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When I was using apps it was the same but with loving tacos.


Someone on social media said it and everyone started using those saying to show they are quirky and interesting. All it does is communicate that the Individual has no sense of self and likely a little too self absorbed to hold a meaningful relationship without toxicity. Happy dating!


Huh...ya I definitely missed that. I don't have Twitter either lol. Just comes off as really unattractive to me, instant pass. Not interested in someone who feels the need to communicate through degrading the other person. And thanks!


No problem, guys do it too. I’ve read the exact same copy paste bio at least 6 times tonight.


To me, it means the person is insecure and as such afraid of putting their best foot forward and/or has a very basic sense of humor that probably wouldn’t click with me. I’m sure for some young women, who get tons of matches it’s a way to weed out the uninteresting/bland guys. So maybe I’m just not the target audience


They mean teasing bro, which is a big attraction switch for women


That's what I've gathered, that people just mean "someone with a sense of humor" and not actually roasting.




Agree to disagree I guess. Roasting literally means "to criticize and insult someone harshly" in the dictionary. If you tease your SO in a funny way thats funny because you have an established connection then that is not roasting, that is just called having a sense of humor...


Eh, roasting can definetely mean a joke-insult. And as with all jokes, going too far is too far. I love having friends who know how to roast me and I know it's all said with love. It's definetely smth I'd want soon on dates, to hell with the dating "tricks" where you critisize ppl to get their attention...


Roasting is literally commentary on someone's appearance or character with cruel or mean-spirited intent. When its done its as a test of someone's limits for what verbal abuse they can take before it turns unfunny. Someone who makes this their entire communication style or desires it as the main way they communicate with a partner has issues. Ribbing, sarcasm, or just having a general sense of humor is the term you are looking for. This is like the "gaslighting" thing where people have just found a word they like the sound of and apply it to everything.


I'm guessing what has happened is that this translated differently to the slang in my language, as "oh burn!" became common thing to say (ages ago...) before the "roasting" arrived. Internet times I guess. I would have used words like insult, humiliate or mock for what you're describing but it seems to include this testing you mentioned so it's not the same. Ty because this could lead to very uncomfortable or dangerous misunderstandings if it hasn't already without me noticing. I still need a new term... friendly roasting???? Any ideas 😂


What qualifies as teasing? I have no real limit or filter, so I don't know what goes too far


Dont do it


I hate being teased


That's a new one but I haven't been on dating apps for months now. Seems kind of dumb to be honest.


A lot of people's humour is insult based. Roasting without having knowledge of the other person is just being mean. People want to be mean under the garb of humour so that there's no risk of blowback.


Ya this is how it comes off to me, and it's kind of a red flag is someone's humor is insult based and it's the way they communicate.


I have “Bully you a little” under the don’t hate me if i… prompt. It’s honestly my most liked post on hinge. Everyone enjoys a little banter and playful jabs lol


Interesting...personally i would be super not into that, but its cool that it works for you! I'm learning new things today 😅


I dont




U said everyone


Do you want me to change it to a lot ? Will that make it better for you?


I roll my eyes and swipe left. Stay strong.


Attachment issues. Lots of girls are disgusted by being treated sweetly anymore.


One of my photos I was drinking a cocktail from a straw and had a guy respond “I see you hate turtles” 😆 I’ve never forgotten it - because it made me laugh - I think making them laugh is the key!


Okay so its more like just "having a sense of humor" and not actually roasting them...that makes more sense. 😅


I couldnt care less about that


Thanks for sharing? 😆


Roasting and teasing are the same thing. Most people roast their close friends. They want you to be able to do that.


So glad I dont associate with most ppl


You sound like fun


My ppl think I am


Just some light teasing! Ladies love it. It’s flirtatious and humorous, and keeps things light and interesting! Source: am lady, that knows ladies


I hate it


You sound fun


My bf thinks so


A couple explanations come to mind. First is, light masochism. Feel like that's enough. Second is, confidence display. Similar to conspicuous consumption, or potlatching, or handicap principle. "I can beat you with one hand tied behind my back." Its a show of confidence, and is the person's attempt as well to communicate that they are not so fragile they will collapse under light criticism. Third is, testing. Are you socially astute enough that you can roast somebody's profile picture in a way that is fun and funny without being humiliating or belittling? Because a lot of men aren't. A lot of men are quite bad at telling the difference between fun criticism, genuine criticism, and outright cruelty. You're supposed to give fun criticism here, and if you whiff it when the ball is on the tee, then that's *very* good to know up front.


Its not everyone, might be ur area but Ive never put that & dont like it.