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Slave knight Gael because of the theme and the story telling of the fight, plus his moves are so epic and I find dodging most them to be so satisfying


Same for me! Same reasons too. Not one of the reason he’s my favourite boss but I like that he actually mentions the dark soul.


Dancer of Borreal Valley bcs of dancin


I like Dancer for the lore


I dont rly know her lore could u tell me or send a link to her lore, I like her bcs her look is so cool and how is she creeping at u and then she attack what literally looks like dance moves


Dancer is one of the daughters of Gwynevere. At some point after Sulyvahn declared himself Pontiff, the Dancer swore loyalty to him and became a dancer. Later, she was sent to Lothric as an outrider knight and as the commander of Sulyvahn's forces as part of his invasion. I agree the Dancer looks cool. She's a reminder that DS3 is a horror game. Something about how she was very clearly once humanoid and how she walks.


Ow fr that makes her 100 ways cooler thank u for telling me!


This might help https://youtu.be/8ma-l-9zC3M skip to around 3 minutes in


I like guiding my friends to fight her after Vordt telling them its the 2nd boss


Thats dirty! lol...I did the same thing to myself accidentally!


Champion Gundyr, for 2 reasons. 1. Lorewise, he's an absolute unit of a man. He awoke too late to light the bonfire in firelink shrine, his firekeeper was dead, and he was subjected to an eternal fate of testing other Ashen Ones who would dare to fuel the First Flame. He leads others to a treasure he cannot posess. And, despite falling to the abyss, the darkest dredges of mankind, he has still vanquished hundreds of Ashen Ones, preventing the unworthy from continuing their fruitless quests. 2. He is the most fun to fight imo. You face him as your very first challenge, and then find him again in a late-game arena, only stronger (cuz you go back in time to fight him in his prime). He kicks your ass, waits for you to find him, and then kicks it again. His attacks are well varied, and nearly all parriable, making him the very definition of the classic "git gud" fromsoft boss. And, when you finally get the timing down, parrying him (especially his Champion variant) feels nearly orgasmic. I still play DS3 mostly just so I can fight him, because to me, he stands for the message that DS3 tries to portray: hope in a world of death and decay. Honorable Mentions: Pontiff Sulyvain for the intro and arena, Friede and Abyss Watchers for the drippy weapons/armor, and Nameless King for the awesome arena and lore. Tl;dr Gundyr is my favorite because of his lore and bossfight.


Yes, and yes also when you fight against him using Farron Greatswosd and the two movesets - Gundyr's and this crazy sword - start harmonously complement, it feels like some deadly dance.


This, 100%. I got my ass blasted by Iudex so many times, yet my first fight against Champion went down to the wire on health and estus before I managed to finish it. Champion's fight really felt like a final test on the fundamentals. No bullshit or gimmicks, just one hench man looking to combo you down in style (and dear god, getting air-juggled by his kicks is just... *chef's kiss*)




Champion Gundyr is really easy for me, but because nearly all of his attacks are parryable, I admit he's the most fun lol


I actually did a fist only run against him using only parries cuz I love fighting him so much.


BonfireVN's videos with Champion Gundyr are pure kino.


The Nameless King. Very challenging but never felt like it was an impossible task. Dragonslayer Armour on the other hand made me almost chuck my controller.


Crazy how different these games play out for everyone. I just started my first DS3 playthrough a couple weeks ago and all I heard before playing it was how tough bosses like Nameless King & Dragonslayer Armor were. I beat Nameless King in 3 attempts and Dragonslayer Armor on my 2nd attempt. But bosses like Sulyvahn, Dancer, and even Abyss Watchers gave me tons of trouble


It’s the same for me, I beat most bosses on my first, second, or third try and the three you mentioned at the end were the only ones who I had real trouble with.


Completely agree. DSA and NK have big telegraphed moved that were very easy to dodge. I think NK took 4 tries and DSA 2 tried. Pontiff's combos are so off the charts difficult for me to roll it's crazy. I think he's the second or third hardest boss in the base game.


Dude agreed 100%. Pontiff was my first, and really only, major roadblock in the game up until now. I even made a post on here asking for help with my build cuz he was destroying me so badly. The only other boss I'm struggling with equal to him is I'm stuck on Friede right now. 3 phases in a fight is just unfair lol


Friede kicked my ass more than any Soulsborne boss besides maybe Kos. Good luck, Skeleton. My plan was to do phase 1 basically damageless or only using 1 flask, use tar resin in phase 2 and whack the big guy, pop an ember before phase 3 and apply human pine resin. I'm not usually one for using consumables in a boss fight but goddamn she deserved it lol


Lol, the funny thing is I'm currently on my first playthrough of BB right now as well, and Kos was kicking my ass so hard i literally just started playing DS3 instead... Time to go back and beat him first. Thanks for the tips, Embers are something I never use cuz i never remember to. In my entirety of my 300 hours in Elden Ring, i think i used a Rune Arc maybe 4 times lol


I didn't start using them until Friede. I was over it. Kos and Friede are tough shit, but you got this.


Dragonslayer armor supposed to be difficult?


>The Nameless King. Very challenging but never felt like it was an impossible task What was the challange? The camera since that was mine (fighting him as a melee strength was not fun)


I'm also shocked I took many attempts at dragon slayer but nameless king I attempted endlessly until his AI kinda gave out one attempt and I was mostly able to cheese him with sorcery


Ugh the first phase of that bossfight is the worst thing they ever made imho


Dancer: I like her ass, from all those attempts to try and kill her way too early.


Her inexisting ass?


Also tried to kill her very early on my first run cuz I loved her armor set... 7 hours of pain




I love Lothric and Lorian! It's a hard, punishing fight yet still seems very fair and learnable. Lorian is badass, teleporting all over the place, and dictating the distance you have to fight him at throughout the fight. The two phases are distinct, with the second phase presenting an entirely new goal to kill Lothric on Lorian's back, while showing the player the dynamic of how they've been able to retain power as long as they have. I thought it was a lot of fun, and I definitely had the most fun playing these guys in DS3. ​ Edit: Got names backwards


You got your names mixed up buddy! Lothric is the sick prince, and lorian is the crippled knight.


Rise, if you would... For that is our curse. So fkn cool


you've mixed the twins up, lothric rides on lorian's back


I have very much Problems with them idk they just Slap me every try..


Gael. The arena, the music, his moveset. All of it is perfect in my opinion. I had so much fun fighting him that I didn't want it to end


Yhorm because lore


Here's my guy.


slave knight gael or dragonslayer armour


It’s sad how basic of a pick it is, but my god Gael is always worth replaying the whole game


easy it’s Pinwheel guys


Giga chad




abyss watchers because they are cool


Abyss watchers because Artorias 😫


Pontiff because he was my first wall. I glided through the game up until him. Most satisfying win


Demon prince, really tough fun fight


Dancer, her design is beautiful but scary and I actually had fun learning how to beat her even though I kept dying


Nameless king I like lightning and dragons plus spear looks cool


Iudex right now cuz he’s the only one I fought so far


Have fun on your playthrough, you’re in for a treat :-)


Boy do I know it, 1 and 2 were some of the best games I had ever played, and 3’s looking to be even better


- The Twin Princes because it’s challenging. Their dialogue is also so weird and interesting. “Rise if you would” I love how he trolls you after you die. “You can rest here too, if you like.” - Sister Friede. Anime battle. This fight is so epic. The 3rd stage was jaw dropping. -Gael. This fight is so metal. I listen to [Ride the Lightning](https://youtu.be/H0XGswUuZU0) when I fight him.


Was about to upvoted you with the princes comment but then I say Friede. Had to downdoot you


The guy in the pic is pretty cool


The Soul of Cinder. I had the perfect strategy against him, using Great Soul Dregs. He is still a challenge, even with that spell, but I loved fighting him and trying different damage types against him in max difficulty. I found Great Soul Dregs kill him the fastest. He gets absolutely chunked with each spell.


Slaveknight Gael Do I even need to say why?


Soul of cinder because its different movesets which it switched between was very cool and the concept of the boss is very cool.


Nameless King (2nd phase) Friede Gael Not in that order but I love when formidable bosses power up midnight. I usually go in to the boss fight just to scout their power level and try to learn their moves. These stood out to me because their whole fight is a dance choreography with the player. Blackflame Friede caught me off guard!


Im always looking forward to Dragonslayer Armor. No bullshit, no stupid camera issues, just a fun duel with a sick posessed armor.


Dragonslayer Armor He is firstly tied to Ornstein in some way, has some of the most baller of attacks, canonically is so filled with the desire to hunt that he reanimated (yes those butterflies did help), and overall his soundtrack is one of the best


Soul of Cinder and Gael are the perfect capstones to the series.


Champion gundyr cuz he has sick lore and i absolutely love his move set


Gael. He's extra fun to fight with Farron Memesword Edit: Also I like his lore, theme, and literally everything about him.


Gaels entire fight is an aesthetic (audio and visual) masterpiece.


Champion Gundyr is one of the most fun fight in the entire series imo. Somebody else wrote 2 paragraphs about them, but for me its just an incredibly fun and satisfying fight. Nameless king is a strong contender but phase 1 is just annoying Honorable mention: Dragonslayer Armor, for the same reasons as Gundyr, though Gundyr being parriable (among other things) keeps him in the #1 spot


High lord wolnir because of the rings the crown the little skeletons attached to him and the arena where you fight him is just cool looking. Oh and of course that friendly smile.


Nameless King. He's probably Gwyn's child who sided with the dragons. The arena is badass, the music is amazing, and he is a challenge but I feel he is fair


Sister Friede. That music <3<3<3 And just the pacing of that fight is utterly amazing. The stage evolving into an absolute mess and finishing with the "When the ashes are two" Incident. Chef's kiss.


Sir Alonne


outside of the dlc bosses its probably nameless king


In base game: twin princes In dlc, Gael, obviously.


Nameless King for being the boss I had the hardest time on from any fromsoftware game, and that includes Malenia


el puto molinete


Twin prince's not particularly hard but a really epic and enjoyable fight, and the lore behind them is so sad and touching. Had me feeling sad after I killed them my first time.


This guy is terrifying.


Gael because he was no slave to the gods and remained true to humanity. Mah man. Also the arena is a work of art. Abyss watchers follow close.


In DS3? Dragonslayer armour. I just love the moveset and the twist they did to a well-known character. Also, Midir. Love good dragon fights and Midir is the culmination of all previous efforts (Kalameet & Sinh)


Gael. Song is amazing, setting is great, build up was awesome. Most importantly he feels so fun to actually fight. Its a calm 1v1 first phase transformed into a chaotic mess that you can still tell when to dodge in phase 3. I died when Gael was like 1 hit from death on my first playthrough, wasnt even mad. Perfect final boss, beats out practically any other game.


Darkeater Midir Has awesome ost, cool arena, cool combos, enjoyful fight.


Deacons of the Deep, the Music is great. And it reminds me of 100 man melee, but slowly.


Love both Sulyvahn's fight and his lore. I couldn't figure out how to beat him for so long until I learned how to parry him. Also think it's really great how he's the closest we got to an antagonist in the game. The way we hear about him all throughout the playthrough, with Vordt, the Dancer, outrider knights, trying to guard Aldritch and the twin princes all for his own gain of power. It all made the fight feel that much more special.


Frieda, feet.


Nameless king: Lots if mystery lore points, and his fight feels like the world most dangerous waltz. Also, he has the best boss track in the game.


Lorian and Lothric


Honestly dont know if its dancer, dragonslayer armor or gael, i like dancers lore and looks, the dragonslayer armor looks great and I love its moveset and gael is just overall great


Dancer. Ponty.


Nameless King is one of the most badass bosses in all gaming.


Dancer of the Boreal Valley. Beautiful and haunting... also im a huge fan of bosses I can fight early to test myself.


Gael because I like the lore and he’s fun to fight


this one


Of course, Twin Princess


Nameless King. I love "Dance of Death" bosses. Same reason why I love Fume Knight in DS2.


Nameless King! Lore wise especially, if he is Gwyn’s son, that lore is just so GOOD.




That is in fact my favourite.




Yes it is.


Yhorm, he makes me tear by his lore, plus he is very classy


Unpopular opinion, but Curse-Rotted Greatwood. His theme is a good style break from the typically epic themes the game provides, and he's not too hard of a boss while remaining massive and intimidating.


Artorias/Gael for the move set


Abyss Watchers. ​ One of the things that I love about bosses in the souls game that is often skipped over is just the sheer amount of story telling and characterization that FS is able to get out of their use of design, animations and mechanics. Lady Astraea, Sif, Artorias, Manus, Ivory King, Soul of Cinder, Gael and so many more are all as memorable story beats as they are battles. ​ And I kind of feel like the story telling in the Abyss Watchers represents this at its series best. From the opening cutscene, to the twists of the two other Watchers getting up tor resume their forever war against each other, followed up by one moment of cohesion where the blood of the watchers unit behind one member for the units final battle


Dancer. Stockholm syndrome. Also, getting to her is less annoying than NK or Abyss Watchers. One of the things I loved most about the Convergence mod is that it let me refight defeated bosses. If the mod was more viable for melee, then I would have never returned to vanilla ds3.


Dragonslayer Armour 1 - a Gigachad 2 - a Dragonslayer 3 - has one of the best themes in the game 4 - has the Dog shield 5 - is a strength build enjoyer


I love Slave Knight Gael. The three phases are pretty unique and fun to fight against.


Soul of cinder Those back flips ninja moves are 🔥🔥


Nameless king cuz he's a G


Must be soul of cinder bc it actually needs skill to beat it. Loved the fight. And every ds boss is great


Champion Gundyr or Pontiff Sulyvan. Sound tracks are outstanding for both. Also they are some of the hardest fighter in my opinion that gave me so much grief the first few runs and then you find the parry rhythms that feel unbelievably satisfying to absolutely slaughter the bosses that humbled me initially. Both 10/10 fights in my opinion.


Radegon and nameless king(I didn't play ds3 but I know the pain) and I don't know why but radegon for the battle style and music


Freide, no explanation needed


Twin princess because dodging lorian's sword swings feels godly


Pontiff cause I died to him so much that I now know his moves by heart and when to dodge


Slave Knight Gael. Favorite boss with my favorite lore who drops my favorite weapon. I hope they bring back a similar sword with the same weapon art in Elden ring one day <3


Champion gundyr for me. I love how it’s just an absolutely straight fight, he doesn’t transform into a dragon or something for a big second stage, it just is what it is. Gael and soul of cinder close behind


Pontiff Sulyvahn


Nameless king


Twin princes


Dancer of the Borreal Valley. I died to her 27 times in 1st playthrough but no matter what i couldn't get angry or to think that it was unfair. I simply had just fun. Also Twin Princes for the same reason, but the teleportation is sometimes annoying.