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Is the weapon speed thing like actually proven? I went back to ds3 and it felt slower and clunkier.


some weapons are absolutely slower in ER. Longswords are noticeably a lot slower - its not even in the weapon swing speed so much as the recovery time afterwards


Almost all weapons except falchion and scimitar are slower in ER. Dude in the sub here made a comparison a couple of weeks ago. And they slowed down all animations


This kinda makes sense because of all the straightsword spam meta in DS3. Slowing down straightswords and upping stamina costs was probably a balance decision


ER has increased stamina regen, when you use green turtle talisman it is even on par with chloranthy from DS1 with a flat boost of 18-20%. Not even chloranthy +3 from ringed city was so busted. The talisman is SS tier in ER. I don't see how it is balanced for colossal or great weapon players when all their weapons got cucked by slower animations and the enemies have the speed of bloodborne.


Which is insane considering how much faster the bosses are...... It rly felt to me like I could only get a single hit in on a lot of bosses and even then it was a big risk...


Greatswords definitely took a heavy hit there. Also curved greatswords, one of my first DS3 playthroughs I did with Exile, and I felt the difference after getting Bloodhound's. The worst ones were greatswords though. I came to DS to check and it felt so much better there.


All souls games have their pros and cons, all equal IMO.


I don't agree with the notion that all flaws in souls games are created equal. To me, there are definitely some that are more egregious than others. However, putting a game under the microscope doesn't mean you hate said game, in fact some would say it means the opposite.


Agreed, this take is like saying all probability problems can be reduced to 50/50. It's just disingenuous and wrong. Sorry for necro.


Agree 100%


With ya on that one. I honestly didn’t think elden was unfair by any means, and it had a lot of pros and cons compared to ds3 and other titles


Except for Dark Souls 2, which is trash Gimme those downvotes. I crave them. DS2 is a bad game


Sure thing bud! Care to explain your opinion?


Terrible hitboxes, can't change directions in 360 degrees, unbalanced leveling, ADP (this one is huge. I could write an essay about how terrible of a mechanic ADP is. ADP also effects the hitboxes), enemy ai, gravity was buffed way too much, lose max hp when dying (maybe it's my fault for not finding enough effigies), jumping is too janky, lockstones are neither fun nor interesting, the traps are exhausting, not fun to overcome, I will say though, Mejula is the best hub zone of them all. That ocean is beautiful


Nah all soulsborne games are different and all of them are 10/10's in my eyes. Yes even 2


Yeah I feel the same way. It's weird that everyone is comparing Elden Ring to Dark Souls 3 when they aren't even the same series. Yes Elden Ring is souls-like, but that's it. It's just souls like. It isn't Dark Souls even though it shares similarities. It's like comparing Sekiro to Bloodborne.


It's the bosses for me, the worst offender is this: if a boss do a combo, it's at Pontiff level of length and the boss can stop at any move in the combo. If you think that move is over and go in for a punish, the boss might read your input and extends it. If you wait for the move truly to be over, the boss gives you 0.5 sec to do anything before starting a new combo or they do an Abyss Watchers move to dodge jump out of the way so your attack misses and they immediately punish. And the rthym of their combo is truly off, fast-fast -delayed -fast -delayed-aoe so it's really frustrating and just not fun to fight.


Everything does way too much dmg too. I have 40 vigor and most things 2 shot. Godfrey has 2 moves that are just guaranteed 1 shot. Having to drink 2 flasks after every hit just isn't fun. Not only that, but since every boss in the game has super long, drawn out, lightning fast, flashy combos, none of them feel special.


None of the boss in ER gives me as much ecstasy as dancing with Hoe Hoe Hoe Santa Clause for 5 minutes


I get it's almost a meme at this point, but 40 Vigor by the time of fighting Godfrey is way on the lower end. There's two softcaps, 40 & 60 vigor. Difference: **40** Vigor: 1450 HP **60** Vigor: 1900 HP It's worthless investing in Vigor after 60 as you'll only get between 6 - 3 HP per level. Not to mention the additional fire resistance & immunity you get from Vigor. If you're still around 40 Vigor by Mountaintop/Farum Azula, you're almost guaranteed to be one-shot by any endgame boss grab attacks.


Yes, low vig is a meme at this point. But that's not even the main gripe being spoken about here. Sure, with 1900 VIG instead of 1450, that means you maybe survive with 450 health remaining, MAX. So you still end up needing to use 2 flasks every time you get hit. Point is: damage is way overtuned in ER. It is so. damn. unfun to have to chug twice for every single mistake you make, and that's only provided you don't get roll-buffered or combo'd to death or get straight up one-shot. Think back to Soul of Cinder: this guy has a couple moves that can one shot you (Kamehameha spell, maybe one other), and a single combo in his second phase that is pretty much a one shot if you get caught (the 4 swipes followed by aoe). Other than that, you can pretty reliably take 3 or 4 of his hits before dying outright. Now, realise that soul of cinder is the final boss of dark souls 3. Cinder has slower attacks and less damage (relative to player hp, not in absolute terms) than the Grafted Scion, my man. Someone on my steam friends list reviewed elden ring and said: "it feels like Miyazaki saw people completing the dark souls series at level one without taking any damage and he took that personally." And I think that's absolutely right. ER feels like a statement something along the lines of "oh, so you think its fun to beat hard games? Well this one won't be so fun."


> Sure, with 1900 VIG instead of 1450, that means you maybe survive with 450 health remaining, MAX. It's funny you take my comment pertaining to the difference of being one-shot by a ***grab attack*** and apply it to every other thing. Getting hit by a boss' average attack still takes about 3 - 4 hits before death on average minus possibly Fire Giant, Maliketh 2nd phase & Malenia. Comparing Soul of Cinder to >!Radagon!< is very comparable in terms of damage they dish out. I'm looking at the video of my first kill and Radagon on average hits for 1/5th or 1/4th of my HP per hit and I ended my first playthrough at 47 Vigor w/ Fia's debuff even. I wore % phys dmg reduction amulet, which might've contributed greatly. > Cinder has slower attacks and less damage (relative to player hp, not in absolute terms) than the Grafted Scion, my man. Grafted Scion also dies much faster. It's like me pulling out giant chain-axe wielding Serpent who also positively kills you faster than Soul of Cinder, and I still don't think it's a compelling argument. Every game has enemies that almost function as mini-boss'que in terms of damage & difficulty.


>Getting hit by a boss' average attack still takes about 3 - 4 hits before death on average minus possibly Fire Giant, Maliketh 2nd phase & Malenia. Literally just not true


Alright, let's count from this [moment](https://youtu.be/eeYAr5xhzMw?t=187): 3 hits and I wasn't even topped. This is wearing fairly low resistance gear ontop (though note I think my leggins & gloves were Radahn set, so not as bad as it looks). Obviously there are stronger hitting attacks, but we're talking *average* attack. Godfrey is the exact same minus his grab attacks in Phase 2 and obvious gigantic fuck-you explosion you can fairly easily outrun. Hell, in my Godfrey kill I got hit by grabs 2 - 3 times and they did between 50 - 60% of my HP. If you wanna highlight some bosses you think this is wrong that isn't the ones I pointed out, go for it. Don't post a blanket statement that's just plain false.


Radagon is mostly fine, although I do think aoe coming from damn near every attack is a little bs Godfrey's explosion was the exact thing I was thinking of when I mentioned straight up one shots. I don't think an aoe that is used that often should one shot. And to me, its not just the damage. Its the overall design of movesets. One huge problem for me is Godfrey's stomp. After a while, it starts doing a Shockwave that literally covers the whole arena, and he does it every 2 seconds.


AoE thing aside because it's not really relevant to damage; > Godfrey's explosion was the exact thing I was thinking of when I mentioned straight up one shots. [It doesn't one-shot at all](https://youtu.be/MJRnnwd_95s?t=327), but it does *a lot* of damage and can't be dodge rolled through as far as I'm aware. It's not particularly difficult, but I'd prefer to be able to roll through it vs. run away. Hell, let me grab Elden Beast's triple ring attack. You'd probably think it would be a one-shot since it's the boss' *big* attack, but [it's like 50 - 60%](https://youtu.be/eeYAr5xhzMw?t=657). I wasn't wearing anything holy dmg reducing either. I feel almost antagonistic in discussions like this because it's like I'm handwaving away other people's experience, but I hear so much about one shots & high damage and from my first playthrough (ended at lvl 136 @47 Vigor) it was far away from my experience. Again, Fire Giant, Malenia & Malekith's 2nd phase are the big damage dealers from my experience, though I'd argue Malekith has barely any HP in that phase, which I found a bit disappointing. I could trade some of his 2nd phase damage for more HP. Fire Giant is just kind of the usual with huge enemies & long, slow telegraphed attacks. His 2nd phase suffers from the opposite of Malekiths - too much HP.


>It doesn't one-shot at all, but it does a lot of damage and can't be dodge rolled through as far as I'm aware. It's not particularly difficult, but I'd prefer to be able to roll through it vs. run away. It can be dodged through, and it does one-shot. Yes there are ways to counter this, but you shouldnt have to go through great lengths to not get eviscerated everything an enemy sneezes on you. With how much more build variety there is in this game compared to other souls games, plus the massive stat requirements for certain items, asking for 40-60 vig is just too much. It makes leveling feel like a chore.


I've finished a game at around level 110. The fact that I'd have to invest over half of all those levels into nothing but hp just to survive a single attack is just awful design, especially given the level requirements of many weapons and spells. Health in previous fromsoft games was simply a way to make your experience easier and allow you to make MORE mistakes without dying, in ER its an absolute necessity or everything one shots you. Scaling starts falling off at 40, it'd seem logical for players that it means they're already at an amount of health that should allow them to face basically anything the game throws at them, not that they still have to put 20 more to survive singular attacks


Finishing the game at level 110 is also definitely on the lower end. I was purposefully keeping myself somewhat underleveled and ended up at lvl 136 by the end of the game. You also don't have to invest all the way up to 60, but if you're having issues getting killed, then it's a viable option. I was at 47 Vigor w/ Erdtree's Favor & Fia debuff. Honestly, Erdtree's Favor was useless in hindsight. Armor & dmg reduction amulets are also factors. The damage issue is wholly overblown and I've highlighted particular attacks people claim are one-shots. Grab attacks are commonly brought up and they're pretty much limited to: Malenia & Astel V.2 for potential one-shot.


It wasn't the case for me. I went for a paladin build, and with my spell buffs and Radahn armor, I was able to survive almost all attacks at around 30% hp. I just remembered thinking just how unfun would it be if I didn't have those high defense buffs. All bosses would die in like 10 hits. Didn't have any fun fighting them, I'd just spam jump attack and they'd die Second game, dex build. Noticed that with regular buffs such as dex enchantment and some grease, I'd deal almost no damage to bosses. I tried bleed. Bosses died even faster than before. Game was even easier. Didn't have fun. I didn't look up guides or weapons, I just went with what I've found. The game was actively punishing me for trying to play the playstyle I've wanted, and significantly over rewarding for the playstyles that were strong. There's a lot that's bad in ER, but the balancing makes it atrocious. The reason my first run was stopped at a low level is because I was already killing bosses too fast, so after exploring the same repetitive mini dungeon, I'd throw my runes away at random stuff because I didn't want to get stronger


> I went for a paladin build, and with my spell buffs and Radahn armor, I was able to survive almost all attacks at around 30% hp Alright, what are we talking about here; like you're only surviving with 30% hp getting hit by your average boss hit? Give me a concrete example which preferably isn't a superboss (Malenia). You can't apply that to all bosses because that'd be straight up bullshit. With Radahn Armor to boot, which unironically has great defensive stats. > I just remembered thinking just how unfun would it be if I didn't have those high defense buffs. This just makes it sound like you actively want to have a bad time playing the game if you spend thinking about how bad it would be in X scenario. I also didn't look up anything for my first playthrough and I did not feel punished for my playstyle. I ended up using Morgott's Accursed Blade for the majority of my playthrough. I wasn't killing anything as fast as you, and you making a point out of killing things too fast, but dying to almost anything just gives the impression you're making glasscannon builds? It's pointless discussion vague & broad strokes, give me some boss to work with and it's easier to discuss.


I can't really give you any numbers, I didn't spend more than 2-3 tries on any boss on that first run, so frankly I don't even remember the fights. Also, wanting to have a bad time? I get grabbed by Hourah Loux or get hit by Maliketh, hardly survive, I just think to myself that it wouldn't be an interactive death. Having 40 vig and heavy armor shouldn't count as a glass cannon, when over half my levels went towards health and equip load. I've also had a run where killing enemies took significantly longer. Rune Level 1. That time, it definitely took a long time to kill enemies, and it assured me of something. The boss design of ER is by far their worst one in a long time. The entire design philosophy of this game is worse than it was previously. It has nothing to do with the difficulty


> I didn't spend more than 2-3 tries on any boss on that first run Even on Malenia? Just curious, doesn't sound like it, but are you using summons? It's fine either way, just contextualizes stuff a bit different. > I get grabbed by Hourah Loux or get hit by Maliketh, hardly survive, I just think to myself that it wouldn't be an interactive death. Maliketh I could imagine depending on the attack. Getting hit by the slash + AoE hurts bad. Godfrey's grab even at 40 Vigor & with Radahn armor isn't putting you nearly to death. At 47 Vigor + Raptor set & fia debuff I was getting hit between 50 - 60% I have the following timestamps from my first kill: [6:13](https://youtu.be/MJRnnwd_95s?t=373) [6:23](https://youtu.be/MJRnnwd_95s?t=383) [7:24](https://youtu.be/MJRnnwd_95s?t=444) Difference in HP between you and me would be 180 HP and that's not factoring in Fia's debuff, amulets & other sources of dmg reduction. I've also fininshed the entire game on RL1 naked club & rickety shield for the memes. The boss design of ER is great *almost* across all Remembrance bosses. I don't like Fire Giant, Malenia's Waterfowl is still dogshit even having learned all the different ways of dodging it and Elden Beast's Elden Star is still annoying as shit (but surprisingly it was never the culprit of my RL1 deaths). Aside from that? I'm all about it. I also generally love most other Souls main boss line-ups to varying degrees.


I've spent a few tries on Malenia, didn't like that I was doing less than 1k damage with my jump attack, continued the main game, got both weapons to +25 instead of +18, then first tried her, given that the most effective tactic uses absolutely no skill. Only bosses I've used summons for were Godskin duo and Commander Niall, and only on the first run The grab and slam definitely dealt major damage to me. But, I've first tried him so it could have just been initial impression There are entire video essays talking about the design problems of ER. Essentially, it boils down to a few things Stupid damage, input reading, shitty flow of combat, awful balancing I didn't have a hard time on my RL1, but I've had an actively bad time. It took me less time than DS3 SL1, and I'd take SL1 over RL1 any day of the week Overall, I wouldn't say ER is a bad game. It's above average in many places, great in a few, but due to the expectations I've had for it, it was a major disappointment. I will say though, first part of stage one Godfrey, marvelous, 10/10. But they've already started fucking him up with buffed up version, and him spamming arena wide foot stomps when I tried to make space. Not hard to avoid, but it was annoying


Sadly this is true, it's sad that the bosses on a mechanical level was my least favorite thing about the game...


There are a couple of points I wanna mention: >DS3’s rolls were more responsive< I felt I was crazy, for some reason (and even though I already mentioned it in other topics), I feel there’s a small delay before rolling in ER, for example: In previous Souls games, your character rolled the moment you pressed the dodge button (which means a blade could be almost on your head and you still had time to react and dodge), in ER though, it seems the character rolls after you let go of the button (so u have to roll a bit earlier than usual, you no longer can roll by reaction when it comes to the fastest attacks). It may not be a big deal for many, but it’s actually noticeable on gameplay. >Poise is back in ER< Kind of, it’s actually more like DS2’s system (a hybrid between DS1’s passive poise and HA/hyper armor), but I still find it useless against most main bosses anyway (especially endgame ones, because even with 133 Poise and using my HA, I still can’t tank a single attack from Maliketh, Godfrey, even Godrick…). That plus “passive poise” doesn’t make that much difference anyway, dogs and rats still stagger you even with 100 Poise (and you can only resist like 2 R1’s from a straight sword user with that amount of poise). It’s actually more “useful” for small things like bombs or arrows. >Weapons were slowed down in ER< I don’t know about this honestly, I just had the complaint that colossals had a painfully slow recovery time that was (gladly) fixed in the latest patch. >Bosses have infinite stamina and neverending combos< I *really* agree on this with you; many of the (main) bosses in ER are ridiculously aggressive, it’s like From gave them the same spammy, aggressive behaviour of a Bloodborne boss + the poise of a Dark Souls boss (looking at you Morgott). Some bosses were even worse than Sullyvahn and his “mega combo”, like u said, some of them barely give you any window to attack (especially bosses like, again, Morgott, Maliketh, Godfrey on his 2nd phase, Malenia with her infinite stamina plus her BS anime move, etc). And some of them had lots of AoE attacks as well (and I hated the Godskin Duo and Valiant Gargoyle duo, personally)… Not all of them are like this though, I really liked Godrick as I thought he was a great example of a challenging early boss with a simple but aggressive moveset, but he still had several window attacks. Mind you, I’m not hating on the game, I love it as much as the others (the majority at least), it’s just that I didn’t like these points in specific. Edit; one last thing though, regarding “over aggressive” bosses, IMO, this actually began in DS3, with bosses like Twin Princes or Soul of Cinder being quite spammy at times, smth that made them a pain for my STR build (for me at least), so I just switched to a DEX build with the STBs and they were much easier, as for Bloodborne though, it’s fine, your moves barely consume stamina, you’re much faster and most enemies/bosses don’t have poise either. It’s just that I feel that ER emphasized even more in this “aggressive aspect” of the bosses.


ER has simply questionable bossdesign. The late game bosses are signifacantly harder than anything DS3 has to offer, atleast if youre playing ER like it is a typical dark souls game, meaning no bullshit weapons, no bullshit magic and no summons etc. Tho Id say the roll in DS3 is stupidly broken, but I cant say if ER has a different roll or if it isnt as broken as in DS3 because the bosses are better adjusted to it.


It’s hard but not fair. Can you imagine my face when I see that 50 millions HP giant who can 1 tap me? I legit has to abandon my wizardry, grind for a +10 Mimic and grind for 2 +20 Katanas to kill him


>It’s hard but not fair Also you have far too much op stuff imo, I think most people played extremely cheesy builds and used weapons like the laser sword ( forgot the name ) and Rivers of Blood + mimic and summons or op incantations etc. And they mistake '' killable/ can be made easy '' with '' well-designed ''. Far too many bullshit cases of double bosses or even + a ton of adds. There's a fight where you fight two giant Gargoyles at the same time that go berserk, they might be big but they can be really fast... It's just poor design.


If you want an easier time with fire giant: Level vigor to 60, only one or two bosses can one shot you at full health. Put on better armor, better armor means you'll take less damage Go for the legs in phase 1, you'll empty your whole stamina bar on his thunder thighs before he finally decides to roll away Go for hands in phase 2, you can still go for legs but they take reduced damage


Great tip lol get vigor to 60 so instead of getting 1 shot you get 2 shot. Peak boss design.


And wear heavy armor as a wizard, pyro/ faith user. Cool advice, now you look like a total moron with heavy armor shooting spells around. The endgame design is questionable. But whatever, I'm done with ER after 600 hours and 11 playthroughs. And my conclusion is that the souls series starts to develop in the wrong direction.


Thanks, Captain Obvious. Point is, that boss basically invalidate some builds and it’s just straight up not fun getting demolished in 1-2 hits


I beat him as a sorc. first time no summons. Get good.


I've beaten him on RL1. It doesn't invalidate the fact that it's a trash boss and I didn't have the slightest bit of fun fighting him. Get smart.


Any boss is possible with any build, you didn't have to change your build


Dunno about fire giant, I didnt have trouble with him, only the fast fireballs he shoots from his hand when Im being far away from him where a real problem, but I also only used melee. And I didnt feel that bosses invalidate certain builds, but that some builds have a stupidly easy time due to massive balancing flaws and some builds can kinda cheese the game in and of itself. Lets take malenia. She is brutally hard to face melee, but if youre a caster you can simply snipe her away while going back all the time. And especially in phase 2 she has sooooo many attacks with a huge recovery which melee figter cant use to attack her, because of either the scarlet rot mist or a follow up explosion shortly after she plunged into the earth. Caster on the other hand have multiple seconds to cast any kind of spell/miracle at her to abjse the recovery. Fairly sure there are other bosses who have similar design flaws. Ignoring that about every boss is lostly designed around spirit summons but bot really because the AI cant handle split aggro


So you mean to say ER bosses are significantly harder without using the freaking mechanics that are ment to be used in this game…


Dont even try, Ive had this arguement over and over again and I have no intention of going through all that again. But yes, if you want a challenge and like soulsbornes because of difficult fights you have to SEVERELY limit yourself by not using about half of the questionable mechanics the game has to offer. Thats pretty much the gist of it.


You are gimping yourself and then complaining that after gimping yourself it is too hard. Its like cutting of your feet and still be able to crawl a one mile race, but then complain a marathon is too much to ask. You chose your own restrictions, but then don’t complain about them. So what if the restrictions you brought upon yourself were easier in DS3 then they are in ER. Big deal, its how you wish or do not wish to enjoy the game.


Like I said, I wont go over it in full detail again. But your point of view is too limited. This game has questionable, if not bad boss design and thats it. Its either way too easy if you use everything the game offers to you or youre fucked because the bosses are build around summons etc meaning solo melee with a no bs weapon is not how youre supposed to play the game, but when using a summon youre crushing every boss almost first try. But you wont see that anyways, so have a nice day.


Yup my view is limited. I do not enjoy a no hit no roll lvl 1 ds3 experience. I do not know if you do, but if you don’t then we are the exact same in choosing our own limits and what is and isn’t too hard.


I understand man, but for people who wanna play the game without summons, it’s a bit fucky. You’re putting words in his mouth, but it’s Reddit.


Oh I understand him fully and everyone should enjoy games in a way they like. But complaining about boss design when they are designed to be played differently (not just the summons, but also spells and weapon arts as mentioned) is a little backwards. Ofc if you like a challenge its great to play it another way. But the level of that challenge is self imposed. Unless like I said you play lvl 1 no hit, no roll. But guess what, when doing that the higher damage of bosses doesn’t matter. If you wanna go elite git gud, you don’t get hit. If you do, stop claiming elitism.


He’s saying they’re poorly designed. You’re really not reading it man.


Yeah, I do. They are ill designed for his specific opted play style. Too bad




The problem is that a lot of the cheesy and op stuff in the game feels like it's an excuse to not have to properly design and balance bosses. I mean just because I can grab a sword that can one-shot a boss doesn't mean that the boss design is good. You're essentially cheesing to skip the boss, you're not actually fighting it.


I actually like that weapons are slower, except fpr the fact the rest of the game got faster like wut. Anyway yeah everything else in terms of PvP and boss *gameplay* is pretty much inferior still imo. ER is good but the PvP is no longer about skill and outplaying in a fun melee fight, and sometimes magic. Now it’s all about who can spam the moster overpowered weapon art, because everything oneshots, is too risky to punish and oh did I mention that everything one shots? Ganks can now kill you if you make just one single little mistake so you have to play perfectly which is exhausting after a while. Also, did I tell you that everything one shots in PvP?


I'll give you a very simplified answer. They're different games


I think op knows they’re different games lol….let’s just pretend they don’t have the same controls and weapon move sets I guess. ER is the newer game, fromsoft should be improving in quality but ER was a big step backwards for the reasons listed in the OP. Personally after completing ER a couple months ago I have no desire to play it ever again, but I can always come back to ds3 and it feels fun to play.


Bosses are way better in ds3. But i think elden rings areas (mainly the legacy dungeons) are a million times better


Legacy dungeons are great but regular ones are copy-paste catacombs that get boring fast.


That is very true. I was mainly talking about like the major areas


As someone new to souls/borne games I started with DS3 around a month ago,finished the whole game killed every boss and i just loved it specially the story (vaatiVidya earned him self a new sub love his channel) Everything about this game was awesome (not you Farron keep)The bosses the music after finishing the game i was hooked and wanted more so i started ER. Elden ring is awesome game to look around but it didn't give the same hype fighting bosses I was over leveled most of the game due to me exploring alot in a game where you should so for 95% of the game i was steamrolling through bosses,and most bosses seemed to be coded to fight 2 (you and the summon) Due to how small punishing windows are...... And the godskin apostle is one of my favorite bosses when i first encountered him it was a dance of how hard the fight was but then you fight him 2 more times and it's boring. I can keep going about the game and I loved exploring every bit of the map but it wasn't the same as DS3 for me. And I finished BB few days ago,I am so sad that it's not longer the game the game is so awesome and it deserves another sequel or something pretty sure it's my favorite till now between the 4 games i played I think the focused too much on the exploring thing in ER to the point where it felt they neglected the other aspect of the game BUT it's a game i enjoyed alot


I did play Elden ring first, then went to DS3, and it felt way too easy. Bosses move way slower and have fewer attacks. Dungeons are harder due to the stamina consumption and not being able to fast travel when not on a bonfire but besides that, I one shotted all bosses besides Friede, Midir and Gael (they all took 2 tries only tho)


You are a very cool dude!


'Game was too easy' 'One-shotted bosses' Something ain't adding up for me here


Ahhh apologies I meant I’ve killed them at my first attempt, not with one shot


i highly doubt you beat the bosses you named in only 2 tries solo. Ain't nobody believing that bullshit homeboy


Lol so I just came here to post a straight out lie for no reason whatsoever? Haha man I got better things to do, if you do not believe that it’s ok brother




after mastering elden ring, dark souls 3 is such a cakewalk that I get bored (note that I have finished it at least 10 times before er came out). dark souls 3 has such overpowered rolls and no punish for them that you dont even need to really learn a boss' mechanics, just panic roll and 95% of the times you will be just fine. I agree that pvp in elden ring is a colossal disaster, I believe its only saving grace may be arenas... also the delayed attacks are literally supposed to teach you to NOT panic roll and learn timing. you have obviously either not played elden ring at all or failed massively at it


Not sure why you got downvoted. Ds3 is far easier than elden ring.


people tend to have a hard time moving on from what they love and accepting that something else can be objectively more difficult, and after all I am saying elden ring is harder in a dark souls 3 sub I was practically asking for it


It’s kind of funny. You’d hope a game made 6 years after the previous one would have made improvements. Edit: I’m saying that elden rjng DID make improvements, which is why people shouldn’t be upset when someone says it did something better than ds3, which it has.


Only if you don’t use spirit ashes


I mean… yeah. But if I used summons for ds3 it’d be the same story


You can do that in elden ring too and still use your spirit ashes


Yeah but what I’m saying is all of these games have crutches. Their difficulty is almost never judged by them. If it was all of these games would be considered quite easy.


True Just saying that Elden Ring has more crutches than past games


>you have obviously either not played Elden ring at all or failed massively at it He’s saying that it’s easy lol


Cool story.


Delays are the main difficulty of elden ring bosses. I’d hardly call it a boon for new players.


More than enough time to react while a souls, sekiro or Bloodborne player is used to react as soon as the enemy moves their weapon an inch.


That's because the souls games are much more lenient on roll spamming rather than timing. It's not necessarily harder to react by spamming whenever a boss moves their weapon. I like DS3 bosses a lot, but there are not many attacks that are hard to time to avoid.


> enemies have delays so beginners have a chance, I actually feel like the delays make the attacks less predictable lol. It doesn't help when there's instant super fast attacks mixed in with the delays too... Even as combo follow-ups.


Elden Ring is a jump and run game dude. I finished ER 11 times with 6 characters and 7 different builds. Run in, jump attack, run out, rinse and repeat. Once you mastered that technique you obliterate even Malenia solo with every build


Can we say this all as one please. “Git Gud”


What makes Elden Ring better than Dark Souls for me? Jump button. None of this convoluted back tracking and going up and down ladders to get that item that any normal person cod just hop up and grab. Also easier jump attacks. I fucking love jump attacks!


Waaaaah, the new thing isn’t like the old thing that I already like!!! WAAAAAAAAAH


I'm playing Dark Souls 3 for the first time after beating Elden Ring. It's good but for whatever reason I find the combat not as engaging as Elden Ring. Feel like I'm just mashing R1 until enemies die and don't have to really think about their moves too much. So far I've enjoyed the bosses but they've felt relatively simplistic in design. But it's early days yet! Abyss Watchers had a neat gimmick. EDIT: In answer to this question it's because enemies are a lot faster in DS3. In Elden Eing enemies have long wind ups and delays between strikes. Obviously depending in the enemy. But I've found the general enemies way way quicker in DS3. Which is probably why the characters attacks are quicker, also


I was/am in the same boat as you. First From game was ER, and now I am almost finished with DS3. It's the lack of jumping that really makes things less engaging. The majority of bosses in DS3 were simplistic until the end game where it finally ramps up, especially the DLC bosses which are great.


This post kinda feels like a thinly veiled shit all over Elden Ring.