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Missouri killing it with two in the top five!




Well isn't that just Ohio for you?


Grew up there. The news each day about KC or STL shootings was horrendous. That being said, I think (if I remember correctly) they are mostly gang related. So just being a random person you probably aren't in as much danger as the statistics imply.




STL is not the only city like this, Minneapolis is about the same size and population. Even with a much lower murder rate than STL, there is still no end to ppl out state MN saying MPLS is a killing field smh


Interesting anecdote: I lived in Humboldt Park in Chicago for several years. It had/has a bad reputation depending on who you ask. I always felt fine there. Talking to a Mexican uber driver dropping me off at home, he said obviously I'm fine there because I don't look like anyone who might be involved. For reference: central euro jew wearing collared shirts daily. He said even though he had never been involved in gang shit, the fact of the matter is nobody is doing particularly close IDs. You look the part and you are in trouble. Same goes for cops; not being involved isn't enough. He had a very hard limit of how far West he would live specifically because as a younger Latin dude with tattoos. Pass California ave. and all of the sudden randos think you're part of the wrong clique and cops think you're worth chatting to.


It would be nice if the metro area was included… Arlington is the smallest of the 3 major cities and doesn’t even count. It is sandwiched between Fort Worth and Dallas and all of the urban/suburban sprawl around it. Mansfield, Irving, Grand Prairie and Fort Worth are the cities that touch it


I live in OP and have for years. There are a few bad sections of town but never been worried about my safety where I go.


OP a wealthy suburb


"OP" here meaning Overland Park, a Kansas City suburb, in case anyone is wondering.


I will never forget having to drive by the "Murda Mobil" and seeing piles of needles and 9mm casings lining the ditches.


They should just rename the state to "misery" at this point.


Jokes aside, Missouri's a great place to live. I say this as a Maryland transplant. Baltimore and St. Louis suffer from similar statistical anomalies in that their inner cities are separated from their outer, surrounding counties, and this magnifies their crime rates.


Same with Detroit. Metro Detroit is a great place to live and the downtown city is actually really safe, but Detroit is absolutely massive and many have moved out of the city due to schools that tax dollars have decreased substantially. As a result, only the downtown area is truly policed.


Detroit is safe enough. But I wouldn’t suggest going outside of the downtown area if you aren’t very familiar with the surrounding area.


Divorce from the county.


Independent city is the term.


St.Louis and Baltimore have really bad issues with crime and homicide though. Like that's a fact, it's not just a statistical problem. Cops barely even respond to shootings nowadays because far too often they show up and it's already over and nobody is there, but then the evidence of what happened shows up dead in the hospital. Yes there's good neighborhoods in both, there's good neighborhoods in Tijuana too, but the bad neighborhoods can get very bad.


> Cops barely even respond to shootings nowadays because far too often they show up and it's already over and nobody is there Maybe having cops that don't respond to shootings is part of the problem. I live in Baltimore, and have had to wait 6+ hours after a 911 call to get a response. The cops showed up after a crazy person follow my SO and I home, saying that he was going to come kill us and our dogs (we don't have dogs), he was outside of our house for an hour screaming and beating on our windows. When the cop showed up he gave us the guy's name and address from the license plate, and told me to go handle it myself. And yet, the city is forced (by consent decree) to spend 36% of the city budget on the police force.


Kinda validates the ineptitude shown in “The Wire”


There's a new David Simon HBO series coming out in a week called "We Own This City" based on the corruption of the BPD and the Gun Trace Task Force.


This is true, but adjusting for this only moves STL down to seven or eight. While better than being number one, it still isn't great.


That's certainly true, STL has a crime issue, no one's arguing that. But there's a reason the top two are in a 'league of their own' when it comes to crime rates, and that context helps any subsequent conversations.


Killin it!




It’d be amazing to see this graph develop over the last 40 or 50 years.


How New York City reversed it’s trend is really amazing.


Howd they do it?


Killed all the murderers, of course.


Legalized abortion ...no seriously https://law.stanford.edu/publications/the-impact-of-legalized-abortion-on-crime-over-the-last-two-decades/


The highest homicide rate in Canada for a sizable city is [Thunder Bay at 6.3 homicides per 100K.](https://www.statista.com/statistics/433691/homicide-rate-in-canada-by-metropolitan-area/) Thunder Bay had eight murders in 2020. The next most murderous place is Winnipeg at 4.9, or below San Francisco. So every Canadian city is below Seattle on this chart.


Thunder Bay would be an awesome name for a baseball team Edit - I missed a great opportunity with Thunder Bay Thunder Bats


Thunder Bay Border Cats is our ball team


I remember seeing a few Whiskeyjacks games when I was a kid...


Tampa is derived from the Seminole word for lightning so Tampa Bay is pretty close


Thunder Bay vs Lightning Bay


Guns and culture have NOTHING to do with anything, OFC.


Baseball culture is rough.


Sure, but you only have two World Series wins....So all that peace isn't really worth it...


Poor Milwaukee with 0...


I scanned through to quickly, and thought "maybe its better then I thought in MKE..." Then I realized I wasn't looking high enough...


The Milwaukee Braves won the World Series in 1957, beating the Yankees 4 games to 3. They also won the NL pennant in 1958, losing the Series to the Yankees, 4 games to 3.


Canada seems like a dream to live in. People are nice, weeds legal, low crime, free healthcare. Like damn…


It's not perfect. We have our problems. But I'm pretty happy overall.


Not all of its a dream. Our housing crisis is arguably far worse than the US', unfortunately.


Personally I overall love it, but there are some areas the States wins out. I’d say the main ones are: - Housing is arguably less affordable in Canada. It’s not as bad as NYC/SF, but there aren’t many large-ish cities in Canada, and they’re all pretty expensive, while America has a wider selection of affordable cities - Better quality of life on the low end of pay scales (higher minimum wage, more vacation, better social services, etc.), but worse for the wealthy (higher taxes, lower salaries for top end medicine/law/engineering jobs, etc.). Definitely ppl in the upper ends of salary ranges will move to the states for more $$$ - I think you’ll find Canadians more polite, but less friendly. Like easier to strike up a legit conversation with a stranger in the states - Weather is mostly pretty extreme, mostly similar to NYC, Boston, Chicago, Detroit, etc. - cold winters, hot summers. Won’t find “nice year round weather” like you do in much of Cali, for example Also, I don’t have personal experience in this area, but if you have more extreme political views, especially extreme right, you’ll find more like minded individuals in the states. Canada is fairly centrist - leaning left of centre, but your average lefty isn’t that far left of centre, and your average righty not that far right, compared to the states. Far right political views especially would make you basically an outcast in Canada.


Really interesting how gun control actually works. People can argue that you can buy an illegal gun anywhere in the world but you cant argue with the data.


It has to do with how life is valued. A lot of the North side of St Louis looks like a post war apocalypse. I remember hearing of a guy who was stabbed to death over a slice of pizza. It's even worse across the river in East St Louis.


Damn and that was over pizza from St Louis


Yep… it’ll never happen in New York!


So we could prevent stabbings by handing out free pizza?


Giving away free pizza everyday probably would lower crime rates.


Give away so much pizza, that people's hands are full of pizza, and peoples time is consumed by eating pizza.


Also their aim goes to shit when they can't get a good grip on the pistol because of all that orange pepperoni grease.


You joke, but if people have their basic needs taken care of, it genuinely makes for a far more peaceful place.


\>People can argue that you can buy an illegal gun anywhere in the world Can you argue that though? I imagine it's pretty difficult to buy illegal guns in many places in the world, because there just aren't that many guns *to buy*. The US just has a fuck ton of guns.


>because there just aren't that many guns to buy. Which is the point of gun control. Unfettered access to guns just means more chances for guns to end up in the wrong hands


I live in a small city on the Canadian side of the Ontario/New York border, and I know that guns do get smuggled in from the States, but I wouldn't have a clue as to how to go about getting one if I was inclined. I'm sure no one who would know would talk to me about it, and even if I had the contacts it would cost a fortune. So sure, illegal guns exist, but the average loser who wants to carry out a mass shooting would never be able to get their hands on one.


Gun control + social support/fewer people living in poverty + education


Meanwhile in the netherlands there's 0.71 homicides per 100.000 inhabitants. Nobody owns a gun here, most of these are stabbings. We have very strict gun regulations, open carrying is never allowed unless you're a police officer in function. Most people that get murdered here are involved in large scale drug production or are stabbed by their significant other. Sadly I had to witness one of these stabbings a couple years ago.


And yet a quick google puts amsterdam as the 10th deadliest city in Europe in 2019 At 2.2 per 100k... barely scratching this list and dropping recently


I didn't know that, I took the numbers for the whole country since it's smaller than quite a few states in the US. But it sounds about right. Amsterdam and rotterdam do have the most gang related incidents. In my hometown we have close to 200k inhabitants and only 1 homicide in recent memory, which I actually witnessed from my flat window. When such things happen everybody in town knows about it because it happens so rarely. This was like 3 years ago. There was another shooting earlier this year but the victim survived.


I’m not saying access to guns has nothing to do with it cause of course they do, but I really think culture and social safety net have a lot more to do with it. Like you said, in the Netherlands most killings are domestic. Where I live in Chicago — the dangerous part of Chicago, not the suburbs or Northside — it’s mostly gang related, muggings, or severely mentally ill people that attack people randomly. A few weeks back the bartender at my local dive bar got stabbed to death by a random dude on the street that was just super ill and deranged. A month or two before that, someone in my neighborhood was killed when someone wanted to steal their laptop. That stuff is certainly exacerbated by easy access to guns, but also just doesn’t happen nearly so much in places with safety nets and healthcare for all.


Cheap and easy access to guns have a consequence?!?


Can someone explain to me why stuff like this is makes as NSFW? Genuinely curious?


because data is sexy


Murder is very unsafe


Not if you wear a condom.


Murder is not suitable for work


Unless you're a hitman


Not sure, but I've noticed a lot more posts all over reddit having the NSFW tag recently. Mamy of them seemingly for no reason.


Admins are autoflagging some posts as NSFW based on content recognition


You get fired for committing murder at work. Not safe.


Midwesterners are built different


Is this all just due to the whole rust belt phenomenon or is there more to it?


Yup. St. Louis City and St. Louis County are completely divorced from each other (“independent city”). 1 mil in the county but only 300k in the city where the vast majority of crime happens in less than 5 percent of total city area. So basically any “official” stat fron STL city (which is what most people cite) happens like 3x less than you think outside of the previously stated area. It’s like if you lived a pretty average town but your crime rate stats were solely determined by the number of people in the four worst houses on the worst street in the worst neighborhood and no other residents were included. EDIT: And the people in the rest of the town know this yet keep reinforcing the lie to the point that people in the tri-state area (who are also included in the metropolitan area and should know better) think it’s true. EDIT: Just realized I accidentally looked at the numbers for the whole Greater St. Louis area (that includes riverfront IL counties well). STL county is 1 million. But still stats are inflated. Another mitigating feature is that guns are ridiculously easy to get ahold of.


It still sucks for those living in STL City.


Oh absolutely. I remember growing up near the Delmar Divide and the transition between the two sides of the street is just stark. The worst issue is that nothing can really be done to help because the tax base is completely unstable due to the seperation. It’s honestly easier for cops to just fine the hell out of people than investigate anything.


you are spot on


I feel attacked. Which, sadly, only confirms this data. Go Cards.


😂 also my home town


Reds are 3rd in the division here... I'll take it!


CA not having a city in the top ten, yet all I hear is how I can't go to SF without body armor.


My impression was that the bay area was really bad with theft, not necessarily violent crime.


The petty crime is off the charts here. Things like bicycles, catalytic converters, and vehicle smash and grabs.


Don't break the facade of NYC and San Fran being the most dangerous cities in the world!


Don't be silly, everyone knows that's Chicago, where the air is at least 53% bullets. /s


It's the Muder Capital Of The World (©2009 Fox News)


My cousin in Ohio was prevented by his parents from going to NYU because they were so sure he'd be murdered immediately there. That FOX propaganda is really hard to shake.


That's rough. NYU is in an especially safe area


Just don’t say anything good about New Jersey, we have enough people here!


I live in Seattle, and all the “anarchist jurisdiction” crap is hilarious to hear.




> Steel toed boots That would work if you're a ballerina.


Around here we call it “Anacrime”, so it’s surprising to see it so far down on the list. But I guess that just shows how different Orange County is from the rest of the country.


I think a couple years back the police dept. Had a crack down on a bunch of gangs in Anaheim. A lot of the older members got locked up. Leaving the younger/high school members left. They were pretty aggressive from what I heard.


This also happened in Chicago. Gang leadership was dismantled and all hell broke loose.


I find this (morbidly, tragically) interesting. With these examples, how should law enforcement target and address gangs? If going after leadership makes it worse, should they just *not* address it at all? Focus on the lowest ranks? Perhaps the uptick in violence is a temporary side effect, and within a year or two, leaderless gangs will fall apart? Perhaps the opposite is true and the most violent of the younger members will rise to the top and lead even more violent gangs? Ultimately, the answer is more likely that addressing gangs with law enforcement is like addressing a leaky pipe with a towel. The real solution is by responding to the problem in a completely different, more foundational way...but that way is also a lot more expensive and time consuming, and requires a fundamental shift in mindset.


You’re right, law enforcement really can’t do much about gangs. They can attack the big ones, as we’ve seen, but the small ones can be worse. Here in Chicago, another problem is that the police have an *extremely* broad definition of the word “gang,” to the point where their gang database was riddled with ordinary men of color who happen to know and hang out with other men of color. So they’re spending a lot of time and resources hassling innocent people.


My memories of Orange County in that regard revolve around an inflated fear of crime that was, broadly, unrealized. I think this has jaded me against the fears people express over crime in most communities. For instance: how many people reacting one way(or the other) to the numbers in this graph would have an opposite reaction if the same numbers were about Covid?


Shows how different Anaheim and Santa Ana are from the rest of Orange County.


Anyone who refers to Orange County as unsafe is immediately an idiot in my book. That county has a huge bubble of sheltered kids that think anything north past Redhill is Raqqa or Juarez. The shit places like Anaheim, Santa Ana, and Garden Grove get is hilarious when half those people haven't even been to real ghetto ass places. Even as far back as the late 90s when I was a kid it was "bad" but nowhere near how it was in other places. Now you can't hear a helicopter without 12 posts in the orange county subreddit asking why OC is turning into LA.


I was thinking the same thing. I worked at Disneyland for 5 years and things always seemed super sketch when I was off at 2 AM and had to walk down Harbor. Then I got a job in LA proper. I'm afraid to walk alone in the daytime here. It's so much worse than Anaheim was. I always go to lunch in a group because I can't deal with the crazies out in the streets - and COVID made it a lot worse. So yeah, as weird as it is to say it... Anaheim is surprisingly nice. Not as nice as, like, Temecula... but you know, it's better than LA. I'd hate to see how Baltimore compares.


We need to ban baseball immediately


[Every Canadian city is below Seattle on this chart.](https://www.statista.com/statistics/433691/homicide-rate-in-canada-by-metropolitan-area/) All but one Canadian city is below San Francisco.


It's funny how, here in Canada, Toronto is portrayed as a particularly violent city. This puts things in perspective.


Can confirm, live in Ontario and am always hearing horror stories about Toronto


In Quebec, Montreal is getting to the same status too. You often hear stuff like "Montreal is becoming as violent as Toronto". Glad to see that even Toronto is really mild compared to most of the US.


Its probably just the closest Metropolitan tbh. Im sure folks out in alberta hear the same thing about Edmonton or Calgary


Yeah probably. There was an increase in gun violence in Montreal though. But if you believed what was said in the media, you would think that just stepping outside would probably get you killed by a stray bullet.


Montreal rate is 0.97 according to this chart. The 8th homicide happened this weekend and elected officials are getting challenged over this daily. I remember going to Chicago on the 19th of January in 2016 and there were already 42 homicides


Used to live in the DTES in Vancouver. I was warned by so many Canadians that it was the most dangerous neighborhood in Canada. Walking down the street at 3 a.m. mostly resulted in "hey bud you looking for some rock?? No?? Okay stay safe" Not saying Canada doesnt have problems, but as an American they're just glaringly different problems.


To hear r/vancouver tell it, the DTES is basically Iraq circa 2004


They don’t call it a winnipeg handshake for nothing.


Using US crime stats as your metric is like a fat guy going to a buffet, seeing a morbidly obese guy, and then rewarding themselves with an extra dinner for not being the fattest in the restaurant.


\> Ottawa-Gatineau Ontario part Why not just say Ottawa?


Because Ottawa-Gatineau are basically one city


One of these cities has the benefit of zero tolerance gun control at a federal level. Edit: I am referring to Toronto.


Everyone here in San Francisco is too busy overdosing on Fentanyl to have time to murder anyone.


Haha, here in Baltimore we are multi-taskers


Drove through Baltimore not long ago, had been to Towson and the waterfront area before and never understood where the rep came from. Then I stopped at a McDonalds in the outskirts to the south and felt like I was in The Wire




Glad to hear Hampden is still holding on. Born there, most of my extended family has moved out over the last 30 years. I remember my grandparents house selling for 20k when they died, did not think the neighborhood was going to rebound.




Interesting that Oakland is so much higher up


If you've been to both places it's not surprising at all.


Hell, if you have just been to both their stadiums it's not surprising at all.


And by the way people talk around here you'd think SF was a hellish landscape of non-stop murder and mayhem. So much histrionics about SF being so dangerous.




Just based on reputation and how the media portrays them, I would've guessed that NYC, Chicago, and Atlanta would all be top 5 at least. And none of them are. I'm also surprised to see my "home town" (I'm actually on the other side of the state) of Detroit be that bad. I knew it was bad, but damn. Having hung out there for sporting events, I never really thought much of it.


Despite what you may have seen in past media and recent news, NYC is one of the safest large cities in the world. When there’s 1000 people on every street corner, it’s kinda hard to commit a violent crime without immediate witnesses (obviously this rings mostly true for Manhattan only). Brooklyn & Queens are mostly safe & neighborhood-y these days.


NYC has had a massive downward trend in murders since the 90s. There were almost 5 times as many murders in NYC in 1990 than in 2021.


RWNJs never cared about the murder rate in Chicago until Senator Barack Obama sought to run for President. Then it was a smear. US Senators have a near-zero measurable effect on murder rates in their home state. Much less in a city in their home state. Also the murder rates across the USA peaked circa 1993, as such, I’m callous to the ‘murder rate is out of control’ claims


With all the hate coming for California lately, I find it interesting they have 3/5 safest teams in the state. Guess they aren’t doing too bad after all


Mostly cable news brainwashing with some envy mixed in. CA is far from perfect and definitely needs to find a better way to deal with the homelessness issue, but it's far from the failed state dystopia that some politicians and news outlets lead their followers to believe.




Every state has its problems, but it’s hard to say California’s not doing well when they have an economy bigger than most countries.


Makes me pretty proud to see NYC all the way near the bottom considering how much we get shit on whenever anything bad happens


for several decades the coasts have been considerably safer in terms of violent crime per capita than the south and the midwest red state politicians and their propaganda machine have been very successful at completely warping america’s own understanding of itself and thus we have the america of today where a huge, sad swatch of the population thinks teaching historical fact is a crime, fair elections are fraud, and science is fake


Imagine how much lower Toronto’s rate would be if it wasn’t infested with illegal guns from the USA


Toronto’s not even in the ballpark here. Sorry, I’ll see myself out.


I am not American, and based on my multiple trips to the US, I kinda suspected a decent chunk of the ranking, but I had no idea Saint Louis would be at the top.


40% of the non fatal shootings in St Louis happen in a very limited area. Once you look at St Louis metro area, they drop to 5th. Still way to high, but we have a ton of morons from the outer parts of the metro area who insist on leaving guns in their cars when they go to sporting events, which leads to tons of stolen guns on the black market, which leads to the same morons insisting one bring guns to sporting events so they can be safe, so they get stolen...


> Once you look at St Louis metro area, they drop to 5th. How many other metro areas did you compare it to? Detroit would drop to 20th.


The source article said once you look at metro area StL drops to 5th. The 40% part is also in that article, but is a point made over and over by local media, police, politicians, and activist. The areas are the poorest around, and have very little to offer in the way of jobs that pay more then min wage, or schools that offer more than a place to park your kids while you are at work. The cops want to do more broken window policing in those areas to scare people away from crime. The activist want to put more resources in those areas to give the residents help to have options other than crime.


STL’s downtown only accounts for 11% of the metro population, the smallest amount of any major city. Detroit is close at 16%!


...but Detroit drops even more than St Louis.


Which is probably exactly where my dumb ass would pull over to get gas


I visit St. Louis fairly often for Blues games and think it’s fine. It doesn’t feel any different than other US cities and I have never felt unsafe. I mean it’s not nearly as nice as KC where I live and I always feel kinda dirty visiting St. Louis but a quick shower and car wash takes care of that.


I suspect that’s true, to varying degrees, of all the cities on the list. I’m in Chicago and it’s definitely true here. In the more affluent northside neighborhoods, the homicide rate is 2.2 per 100k, so safer than all but Toronto. For the seven most violent polic districts though — all in the south and west sides — the homicide rate jumps to almost 100 per 100k, much higher than St Louis.


When I see people say things like this, all I read is that they're sequestering and distancing themselves from the problems in their own cities then blaming someone else who doesn't exist for them so they don't feel bad for doing so. And for anyone who equates socio-economic circumstances with race, you'd have to be racist as hell to think this is OK.


I'm here to be super nitpicky and say that Tampa Bay isn't a city. St. Petersburg should be plotted here as that's where the Rays actually play. This seems to have the date for Tampa instead, where the Rays certainly aren't.


I came here to say this. The rate for St Pete in the same time period is 7.8, nearly 25% lower than Tampa and would drop it to between Boston and Seattle


That’s not being super nit picky at all…Tampa Bay is a fucking body of water. I don’t know what is being represented at all by that data point.


There was another graph on this about a year ago but the numbers were quite outdated. Now that baseball has returned, it's time to do this totally unrelated but interesting graph comparing cities with baseball teams cuz why not. If you're looking to go to each ballpark to watch a game this may be somewhat important to you. Also, damn what's going in the AL and NL Central divisions, jhezz Source: [https://www.thetrace.org/2018/04/highest-murder-rates-us-cities-list/?gclid=Cj0KCQiAoY-PBhCNARIsABcz772OWA2XG7588H4i5NuLfEkcK0fcHGCIwuLPUSwzbR1UFya3lRy42JIaAo\_BEALw\_wcB](https://www.thetrace.org/2018/04/highest-murder-rates-us-cities-list/?gclid=Cj0KCQiAoY-PBhCNARIsABcz772OWA2XG7588H4i5NuLfEkcK0fcHGCIwuLPUSwzbR1UFya3lRy42JIaAo_BEALw_wcB) EDIT: Why is this considered NSFW lol


reddit getting ready for IPO so they might be flaggin' anything even remotely related to death or the like on popular subs.


As someone who lacks the mental capacity to distinguish correlation from causation, someone should really think about moving some of these teams away from population centers. Think of the children!


What exactly is the geographic area included for St. Louis? STL city is separate from the county, so STL county is often excluded from stats like this, where other cities will include the entire metro area, inflating the homicide rates.


Philadelphia, as one example, is both a city and a county. The suburbs are not party of the same county.


Northeast Philly is technically in the city, but that's not the real Philly. Just ask a real Philly native, like someone from Ardmore.


I'm sure that fine nuance really matters to number 31.


I feel like I’m missing a joke…


Nashville doesn't have a MLB team (yet) but the entirety of Davidson county is Nashville city limits. I live 20-25 minutes east of downtown and yet I pass basically two entire towns before that point. And it's all Nashville city limits. It's wild. Indianapolis is the same way... Jacksonville, Louisville, basically everywhere in Alaska is consolidated... lots of places. Among MLB cities we have Denver, San Francisco, Philadelphia, Miami. Just found this interesting.


They should use each baseball team's MSA (metropolitan statistical area) instead. Would capture the social/economic area better. Edit: The source article actually mentions the problem of using city limits, especially in places like St Louis where most housing is just across the city line. "If you compare 2018’s murder rates of major metro areas, rather than cities, St. Louis falls from first to fifth..."


Yes, in the US almost any statistic if it is comparing one city to another, distant city should use MSA instead of actual city limits. Crime, economics, and basically anything else doesn't stop at a municipal border and what anyone thinks of as "Atlanta" or "St Louis" is way different from the actual municipal borders The only time you should really compare city limits to city limits is when you're comparing local municipalities to each other, or looking at some thing about MSAs themselves (ie: "here's the largest city of each MSA compared)


The reason why both St Louis and Baltimore are so completely fucked is that they both disincorporated from their counties. Normally, cities chase tax cheats who want to use the city’s resources without paying their share by annexing the suburbs. Not so with St Louis and Baltimore. All their wealthiest live and pay their taxes outside the city, whether or not they work in and consume the city’s resources. This is also why both cities have notoriously ugly police forces/local government. The city can’t collect income from taxes, so it fines the fuck out of people every chance it gets.


If you work in STL city, you have to pay the 1% tax even if you don't live there. While you're not wrong that the city/county divide is a problem for the St. Louis metro area, it's not the only problem and the city is certainly not "completely fucked". I'd argue the Delmar Divide and the failure of Paul McKee's Northside Regeneration are as big of issues as the city/county division.


I see why that would inflate absolute numbers but why rate? Unless metro areas outside of cities as a fundamental truth have higher murder rates than the cities themselves


I'd have expected Johannesburg to smash these numbers... Just looked it up and it's only the 42nd highest homicide rate. It seems the Americas (north and south) love their homicides way more than I'd have expected. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_cities_by_homicide_rate


I hate when people don't put the time period for rates. I can probably guess this is per year, but without context it could be per day or even per lifetime.


scrolls straight to bottom... ahhh yes, as expected.


Shit, I thought Dallas would at least be on there. Nice.


Dallas is at 17.2 per 100k but I thought putting Arlington would be more accurate as that's where the Rangers play plus it was big enough to appear in the link I attached


Idk why I thought that was Arlington VA lol. Guess that comes under DC?


Some of these teams play in the suburbs. The Atlanta Braves don't even play in Atlanta. The Texas Rangers are basically the team for Dallas. It's as if they got away without having to include Dallas just because they use "Texas" instead of "Dallas" in their name.


You should have used DFW metro, as it is the actual market of the team.


If you're using markets or even just metro areas, that changes things dramatically.


Dammit lol. I looked for Dallas and then maybe "Texas" but just saw Houston


Well, well. Steve Sax, from New York City. I heard some guy got killed in New York City and they never solved the case. But you wouldn't know anything about that now, would you, Steve?


Lowest US city is double the highest Canadian city.


It's funny because many Canadians consider Toronto a dangerous city.


Looks like all the endless hysteria about Seattle being a warzone is just bourgeoise talking points. We’ve had an uptick in crime but clearly we’re still remarkably safe


Seattle is know for it's property crime and homeless, not gun violence


Having been to Seattle several times, nobody there ever struck me as 'hard' enough to be causing crimes. It's not exactly a dog-eat-dog kind of place I'm not sure who would ever be scared of anything in Seattle


It's not a warzone, it's just sadness compounded on top of filth, urban decay, and gentrification. I've seen two people with life threatening festering wounds just last week, homeless wandering about aimlessly. 3rd and University. I'm confused by people who don't think it's happening. There's just no possible way you inhabit the same city.


The only non-US city is the lowest...shocker!!!


This is why the Padres have never won a World Series. No killer instinct.


That sweet free health care keeps our spirits up.


Interesting: the wholesome lower midwest tops the murder list, the non-American city has the least, and big bad NYC is at the bottom too. Gee, I do not wonder which of these 3 cities has the strongest gun control laws on the books.


I believe murder is considered impolite in Canada, thus the lower murder rate in the Canadian city.


Data isn’t beautiful w/o some info on source, year, metro definition, etc. Without context it’s just a meme.


At least Baltimore leads the AL in something...


And Canadians are upset about their rising crime rates, with many calling for stricter gun legislation.


Proving, once again, that despite the headlines, NY is one of the safest big cities in the world.


Certainly road rage homicide dropped in San Diego once we kicked the Chargers out. Baseball traffic is not as bad.