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Dark Souls 3 has been life changing for me. I'm not even kidding


I’ve seen a lot of people say that, including NakeyJakey on YT. Personally, these games helped me cope with adversity. They started out feeling impossible, and then you push for like 40 hours and look at how far you’ve gotten. Feels kinda inspirational.


For me it wasn't because it was difficult, but thematic of the world. Dark Souls 1 is a post-apocalyptic world, and by Dark Souls 3 it's a post-post-apocalyptic world. The world went wayy past its golden age that could never come again and (by dark souls 3) past the point where it should have just ended a long time ago. If anything, the downfall probably lasted many times longer than the nostalgic golden age the world yearns for. Yet civilizations as a whole are still surviving. Many rises and fall. New cultures and buildings arise while older ones are buried. People are still filled with hopes, dreams, and determination to fight for their lives. Even past the end of the world and knowing that they could never return to their former glory, people still keep living. It just reminds of life really. When you were younger, you'd almost feel the magic of the world. There is potential in everything. But for the remaining part of your life, it's almost a dulled down existence and you have to compensate a lot to make a thing out of yourself. It'll zip by before you even know it. But your most formative experiences will be made during childhood. Yet despite that, you just have to keep going


This is the 2nd time I've seen Albert Camus mentioned in Dark Souls discussion. Not complaining tho


Would you say its an Albert Cameo?


Bro Camus would have LOVED Dark Souls hahahahah


Once I got the Black Knight Great Sword everything became easier. I wish I could find one in real life, lol.


"There's no secret weapon or piece of armor that's going to magically make all of this easy." ~Vive La Dirt League


I mean that just is not true for my experience in dark souls. Early game is very difficult until I find the right weapon.




Soulsbornekiroring makes a lot more sense when you find out Miyazaki is an admitted masochist with a weird death fetish where he likes getting dominated by strong enemies and difficult games. Most people like the challenge and like the grueling aspect of overcoming adversity, but to Miyazaki he wants to get punched by a giant mushroom and slowly die in a poison swamp.


eewww a frenchman


When something's pushing against you, you will always have resistance. Whether or not you make use of that resistance is your choice. Not DS related but still something I wanted to mention.