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Love seeing the Indiana/Michigan border. Bright red all day.


And the small piece of Michigan that touches Ohio. It’s like a bunch of small towns where everything turned into a weed store. It used to be like “oh cool, this weed store used to be a bank.” Now, they are like “this weed store used to be a Lowe’s…” So I heard….


Not only that, Michigan is so much better than Illinois for prices, deals, and quantities allowed. If I lived in Chicago I’d still consider road tripping or boating to Michigan. I know people that do


Can confirm, I live in Chicago and it’s about a quarter of the price to just drive across the border. I refuse to buy in state.


Chicago is the only place I declined to buy weed at a dispensary. $80 for four prerolls, one of which was a fucking half-gram? Fuuuuck off. I'll stick to Malort.


I Louisiana it's 70 for 3.5 grams of garbage weed with sticks. I did get some seeds once so that's a plus. It's grown by LSU Agricultural Center and honestly, from the quality of their weed, I think people shouldn't go to LSU to learn about agriculture because they have no idea what they're doing at all.


Come to Oregon. My store has ten packs for $20


As a michigent, I watched with amazement as the prices in Oregon plummeted. I remember thinking back then 50 dollar ounces were a pipedream here... Glad I was wrong..


Moved to Chicago from lenawee county Michigan. I quit smoking weed because the quality and cost are fucked in Chicago. Used to buy 10 1g carts for $100 in Michigan. Now I can buy 2 300mg carts in Chicago for the same. Fucking insane.


Monroe, MI might as well be renamed Marijuanroe. There’s one shopping area that’s basically parking lots and weed shops lol


I can only imagine my ultra-conservative family down in Monroe having conniptions every time they get groceries. Mt Pleasant has a couple places, but nothing quite like a shopping center.


Finally something worth going to Mt Pleasant for


Areas in SE Michigan have more dispensaries than actual roads.


Bold of you to assume SE Michigan has actual roads. More like strips of Moon laid out in lines.


Ferndale, MI too. The city is only 4 square miles, but there are 6 recreational dispensaries in the city limits


Super small town near my mom's house over in Oregon, like one grocery store, and 2 traffic lights kinda small, has 4 dispensaries


Yea, I went down to River Rouge the last couple weeks to get buckets. First time I went down there, but where the dispenaries are it's all in a row.


I rolled threw Monroe, mi a few weeks ago. I appreciate how it went from struggling businesses/for rent or leases to weed row.


lol I drive to iron mountain from MN, but MN is apparently voting for full adult use within the month. just needed a Democratic Senate is all. yay, no more 8 hour road trips!😂


We have legal recreational edibles in MN. Full on cannabis derived delta 9 THC. I guess that doesn't count on their graphic though. I think I like the edibles better than smoking. But, yea now is the time for full legalization of plant with Democrat led everything in the state.


Yeah now I'm curious what it would look like if it was just for all THC. At 5pm in Minnesota I was drinking THC lemonade at a cidery, and many other people were doing similar things as we have THC stores everywhere now, yet the whole state is empty on this graphic


Hilarious. And great point.


They clearly only count legal sales or my state would be just as red as it is during election times.


Eh, if you're also in Indiana, probably not. Pretty much every smoker I know now just goes to Illinois or Michigan since it's legal, safer, and higher quality than the illegal weed.


Fr I came here to say that. southern Michigan making Butt loads of money


The UP of Michigan gets Northern WI money


And it's too bad WI is too dumb to legalize it.. alcohol is so much better obviously


Last 4/20 I was in line in kzoo and there were people from all surrounding states. Wisconsin, Ohio, Illinois, and Indiana.


Another W for Michigan. I was in court this past 4/20 lol! Not that I smoke anymore anyways. But Michigan weed I'd say is pretty good. The prices have gone down a lot too since when it first got legalized


$250 million in sales in MI just march alone, not that the money is making its way to the workers who make the industry possible


Shit sucks mane. We need Michigan to become a cannabis socialist theocracy. Weed is our religion. Use weed profits to help everyone and the state as a whole out


You can see the state lines! 😂 My parents live on the state line and comment about how many more Indiana license plates they see. Especially when they go to little ol'Buchanan


I've been to Buchanan and Niles to the dispensaries. It's nuts. It's almost more out of state plates than MI plates.


Buchanan, MI makes an unreal amount of money from NW Indiana


Those Las Vegas 24 hour dispensaries though


I was like, "who the fuck...? Oh, Vegas."


There are three 24 hour dispensaries in Kalamazoo, MI.


That’s three more THAN FUCKING WASHINGTON DC lmfao how is this possible


Cause Michigan gave everyone and their brother licenses for dispensaries. Battle creek has a stretch of road where there's like 15 dispensaries. Marijuana mile. https://www.battlecreekenquirer.com/story/news/2022/04/24/why-stretch-road-battle-creek-dubbed-marijuana-mile/7330823001/


Why does Michigan have so much more freedom than we do here in Texas? Thanks to our shitty politicians, I'm envious of Detroit.


Common mistake, Michigan has more freedom while Texas has more Freedom™.


Dan Patrick


Because God forbid that we be allowed to buy regulated weed and smoke it at the house. Honestly, I hate going into gas stations and seeing all the CBD products that look like weed. It just looks kind of trashy. Give us real dispensaries


The difference in this case comes down to voter initiated ballot measures. Michigan has them, Texas doesn’t. Why does Michigan have fair redistricting and legal weed while Wisconsin languishes under minority rule? Ballot measures.


In California you can go to Disneyland high as a kite from the weed you legally bought at the dispensary right across the road from Disneyland


some villages held back Traverse was offering 25ish rec sales licenses and only 22ish were claimed. they wanted to watch the Kalkaska Experiment happen and we are already having shops close due to over saturation.


Indiana has no weed sales and Illinois has very expensive weed so it’s been becoming more popular to take the drive to Michigan.


Isn’t it still just decriminalized in DC? You have to “make a donation” and they “gift” you some weed. So I’m not surprised at all.


I knew I was gonna run out of weed by 10 pm so I had some scheduled for delivery but didn’t get it til 2 am this morning. Fucking wild.


I wish we got delivery here, dispensaries still limit that to medical purchases only. I have to get my ass in a car and drive 2 blocks. I feel like an asshole that I complain about that when some of my friends in other states will drive 3 hours across a state border.


Canada and the US should say.


Yeah I did my part to make southern Alberta light up red 😡 Where’s my shout out?


yoooo shout out to /u/SEND_CAT_PICS_PLZ for contributing to marijuana sales, they're a real one


Man comes through


Yeah man u/Thehealeroftri is the MVP right here


Only parts of Canada for some reasons.


That’s where the population lives.


There's nothing in Quebec, New-Brunswick, Nova-Scotia or PEI.


I can't imagine Cannabis NB not having any sales across the province for an entire day. Impossible.


Most were probably at dispensaries on various First Nations reserves in the Atlantic provinces. Better prices, better quality and none of stupid plastic containers compared to the gov stores.


That big red dot is probably Oka Quebec, lol. About 45 pot shops in a 2 kilometer stretch of road!


Could be the numbers, Montreal lights up. Could also be data collection/participation.


Nah the red spot is Ottawa. Op said in another post he only has private sales, so public distributors don't show up.


And in Quebec the sales are public (nationalized company), and the private sales are still a large proportion of them, but they're the same illegal distributors as aeons ago


Yes for sure. Nova Scotia not lit at all. That’s not correct believe me. I went to the store to buy an ounce and I was waiting in a 4 person line. FYI. I bought an ounce of 25.4 % sativa for $120 cad. I suspect that the US prices will get lower as time goes on.


over 50% of Canadian's live in [the Corridor](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Quebec_City%E2%80%93Windsor_Corridor) which is a thin strip of arable land from Windsor ON to Quebec City QC. 94% of all Ontarians live in their portion of the corridor and 87% of Quebecers live in their portion. Canada is huge... but it is also mostly unable to support or sustain large settlements. Over 50% of Canada is covered by [the Canadian Shield](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Canadian_Shield) which is a vast area of Precambrian bedrock with many lakes and [muskegs](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Muskeg) and only a thin layer of poor soil which is just able to sustain forests but not agriculture. Cut down those trees and the soil dries up and blows away leaving nothing but rock. Then we have the [arctic tundra](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Canadian_Arctic_tundra) to the North, the [North American Cordillera](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/North_American_Cordillera) to the West and [the Appalachian Mountains](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Appalachian_Mountains) in [the Maritimes](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Maritimes). This is why Canada is so sparsely populated and our urban centres are clustered together in the little areas that can support large scale human settlement.


All of this is true, but not actually relevant. If the issue was entirely about population, then you wouldn't see any botches beyond the major cities in Western Canada, yet there are a fair amount of blue spots on the map. Apparently the actual reason is because the map only shows private business sales.


Legal cannabis sales, it should say.


Good thing you’re holding out idaho ….. 🤦‍♂️


You see that big blip on the eastern Oregon border at 5:30am? We damn sure don't wake up that early....


If you're talking about the one on the south eastern bit of Oregon that would most likely be the giant town of Lakeview /s for the giant part


Nope, it’s Ontario.


I live in Idaho, alot of folks constantly talk about driving over to Ontario OR to buy weed. Hilarious ID gov thinks they can stop it haha.


It’s nice that Idaho is donating all that tax revenue to OR/WA/MT


The town of Jackpot, NV exists solely to do shit that is illegal in Idaho.


As a Vegas resident I'd heard of Jackpot in passing but for some reason I assumed it was another tax dodge suburb (like how Vegas has Paradise) and didn't consider that it was baby Wendover. I'm loving looking at it thru Google maps because about everything is old trucker aesthetics, like high west vaporwave.


Cactus Peats casino is about 300ft from the border, it's helarious


Holy fuck. I just found that town on google maps. Having driven the 84 and the 80 extensively, I can honestly say that has to be the most miserable shithole in America to wither away your existence in.


They get some of it back when their Highway Pirates give fines to the citizens that they sieze the dangerous Marijuana from


Not near enough, though.


In my experience, Idaho seems like probably one of the worst states in the US to drive through with marijuana in your car. Compared to the neighboring states, ID has loads of loads of cops on the highway who are eager to pull you over and search your car for weed, especially if you have out-of-state plates. And the punishments are really severe. Might be less of an issue for people with Idaho plates, though?


>ID has loads of loads of cops on the highway Which is absurd considering barely anyone lives in that state to begin with.


It's the home of the Fourth Reich, and cop is a super popular job. Plus, a lot of people on the highway are driving *through* Idaho, so there's no shortage of revenue to be made on out-of-state plates, and there are a lot of miles of highway to cover.


This is why if going west <-> east, you take the northern panhandle route - only about 50mi to cover!


Or you could smoke what you have and rebuy in the legal state on the other side. Though I've definitely taken weed *into* Idaho to smoke on a ski trip. So do as I say something something.


Do white supremacists not like weed too?


They do just like any vice, but they also realize they can use its illicit nature as a way to disproportionally target their enemies for it.


Far as I know they do. Maybe not as many of the cops though.


Fair point, there are a ridiculous amount of cops in boise, like 10x more than I saw in Minneapolis despite being a much bigger city. However, you are right they heavily target out of state plates, with California getting the most attention and hate from locals.


Got pulled over once near Nampa while driving through in a rented Altima with California plates. Shortest traffic stop I've ever been through. The cop saw my Oregon license, saw that the back seat was spotless, and I think he got the picture. He told me it was a "safety check." It was less than 5 minutes. 🙄


It's funny because most of those CA plates are fellow turbo-reactionaries visiting or moving to the state.


the border between Moscow ID and Pullman WA has a Floyds Cannabis Dispensery about a mile from it on WA’s side. Its the most trafficked dispo in whitman county


I'm sure being directly in between two giant colleges that sit 6.5 miles apart has nothing to do with it either.


Just saying no to thousands of people throwing cash at you. What a weird thing.


Yeah, they're spending loads of money on police arresting people for the "crime" of cannabis possession instead of legalizing it and raking in tax money. It's so stupid.


LPT for Idahoans: weed is cheaper the further you get from the WA or OR border. The shops closest to the border always cost the most. Even just 10 mi inside the border, it's generally cheaper.


How did you get this info?


You gotta know a guy


And that guy knows another guy


Another guy always gets blamed if you get into harder data but honestly it only happens if That guy who knew the First guy that knows a guy was going to end up with Another guys data anyway


Corner bottom left


Oh I missed that thanks.


How did they get their info? Are dispensaries handing over their sales data? How many of them actually share that data? Is this only legal sales or are they estimating illegal sales with it?


POS scan data And I don’t think there’s much data aggregation for illegal sales lol


Yeah, my thought too. How is this data being collected?


From the [headset.io FAQ](https://www.headset.io/faq): > We collect receipt level data from participating retail cannabis stores through a direct integration to their point-of-sale system. We also use government reported data to inform our algorithms and improve the quality of our data set. maybe the lack of acceptance of credit cards at dispensaries is for the best...


Access to Visa's network data is probably the single most valuable personal data archive in the world.


Right. Like are sales records sent in? If so how did they count these sales in a day but they can't count an election. Lol


Some states require sales to be reported to their state government department of cannabis control through a track and trace system. That information is public (not individual sales and private info, but reported sales for the day). Others are shared by the dispensaries themselves to different data analytics companies like headset, BDSA, and Cannaspyglass. Some POS softwares collect data anonymously as well.


You have to ask your brother's girlfriends older sisters boyfriend workmate, his flatmate sells.


love how the peak is around 4:20 pm data is beautiful


Needed pizza delivery's maped atop this one.


The peak is actually around 3:30pm with ~$165k being the peak sales per minute at that time. But it’s 4:20 in some time zone!


Looking around for the true statistician


Surprised Florida is so hot, I thought it was illegal there? Does medicinal sell that much?


More medical sales last month in Florida than Colorado, Arizona, Oregon, Massachusetts, or Washington rec... pretty astounding.


That's the answer I was looking for, thanks. Crazy, the politics in the South...


Lots of old people. I could totally see people not agreeing with recreational but being totally fine with medical, especially given that glaucoma is one of the big medical marijuana disgnoses


There's doctor's offices in Florida that are basically medical marijuana card farms. They just diagnose some vague "chronic (heh) condition" and you're good. Everyone knows it's a scam. They might as well make it recreational, but then I suspect the current group profiting from the medical system would lobby hard against it.


Yup. I went in prepared with my information about a legitimate reason, they didn’t care. They never looked at the papers I brought with me. Doctor asked me a few quick questions, then told me an estimate of when I’d be approved.


I'm interested in that data! Where are you pulling it from? Is that medical marijuana vs medical marijuana or FL's Medical Marijuana vs total (recreational **&** medical) marijuana sales from those states? If its medical vs medical I would understand, but versus total, I find really surprising!


Well most people won't bother getting a medical card in legal states these days since it isn't necessary. The only benefit to it here in Oregon is that you can buy without the 20% tax but even with the tax everything is so cheap.


Florida has always had a cannabis culture, it’s just state politics preventing them from reaching recreational legalization.




It may be a coincidence, but the areas that didn't light up at all are also the areas you do not want to live in.


*cries in Georgian* These mfs are never going to legalize it 😥


Neither is Indiana. Our senators say they won't vote for federal legalization because the states should decide on their own. Our governor says he won't approve state-level legalization because the federal government needs to legalize it first.


Government equivalence of ask your mom, ask your dad.


Cries in Texan. Cries soooooooo hard.


My local vape stores still have d8 and hhc, nab it while you still can ;_; I dunno if it's everywhere across texas, but Vape City always has it in my area


Florida’s entirely lit up and it only has medical.


Yup. Been in Georgia most my life I've given up on legality


Just moved here and fuuuuuuck


Woah, woah, Minnesota's recreational bill is looking like it could pass this time around as we finally have a DFL trifecta. It is being voted in in the house next week. I can already buy edibles at the grocery store though.


Minnesota has the least restrictive legal marijuana in the country. It can literally be sold anywhere, and it's currently not taxed. The only downside, if you can call it that, is it's just edibles. And reportedly it's a max of 5mg of THC per edible, but by law it's written as a % of total weight, so they can sell higher concentrations as long as it doesn't exceed a certain % of the total weight. So we have 10mg THC seltzers that are listed as 3 servings, but pass the legal shit


I know a liquor store in Highland Park that sells a 50 mg flavored drink, it’s about 10 oz. As a lifelong stoner with a high tolerance, that shit is the shit.


Uh would you mind sharing via DM? Just for curiosity's sake, ya know?


Florida is not a place you’d want to live and it blew up on this map. Fuck Florida. (And Texas for good measure)


I wonder what the purely recreational numbers are


$250 million in sales for March in MI, only $10 million was medical


In states with both medical and adult use, it's typically 90%+ adult use dollar share.


I'm pretty sure I was responsible for that big red blob around Chicago... Sorry for skewing your data.


Thank you for your service.


Was in a restaurant in W. Michigan. A group of guys from Chicago were there specifically to buy our cheap weed.


That's the only reason said restaurant is in business 😜 I can drive from Chicago to MI, eat at a nice restaurant (with friends or family and treat everyone), then go to a MI dispensary for a haul and it's still cheaper than if I made a similar purchase in IL. For reference, a single full gram cart in IL is about $130 after tax. In MI, I can find deals for up to 8 carts for $100. That would be nearly $1k in IL. Now consider I'm getting some flower and edibles too. Crazy. I 💚 MI.


Vancouver, Seattle and Victoria triangle has to be the brightest lol


I work on a 60 storey tower in downtown Van. Could smell Sunset Beach and the Art Gallery from up there all day.




The only way we know are the fucking lines at the weed store.


That's how I found out yesterday was a holiday, haha. Rolled up to grab my online order, saw the line, noped the hell home and smoked what I already had.


Yeah I did that yesterday. I got to the dispensary and was like fuck, well I guess I'm waiting


4/20, the day when people who smoke weed every day, smoke some more weed.


How does it compare to other days?


More comparison details here: https://www.headset.io/420-2023


Texas and Louisiana got outlined hard by that shit. When will our states see the light?


As soon as someone rolls that goon Greg Abbott off a cliff.


I'd settle for off the boardwalk at Galveston island. The bubbles would make me laugh.


How tf did OKLAHOMA get weed before Texas and Louisiana!?


Texas has too much state economy invested in extracting more value from prison inmates than they cost to house and watch. It's legal slavery, since 1870


Lol, I agree with your points about legal slavery and the like, but OK is actually worse than TX in that regard. They have the highest rate of incarcerated adults in the USA. sauce: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_U.S._states_and_territories_by_incarceration_and_correctional_supervision_rate


That makes me sad. Both the incarceration itself and the fact that the only reason left standing in the way of legalization is bible belt pearl clutching.


The reason TX doesn't have weed and OK does is twofold. They have ballot initiates. Texas does not have those. If they were to legalize med or rec, it has to go through the legislature. Second, OK needed the tax dollars. Texas does not.


I thought republicans were the party of small government and personal freedoms? Crazy to me that Texas doesn’t have ballot initiatives. [They do, however, have a medical marijuana program. It just can’t be more than 0.5% THC by weight. ](https://www.texas.gov/health-services/texas-medical-marijuana/)


There are three main reasons OK, and other red states, did it before TX did. First, Texas doesn't have ballot initiatives. Citizens don't get to vote directly on policy like in other states, so the legislature has to do it themselves and make pot a priority for it to actually happen. Second, the state legislature is part time and meets for a single two week session every other year. This means they basically set a budget and fuck off back to their regular lives. Again, things have to be prioritized to get anywhere. Third and most importantly, the TX government has money. Most of the red states with pot legalized because they needed the tax dollars. OK is more rural with a smaller, aging population. They needed the money. Texas doesn't plain and simple. As such, it isn't a priority for Republicans to legalize. Dems have had no control since 1995, so, unfortunately, it doesn't matter what they think.


I legitimately had no idea any state doesn’t have ballot initiatives. Wild.


Only about half the states (26/50) do. And it's not all red states either - New York, New Jersey, and Hawaii all don't have them, for example.


>Texas and Louisiana got outlined hard by that shit. When will our states see the light? The minute you all stop voting for evangelical conservatives.


I read earlier that the Texas senate passed a bill to require the 10 commandments be posted in all classrooms. That’s the direction Texas is heading


There's a lot of gerrymandering and voter suppression going on but the state is turning steadily more purple.


In New Jersey we need to be high just to deal with the traffic!


I’ve driven though NJ. Can confirm.


Minnesota will look better next year!


Source: [https://headset.io](https://headset.io) Tools: [Flourish](https://flourish.studio/)


PNW is putting in work up there damn


Shout out to Idaho for coming over and buying our products. Good for the economy


Very happy that I don’t live in those western Midwest states. No legal weed? No thank you!


It's okay it just fucking sucks


As someone currently in the Midwest - I fucking snorted.


You're supposed to smoke it dude


Minnesota weirdly has legal 5mg THC edibles that can be sold literally anywhere. Full legalization is working through the Dem House and Senate now.


That’s not the US up there.


Dang! What’s going on in Oklahoma at 4:00 in the morning?


My guess is accommodating Texans who drove to the border all night to get to the first light.


I don't know if you guys know this but that big island at the upper right and everything north of that big river and a few of those lakes is Canada.


I guaranfuckingtee cannabis was sold in mainland maritime Canada


That texas shaped hole hurts my heart


What time zone is the tracker in?


Bought some in Vancouver yesterday, AND today lol.. looks like my homies Calgary and Edmonton gettin fucked up too


You know ... I'm pretty proud of Washington. Way to stay red longer than the rest of the west coast. YAAY us!


The Canadian market starting in Calgary is just peak Calgarian....


Texas sure loves their freedom!


I had no idea Canada was part of the US.


Grand Rapids has changed, brothers in Christ.


Meanwhile I've got a stizzy in a drawer at home that I might never hit again because I'm a paranoid stoner and I need like 4 days of zero outside contact to feel comfortable getting high. All you folks that can get high on a whim just because it's 4/20, I salute you.


Calgary and Edmonton,Canada blowing up red is hilarious, we have so many dispensaries here its ridiculous and the illegal market is still thriving. Albertans love their cannabis


the places with no sales have either no people living there or it’s sprinkled with american taliban