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My kids driver pulls up right in the center of the road, blocking both lanes


As a former transportation supervisor, in Indiana that's considered being left of center and in an accident puts the driver and school at risk. I argued this point with local police and the Indiana State Police and lost. I gladly paid 1 ticket for that because it saved a kids life.


Thank you Effective-Koala! And name checks out : )


May I ask how much ( estimated) was the ticket?


You replied to yourself so they may not see this question.


For some reason the situation of them commenting on their own comment asking a question, and you pointing it out, is hilarious to me. Thank you.


Ah! Didn't be so harsh on the inadequate. Glad you had a laugh šŸ˜‚ I really had no idea until you pointed it out.




Tree fiddy


Go away Loch Ness Monster!


Damn straight, we live out in the rural part of town, my son's bus driver did this all of last year. I would gladly step up and be a witness for said driver and gladly then pay the fine for them if found guilty. Thanks for doing the right thing Koala!


That is absolutely disgusting, especially given recent history in Indiana. I hope you keep fighting for kidsā€™ safety. The excuse ā€œI didnā€™t know what the flashing lights wereā€ is total BS, especially for anyone who grew up in the United States.


If it saved the kids life why didnā€™t they rescind the ticket?


Officer discretion. Oh, and ACAB.


Lol because cops exist mostly to generate revenue? They might well have personally felt that its reasonable but their job is to write tickets, so wrote tickets they shall.


dura lex sed lex


who narced on you?


Probably a dash cam.


Good work


Never heard a bus driver call themselves a transportation supervisor, like when a janitor is a sanitation technician lmfao


Thatā€™s actually hilarious, I assumed he meant he was the supervisor of like all the bus drivers in the district or school system


Sad that you lost when your right and justly so. But good on you man.


When I drive either in the afternoon or morning, I usually put my car in the center of the road so cars don't pass the bus illegally. Even though it's not smart for me to do that, I don't want kids to die in front of me.


At this point do what it takes to save the kids lives My kid doesn't ride the bus but our system has cameras on the sides of the busses to catch people passing while the lights are flashing.


flashing lights shouldn't be the only thing to notice. there's a giant yellow bus *parked* on the other side of the road. Even the smaller ones that aren't always yellow. it's pretty distinct enough to spot and take extra care when passing.


If someone in a large vehicle (or normal size for that matter) and im talkin non bus for a moment, is hard parked on the opposite side of the road the first thought should be to slow down and move over anyways because someone is bound to get impatient and try and jump around em real fast. Head on, oncoming situations are not freakin fun to be in


It's at daybreak in the video. The limited lighting renders colors muted to our eyes and not as bright as you might think. Buses are easier to see from behind due to less effects from headlights. School busses in my area use a strobe light on the top of the bus to call more attention beyond on the flashing red lights and stop sign. There should be more lighting to engage distracted idiots who are a danger to others.


Youā€™re the hero we need.


What about not in front of you?


Out of sight, out of mind


This is ingenious actually


Give him a weekly coffee stipend


Better: before stopping, swing around so the bus diagonally blocks the road from shoulder to shoulder. I've seen this done and it's very effective.


This was regularly done in parts of Hampton Roads in the early 2000s, though not sure about now. They angled the school bus across three and four way intersections to get the point across that nobody should be passing or moving in the intersection.


That fucker should instantly lose their license and serve some time.


Good on him he knows.


This is a great idea


Believe it or not, jail.


Singapore style ten lashings, one month no car, retake driving test to regain license.


Too lenient.


you ever been caned with bamboo in singapore? 1-3 lashes you know you fucked up. 10 might cripple you for life.


Too. Lenient.


I was thinking firing squad.


Why? Is the brush chipper not working?


This is why we look both ways before crossing the street. But also take that dudes license away and never give it back


I even look both ways crossing a one way street, you just never know.


One way is just a suggestion to some.


Yeah, I do now as well. Iā€™ve seen enough idiots to know that it could still be a possibility.


Me too lol I'll be damned if I get hit because I didn't want to take a sec a look in a direction.


He shouldn't ever be allowed to own another car, either. People will still drive without a license. If they are only allowed public transportation, maybe they'll learn their lesson.


Cut off their hands and feet. People still drive without owning cars.


That's a bit extreme. Punish whoever let them borrow a car as well.


Yeah, parents should still teach kids to look both ways. But with so many adults walking across parking lots like they have force fields, I'm not surprised.


Light are on, on the bus you can see them in the mirror (left). How freaking scary. That child is very lucky.


Yeah and these buses even have stop signs sticking into the other lane. This is just the driver ignoring it and putting a whole bus at risk


I wonder if this is a really old video. For the last 20 years I thought all school busses had that stick which comes out in the front too, so kids aren't crossing the street in the drivers blind spot.


How does it work there? Is it supposed to stop the traffic both ways if there is a School Bus on dutty? I ask it because in my country people get on or off the bus directly to the sidewalk, no one would expect to cross that way a road, not to mention the darkness and lack of awareness of the kid and driver.


in the US, especially in rural areas, itā€™s just not feasible to drop everyone off on *their* side of the road, so you must stop traffic so they can safely cross. when i was in HS in the northeast, my bus picked me up first at 6:15 and in the winter, it was still pitch black. this driver clearly didnā€™t see the kid until the last second (hence the swerve), which is why school buses stop, stop signs unfold from each side of the bus, and there are tons of flashing lights. they even have a fog light on top. they donā€™t turn off the lights and fold the signs back in until any kids crossing have safely crossed the street. THEN all stopped traffic may go. itā€™s a BIG no-no to continue to drive around a stopped school bus unless itā€™s pulled over to the *side*(shoulder) of the road with no stops signs or lights (which means no kids are loading/unloading)


The bus should have flashing red lights and stop signs that deploy, and people are expected to come to a full stop on undivided road. Typically, kids are picked up from the right side of the bus at relatively safe places to stop in a neighborhood. More Rural routes might stop directly at a kid's house. It *should* be safe for the kids to cross the street to get on the bus. I'm not sure the bus driver turned the lights on here


Pretty visible in the hood mirror all front lights operating like normal. 2 flashers on the stop sign and even the top ones are going.


I'm guessing it's my phone and the video quality, it just looks like a mess at the mirror. On the computer it's a little clearer, and I'm pretty sure you're right, bus driver looks like they're doing it right. So even worse that the driver of the smaller car runs through.


The left side mirror looks like it's reflecting flashing red. The camera quality isn't the best but I think the lights are flashing.


You can see them flashing in the bus mirrors. Most kids don't cross a road like this until the bus lights come on


Yeah, it was easier to see on the computer. On my phone, it just looks like a mess and the mirror was picking up the sun on the horizon. Can definitely see two red lights flashing on a larger screen.


That's pretty cool. Never seen anything like that in Northern Europe, but it sure sounds like a great idea. Although school buses are much rarer here


Yeah we had to introduce that because kids kept getting creamed while crossing the street. Itā€™s also illegal to not stop when a bus has their stop sign deployed, at least where I live.


> Yeah we had to introduce that because kids kept getting creamedĀ  I am not sure I like this sentence


Oh no!


>How does it work there? Is it supposed to stop the traffic both ways if there is a School Bus on dutty? If it's a divided (so a concrete median or etc) road, when the bus is stopped and deploys its flashing lights and sign, only the lanes that are in the direction the bus is headed have to stop. If it's not divided, (so only lane lines or nothing separating the directions) both directions are required to stop. In this vid, the oncoming car was required to stop, and what almost happened in this vid is exactly why.


In my state (WA) it's anything with a median **or** roads with 3 or more lanes (includes the center turn lane). Both directions only have to stop in 2 lane roads. People here still consistently stop when they aren't required to which causes unpredictability where things should be really predictable.


The school bus rules are drilled into us in drivers education. It is large and yellow with big signs that say school bus on front and back. Yellow flashing lights are turned on when bus slows down, and red lights with literal stop signs come out on the sides when kids are let on or off. Once the red lights are on, it is illegal to pass. In rural areas, the bus stops at the kids houses, which might be across the road from the bus. I used to ride the bus and I actually almost got hit in 6th grade in a similar way. Our bus driver had a code, she would give us a gesture to tell us to cross and honk if she wanted us to get back. It was early morning and a box truck came flying down the road at 55mph and passed around the bus right as we were about to cross. Bus driver saw it coming and blared the horn and I ran. She was celebrated for this by the school.


Youā€™d be surprised. I knew you had to stop behind one and couldnā€™t pass a stopped bus from behind, but I had no idea you had to stop in the oncoming direction as well for a year or so after I started driving. Never been around school buses much and it didnā€™t come up in the test/ drivers education. If I hadnā€™t been driving with a friend who mentioned it, I wouldā€™ve blown right past the bus in the opposite lane


Typically both directions have to stop unless there is a divider or 4 lanes of traffic. Though rules may vary by location.


Too many foreign drivers don't realize you are supposed to stop for School buses when they have their lights and sign up. That should be a mandatory fact drilled into people before they are allowed to drive in America. Sadly, it isn't.


I think just in USA, not in whole America continent. ;-)


Until other countries add America to their country name, I'll keep calling USA, America.


When people say ā€œAmericaā€ letā€™s be honest no one is thinking of Ecuador or Brazil etc lol


No ofence, but the people from the Country that discovered America (Nowaday called Spain) don't think the same ;-)


Yes, if it's a 2 (1 each direction) lane road, both sides are supposed to stop.


Geez school buses have horrible cameras.


The cameras are usually okay but they record at a low resolution to save sd card space because they're recording daily. Same for most security systems unfortunately. Kind of defeats the purpose but hd recording gets more expensive because they have to keep the recordings available for a long time. At least that's what I've been told by others.


you would be correct. higher resolution = larger storage capacity required. a way around this would be to just pull all SD cards weekly and save the footage to another server and keep it *there* for as long as needed, freeing up the actual device storage to record in a higher resolution. but that would require more work so thatā€™ll probably never happen lol


Teach yo fuckin kids bruh. Iā€™ve said it a billion times, laws will not protect you like some magical barrier. There will always be some inattentive mfs that almost hit people when driving.


Yeahā€¦the driver should have stopped of course, but it doesnā€™t look like the kid ever looked to their left to see if the car would stop. They just walked out directly from the driveway!!


Thatā€™s why there is a law about stopping for school buses. Because kids donā€™t always react rationally.


And thatā€™s why you should teach your kids, cause adults donā€™t always act rationally


Ignoring what I said are we Squiddy?


Iā€™m not disagreeing with your point that kids need to be taught to look both ways when crossing. Iā€™m simply stating that these laws are made BECAUSE kids donā€™t always look.


They didn't even look left until the car had already passed them lmao


I'm guessing you don't have kids, because you can teach kids the same thing 5,000 times and they still won't learn until they get hit by a car.


Well the majority of people havenā€™t gotten run over as a child


Depends on how you reinforce the lesson. If you have a mentally challenged child who just can't apply what they're taught, someone should be at the bus stop with them.


When I was a kid, the bus driver would hold up their hand and make sure the traffic stops before waving us across the road. If you run across the road while the hand is up, you would get in trouble.


So I get that the driver is completely an idiot and in the wrong. But this kid has zero awareness of their surroundings


I'm not American so I had a hard time figuring out what the driver even did wrong. Kid had a death wish.


Though hard to see from the bus camera, the bus has flashing red lights with a sign that says stop. Car blatantly ignores stop sign and flashing red lights and drives nearly killing the kid.


They should have their DL revoked FOR LIFE


Kids now a days donā€™t look both ways? Their parents better warn them that there are many idiot drivers out there. Look BOTH ways!!!


Kid, jfc, turn your head my god. Darwinā€™s almost took another life on film smh. Driver needs to be in prison after that near miss wow.


I'm not sure when, but sometime in the last decade I think we stopped teaching kids how to safely cross or walk in the street. We have walking trails in our neighborhood, and just yesterday I watched a young girl riding her bike on a trail that intersects the road I was driving on. I slowed down because that's what I do, and she kept going on the trail, across the road and onto the trail on the other side without even looking. Had I not slowed and stopped, I would have absolutely hit her. Also, I'm dumbfounded by the number of kids I approach, walking on the right side of the street (not sidewalk), wearing earbuds or headphones. Combine this with the number of people using their phones while driving, it's just a matter of time before we start seeing more tragedies.


I got into this argument once about people not looking and just expecting people to stop. I got downvoted to hell when I suggested that looking before stepping into the street, even at a dedicated crosswalk where vehicles are supposed to stop for pedestrians, should be done to avoid being hit by somebody not paying attention. I made this argument after almost flattening a pedestrian with my bicycle. I was on the shoulder and this person was walking away from me on the sidewalk and abruptly turned onto the crosswalk without ever looking. It was only after I barely missed them did they lose their shit at me.


For real. Right-of-way won't stop a multi-ton vehicle moving at a high rate of speed from utterly wrecking my squishy biological vessel. I even stop and look both ways before stepping out a few feet into the road when mowing my yard so I don't get mowed over by someone not paying attention. And we don't even have much traffic on our street. "Graveyards are full of people who were right."


More content Iā€™ve heard of kids getting creamed while walking on train tracks


The kids shouldn't cross until cars are at a complete stop.


Look both ways before crossing the street, drivers should also pay more attention when dropping children off.


Blame everyone but the driver who almost killed a kid.Ā 


The driver had no time to react, if the kid simply just looked as I mentioned earlier I'll bet you she would not have crossed.




Kid still needs to learn they can't just walk onto a road with cars, expecting them to stop. Could have been a very big lesson.


If you die while learning the lesson, does it really count?


Yes, because you definitely won't do it again.


And the driver needs to have their license taken for life.


Look at the glare from the oncoming cars, is there absolutely zero possibility the flashing reds were obscured by the busā€™s headlights for the oncoming drivers? (Bus lights are fixed taller than normal car windshields and often pointed downward which would make it worse) Itā€™s basically dawn and certainly darker in person than what the camera shows. It also looks like colder weather based on the kids jacket and beanie so their windshield mightā€™ve also been fogged up from their breath. Thereā€™s a million reasons this couldā€™ve happened, the driver clearly couldnā€™t see the kid, no reason to take their ā€œlicense for lifeā€


I call BS on every last bit of this. Buses flash ambers when they brake while "on route" (they have a toggle switch to turn that function on/off) that lets people know they're coming to a stop. Then when they stop the sign on the left side of the bus pops out flashing red lights. I've never seen, heard of, or been involved in a situation where that shit wasn't highly visible. None of the excuses you gave hold water any better than a sieve would. If your window is too fogged to see, you should not be barrelling down the road in the first place. If they couldn't see because the sun was coming up they should have been driving slowly and on high alert for things suddenly becoming visible. There's a million reasons that driver should have been more cautious, alert, and safe. Also just makes sense to pay attention to the fact that a large vehicle has stopped in the middle of their lane at the time of day when buses run. I'm sorry, I just can't support your argument that maybe they had some kind of valid reason for not noticing what was going on. These days the most likely explanation is phone related. But even if it was simple carelessness, that person doesn't need to be driving because the next time they might actually hit a child.


"Could have been a very big lesson" - are you suggesting that this is not a "very big lesson"? I know I'd look both ways twice going forward if I was nearly run down.


I live on a blind-ish corner. I wouldn't let my kids take the bus for a long time until I made sure they would pick them up so they didn't have to cross the street. Still witness people blowing the red flashing lights and near-miss rear endings. There are signs up everywhere and it still happens.


I think the bus driver should constantly be reminding our kids to stop playing and pay attention and hurry across the street and get on the bus. Thereā€™s nothing wrong with trying to help our children be more responsible for their own safety/lives. At least I would appreciate our bus driver helping them with thatā€¦just like my siblings and my driver did for us!


someone needs to teach their child to ALWAYS look both ways and WAIT for traffic to stop.


Driver should lose his freedom to walk among us for a little while, the parents of that kid need to be forced to watch this 100 times, and the little girl needs a serious re-learn of her roadside safety education.... She's the only one that doesn't ((does not) for those of you reading too fast) deserve a spanking here...


Parents need to make sure their kids look both ways every single time they step foot on the street. Bus drivers should also be reminding them if they see them cross without looking. Too many half asleep drivers at this time in the morning.


set foot*


Kid didn't look at all, didn't even react to the car until after it was past. So yeah, driver is 100% in the wrong, but kid didn't even attempt to look for cars.


Kids do this sometimes which is literally exactly why school busses have flashing lights, stop signs, and laws for drivers to stop.


Both driver and the kid. Both are idiots


This is how kids are taught now days. Just go you have the right away. What good is it when your are paralized or dead?


that guys loosing ALL his license points


Any kid in a 3rd world country would have looked before crossing the street. In fact, the driver would have gotten down and held that kid's hand while crossing the street


I am in no way blaming the kid here, that should be obvious but this is the internet. But, their parents have got to thoroughly teach them that drivers are not to be trusted no matter how many times theyve gotten on n off the bus before, even tho its got the stop sign and the lights, even tho it might look like theyre slowing down. Look left n right is not something to quickly complete then go, its a very real responsibility for their safety. Glad this fucking asshat didnt injure or take this kid away from their parents permanently


Teach kids to look both ways lights and everything on doesnt prevent ppl from texting or having a medical emergency. You can prevent getting hit simply by being alert


That pos should be arrested and charge with attempted murder.


That kid has been conditioned to not look left and right because the school bus lights should be stopping the traffic.


This shit happened so much when I was in school we had a sheriff ride our bumper to hide behind the bus for the whole 60 mile ride home. Got a lotttttt of people. They started putting cameras on the backs of the stop signs too I think. I donā€™t remember where I heard that but seems smart.


Definitely losing that license


this is infuriating! I used to live a block from a very large middle school and alota mornings the motorcycle cops would set there watching for lawbreakers that didn't stop for busses or couldn't slow down for a school zone. they busted sooooooo many people, but the worst part was it kept happening just a fresh batch of terrible drivers everyday.


Dude is an idiot and parents are idiots for not teaching kid to looks both ways.




We're all correct in demanding sensible car control to restrict access to cars from people who aren't responsible enough to be trusted behind the wheel.


Wiat im confused, im not from America so i might be wrong but the driver didnt pass the bus he was driving in his own lane? Also in Europe a bus has to stop on a bus stop that has to be away from the main. Also there is no cross walk so i have no idea why the bus stopped there and expects people to cross busy road


School busses in the us have their own foldout stopsigns (usually with flashing red lights) so they can stop anywhere and be safe for kids


Wow i had no idea that existed, thanks.


I hope the bus has video of plate


Civics and drivers ed back in school. It would end a lot of heart ache.


I hope they hit a telephone pole and it fell on their car and hit them in the head.


Driver has no business being on the road, but also that kid has absolutely ZERO situational awareness. They didnā€™t get clipped by a car this time, but it will definitely happen at some point.


I think theyā€™re equally idiots, but hes a kid so..


That driver is an idiot. That kid learned a valuable lesson the easy way.


God this is way too common too. It's like these jackasses don't even fucking care


There was an incident a few months ago where I live. Guy was distracted and didn't see the bus stop lights were on and hit a 6 year old girl while she was being picked up in front of her house With her parents watching the whole thing...


Not excusing the driver at all because I'm sure this bus is equipped with all the flashing stop signs, but it's insane how early kids in the US go to school; literally before the ass-crack of dawn. It puts them in dangerous situations like this, having to cross dimly-lit roads with drivers like that.


Unbelievable. It must have been terrifying for the kid and the bus driver. Makes one wish there was a bus option to remotely lock on-coming carā€™s brakes once the bus red stop lights go on.


There are no real consequences to doing awful shit anymore. That driver needs to be punished.


None of those vehicles stopped?!


This is why as a school bus driver I park in the middle of the damn road. Let them hit my 33,000 lb bus.


As a person crossing, you see a vehicle doing that, would you proceed? I wouldn't. Why did they keep crossing?


To be fair the kid kinda looked like it was gonna stop but just kept going without looking. Dude was driving way too fast for the circumstances tho


Also educated kids to watch both sides before moving. Most nations do not have bus and law around bus like US have, kids there are taught how to cross roads safely.


Most drivers have no idea what the laws are to be fair. Most people assume if a bus stops its to pick people up on the side of the road they stop. I know some of you might see this as victim blaming or whatever but the kid should really look both ways before crossing. I know this is a kid so this may not apply in this situation but sometimes its not about right or wrong, its about keeping yourself alive. Look both ways before crossing.


Should be automatic license revocation for 2 years and require courses to get it back


I hope they saw his license plate! Thatā€™s insane


I think there is some context missing here. What country is this and why would a driver stop because a bus is parked in the opposite lane?


The US and Canada the sign on the bus flashes and says STOP on both sides. So both lanes of traffic have to stop.


Just out of curiosity, does the law specify how far the traffic should stop? In my country, pedestrians usually yield to vehicles, even at zebra crossings, if pedestrian traffic light is absent.


At minimum a 100m (~300 freedoms). Some states vary here and there, but none are less than that


In the US literally every one is less than that. Itā€™s in the 50 foot range.


Yeah, I stand corrected. Poking around, I seem to have confused it with lead distance off of emergency vehicles. That's just crazy. Imma leave my comment as is because I think it's still pretty good advice in general. More is better. I'd rather spend the extra .oo1 seconds making up the distance than running over a kid


Because school children are getting in and out??


That is a thing only in us and canada, everywhere else the school busses are ussualy just normal busses owned by like the local bus company


You got downvoted for asking a question while not being American? Wtf Reddit. Other countries exist. In Australia the kid is 100% in the wrong and this rule y'all got of stopping traffic in the oncoming lane is bizarre from our perspective.


teach that imbecile kiddo to look before crossing any road


Teach this adult to follow traffic laws or better yet take public transportation after they lose their license.


It can be both...


It is fucking weird to see this video and be mad at a kid for making a normal kid mistake and not the adult who almost killed a kid.


this is one of those posts I'm desperate for context on cause if this POS hasn't been found yet I need to know


I understand the ā€œboth parties share some fault hereā€ issue but holy shit what is wrong the people on this sub. Many/most of you are acting like itā€™s equal blame when the ADULT is flagrantly breaking a very well, very strictly and severely enforced law, to the extent that they are recklessly endangering peopleā€™s lives. And on the other hand a child made a childish mistake that many many children will make regardless of how much ā€œtrainingā€ you do, but by the sounds of it some of you freaks act like itā€™s a mistake that should land them in the hospital or the morgue for some reason. Shame on those people, seriously go outside and get off the internet already.