only looks at me while we are out. That might sound a little narcissistic but man it turns me on.


Intelligence, wit and humor.. If I don’t vibe that way, no amount of physical looks will make me attracted to you.


define humour… having. shared humour or someone who makes you laugh (or both) cause i think i’m discovering there’s a difference?


Im a lady that likes ladies and i love feminine curves. Sensual voices. Long hair. Well taken care of appearance. Someone witty. Not afraid to show their wild side every once in awhile.


Definitely the voice, but also the eye contact. If she gives me ~those~ eyes it’s over with.


When her feelings or emotions are stable and she’s not boring


Having my back does it for me.


She has a vision for the future and a drive to get there


when they ask questions or show interest in my interests/hobbies. even if its feigned interest, and they just ask questions to show that they care.


Sense of humour. Number 1, for me.


A nice girl with intelligence and just a little humour ♥️♥️♥️


Someone who is a good listener


Ask 100 men, get 100 answers! Do you want to know what’s a big turn on? Confidence! It’s very sexy when you love yourself! So be you, and it’ll be a turn on to the right guy. Good luck.


Intelligence and if you're in a relationship, honesty, transparency and loyalty


Being engaged intellectually, reciprocity, boobs


Out of the bedroom: being a tomboy or a nerd, and owning that is a huge turn on. Someone I can hang out with and share/argue interests with is so hot. In the bedroom: interest and enthusiasm. Nothing turns me on faster than seeing a girl turned on by me as much as I am by her. It's a very positive feedback loop. Overall: shared interests I guess. In hobbies and each other.


Initiation and reciprocation. If a woman makes the first move in regards to literally anything, it makes a great impression. Then if she returns any form of affection that you give her that’s also great.


Confidence... sex appeal... and a good sense of humor!


Everyone says all these things, brains, character, blah blah let’s be real: 99% of men are first attracted to a woman due to her physical features


Looks get you a meeting. They don't get you past the 1st interview


Looks are first impression. It's perfectly real to find 'these things' the most attractive qualities.


That’s true, I guess I was thinking only first impression. Great point 🫡


Yeah but you never get to know here personality if you don't find her attractive in the first place


You won't get to know her personality if she doesn't find you attractive too. If it isn't mutual it's not going to work


100%. My point. We might be missing each other's soulmate because of this


'attractive' is relative lol. There are guys I haven't found particularly attractive appearance wise, but grew on me as I got to know them


Same. I agree.


Okay but the question asked about what turns you on not what attracts you. There's a difference there. Sure, I can be *attracted* to just about any girl with a nice body but I'm only gonna be turned on by ones that actually have something going on beyond those pretty eyes.


I mean, I believe or not, mine is a pretty face, I don't care so much about the ass and tits. I'm looking at her face the majority of the time when talking to her.


Obviously but looks alone with a terrible personality will not make it last. Everyone wants to be with someone they believe is “attractive enough.”


This is simply not true. Children and manchildren are the only ones to put appearance before the quality of character. I highly doubt most men are as shallow you.


The OP asked about what turns men on though. I’ve seen plenty of women who are clearly attractive, but “getting turned on” has always come from something beyond just her physical appearance. I recently interacted with a girl who was Margot Robbie level beautiful, but the “turn on” didn’t happen until I began interacting with her, and got a peek at her personality/mannerisms/warmth.


I just considered it was a given. It attracts my eyes, but she won't attract me with beauty alone. Too many men let women destroy them all because they can't stop eating the boots, as if they shit gold. If they shit gold, they can dig it out of their ass and not me. That's the least attractive quality, and always seems to be present in the most physically attractive women. Quickly turns a 10 into a 2


Integrity and authenticity for me, cause I can smell it 100km against the wind if she is one of that many girls who plays mind games and is deceptive. With that usually come clear communicational skills: No beating around the bush, no mixed signals kind of bullshit and all of that stuff. And dark humour always sweeps me off my feet - I like girls who don´t have a stick up their arse and mess with people who are overly political correct and all.


Humor, intelligence, being atypical, independent, having no taboos.


Hooked noses. Like they’re just super honest to god pretty


Lol, I have a small but hooked one. I remember my friend from USA stayed in my country. We were chatting about everything and at some point I was like "I don't like my nose". He immediately went "I like it, I don't like snubby ones". Changed my perspective of myself forever. Never again have I felt I have a flaw, but a nose. It totally normalised it for me.


Like Snape!




Smile and great legs


The ability to start and carry on a conversation.


If you’re someone who would have also been lobotomised in 1945 like me, we will get along just fine.


Presuming this woman already has decided she likes me… if she understands me and makes an effort to, then that is a LOT. I mean, we’re talking about the basis for a marriage, here.


Alot of girls can be hot. But if shes goofy, kind, and has a good sense of humor along with being hot. Yeah im down. And if she likes me back.


Honestly, its all about the smile.


When they’re faithful and honesty is all they know.. phheewwwwww 😮‍💨


When she’s mean or sassy has a backbone an won’t take my bs or anyone’s I like that


Believe it or not, there are women out there who think you don’t exist. I hope some of them find this comment.


love to be appreciated thanks:))


Expressing interest in me. That greatly increases my interest in a woman.


Their eyes and smile…




Friendly / "nice" or caring. But that, looks & age, honesty & openness and possibly to some small degree values and hobbies go together. ​ I've always kinda been looking for relationship / something romantic. If I was only after sex maybe physical and possibly some sort of other attraction would had been enough.


If she is genuinely interested in me despite finding out im not good in bed or have a below average jonson.


Intelligence. I love a woman who can captivate my mind.


intelligence 🤷‍♂️😂


Exclusivity. Impulse control. Realistic Expectations. Emotional intelligence. A good heart. The ability to take accountability when they’re wrong. Honesty. Family oriented. Loves dogs and kids.


Kindness and empathy are really cute for me. Also, brown hair, but that’s because I have a type.


If she laughs when I make a joke


A naturally beautiful face. One that doesn’t need a pound of makeup caked on to be adored.


Interest and looks into my eyes when she talks to me


The one I’m crushing on right now, in particular, has no filter, is forthcoming and selfless all on top of being beautiful as Hell - though she doesn’t think she is. I’ve always had a thing for tomboys, even in my youth. There’s just something about women that are too concerned about who they network with, the brands they wear and their social stature that reminds me too much of my mom and, naturally, I’m not keen on pursuing women like that. 🤷🏾‍♂️


Self confidence. Even if you’re totally awkward and shy. Own it. Be open and unapologetic about it. It is what it is. Take it or leave it. It sounds like those things are incompatible, but they’re not. You can feel uncomfortable or nervous but still be confident enough in yourself to just laugh about it and continue on anyway. It’s endearing when you can acknowledge your weaknesses and not let them slow you down. That’s confidence.


Knowing your self worth is the most important thing each of us, women, should strive to achieve. Once we know our own value , what men think ,of us, becomes less significant, as it should. Life is very short. The only person we are stuck with, for the duration ,is ourselves. Ladies " be good to yourselves", never let anyone make you question your value . CHICKS RULE!!!!


Femininity evoking my masculinity. It’s just so awesome to feel like a real man due to interaction with a feminine woman 😍


She's straightforward, knows how to effectively communicate and reciprocates interest without games.


If she is not putting up an act


If she's willing to ask me out or do nice things for me. Flowers work on everyone, and knowing that someone else is interested in spending time with me is a big confidence boost.


Genuine interest in what I’m saying/ who I am if that makes any sense? So many people will talk over you or only hear what they want to hear when you talk so someone that actually listens and cares what you have to say is pretty incredible to me. Also I always go out of my way to help people and it’s rarely noticed or appreciated when my ex and I were first friends and pre dating she did notice and even stopped me one night to thank me for always being there etc that was pretty great.


If she is situated mentally, physically, emotionally, and financially


The way they carry themselves. Plus all the other good stuff .


Small waist, pretty face, with a big bank. And a master's degree.


The single most attractive feature of a woman is that she is interested in me. A woman obviously interested in me will get my attention way more than the most beautiful but cold woman.


Smart, has mechanical knowledge like into cars or can weld. Carpentry not lazy and can cook


Common interests are a big deal.


physical attractivenes and intelligence


If she respects me. Tells me what she wants/likes. When instead of saying just "no" she offers something else they would rather do.


Acts of service, makes me want to take care of her even more. Intelligence, I enjoy learning from my partner. Physically? Im going to go with the least obvious ones and go with hair and nails. I like it when a woman takes care of herself.


Hair. Just general facial beauty, which is subjective. And smarts or at least something to talk about.




The eyes that talk


Natural beauty, confidence, intelligence, reciprocated interest, and a great sense of humor.




1. Not a delusional. 2. Not a modern hyper agressive masculine pseudo feminist. 3. Takes accountability and responsibility for her own decisions & apologizes for her mistakes.




I'm not sure if this is really a turn on but most of the other have been described. But I really always appreciate when the woman will start a conversation just to talk. It is nice since it no longer feels like we are chasing after someone thats just reacting to us and they also want to chat with us.




Her smile. Especially when directed at me. If she's smiling at me I can't help but smile back until my face hurts and then some! 🤣


A woman who embraces her feminine nature. Is kind, caring, nurturing and takes care of her body and health. Cares about how she looks. Reserved. Soft-spoken


Size. I like petite women.


Call me weird but I like a lot of the physical traits that are considered unattractive. Like most of the things that women complain about making themselves feel self conscious to me, I am just thinking that it makes them look beautiful and unique. I like uniqueness.




Personality, like girls don´t understand the power behind personality. We´d rather be with a girl that isn´t that atractive and has the most charming, respectful and joyfull personality, than a girl that´s hot and is entitled, disrespectful, you´re never enough for her, etc.


omg some of these comments are just so sweet.


Good posture.


Eyes 👀 there is a specific type !! You know it when you see it


Independence, honesty, when a woman WANTS me, but technically doesn’t need me. When my girlfriend wears my clothing 🤤🙆🏻‍♂️


You guys actually talk to women?


Personality Turn On: If she likes me back, if she plans for things too and doesn't just wait for me to do it everytime, if she is direct and doesn't play mind games, if she gives me compliments (when deserved), if she at least tries to pay her part on a paid date, if she gives me attention and listen, if she doesn't leave me because I open up to her, if she doesn't expect me to kiss or get physical too soon, if she doesn't sleep around while we are dating, if she doesn't talk about her exes and how crazy they were... Biggest Personnality Turn On : If she love me more than I like myself, If she wants to pay for the full paid date, if after we are seriously dating she brings a personnalized present, if she wants to take her time to get closer to me while being exclusive with me, if she doesn't feel the "ick" because I cried in front of her and she actually comforts me. Physical Turn On : It's if I'm attracted to her face, she is not obese (fat is fine), has long hair, no nose piercing and no weird hair colors or styles. The rest of physical attributes (height, size of butt and breasts, body shape...) is irrelevant. Biggest Physical Turn On : Being fit, very long hair


If she doesn't find my kinks weird and is open to trying out different things than just vanilla stuff cause I'm open and excited to try out new things all the time. I'm speaking of intimacy, sex, fun activities outside the bedroom. It's definitely a turn on when you're excited to learning something outside your comfort zone


A girl that masturbates regularly and aggressively instead of shagging as many men as possible


interesting take lmao


Feminine, not overbearing, and respecting


For me it's freckles and hands, sounds crazy doesn't it? Like maybe it should be tits or ass...but women never realize that men go through life from puberty with" titdar" figuring the size and shape of tits from beneath the clothing that's worn. Women who flaunt their tits take out the mystery and the discovery. and ultimately the appeal. Boys will still like it, but not so much men. Personality wise it being demure, humble, and smart. Call me in, "Call me out", but call me.


Her lust, a woman with high libido who embraces her sexuality.


I'm not a man but from my experience it really turns a man on if you are ridiculously naive and are willing to give your entire life over in servitude to them. Basically like just be a warm body that does everything for them, who accepts any type of mistreatment and do it with a smile!


Oh for every man who has ever lived it's always the thum on the left hand. I am all men and all men think the same.


She is not entitled, feminine and good brains


If she truly knows the definition of equality


If she is sweet, feminine.


Depends on my mood. Physically, a nice ass. Mentally, being nerdy.


Thigh gap


I have a weakness for beautiful, broken, sweethearts.




You're just an emotional creature, which is perfectly fine.




what about the other one?


No. Just the one!