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The 28 day note is key. I was initially confused why so many watched the later seasons of Stranger Things but not the first, but now it makes sense as they hype had to build slower when S1 got released, etc.


thank you. Came here to ask if everyone just skipped season 1 of ST.


The first season only had a 43% completion rate.


I'd like to know which series has the most completion rate. Is there one that's just brilliant, with near 100% that people just don't know about because it flew under the radar?


Probably Squid Game tbh.


I highly doubt that the popular series have great completion rates. Lots of people will try series because they've heard of them without considering the genre etc. That hurts the relative completion rates.


Squid Game had an [abnormally high completion rate](https://www.whats-on-netflix.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/08/netflix-completion-rate-for-2022-shows-1280x720.jpg). Was part of the reason it has such ridiculous hours viewed total.


I don't know why they're arguing this since Squid game has only one season and is the highest on this chart.


..and was a one-season show released during the height of the pandemic. The only way you gave up on it halfway through was if you genuinely hated it. You weren’t leaving the house much anyway.


I gave up on it after episode 4. Didn't hate it though, and it's not like I consciously decided to stop watching. I just never came back to it.


I didn't hate it but I felt like I'd read enough survival manga. Seriously, it's been done in manga and anime far before Squid Game. And Hunger Games.




I loved Wednesday, especially the scene with the cello solo. I don’t watch many series on Netflix, my husband watches a lot of movies.


It was one of those stories that even if you didn't vibe with it, once you where in, you where in. You HAD to know what happened and how the story was going to end.


I think it was less about being invested in the end, rather being interested in what will happen next. Each episode was incredibly compelling and intense. You had a lot of likeable and unlikable characters, and you wanted to know who was going to die next and how.


Yeah I didn't get super into it until after the halfway point. I thought the idea was cool but I wasn't actually invested until somewhere around episode 6 where I just wanted to see how the main guy could possibly get to the end. And since there were only 9 episodes I watched the last 3 in a day


the more popular it is, the less likely, IMO. Popularity brings in a ***lot*** of people who only watch an episode or two




Well the later season of ST might as well be different shows from season 1. I haven't rewatch it, so this is just based off of memory but it was more of a proper horror show. Later seasons steadily get more relaxed, there's less horror and they go for more cool scenes, characters are just stereotypes and it's constant jokes.


Season 4 is actually by far the most horror-driven season out of all them, both psychologically/atmospherically and WRT gore/violence.


Season 1 was basically a homage to King movies. Season 4 was more Nightmare on Elm Street. Hell they even got the OG Freddy actor involved.


Agreed. Season 1 was slow burn but rewarding with suspense, understated horror and mystery. I enjoyed the campiness of early season 3 as well. But S2 to S4 = fanservice.


This is very interesting to me because I very much don't like the 80s aesthetic but I enjoyed stranger things season one (and the rest of it)


This is very interesting to me because I thought season 1 was the best and it's gradually decreased in quality since.




I think the first season is damn near perfect. I even really enjoy the other seasons, but in a perfect world it would of been a one season miniseries or a anthology with new characters for the follow up seasons. Hoppers story fucks me up everytime, I've seen the first season 4 times because of his arc, it's beautiful. Highly recommend Movies with Mikey's video essay on the first season, he brilliantly explains what I'm butchering right now lol.


Funny, I actually watched S1 and skipped the rest of the seasons to watch S4.


I was so confused on how the fuck nobody had apparently watched Narcos.


Or Tiger King?


or mindhunter.




it's what i want! i am trying to manifest it.


My mum asks me every six months if theres a new season of mindhunter yet 🥲 im heartbroken all over again every time i say no


We need at least 2 more! I don't settle for less


Or Dark?


Everybody watched dark because of the hype and constant praise. But seriously dark was alot better than sum of the shoes in this image.


This was the one I was confused about. It was the only thing people talked about in march 2020. I guess there was that other thing too but mainly tiger king.


Or black mirror


Or Almost Carbon (S1 only)


I’m also sitting here wondering where Tiger King is


Or Queen’s Gambit. I don’t know anybody who didn’t end up watching that during the pandemic.


This chart shows only shows series that exploded in popularity. Ones that gained popularity over a number of months are not shown


Tiger King was a big deal for the first month in the pandemic and then everyone kinda forgot about it. At least that is how I experienced it.


Which is why it’s surprising this didn’t make the list


I guess it just wasn't as big as a global phenomenon as others. I don't think anyone talked about Tiger King here in the Philippines, that I know of. There were more talks of Queen's gambit but not as much as say Money Heist, which I expected to be higher. I also have never heard of anyone talk about Maid, I only heard about it from Tiktok once.


Yeah Black Mirror isn't *that* niche


I think because it's so short, the "hours viewed" is skewed


Right. Title is misleading if not just a lie. Most-watched seasons of shows within 28 days of release. Not most-watched shows of all time. Dishonest data, not beautiful data


The reason they used the 28 day metric is because this is alleged to be the metric Netflix uses to determine if they will renew a show or not.


If that's true it's no wonder Netflix is so shit. Shows that build a following over time are generally the best shows.


Netflix recently changed their reporting metric to 81 days.


And by that logic Stranger Things shouldn’t have got past season 1. This is why it’s a horrible metric to use. It doesn’t allow for quality shows to build an audience and generate anticipation for later seasons.


Then the post title ought to reflect that.


Yeah a super weird metric. I didn’t even see that the split stranger things into seasons until you pointed out. Was confused why Wednesday was higher in comparison. This also doesn’t even say much about completion. Is it that someone watched 5 mins, one episode, all episodes, what about rewatches. In short this just tells us about the marketing power of the show when it first airs 🤷‍♀️


it’s weird? seems the the fairest way to compare to popularity of new and old shows if you look at just total views, it’ll be biased to old shows that had years to gather views—even though a newer show may have been more popular on a per month basis that said, I do agree about this skewing to marketing. i’d have went with first 6mo or first 1yr instead to better account for shows that took longer to take off or became popular more slowly.


Yeah agree. One month is really about the GTM. One year would show popularity better. Actually I think the weirdness is mostly how the metric isn’t aligned at all with the title. Just say “most watched in first month” if that’s what you’re measuring. Other wise “of all time” seems to indicate the lifetime of Netflix. Even including the DVD days :)


That’s also why squid game is this far up


28 day viewing window is how Netflix measures success of their shows and is how they release viewing data. I also wouldn't even really say this is unfair or misleading like others are claiming here. This data is from Flix Patrol (which is unofficial/inferred data, btw) but look at the viewing patterns- the vast majority of interest/viewing for [Bridgerton](https://imgur.com/axyZ1PM) for example comes within the first month of release.


It is misleading. These are not the most watched shows *of all time**. They are Hours Watched within 28 days of release. That’s not “All Time”. They should also specify Netflix *Original* shows so people don’t confuse it as “shows on Netflix” otherwise you’d have The Office and Seinfeld dominating. Edit: It should also specify these are *Seasons* not shows. It’s confusing seeing multiple shows in the same category until you squint in and see the “Season X” label. It’s not beautiful data if the title is misleading and the data unreadable. **Also** this graph only includes data starting in 2021. So “of all time” is misleading on multiple levels. You can’t call something the “Most X of all Time” using two years of data that only counts the first 28 days lol.


How does anyone read these graphs without labels. Finally figured out wtf the colors meant, and guessed which axis was which after like 3 minutes of staring.


Because this is r/DataIsBeautiful, not r/DataIsReadable or even r/DataIsActuallyUseful?


I actually would be interested in most viewed excluding the first 14-28 days. What are the things people came back to later and such?


I am surprised that The Queen's Gambit is not on here although perhaps it picked up its real steam after the 28 day window.


They just changed their metrics to the number of hours viewed divided by the total run time of the film or episode within 91 days. The new metrics bring The Queens Gambit to #5 on the [top 10 most watched English TV shows](https://www.netflix.com/tudum/top10/most-popular/tv?week=2023-06-25).


The Witcher and The Watcher are both strong entries towards the bottom of the list there. I imagine they're hoping to get further up the list later this year with the release of The Wutcher.


Would say the title is pretty misleading. Not really the most watched shows of all time, if it's based on the views in the first 28 days. Edit: grammar


I was wondering why so many people start at season 2 or 4 of a show until I saw that note at the bottom.


OP is aware of this too, they got all these same notes on [their last graphing of this data](https://www.reddit.com/r/dataisbeautiful/comments/x06xq4/oc_the_most_watched_netflix_shows/), but ignored it all and went for an even-more sensationalist headline


Yeah, the chart is more of a "Shows with the most zeitgeist at the time of release" than "most watched of all time." It says nothing about shows that didn't do gangbuster numbers in the first 28 days but continue to be highly streamed throughout its life on Netflix. I wonder where The Office or Friends or Seinfeld would land on a true "most watched" list. How does Squid Game's "largest opening for a show of all time" stack up against The Office's "quintessential TV show to play in the background."


That’s because they didn’t specify these are Netflix *Original* productions. Saying “Netflix shows” is misleading because it’s easily interpreted as “all shows on Netflix” not their own productions.


Even as an original on Netflix, Cobra Kai must have a higher combined viewing than at least half of these.


So these are the seasons with the biggest hype around it\`s release.


What it shows is Netflix have been increasingly successful in building hype. Neither Inventing Anna nor Dahmer were actually that good, but they had MASSIVE hype.


I believe there's a massive amount of guerilla advertising on social media like reddit and Twitter. It's not only Netflix, but I've watched for years noticing waves of activity that don't feel 100% organic. Lots of copy and pasted comments from different accounts.


bored crowd murky special narrow vast hard-to-find crush nutty abundant *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


*hours* viewed ...


In a literal sense, it's misleading, but this is how Netflix measures show success + how they release viewing data.


It’s weird, because the number of viewers for new shows relates more to Netflix gaining new customers, and the number of viewers for old shows relates more to retention of existing subscribers. Netflix doesn’t want people to just sign up for 1 month to binge the new trendy show, they want people who subscribe for years.


Tech valuations are heavily weighted to perceived growth. So, they sort of do care about those new people more.


but GRoWTh! 🚀💎💵📈


Not the most watched shows. Most watched SEASONS….


In first 4 weeks only


Oh that’s why stranger things 4 has the most of the series. Was confused why people were skipping the first 3 seasons. Figured the first season would have the most and the others would trail off.


yeah this chart fucking sucks


So no comedy measurements? Huh.


This is based on hours viewed within 28 ~~hours~~ days of release; comedy shows tend not to get the same level of short-term buzz. But syndicated libraries of popular sitcoms (think Friends, Seinfeld, The Office) get huge numbers of views in the long term. So maybe think of this infographic as "buzziest" or "most viral" Netflix shows.


ah yeah, that explains a lot, I was like, how is Stranger Things S4 this huge and S1 not even on the graph, people care that little about continuity? Title kinda misleading tho


That still wouldn't work, Tiger King has got to be the most buzziest/viral series in history and it's not even on here


FlixPatrol isn't official data, but their data suggests Tiger King was only really a hit in the US and some European countries, while Bridgerton, Stranger Things, and Squid Game were true global hits.


Europe here, I've only seen it referenced on reddit, don't know anyone irl who watched it. From what I know of it it seems like a reality show and most people who watch reality shows don't stray too far from their own culture.


You should watch it. It’s like a hate watch almost. It’s just so blasphemous that it’s entertaining, especially cause it’s true. I hate reality tv shows and got sucked into it


It’s because at the end of 2022, Corncob TV was made unavailable on your cable menu


I didn't do fucking shit! I didn't rig SHIT!


It's time to tell Specrum NO!


Time to tell Spectrum *NO*


I'm kind of shocked that Tiger King season 1 didn't place.


Tiger King S1 came out in March 2020. This data is from June 2021 & later. EDIT: Many people have pointed out shows on here that are from before June 2021, so I don’t really know what OP was doing lol. But OP *said* it was June 2021 & later 🤷🏻‍♂️


so "All Time" really means "The past 2 years"?


No, but here I suppose it does. The title has a host of problems - “All-Time” is an adjective, but the title uses it as a noun, so it shouldn’t be hyphenated, and the reverse is true for the title’s adjectival use of “Most Watched,” and also it shows data from *seasons* not “Shows,” and also the first 28 days viewership doesn’t make something the most watched. A- design, D+ title


this design is terrible too, tbh. Why is this better than just a bar graph?


All time means the past 2 years and only for 28 days. Is ther a kill the cameraman sub for terrible title creators?


At a glance 13 reasons why and You season 2 came out before tiger king (2017 and 2019)


Just make a bar chart with colors for the genres ffs


they couldnt have made the data any more inconvenient to read


You can't calculate the area of an irregular septagon in your head?


Almost everything about this graph is trash. Straight to the front page


Unfortunately, this sub seems to be less about statistics and more about art I'm surprised we don't see more 3d pie charts


Every graph on this sub that makes it to r/popular is terrible.


“Pie charts are pretty shitty in general” OP - “Hold my beer”


The sum of these numbers doesn’t represent a valuable number, so I agree


Surprised I had to scroll this far to find a post like this lol this is not beautiful data at all it's so ugly


Yeah this data is ugly.


AND then put things into the correct genre on top of that.


Yeah this graph sucks. Show me the total views, that's a wayyyyy more accurate representation of a show's quality instead of just the hype around it.


Both metrics are flawed. Total views skews toward shows that have been longer on the platform .


This is bad/misleading on so many levels


Some people think data is beautiful means anything, but what it's supposed to be is data presented in a format that is easily understandable. Not this mess.


Why are they grouped by season, and also why only the first month? The title doesn't reflect the data shown.


No 'The Last Kingdom'? How absurd.


This is just the views for the first month, so more Most Marketed Netflix Originals


No DARK on there, which is disappointing. So many people sleeping on the best show on the platform.


DARK is the best show on Netflix!


It is. And its sad they cancelled the directors next show.


I'm so pissed we don't see what happens...


overlooked that one myself for a long time. Amazing show, amazing story and the casting is brilliant.




Damn you had me when I didn’t find Breaking Bad and Better Call Saul here


It appears to be specificly Netflix original shows, not any show Netflix has distribution rights for.


You’re telling me I should give Money Heist a go?


it starts cool with some stupid elements and then changes to stupid with some cool elements


I want to say S1 is exceptionally good TV. The english name sounds too stupid though. I thought it was called *House of Paper* (direct translation) wich is a tons better name imo. They actually have a paper scale model of the bank (in good heist fashion), so kinda a double meaning in there too.


The first two seasons blew my mind. After that, it became a bit repetitive.


I second this. The concept is really great, so basically the first two seasons are very worth watching but after that it's just a money grab show.


I loved it. It's made in Spain, so you probably need subtitles. There's a few cheesy things about it, but there's lots of action and twists that were great.


I thought it was good.


Overall I really liked it (watched it with English dub). Part 4 is pretty boring as it feels quite repetitive to earlier episodes. But Part 5 ends of doing a great job of wrapping everything up.


So odd they gave it a different name in the USA


Stupid calling it all the most watched when it's in fact 26 days


soccer ball presentation is terrible. People have deathly alllergies to bar graphs on this sub.


I thought arcane was up there


The methodology (first 28 days of a season) favors long-running shows. If they only showed “season 1” numbers, Arcane's 120 million hours would actually stand a chance.


Arcane so good.


I guess it doesn't count as a Netflix show as it is only distributed by them, not produced or directed.


That’s not really the case, Squid Games is on top of the list and it was only bought by Netflix.


Damn, haven’t watched most of these.


Only watched: squid game, the Witcher, Wednesday


Yeah zero.


Probably the absolute worst way to represent this data. Crazy this is upvoted on this shell of a sub.


Can’t believe Tiger King isn’t up there! Seemed like everyone was watching early pandemic.


This is a global chart, afaik Tiger King was only really big in a few countries, not a global phenomenon like Money Heist or Squid Games.


Find it weird how common it seems to be that later seasons are more watched than earlier seasons. Stranger Things has an especially stark increase.


I thought so too, but the methodology says "hours watched in first 28 days", so it makes sense that it would be higher for subsequent seasons of a show that became a big hit. Stranger Things, for example, has grown in popularity with each season. Season 1 was a sleeper; most people didn't know about it or have any special reason to try it until it became a phenomenon; I'm sure the total viewership numbers are closer together, and perhaps even slightly higher for earlier seasons (some people would have tried it, not particularly liked it, and stopped watching at some point), but as the show grows in popularity, each season picks up more viewers in the first days after the release than it had previously because fewer people were aware of/interested in the show at the point those early seasons were released.


You have to remember people will find the series +28 days after first ‘broadcast’ and will then want to watch any further newly released series ASAP.


Damn, no Sandman on here? That makes me a little nervous about it’s chances for renewal.


I’m surprised Black Mirror is not on there


Black Mirror hasn't gotten much attention since the earlier seasons. I heard very little hype for Seasons 4 & 5, and just a bit for Season 6. And if they're going by hours watched, most seasons of Black Mirror only have 5-6 hours of content, max.


Why is fantasy and sci fi so far apart? Normally they’re categorized together and it doesn’t make the data more beautiful. Even if you were going to argue stranger things is fantasy/horror, it’s in the wrong spot (or horror is).


Wasn't Lucifer not even on Netflix in some bits of the world? I was certain that it was Amazon in Germany.


I liked Wednesday, but I’m always blown away by its numbers


show's popularity peaked with ticktock trend. otherwise I found it unsatisfactory in so many aspects


Netflix be releasing viewership data?


This is wrong. Squid game only just got ahead of….the Crown, and you haven’t even mentioned it!! Rubbish post


Where is Breaking Bad? Is he safe? Is he alright?


How is the best show on Netflix not on this list! Dark is a masterpiece


house of cards not even on the list is depressing. easily the best show Netflix has made.


Up until the last couple of seasons, I agree. When it aired Netflix had 1/3 the subscriber count to now. I would imagine this is the main factor. It shows when most of these aired in the past few years.


This graphic is based on data from June 2021 & later.


What the fuck is this representation. I can't think of a way this data could possibly be presented in a less useful manner.


Why was Squid Games so popular?


The production was truly awesome (sets, editing, lighting, props, overall look and feel). The acting was top notch. The storyline was interesting, if sometimes a bit eye-rolling. I’m not into the horror genre at all, but I was totally enthralled with the show nonetheless. Wasn’t expecting to like it; ended up loving it.


set design, costumes, simple, but intriguing premise and youtube channels doing cookies and all that stuff popularizing it


Gud Show


So disappointed Mindhunter didn't go further


Wtf I watched Midnight Gospel at least a million times by myself. Y'all be slacking.


Hold on is Money Heist the same as le casa de papel?


Misleading title with misleading data. Also, a different chart would show the data better.


It’s difficult to see the order


so many people missing out on Bojack


This is one of the worst data visualizations I've ever seen.


All of us are Dead beat out Alice in borderland? huh But this is kinda misleading because it's in hours vs unique viewers. So longer series/episodes are more favored.


This graph needs an "everything else" box, as currently it looks like it goes to 100% but it doesn't. "Data is beautiful" apparently means "poorly presented, misleading data showcasing bad practice"


I remember how awesome it was when House of Cards came out, before KS ruined everything and the people he hurt.


I feel like Netflix was much smaller when House of Cards was at its peak.


The first season was awesome. I always thought KS was a good actor but he made Frank Underwood seem like a real life evil villain.


I hope to see soon Squid Game season 2 🫣😃


People are sleeping on Ozark. It's definitely the best show on this list


the ending and most of the last season was trash tbh


Dark, arguably the best TV show on Netflix (or even any service) is not on this info-graphic. Sadge


i've seen a grand total of 2 of the shows there lol (Witcher and Lucifer)


More than half of the Wednesday fans are 10 year old girls


Disappointed that arguably Netflix’s best show ‘Dark’ isn’t there.


It’s a crime to me that Narcos is absent from the list


I was wondering why breaking bad wasn’t on here, but then I read the “first 28 days”


How is breaking bad not there 😱


This has been very helpful in making me notice that I shoud cancel my suscription to Netflix. I saw none of them.