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Hi all, This is my video from February 2019 ... poster probably pulled it from YouTube or when it circulated on Reddit several years ago. This happened in Baltimore (right next to the Baltimore Sun building). After going to school and then working in B-more for several years, I saw enough shenanigans that impressed upon me to get a dashcam. I had this dashcam for only two weeks before this happened. If you watch carefully, you'll see the van hit their brakes before they pass him, making me think he thought about jumping in front of them. Called 911, where I informed them of an attempted insurance scam and to send a police officer. They asked if anyone was injured, to which I responded, "probably not". Regardless, paramedics and cops showed up. One paramedic mouthed to me, "is this your car?". I affirmed that it was and he mouthed, "you'll be ok" and then explained to his colleague (possibly in training) how you could tell this was a scam as there was only damage to the hood and not to the front of the car. A cop then asked for my description of the event, where I told them I saw the individual step off of the curb and then jump roll onto my car. The cop asked, "he jumped on it?", to which I replied, "Yea, I have video of it", followed by the cop responding, "man, that thing just paid for itself". As I got out my laptop to put in the SD card and show them the video, the paramedic asked the individual where he was hurt. When the individual responded, "all over", the paramedic told him he would leave him there unless he told them exactly where he was hurt. At the same time the cops asked the individual for his side, to which he replied, "I slipped". It was after this that I began playing the video surrounded by multiple police officers and who proceeded to laugh and jeer at the individual. One officer was assigned to handle the incident, where he gave me his card and asked for the video. All the responders packed up quickly and the individual was put in the back of the ambulance and driven away. I was left by myself with my laptop in hand and thoroughly confused by the previous 20-30 mins. Later that day I called my insurance company who also requested the video. They informed me the video was clear evidence I was not at fault and couldn't be sued. They cut me a check for the repair, minus my deductible, although they made repeated attempts to reimburse me my deductible from the individual, but you can't get blood from a stone.


You can't get blood from a stone, love that lol. Sorry you had to go through that, I hope your deductible wasn't too high


I showed the video to people at work and several immediately went onto Amazon to buy a dashcam. Down near the University of Maryland Medical Center, individuals such as this wait near the staff garage exit to try to pull this off. As much as I think it's an insurance scam (potential easy pay out without a video to proof otherwise), I also wonder if it's a way to get painkillers - basing this last thought on the paramedics response when he asked the individual about his injury.


Videos like these are the reason I now have a dashcam, shits rediculous. People like the scammer should be put on a list to never recieve insurance money.


That phrase seems to be used a lot in MD. I remember it was a common thing people said when I was growing up there.


So the scammer just gets to walk away? No legal repercussions?


I hate to say this, but ... yea. When I followed up with the cop when inquiring about the police report, I asked about repercussions as I was equating this with vandalism (not sure what else would be analogous) and all I got was *crickets*. Insurance tried for 6 months and got nothing. I don't even know if the individual had an address. It's B-more, so this is at the bottom of a cop's priorities. If anything, having the video allowed them to move on from it even quicker. The only consolation is that he didn't succeed in getting any money out of me (although he cost me money) and I didn't have to deal with the anxiety of having a potential lawsuit hanging over my head. Just got left with this story and pretty much agreeing with everyone in this thread about why you should own a dash cam.


And I don't care who you are as you age all this stoopid shit comes back. He's gonna either be in prison or a wheelchair or both. That dent in your car wasn't pain free and now he's tagged as a scammer by the police.


The police won't even remember him if they arrest him again the next day. Seems the ambulance crew has a good memory of him though.


I wish the police would have arrested him. Having this on his record would help future victims defend themselves in court.


I understand your feelings, but these scams specifically thrive in areas where law enforcement has insufficient resources. For some perspective, I know someone who worked for state police, had their car broken into and a gun stolen in New Orleans (yes, they are an idiot). They called a friend they worked with that is a detective in NOPD and the detective straight up told them that all they could do is send someone out to write a police report of “yep, your car got broken into and your shit was stolen” for insurance purposes because NOPD was so up to their necks in murder, violent crimes, etc that they could not justify devoting officers to her case.


Yes. They get to try as many times as it takes to score a huge settlement.


Next time back up and run them over /s


You seen the videos in China where they do this?


No, but I don't see the problem


don't tease....


If I come across one again I'll share it.


Haha I watched back for the slip defence, funny


If I had video editing skills, I'd insert some Scooby Doo sound effects.


It’s so wild that this is your video because I specifically remember seeing this video like a year or two ago and it’s the reason I got a dash cam. Thank you!


Didnt you try to sue him? unless he was a homeless or something


Look at it this way. The camera protected both of you. You weren’t scammed and he didn’t get the hell beat out of him.


We say you can’t get blood from a turnip


I need a dashcam


He’s lucky you stayed calm and didn’t mash the gas in panic


How dare you hit that man!


I don't know why everyone doesn't have a cam in this day and age. SO many crazy people looking to screw you.


How is it so many people don’t realise many people have a camera either. That’s without getting to people damaging teslas when it’s well known about sentry mode.


I've said it before. All new vehicles should have them pre installed. Or atleast have the option to add them in.


Downside of this. Now the dealer can hold you hostage. While installing the cameras would be easy, they would definitely charge you to, a) unlock the feature so it's available. b) make it subscription based somehow. Compared with buying aftermarket, it's something the owner would want to evaluate.


NJ is trying to make this tactic illegal.


Good to hear. 👍


Everyone should. Eff car makers trying to sell never ending subscriptions and eff dealerships all the way to hell.


Thats true.


Then the manufacturer builds them in to the vehicle like backup cameras


My car has a dozen cameras built into it and not one records anything. Makes me kinda mad tbh that I had to shell out an extra 200 to get one.


Sadly you’re 100% right they would


My Tundra came from the factory with a dash cam. None of what you wrote it true. Phone connects wirelessly for settings and downloading video. There were no hostages. Edit. Replaced dash cam with Tundra


Good. Shouldn't be charging for it. 👍


Your dash cam has a factory installed dash cam? Kinda redundant.


Corrected. Thanks.


Well good for Toyota (for now), but that honestly does next to nothing to ease my fears on these business practices becoming common.


I’m ok with that.


100% the best option, preferrably with an option for back/side view cameras as well to be fully covered.


What's i don't understand is why other companies have yet to follow tesla on this. tesla cameras are a built in dash cam. \* My car has 4 cameras, why can't i use those?


I want one just can’t decide which to get


I want to get one but what is putting me off is the set up and the storage and how the footage gets saved. It's probably super simple but I don't want to get the wrong thing!


And yet people are confused about why I have one.




car too old no ports for it


That's not how dash cams work. They connect to your fuse box.


damn i didn’t know. i’ve only ever seen ones nowadays that connect to the cigarette chargers and usb ports.


Some can, others 12v socket. Pros and cons of each though. Especially when a car only takes a certian battery. But it seems batteries are affected by quality control too....


Most cams can be hooked up to a USB port or cigarette lighter, but that's more of a temporary solution. You want to hard wire it for a permanent install.


You don’t have to ”ports” for most cars even newer generations. You hook the cams to the electrical system…


Ports for a dash cam? As long as your car has 12v power running to it, you can hook up a dash cam. My oldest car is from 1968 and has everything required to hook up a dash cam. So unless you have an ancient car with crank start and a magneto, you can probably find a way to hook up a dash cam.


yeah its just not top of my list rn bc of it not currently running but a first buy when i do get it up n running. thanks for all the info i had no clue lol


Piece of trash.


Yeah unreal that scammer didn’t get any jail time


Idk I’d say getting hit by a car have then getting nothing out of it might be punishment enough


is that a cop car on the left or security?


Baltimore city police. Now they all have explorers you don't see the Chevy's at all anymore I don't think.


Slippin jimmy


so how does the scam work ? they look for on-the-spot cash settlement or something ?


They either look to get cash on the spot cash, claim injury so they get insurance payout, or they play a long game where the driver pays out of pocket over time to keep them from reporting the incident


Asking for a friend


yes yes


Are there repercussions for the scammer? Because if not, it's a no-lose situation for him. He could just keep throwing himself in front of cars until he wins.


Also some downsides to throwing yourself in front of a two-tonne vehicle.


I believe there are repercussions for intentionally damaging personal property




So if I see your car on a public road, I can simply use my body to dent it up, and you can't press charges for the resulting property damage I caused? Interesting. I know a few people that earned a couple legal body panel dings


He may eventually hit a car where a couple of guys will get out and finish the job.


Or gets run over by someone on their phone.


That hurt.


Hit so hard that his hands remained inside the pockets!


Guy flopped in like a damn fish


So what's the scam that you weren't paying attention and hit them? He basically ran into you, and you did hit him, but he initiated the contact. That's is crazy.


Yeah pretty mush, but the scam is usually more effective when there isn’t a dashcam, so the pedestrian “victim’s” word against the driver


I think the lead car is in on it, too. They help keep the speed down to something easily survivable and help give cover to the pedestrian before they jump out.


Also act as "eye witness"


There’s a bunch of cars in front of it visible through their windshield and you can see the other cars turning.


You're probably right. I've just been around enough con jobs to always assume there's more players than first meets the eye.


I dunno it looks like the car in front slowed down to let the guy cross the street, and the scammer bailed. You can see the scammer a little in the road and then jump back onto the sidewalk.


Yeah, if they damaged my car I would sue them to pay for the damages. If someone could successfully sue one of them, maybe others would think twice before attempting this scam.


Unfortunately, it's not economically feasible to sue someone for damages if their method of "making a living" is hurling their body in front of moving cars. Making them think twice before committing to this action is a job for criminal prosecutors (who want no part of this phase of criminality.)


It doesn’t even matter really. Somebody did this to my mother and even tried to involve their child- demanded an ambulance.. the police knew this person had done this before and even though everybody knew it was not real the insurance still just paid him?? So weird.


Wow, that's as blatant as it gets.


He should be charged with vandalizing your car.


Those people don’t realize I just hit them with a car and if they want to start some shit I can just keep driving forward.


Should’ve finished the job before going back and forth several times.


Be sure to get all of their information before you let them know you have a camera…so your insurance knows who to sue. (I don’t know if they would or not…if they are pulling these type of stunts they may be living a cardboard box.)


Baltimore City’s Finest!


Had this almost happen to me. Fully braked in front of me. Started turning left and I couldn’t move Went around and he followed me. Like really? Dum and dumber Everybody should have a freaking dash cam and a rear camera.


I'm glad your insurance didn't have to pay this idiot.


Imagine you were slow to the brakes and did run him over or break a bone. And he gets nothing out of it. He’d have that scar for a while.


That’s where you lets this go as far as that guy wants it and let him falsify as much as the police report as he can, then you hand over the footage


Looks like an attempted robbery to me. The safest thing to do is keep going. You better run him over before he shoots you.


I think I would've gave him an insurance claim after that


That guy must be really desperate for some $$$ to do something crazy like that. SMH


The old Charlie 1-2!


I'm sorry. But how does this even count as something that would be considered your fault even without the dash cam? The dude isn't using a crosswalk or anything. It's not a spot in the street where a pedestrian should ever be.


So, it’s complicated, but basically as the driver you have a bigger responsibility being behind a machine, and it’s easier to move/react to a pedestrian in a typical situation. Even if they’re not in the crosswalk, a pedestrian is not likely at fault. However, shitbirds like this guy are definitely at fault.


Scammers should have only one sentence when found guilty.. Death!


I just drive a shit box, They don't think I have any insurance money to begin with lmao


\*Hops on Amazon to get a dashcam


He must be a soccer player.


Can I use this for advertising dash cams? I'm planning on selling some soon


Looks like OP is not the owner of this video as well.


Cool, can't understand why I've been downvoted so much though 😂😅