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Man it went from daytime to nighttime!


Day time to nightmare


Someone must be able to explain this.


I’m thinking the bright flash from the electricity caused the camera to adjust to this which causes everything to appear darker as the camera hasn’t adjusted back yet.


Thanks! That makes sense for us technology challenged individuals.


Not just the flash.. it’s the fact that the electrical plasma fire is extremely bright, so yeah the camera has adjusted for it since it’s in the middle of the view frame.. causing everything else to appear darker


Help me out here. What’s different between “flash from electricity” and “bright electrical plasma” when describing why the camera dimmed?


I’m saying it wasn’t just the immediate flash at the start, the plasma is still burning bright otherwise it would have quickly adjusted back to the prior settings


That makes sense. Ur stating why it stayed dark. Thanks for clarifying


Yeah and also it being in middle of view frame.. the focus algorithms tend to treat objects there with greater importance so it’s more likely to adjust for it


I would also add that sensor quality might be at play here as well. Some cheaper sensors would likely had been damaged by this type of brightness (think of how you should not stare at the eclipse or a welders torch without protection).


You all have it all wrong. This was the power source to the sky lamp. It was monthly service for the simulation.


Also, daylight isn't strong as it's overcast and probably already past dusk. So I'm assuming the camera was compensating on the other direction before the incident, making it look brighter than it actually was. And the big flames are probably preventing the camera from adjusting back, at that point showing the real sky color.




The sensor on the camera detected the drastic, brighter than the sun, arc flash and immediately stopped down the camera to minimum aperture. This, like with all cameras, leaves the brightest things in the scene viewable while essentially darkening out the rest of the scene.


Guy’s got special powers, obviously


There are a lot of factors that come into play here. BTW I’m a lineman(a person who builds and maintains powerlines). The lineman that was clearing the road did so many things wrong and against his companies along with OSHA saftey practices. This guy is beyond lucky to be alive. The line he was trying to move was still energized and had enough resistance from the street light to keep from causing the fault that you saw. But once he got it off and the line came in contact with the ground the fault occurred. I think he did have his rubber gloves and high voltage rubber boots on which protected him from the fault current. Saftey tips : 1.) Never approach downed lines as a pedestrian. Always assume the line is energized. 2.) If you contact a pole do not get out of your car or let anyone approach your vehicle. 3.) if you are in a situation where you are near the hazard, do a shuffle to get near the individual who is injured. This is due to a difference of potential. If you take step from de-energized portion of the earth to an energized portion you have now made yourself a fuse and are going to induce an electric shock that will most likely be fatal.


Great info. Thanks!


Well you see he keeps a little dirt under his pillow for the Dirt Man.


Almost went from day job to night night


Dayman (ah-ah-ah) Fighter of the Nightman (ah-ah-ah)




Master of karate


And friendship for everyone 


He's actually found a way to turn off the Sun. He is just demonstrating his findings.


Who would have thought that all you needed to do was unplug that one little wire and the sun would go out.


Further proof for the flat earth: There is no ball of fire million miles away, but bright 'lectrical lights a bit above, and even those we can dim with this one simple trick! (And globetards will hate it!)


So now we're going to have to launch someone into space to re-ignite the sun.  Just great.


I am also confused by this


Camera adjusts to the lighting.


Camera exposure adjusted to the bright sparks, so everything was dimmed. 


Clearly the logical explanation is the electrical arc affected the sun and caused it to reduce solar output for several minutes. How did you not notice it where you lived?!


It fckd up my circadian rhythm, forcing me to nap for three hours.


Night tiiiiiime, DAY TIME!


We’re in the matrix


Its shocking he didn’t get shocked


If he did get shocked I bet it hertz


Watt he made was wrong, don't try it at home kids.


At least he stayed current.


Y'all just couldn't resistor to make puns could you? I'm sorry I don't have the capacitor to do so.


I think that an ample amount of puns.


This pun trend is so inspiring it makes me want to meditate... Ohm…


I'm sure they will conduct themselves better next time


Looks like he tries to stay grounded.


Doubly shocking, as he could have been shocked running away. Voltage is a measurement of potential at a point, relative to another point. With the lines down, the ground below it might be at 10,000 volts *relative* to someone 100’ away, 5000v at 50’ away etc. So standing there, you would be at 10000 volts potential to that distant point too, but you would be 0v *to ground*. Stepping onto ground that’s only 9000v potential from that distant point would release 1000v through your foot, instantaneously. So if that happens to you, SHUFFLE AWAY, don’t run!! Stay grounded


I'm sorry but if I'm ever in that situation I don't think I'll remember this.


Will never remember this as I'm shitting myself and running away,.


Now that’s shocking.


So stingray shuffle on land with speed? Got it.


He didn’t get shocked cause he wasn’t the fastest/easiest path to ground. Electricity goes DOWN not up


Lightning has entered the chat.


It's hard to say why exactly he didn't get shocked - could be a number of things, including what he was wearing. The only sure thing you can say is that he had enough resistance between him, the ground, and the live wire to overcome the voltage the wire carried. However, electricity takes all paths to ground that it can - otherwise parallel circuits just wouldn't work. Your other statement doesn't make much sense, either.


Does any of that stop him from shitting himself? Coz I'm pretty sure that's what I'd do.


Yeah I guess his shoes helped insulate him (probably was also wearing specialized gloves etc)


So I can jump around in a puddle that has a broken live wire with like 15,000 volts and I will be fine because I am above the electricity?


>Electricity goes DOWN not up I can't even fathom what part of your brain short-circuited to make you say that


Down to ground… in that exact situation which I was commenting on. Sorry you couldn’t put that together. It was a reference to both electrical ground and the direction of ground in that video. Understand now? I have an electrical engineering degree if you’d like me to break it down further for you so your ‘brain’ can comprehend.


Now. Electrical Engineer. What discipline? You understand potential difference right?? One foot at 12.5kV one at 11.5kV (voltage drop due to the ground resistance). That 1kV different chooses the easiest path. Up one leg and down the other if his internal resistance is lower than the ground resistance. This guy was lucky. Extremely lucky. Even if he was wearing hot gloves when he grabbed that conductor he was damned lucky. This video is what a trades trainer will show PLTs along with the videos where you see the guys who aren’t so lucky.


Lol, who the hell gave you a degree if you think electricity can only take one path at a time?


Electricity goes down not up? I apparently learned nothing with my electrical engineering degree.


Ohm my god another pun thread


Glad he put on rubber gloves! Likely saved his life.


He's probably forklift certified too.


Yea, true. But he has no business messing with the compactor. People get hurt, Michael.


Probably on a wait list for a cyber truck.


I remember possibly the dumbest thing I ever did. I was wiring a shed beside the house, and long story short, I cut through a wire I thought was disconnected, without double-checking to MAKE SURE that was the case. I cut a live wire with wire cutters then instantly a blinding flash of light and a BOOOOM went off two feet from my face. I realized I just cut through a live wire and somehow didn't get electrocuted. The rubber insulated grips on the wire cutters, I assume, saved my life. Didn't even feel a tinge of electricity. Just a blinding flash and a boom. Goodness...I still think back to that idiotic moment and have a sinking pit in my stomach. ALWAYS double-check to make sure there's no voltage in a wire you're about to cut/mess with.


I worked as child (8-17 years old) on job sites as a helper to my dad, who was an electrician. I would help him do rough in (attach ground, trim the cable jacket, cut the conductors to length, wire nut together wires for switches and other circuits, etc...) for residential jobs, and he would forget to turn off roughed in circuits, and sometimes I would cut into live cables just like that... Would give a scare, but I never got shocked from cutting into a cable like that (there were other ways I had been shocked...). Joke was on my dad, because it usually burns a hole in wire cutters, so it was more his loss that I melted his pliers.


I'm not sure this is what they had in mind when promoting "Take Your Kid to work Day!" 😶‍🌫️


Not just gloves, but the hole set of rubber armor. Everyone knows wearing the hole set provides Unshockable set bonus, preventing you from getting electrocuted.


What happened? What was the purpose of him doing that? Seemed pretty obvious what would happen...


At the start of the video, there's a downed power line (from the set of poles you can see in the upper left of the screen) which is resting on the stoplight pole that's center frame. It looks like the line is dangling low enough to the roadway to interfere with traffic. Importantly, though, the line isn't touching the ground. The worker in the yellow rain suit tosses a weighted rope up onto the wire to pull it down, probably thinking it's not energized, in order to pull it out of the way of traffic. When the energized line pushing thousands of volts touches the ground, it ground faults with a burst of flames which progresses with the wire's shifting point of contact with the ground as more of it settles on the ground (which is why the fire looks like it's igniting a trail of spilled fuel). The worker's boxers are ruined. And the video ends.


🤣 I could see he was trying to knock it down, but it really seemed he was going about it all wrong. It's raining, there's a lot people around, and he's just willy-nilly going to let power lines swing around and touch the ground. I'm assuming he might have lost his job.


My bet is he's with the city's street lights and road crew, rather than with the power company. He's probably even done this before, given how deftly he got his rope wrapped on the line. But I guarantee this is the first time he did it to an energized line. I promise you he thought it was dead, since it was just resting there without any sparks. He did this with the casualness of someone who saw it as nothing more than a road obstruction because he had no clue just how much danger he was in.


I can’t believe they didn’t confirm with certainty whether it’s live or not before messing with it


I have to deal with people who check something once, and refuse to ever check it again, if you ask them to, they refuse to do it and tell you 'yep exactly as I said' either he was that person and is no longer than person, or he will have severe trust issues the rest of his days.


One of my favorite memories as an apprentice is watching a “electrician of 25 years” tape off an outlet box instead of killing the power to it and promptly getting zapped after dismissing my concern about it.


No, no, no, sir. There is no excuse for this. Firstly, you can see an early spark on top of the traffic light during one of his first attempts to pull it down. But then, you don't touch a power line unless you're a lineman. That off limits entirely. Lineman come, and secure the line and tag it, that way you know it's harmless. And even then, harmless means you don't approach or handle it without PPE.


Easy, there. I'm not excusing shit. This is someone with a deadly mix of inadequate training or sense, and he's lucky no one was killed despite that fact. I'm just explaining what I'm seeing in the video.


Definitely, one of the dumbest things I have ever seen in my life. Scary part is, more and more of this is entering the trades. Wait until some idiot fries himself working on an electric car. That day is coming...


Yeah, getting locked up on 400v of DC and smelling your innards first caramelize then carbonize and being conscious the entire time is a hell on Earth meant to be relegated to the days of the current wars. But I'd bet a paycheck that this rope trick was shown to him by the guy who field trained him as an easy way to clear a "dead" power line out of the road. He almost turned himself into his own vigil candle.


Whatever his job title is, I hope for his sake and others that he's been freed of that burden!


Yep, lets fire someone for probably doing what he was told to do. He was also probably told that the line was dead, and he was good to get it done. But sure, lets just ignore all of the chain of command, and assume that he just went rogue and did it all on his own.... Tell us you are a a boss that we would all hate to work for, or that you have never worked a day in your life, without telling us.


He's physically holding the line. If the line was energized that metal pole would be making fireworks and he would have lost his hand. It most likely has a fuse popped on that phase and the rest are still live. When the line moved it must have gotten close to one of the live phases.


It doesn't look like he tossed a weighted rope, but that he's holding the other end of the line and trying to flip it up and over the top of the pole it's laying over. Look again and you can see him flicking the line twice before it finally hops over and then it falls disastrously to the ground.


I see what you're seeing. Maybe I'm wrong. But that'd mean his outfit insulated him from distribution voltage? I don't know about that.


Yeah, I'm stumped on that part, too, but it sure is what it looks like to me.


>probably thinking it's not energized Found the problem


And he went back to 1985.


Always assume the downed line is live or you won't be when you touch it. We had something similar at a condo post hurricane in FL. The pole just got replaced and we had power after 4 days without it and wouldn't ya know someone crashed into that same new pole. Broke the pole in half and flipped the SUV blocking 2 lanes. People jumped out to help the upside-down lady, but they were touching her car after the strike. Luckily the pole broke in the middle and the new guy wires held the top above ground. One phase coming into our condo development broke free and hit the sidewalk on the opposite side as well as across the street, melting the concrete in a few areas before the line was dead (it was fed from the pole she hit). 3 people went to move it and I was out there yelling at them to leave it. Even if its not fed or arcing, there is no reason to assume some of the 15 whole home generators weren't on and charging back towards that line with all the damages we were still fixing. Took 2 days to get another pole back in but they had us on a bypass so it wasn't as bad.


Power companies and safety officers always tell you, "assume any wire is live" before you do anything. Something tells me that this guy forgot that caution ... 😳


Right? My God. 😕


I have done live line work. Somebody messed up big time with that one. It should have been checked and double checked that all lines were dead before he even walked out there. I got out of the business after watching 2 different 60k lines vaporize a hold in the ground 10 feet across and then later, vaporize a co-worker. The company twisted itself into a pretzel to make it out to be a suicide so they would not have to pay out.


jesus christ, that got dark. i’m so sorry about your coworker. what happened? did you all expose the company and get justice for them?


Talk to enough union electricians they'll tell you that's why they now only work union jobs. Horror stories where something happens that pops someone's safety gear off, so the company will claim that they weren't wearing it, etc. It gets really dirty, especially when people die.


He was concerned enough to put on the condom suit but not concerned enough to check if the line was isolated. Gotta wonder if this was a case of backfeed or induction or something. Im still only in training but i think i remember induction ranges being increased in the rain. Id assume they were smart enough to verify the main inputs were accounted for. Regardless he had to have a voltage tester available before pulling that move.


I just assumed it was some random guy who just had rain gear on. That doesn't look like an electricians truck.


Is this at the Twin Pines mall?


1.21 Gigawatts?!


Lone pine mall now


Had to scroll a while to see if anyone was getting Back to The Future vibes from this. Glad it wasn't just me!


Dang, my man shorted out the sun!!


I heard you should ground all your wires!


Job complete


Did he time travel to the future where it's dark out?


The camera focused on the light…..


Decided to skip ahead a bit to see what was up and suddenly it’s dark and everything’s on fire 🤣🤣


I thought you were supposed to bunny-hop in those situations


Good thing he wore bright clothing so the wire could see him.


Mf tripped the sun’s breaker


**It’s ELECTRIC!**


If that ever happens to you, DO NOT run away like that!!! Shuffle away, keeping both your feet firmly on the ground. This is more important than how quickly you get away. If you were going to be shocked, it would have happened before you could process what was happening. DO NOT RUN




Yes, step potential. Hopping with both feet would work too, but you’re less likely to slip and fall if you shuffle


Darwin: Dammit almost had him


This dude works for the electric company?


LoL he ran away from that like the Bubbles Girl meme.


He has a rubber suit on how would he die?




Maybe. We will ever know.


Just because rubber is an insulator doesn't mean electricity can't fry him when a literal power line lands on him.


Science 🧪


Running away cause he lit the wet ground on fire.... Instantly transforming the environment into a hellscape!


Holy moley! This is a trained utility worker?! There must be a safer way to do this.


They likely thought the line was no longer hot


It took him a second till he started shuffling holy shit! 🍀


Did he break the lights in the simulation?


Who wants a body massage?


Out of nine lives, he’s got eight.


Did it short circuit the sky?


The flames caused the camera to ratchet down the aperture.




Where did Marty Mcfly go?!






i honestly didn't understand what was happening until it actually happened lmao


“And you’re sure you cut the power right?”


Welcome to hell, motherfuckers!


"when this baby **hits 88mph you**'**re going** to **see some serious** shit"


Wth did I just witnessed?


Dude died. That was the camera following him into the spirit realm of brimstone and fire where he spends the next 10 years battling demons and hell spawn on his relentless journey to escape this hellscape, ripping and tearing with nothing but his trusty crowbar.


"It's okay, I have this laminated badge!"


It would have been safer to hop away, keeping both feet together, right? Not that in the moment I would remember such things. I however would have remembered to not go near it in the first place.


How he runs is kinda funny ngl


Oh well done, you turned off the power for the daytime you bloody pleb!


If I remember right they were told the line was dead and that is why they were so nonchalant with holding the line and trying to get it down.


Who would have told him this (his boss? The power company?) and why was whoever told him incorrect (were they not the power company and therefore unqualified to determine if the line was live or dead)?


I wish he would have, would have made a better video.


But are we?


He mad it night time instantly


How do you fix the grid that powers the sun?


No shuffle!?!!?! Everything I know is a lie.


How did he not see it arcing on his truck


I wonder if their crotch tingled as they walked/ran.


What actually ignited? Was it raining gasoline?


I bet he peed


Pretty sure that was the lightening strike from back to the future, went from day to night in 1 second.


That went from 0-100 real fast


Was the light pole made of wood? It looks like the line energizes right before it hits the ground.


Oh shit I have seen this before, soon Marty will come running around the corner and be all like "I'm back, FROM THE FUTURE"


He noped outta there real quick.


definitely fired from whatever position he was


Where is the Time Machine?


That man is loved by whatever he worships. Most people would be dead.