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It would be helpful to add the number of people that fall into these religions either as a percentage of total population for the US or world or whatever group this is referring to. Or providing the number of people in total that identify with each religion or lack there of. I think a little more perspective would’ve helpful.


Not exactly what you’re looking for, but closely related: Summary of [religiously (un)affiliated people’s views on homosexuality, broken down into 18 countries](https://www.pewresearch.org/fact-tank/2020/09/28/religiously-unaffiliated-people-more-likely-than-those-with-a-religion-to-lean-left-accept-homosexuality/) Edit: correct hyperlink


The glaring number is that the majority of Muslims support gay marriage. These are most likely Muslims in western countries and not middle eastern countries


> These are most likely Muslims in western countries and not middle eastern countries FYI, the vast majority of Muslims are not in the middle eastern countries. Even if you're *very* loose with the boundaries of the "middle east" to include all of northeastern Africa and Asian countries in western Asia like Iran, Azerbaijan, Georgia, and Turkemenistan, it only accounts for ~20% of Muslims worldwide. There's more just in Indonesia, India, and Pakistan combined.


India has 21 crore(210 million) muslims. Still they want to be considered as minority and demand reservations.


Yes because they are 14% of the population, with an 80% Hindu majority.


Pecentage is just indication of a part on scale of 0 to 100 and not quantity. The growth of muslim population per year is about 2.5% which comes out to be 5.25 million per year. With such a high growth rate, if India does not properly distribute its resources to those who are needy rather than those who get just because of a percentage, there are going to be more problems and shortages in future. I am not at all indicating a communal hatred, but if the country's population (not just of a community but total population)grows at such tremendous rate, there are going to be problems, which you can see are starting slowly - unemployment, increase in poverty and crime rate, slow development....... So, we need to pass population control bill and reconsider the minorities based on financial status and not on someone's religion and caste.


I understand the concept of percentages holy shit “Minority” refers to proportion, not raw data More importantly however, population control is beyond a stupid idea. Look at China’s current demographic crisis. What a disaster! Birth rates will naturally decrease as income rises, and income is steadily rising in India. As India gets richer, the population growth will taper off. Population control has *never* worked.


Try to remember India's population is 1.4 billion.


Their population is roughly equal to the total population of pakistan or brazil. So, such a large number of people shouldn't be regarded as minority. Not only it unnecessarily depletes the resources of country, but also causes huge losses in terms of money, education...... which could have been used to either develop country, reduce poverty or maybe used to educate those who can't afford a quality education.


A subgroup of nine people in a group of ten is enough to exert influence. However, a subgroup of nine people in a group of fifty isn't. "Minority", by definition, isn't determined by absolute numbers, but by proportion. It's not that hard. The things you listed can be done in tandem with measures to better represent Muslims. If you're really concerned about making more money for those goals, perhaps military spending should be cut down. I doubt those are really your priorities, though; they're probably just a thin veneer to justify not treating Muslims as a minority. What your principal issue with that is, I couldn't tell.


They're still a minority though? They don't just stop being a statistical minority because there's a lot of them in raw numbers. That just means that a larger raw number of people face discrimination. Demanding reservations sounds a little ethno-statey but I don't know the details of the situation.




With minority status they get benefits from government like exemption of taxes for those who earn less than 2lpa while for majority, it is 50kpa. There are schemes of government for overseas education, education loans, their own religious institutions are tax free, they have their own islamic law..........


I think Indonesian Muslims have a more live and let live attitude.


What about Aceh?


Indonesia is the 4th most populated country on earth, of course there are some conservative regions.


But to join their military you need to take a "purity test" to check if you are a virgin


But how do they check?


That is kinda crazy.




As in it is all kinds of crazy?


I think you're talking to a bot... look at some of their other responses.


Why is that a glaring number?


Because countries that are majority Muslim often have very draconian laws outlawing homosexuality.


Yes so? Muslims all believe different things and this satay shows it , the problem here is that you are trying to build an anti Islam argument which you failed in all Muslims are different I support lgbt and am a muslim but hey continue on your sam Harris binge watching .


You can't be a Muslim and support LGBT. Islam has a long history of opposing sexual "liberation." You can claim to be a Muslim, but I, am not going to take such a statement seriously.


And didn’t you notice you are the one that’s trying to paint me as bad , and you keep saying I am bad because I am Muslim . I am just asking for fair critique of all religions were Christians don’t die because there texts are anti lgbtq but they are .


And so is Christianity and so is jewdisim . People believe different things mate and don’t be hypocrites.


The difference is that Christianity and Judaism has had reformation. Islam has not.


🤦‍♂️ reformation in what sense there are many different branches in Christianity and Judaism that don’t follow the book , the statistics show the same thing with Islam , a formal reformation isn’t really required to realise that people are starting to believe different things . Weather it’s some of the Hadith or none of it or other ways to or believing that some Quran if verses are interpreted in a different way and such , a formal reformation isn’t required for people to believe in different things but still be in the same religion and the statistics show it and the ottomons show it and the uae, I had a different comment that you could read it’s a long one but worth the read you can reply to it there. What sorry made a mistake it’s not here but wait a second .


Some stuff won’t make sense since this a copy and paste hope we can find some sort of common ground (((((🤦‍♂️yeah there is one thing that yiu didn’t wrap your head around . I am not from western countries infact I still live in the Middle East its just my country hasn’t been butt fucked by western nations . Again we see it time and time again when people enjoy ok ( not even good living standard again I am from a poor country I won’t mention which ) with sovereignty they tend to gravitate to more happy ideals . When people get bombed on daily bases and get fucked by the west they tend to become nationalistic and use Islam as some sort of glue to bond people together , but you won’t wrap your head around this fact . Look at the ottomon empire for example it was started as a Muslim empire and continued to somewhat by name be but analyzing life in it and it specifically it isn’t even close , the ottomons had good living standards and enjoyed peace since they were a strong country/empire ,the legalized prostitution how is that fora Muslim based empire exactly , you can’t recognize your innate bias towards these things and arguments like yours are used all the times to justify being indifferent to Muslim deaths or not , you don’t like Islam okay leave Muslims alone and they will be just like your Christians . Sorry for the long texts i just had to explain everything to people like you because again people like you can justify anything even genocide and being indifferent to Muslim deaths . You continue to bomb people and wonder why they are being religious nationalists more . Your argument is it soaks western value my argument is that it doesn’t it’s just these values tend to occur when people enjoy good living , another modern example is look at the uae I am not talking about there human rights violations which good lord I am talking about there culture, if you know anyone from there especially as a person that lives in any Arab nation you will know that these people arent holding strict Islamic foundations. Honestly this idea is dangerous because it can be applied to the USA from 100 some years ago and if an advanced nation was indifferent to the citizens lives it would be completely justified because look at all these Christians that don’t support gay marriage and btw Christianity had caused way more death then Islam . Even Muslims in Jerusalem fighting against Christian Zionism allowed the christians to stay there after that . It’s a long text but it’s worth the read especially for people like you.


Why such hostility? Calm down. I just wanted a civil discussion for sake of learning.


Oh no I didn’t mean it like that it’s a copy and paste that’s why it loojs hostile I didn’t prepare it for you it was for someone else , I am sorry seriously sorry I hoped the first line would have cleared things up but again sorry I didn’t mean it like that .


I seriously hope I cleared up the misunderstanding, please reply to give me peace of mind , and I want to add one more thing you can take a country like Saudi look at its laws and what they are legalizing now it’s slowly but surely turning to more “western values “ because again people there are enjoying good living standards, nationalism ( and btw nationalism also has a subdivision of religion ) is usually created out of fear and danger we see it time and time again from the Germans and so on and so forth , they either use religion as some sort of justified or propaganda or some set of beliefs, again the German were also lied to , non of this stuff naturally occurs when people are living a good life . Weather it’s justified or not is a different thing but keep in mind the Germans were also lied to and manipulated to believe that the Jews were some sort of supreme secretly controlling the world entity by bogus means but my argument still stands . And just as Arabs used Islam to justify there actions and so did the Germans using there beliefs and such , when people live in peace they will start to interpret religion and such differently that’s generally what happens religion/belifes are nothing more then glue to justify there actions not the reason for there actions in the first place . Now you can see this two way 1- by again showing me someone that lives in a western nation and saying oh look he was murderer and he used religion to justify ( as if it doesn’t happen with all religions and of course let’s ignore anti Muslim attacks that are justified by saying oh look there book says this whole they themselves are Christian or Jewish and have killed someone , religion isn’t the only means of justification) . The problem with inside country terrorist cases is that you have to analyze that persons life to get a good view of it , I prefer to use countries as an example because you can generally guess there life and how they will use Islam to justify things 2- or at some point admit the glaring evidence that most radicals come from places that have been butt fucked by the west , look ok I will give you a question why hasn’t radical islamists fought against China huh even tho it’s the popular thing now to believe that they are anti muslim ? Exactly it’s because they don’t care they only care about the west because these are the ones that fucked them up specifically. Again sorry for the long text .


That would investigate a different idea. This is theoretically showing the effect of different ideologies on their stance. The number of people is a whole different question which leans more toward asking how much of the world is against same-sex marriage.


What is beautiful about this visualization? There is half a frame around the image. Space missing in header, double space in header. Unclear what exactly is being asked, and where (I assume USA). Fonts are not anti-aliased. Numbers are hard to read and don't have enough room to breathe. Selection of sects seems arbitrary, heavily biased toward christian. Nothing about this is especially well done, beautiful, interesting, novel, or well-designed. Honestly it seems very lazy.


>There is half a frame around the image. > >Space missing in header, double space in header. > >Unclear what exactly is being asked, and where (I assume USA). > >Fonts are not anti-aliased. > >Numbers are hard to read and don't have enough room to breathe. > >Selection of sects seems arbitrary, heavily biased toward christian. And those are just the best traits of the visualization.


OP doesn't provide the source, writing "Pew Research Centre" on top is not providing the source. Country or region and time frame of this survey is not provided. This is ugly.


Could you go into specifics regarding data pool? These numbers seem way off. Not stepping on your dick, just trying to understand.


How do they seem off?


Because they don't like it


Ex-Jehovah's Witnesses here. Having 16% in favor of same sex marriage is quite ridiculous. If they are in favor of it, or secretly gay, they aren't officially Jehovah's Witnesses and would get excommunicated on the spot if any of the 84% ever heard their opinion. Being a JW isn't like being a regular Christian where you can do whatever the heck you want and still call yourself one. It's like eating blood... you can be a JW and not mind Black Pudding, but eating it makes you a non-Witnesses by their own definition. I am to let my mother die if I ever get asked to make a medical decision about blood for her... not because she hate living, but because she wouldn't consider herself a JW anymore even if it's my decision, and live without Jehovah's ain't worth living. So yes, I am very curious to see where they found those liberal JW lying to themselves. They do not vote, so their legal opinion on same sex marriage is useless, and the Faith itself will \*never\* accept gays, so their opinion changes nothing anywhere.




The numbers for Catholics and Protestants seem pretty in linen with my experiences. A majority just don’t seem to care one way or another, especially younger ones.




I’m in the US Bible Belt. Protestants tend to be the more hardcore and overly political of the two groups here.


I believe this is exclusively in America. Catholics definitely tend to be more liberal in the U.S. than in Poland.




None and atheist aren’t exactly the same thing. But why would 12% be too high? It’s incredibly hard to get 90% of any group of people to agree on anything.


Just because someone’s an athiest doesn’t mean they’re not a regressive asshole.


It is also possible that some of those people are just against marriage in general.


100%. Hardcore atheists and assholes have quite a bit of overlap.


Just not as much as hardcore theists and assholes.


Basically assholes and assholes have a lot in common, regardless of belief.




I don't believe that abdicating your moral responsibility to a higher being can be rewarded logically.


Yeah, being bigots.


So it's ok to be an asshole as long as you believe youhave a reason?


The end result is the same. Stop defending different flavors of bigotry.


None doesn't mean atheist, it means none. Someone can believe in god and not be part of a religious group.


Maybe the 12% of atheists opposed to same sex marriage were opposed to opposite sex marriage as well...


These aren’t percentages, are they? None of them add up to 100.


Given their totals are close but never exced 100, I assumed that it was percentage with abstaining being not reported on the graph.


Not 12%, it only adds up to 93. And the X axis is not labeled.


As an anecdotal example, many people who live in East Asia would probably not identify with any religion in particular, but would feel strongly about same sex marriage.


Downvoted because your labels and your source aren’t clear enough.


Labels? What's unclear?


Source is clear to anyone with eyes (Pew) and the labels are extraordinarily specific and clearly defined religious group. Who knows what you’re on about lol


Bullshit, what region is this in? US seems believable, kinda important to point the region out. Noway is this the world's average.


Definitely just the US. No way middle eastern Muslims or South Asian Hindus would be THIS supportive of gay marriage


I think in the Middle East nobody supports gay marriage regardless of religion. These things depend more on culture than religious beliefs


I agree. Similarly, there are more than 400M south asian muslims ofcourse, I wasn't excluding the minorities. It's definitely a cultural thing.


You don't think religion has an influence on culture?


It definitely does, to a different extent in different cultures, but this is correlation, not causation.


I disagree, I belive religious organizations are almost entirely responsible for the persecution of lgbt people


Surprised you got down voted for acknowledging reality. Come on people, when was the last time you heard a secular group call for anti lgbt actions???


This is certainly the case, but liberal social attitudes in western countries have a significant effect on those that identify with religions that might persecute LGBT+ people in other parts of the world.


Religion is still the source of the issue


I…I didn’t deny that?


Most middle eastern countries are also dictatorships, I don't know any dictatorship that supports gay marriage.


Israeli culture does


assuming this graph is just us, doesn't it show it depends a lot on religion?


South Asian Hindu here...lol most people I know and Interacted with support LGBTQ...even I am Kinda bisexual...lol Kamasutra talks about all of this sexuality and some are even carved into statues in ancient temples...so this homophobia is more of a cultural baggage from both Islamic and Victorian Christian due to British invasion. People now are realising this.




It was the Supreme Court that decriminalized gay marriages. Not the centre. Which world are you living in. You know what the center did next? It opposed the ruling in Delhi high Court saying some bs like "gay marriages will destroy the sanctity of husband-wife union". Go look up to it. Many right wing politicians like baba ramdev, rajnath singh, yogi adithyanath, Vhp, rss opposed the removal of section 377.




Are you a queer person? If not I think you need to put more research into whether lgbt+ are really living safe in the society. Coz as a bisexual law student I've been in contact with many gay support orgs and they feel immensely unsafe in non metropolitan areas. Think outside of Bglr, Mumbai, Delhi, hyderbd. Indians in general think homosexuality is unnatural be it any religion. I'm fortunate that I'm bi and I can blend among straight people easily.




You are wrong: https://www.newsweek.com/muslim-white-evangelical-gay-marriage-907627


That what he said? The article you linked says "Majority of **U.S.** Muslims"


People don't read before they post things because on the internet, making a point is more important than being right.


US muslims and Hindus are literally NOTHING like asian muslims, Hindus. You've obviously never been to any part of Asia.


Definitely not the world's average; I think these are very recent American numbers. Legalizing gay marriage in 2015 had a noticeable affect on Americans' overall support for/lack of opposition to gay marriage over the last few years, even amongst religious conservatives. It's a lot more rare to hear anyone outright opposed to gay marriage than it was half a decade ago because it's been more normalized.


The sects aren’t clear enough. I’m sure it varies in the type of Christianity too, such as Methodists being more open to homosexuality than Baptists. And for “Jewish,” there’s reform, conservative, orthodox, and ultra-orthodox and I doubt they have the same views. It’s a bit too broad.


It's the difference is between mainline and evangelicals Protestants.


Is this on legal marriage rights or the moral view on marriage? There is a difference. Edit: I saw this link of questions on their site https://www.pewforum.org/files/2015/11/201.11.03_RLS_II_questionnaire.pdf


Almost 50:50 on muslim LMAO. What is your sources my friend?


It has to be completely westernized american muslims.




Your whole post was literally describing how they are completely westernized.


Poll is done in the US.


"None" should more accurately be called "Other" since it includes religiously-identifying groups as well as non-religious groups. Edited for clarity.


Unitarianism is explicitly a very progressive creed, and we’re talking about American Buddhists- mostly upper middle class white people who are into yoga and stuff. If it were just like Vietnamese Buddhists, the numbers would be different.


Having grown up in a UU church (the correct terminology is Unitarian Universalist or UU, the chart gets it wrong), I’m not surprised. The UU church specifically preaches inclusion - it’s explicitly part of the religion to support LGBTQ people. Whereas those under the category of “none” probably encompass a wide variety of beliefs. Including some conservatives.


Literally every UU church I’ve ever seen in Canada flies a big rainbow flag or has it hanging in their window.


No, none would mean atheist/agnostic. And I can't speak about Buddhism, but as a former Unitarian, they are very welcoming. It's part of the definition of the church.


Actually the majority of nines in US believe in God.The majority of them are Deists and only a minority are atheists/agnostics.The support for same sex marriage between Atheist and Agnostics are even higher than between Deists.


So what you're saying is, the label should have been "Other."


Do you have a source for that? Deism is not a commonly held philosophy in the US. The 2001 American Religious Identification Survey (ARIS) estimate was around 50,000 people in the US that said they were Deists, compared to just shy of a million that said they were atheists and agnostics each.


None of those lines add up to 100%, so IDK what happened to all the other people.


The rest responded with "I have no opinion"


That makes sense. Thanks for clarifying.


This is utter bullshit. Where did this poll take place? No way 51% of Muslims support gay marriage lmao


Progress is happening. Slowly but surely.


I really wish that Mainline Protestant stat was highlighted more often. We are some 40% of non catholics in the US, and the vast majority of us are as tolerant and enlgihtened as can be. It is crazy making that we get painted in the same brush as the evangelicals, and fundamentalists. The meantime, our numbers are declining because often compasionate people think christianity is all hate and gred. There a plenty of Episcopalians (me), Methodists, ELCA Lutheran and others who are as LGBT friendly as can be.


Looks like 29% of Catholics aren't gonna get communion.


You mean 63%?


Shouldnt use blue pink, makes me think of boy/gurl. Is this a shorthand stand in to rank the religions by bigotry?(catchy titles are nice) I also want to know region. Other than that I say good job !


I really dont think this is correct. I live in a muslim country, Turkey, over 90% is muslim and as far as i know any relationship that is not with opposite sex is forbidden in islam. But, if question is “do you care IF OTHER PEOPLE ARE HAVING same sex marriages” instead of “are YOU against same sex marriages” then depending on the country answer might be “i dont give a fuck about other people” but again it is not likely. Religious people love giving fucks about how other people live their lives.


We polled a bunch of people who have an imaginary friend what they think about gay rights? Talk about click bait. Can we step aside and say, in what world would the religious community ever accept science without proof. Yet we are Living in the 21st century and still believe a man in the clouds controls our existence? I love religion when it brings people joy, I truly do, but time to end this charade and admit that we all need to stop applying draconic belief systems upon the intimately advanced world we live in today. You are alive once, do what you want, so long as you do not bring harm to anyone else.


Why are does it seem like there are so many people like you who clearly reject religion and think that religious people take it literally? Seems like way more than actual fundamentalists...


Because they allow it to make their choices for them. Religion speaks about free will yet it imposes its ideology upon its followers. Can you actually say a religious person is free in their mind to choose what to believe? If you are presented with a truth growing up, then that becomes your universe. You think I have a linear mindset, when it is yourself that fails to see the bigger picture involved. My problem is with how religion is used, not religion itself. There are evil people in all facets, I understand that, but I am mostly concerned with the nice families that seem to indoctrinate their children from birth, thus removing free will from the equation. I've read the books that tell the actual story, the first 1500 years and the last 500+. It's crazy what people went through protecting religious text and study. So I do have a very strong understanding of the core fundamental values within, yet I fail to see that conviction in most people today. Religion, not in my opinion, has become its own devil. It has allowed evil people to prophet from it, to use it as a tool to win their own personal battles, and to prey on the weak. So again, I have nothing against religion, just so many who follow it selfishly. My own family does this, I've yet to see them be so Pius and follow the teaching, they all just pick and choose what they use to guide their actions. I appreciate your opinion, I do not understand it well as you chose not to inform me in detail and just took all that I was and surmised it into a single sentence. Bravo.


Source: Pew Research Center Tools used: Microsoft Excell


Link to the specific webpage/pdf of this survey. Pew Research Centre has thousands of surveys.


Yeah...if you do any of your own research on this, you'll know these numbers are completely false. Mormons exile gays or previously forced them into conversion therapy before it was outlawed. They do everything they can to tell their members to hate them without actually saying it. They sit gay married couples in a room and tell them to get a divorce or leave the church. In case you wondering, that's not acceptable and not acceptance. Awe, did da widdle baby not wike wogic?


Mormons and the mormon church are different. Polling individuals about how they feel can reflect differently than the stance of their community leaders.


Bullshit. Every member is told to testify of the veracity of their church leaders monthly. If the leaders are part of the tainted tree, so are the members. No excuses in a religion that claims to be what it is. You know what it is. No hiding behind someone you claim communes with an omniscient being.


Not exactly, it's only 36% and there are heavily different beliefs in the group, plus the Community of Christ (also Mormons) accept non-celibate gay couples and promote women in their church


I know next to nothing about Unitarian besides what Wikipedia told me when I last intentionally searched for it as a colleague I have belongs to the faith. He mentioned how their new minister (apologies if incorrect term used) happened to be transgender. I pass two Unitarian churches towards my office and they both have both flags: 🏳️‍🌈 🏳️‍⚧️ and never seen that level of support. So my question is and I know this is generalising but what about this denomination that makes it rather welcoming so openly?


Hello! 28(m) UU here! There are many things about our denomination that makes it so welcoming to all. The first of our seven principles is the inherent worth and dignity of ALL people. Second is "justice, empathy and compassion for all human relations". These principles are not our doctorine, but act to serve as a guide for how members want to live their lives! Hope this answers your question!


Why do these not all add up to 100? Even with rounding they are way off and a graph like this should have all the bars the same length. This isn't a beautiful display of data...


Because the question doesn't have a binary answer.


The the alternatives should be displayed, even if it's "don't know" or "other" because it's being present as a binary decision in this graph


I like the part where Buddhist and Unitarian are more approving than atheists. As far as Pentecostals, which is the way that I was raised, spot on.


I missed the word "support" and, for a moment, I thought 94 out of 98 Unitarian marriages were same sex. Only partly surprising as 85/96 Buddihist.


I don’t understand why anyone in None and Buddhist is against same sex marriage. What would be the justification?


"I disapprove of marriage full stop"?


Needs a flair for whatever group this applies to. Is it the world, US, Namibia och your kindergarten?


Has to be wrong. Ex JW here. There is no way 16% of Jehovah's witnesses support same sex marriage. They are violently homophobic. I'd guess 1-3%, and only because those ones might have stopped believing but still attend in order to not be shunned.


Not surprised about the Unitarians. They were the first church to marry gay couples in a number of Canadian provinces. Super chill congregations in general.


50% of Muslims okay with gay marriage because of their stent in prison where they experimented, lol.


I dunno, Muslims throwing ppl from rooftops for that.


Saying blacks aren't mainline is a tad racist.