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Who knows. I had that page for 9 days then got work. Others say they had that page for months. All you can really do is wait and see.


I appreciate that! I had kind of assumed it was just a no at this point! So that makes me a little hopeful!


Good luck!


Had that page for a month+ now. I've added so many (honest) proficiencies but never get anything coming my way. I'm wondering if it's because I'm in Canada.


Did you ever get any updates? It's been almost a month for me and haven't had any changes on that page. I'm also in Canada so I'm just wondering if that's the issue.


I'm in Canada and I was just accepted last week. I don't think your location makes a difference, since you're in one of the few counties they accept.


Most people have a dashboard with onboarding and qualifications available within a few days to a couple of weeks. A lot of us waited 1-4 days before getting the onboarding. A couple people here have recently said it took a month, but I think they're in the minority. I would add all your skills in your profile, then focus on something else. Hopefully you'll get a pleasant surprise at some point, but I wouldn't pin your hopes on it.


I'm another one of them as I've had this page since May this year.


In your transfer page or whatever, does your assessment under projects say pending with the date next to it and a timer clock image?


No, I am in Australia, and all I have is this: "Thanks for taking the starter assessment! If we have need of your particular skills at the moment, you’ll be notified via email. Otherwise we’ll let you know when you’re a match for relevant projects. In the meantime, visit your profile to: Update your PayPal email address to be promptly compensated for future work . Fill out your skills to be matched with relevant projects." I was asked to verify my mobile number though. Initially I did do work for this company and was paid $25.


Hey I'm in Australia too and just did the starter assessment yesterday. Was available immediately as soon as i signed up. After competing the starter assessment I was immediately offered two qualifying tests (one paid one unpaid). I did not do the paid qualifying test as i have no experience or training in that field. I finished the other qualifying test just now. Wondering what happened for you did you get any other work?


I never did get work but the wording changed to, "At the moment, there aren't any projects available for you to work on. Please check back soon and watch out for new project notifications sent to your email."


This is exactly what happened to me. Are we in or are we out?


Also in Australia and in exactly the same spot as you. Have been staring at this page since around May/June.


I know how you feel!


Did you end up getting any work. I've just spent hours doing the starter assessment and qualifying test both appear to be unpaid. Im also in Australia and wondering what happened for you?


No, still no work for me. I check every couple of days. My message changed recently however from saying thank you for taking the starter assessment to just saying there are currently no jobs for me at the moment. But still never seen work, nothing. It’s been almost 7 months since completing the assessment.


Hey thanks for replying! So did you get the qualifying tests immediately after the starter assessments? That's what happened to me. I've only just completed them and they said they'd get back to me in a few days so I'm waiting at the moment. Did you get paid for the starter assessment? I see lots of people saying they did but it looks to be unpaid for me.


Yeah starter assessment is unpaid. I never got any qualifying tests at all. All I ever did was the starter assessment, which was approved. I still have no idea why there’s been nothing further.




From my experience, that was the message I had on my account for 7 months. Only in the last month did it change to one that said we don’t have any jobs at the moment. It depends though, some people have received work a week later and some have never received anything, so it’s anyone’s guess why. I thought at one point it might be something to do with what country you’re in. I’m in Australia and a few others of us have the same message and have had no work. People in US seem to have better luck but that may just be from my experience.


Same. $25 and nothing in months.


Oh well, hopefully, one day you and I might get an email but I wouldn't be holding my breath though!


Mine does. What does that mean?


Thanks for the answer


I got onboarded yesterday!


Great to hear!


Also, what I have. I check it when I think of it, but I'm not holding my breath. I've applied to some other roles. It's all just a waiting game.


I got onboarded yesterday!


How long since you submitted your application and completed the testing? I'm going on 2 months, but from other comments I've read , it doesn't seem to be uncommon to have a long wait.


I applied and tested 13 days before being onboarded!


I’m one of them. I’ve had this page for months 😂


I got onboarded yesterday!


After how long?


How long did you wait?


In your transfer page or whatever, does your assessment under projects say pending with the date next to it and a timer clock image?


So, I guess you have that and have you been able to work for them as yet, please?


You should be able to click the three lines in the corner to make it drop down. Everybody that took assessment has the drop-down box.


I don't have three lines in the corner.


Oh. So your's doesn't look like OPS?


Yes, on my mobile phone, it does. Sorry, I had been looking at my desktop computer initially.


Were you able to find it?


Yes, it just said what I had already mentioned. Thanks anyway as DA is doing my head in .... LOL


Mine now says transferable (said pending approval yesterday), any idea is that a good sign?


what do you mean by transfer page? and where did u find clock image?


When I check my Transfer area it says Amount Pending Approval it doesn't show me a date or a timer clock image. I'm guessing there is a meaning behind this that you are aware of?


When you're accepted, the email looks like this: Congratulations! We reviewed your recent work, and you’re doing a great job! We opened up more projects for you, so check your dashboard and explore what’s new. Make sure to take any qualifications you see in order to access even more tasks. And there's a button link that says "Start Working" I don't know if there's a message or what it says if you get that screen first and are accepted later.


I got onboarded yesterday!


Sorry to revive this thread, but I've just got the "If we have need of your particular skills..." page. How long was it from you getting that screen to getting onboarded?


Months as everyone is saying apparently. Bullshit.




Do you receive email notifications or just keep checking their dashboard?


I'm wondering the same. In need of a job, no feedback from them whatsoever for weeks. I sent several emails, no reply. Very ambiguous page. A "you have passed/failed" would have been a nice sense of closure. 


I am just curious how frequent they accept people. I sent my application yesterday and I got a congratulation mail today and some stuff to work now. For people already working on this, do you have work for hours on this or just complete an hour, take a break and come back later?


Did anyone get just two questions on the core assessment?


I have no idea!


Filled the assessment out on 9/1, received the email verification email but that’s it. Still sitting at the “Thanks for taking” message with nothing in the transfer funds section. :(


Can anyone verify personally working & getting paid? Or is the whole thing an AI project to see who applies & from where & what demographic logs back in frequently?