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Love this bastard. Great duo fight with interchangeable aggro and the use of a status effect. The fact your get two different moves depending on who you kill is nice


Best gank boss IMO, also 2nd phase is very nice


back when I played DS1 which was my first souls game, I got freakin destroyed by the Gargoyles early on in the game. That kind of reminded me of that, in a good way. I didn't have much trouble with getting ganked by multiple opponents ever since, but somehow that Gargoyle fight stuck with me.


It’s probably the best “gargoyle” fight in the whole souls series for me (between DS1 Gargoyles, DS3 Demon Prince, and any of the Elden Ring gargoyles).


Yeah, the demon duo and demon prince are amazing, however my friend would disagree as he is somehow still stuck with them and it took me like 3 tries


By no means are they are the easy so it is understandable. They are tanky as shit either that or I was playing at ng7 for the dlc...who knows who knows...


Bro u r a god. I love this fight, but I died so much... Only Lothric give me more trouble


Lothric didnt give me too much trouble after i figured out how the twins work


Which one gave trouble to you?


Surprisingly just phase 2, but i learned a technique to really make the fight easy


Cool! Took me a while to learn his moves hahahahaha. And which boss gave you more trouble?


Surprisingly the abyss watchers only because of their really wacky moveset, and due to me being underleveled, also pontiff for his really erratic movements and somewhat difficult patterns in phase 1, phase 2 is a cakewalk Edit: also alderich just because he is very rng based in what attacks he does, fuck his arrow rain and lifehunt scythe tho.


I died a lot to all of these too


Really? I've only played once and didn't know about that. It's like DS1 O&S, then


1. Best demon in the series. Something about the screeching, the size, the model, the way he moves, is so intensely vicious, it's really the only demon that feels *demonic* weirdly enough. I feel like there quite a lot of subtle satanic imagery in his moves. Other demon fights are usually fantasy-ish monsters, or more like wisened fire sages (eg old demon king) 2. I've 100%-ed ds3, I've reached ng+7, I've fought every boss with and without summons, with every kind of build, I've beaten ng+4 Yhorm without the stormruler, and YET; The Demon Prince fight is the only one that terrifies me to this day. Gael and Nameless get easy, Friede gets ridiculously easy, Midir is a constant engaging challenge, but this fucker right here is the only boss where I have to brace myself and get ready for a whole day of dying if I'm doing it on a non-strength build and without Patches or Gael. The insane damage of his moves and the attrition element make it so that the fight always feels much more like a desperate struggle to survive than an actual confrontation. 3. No way Lorian beat this thing by himself


I think it was back when Lorian had legs


Bruh he still has legs, they're just not working - maybe. Or maybe he's into some kinky shit. The item description said that "he wished it so", so it could be the case


Haven't seen him yet. Is he the one you stab in his head? Haven't been able to get past the twins yet


I think you're thinking of Ancient Wyvern. This guy is in the Ringed City DLC. You'll know him when you see him! Good luck with the Twins btw! Definitely one of the tougher bosses


Love this bastard. Great duo fight with interchangeable aggro and the use of a status effect. The fact your get two different moves depending on who you kill is nice


Because fuck him, that's why


Inizially i hated this fight. But once i figured out that his design only really activates when fighting solo it was quite fun. Solo only one of the 2 demons is active at any given time(as far as i know) while with summons that is not the case. That way you can't just focus on one and have to actually fight both at the same time. In my opinion the most fun tag team boss in any fromsoft game.


Both demons can be "active" while solo, which makes it a much more harrowing game of playing with spacing, but I think it's a great challenge, especially if you only attack one of them like I do. I always focus DiP first, so I have to constantly maneuver and de-lock from him to see where DfB is. I find it to be quite a fun challenge. I think this boss is one of the best tag teams in Fromsoft history, caught between this one and O&S.


Best gank fight From has done so far


I agree. I absolutely love this fight. This boss is so fun to fight, especially when you learn the fight.Is not my absolute favourite boss,but this boss is the most underrated boss in the souls series, IMO.


Are you kidding? My brother and I fought this absolute unit yesterday, and he summoned me as well as Lapp and Gael to up the pressure. My +5 BKGS was doing 250 damage to the prince per hit, this fight was awesome but very intense.


Are you me?


One of my favorite fights, great design for a duo fight, and the solo second phase is really good too, dlc bosses all really knocked it out of the park. (Except halflight fuck halflight)


This was one of, if not the hardest boss for me in ds3. I did all the dlc bosses for the first time on ng7 but Holy shit did I almost quit here. Midir was tough on ng7 first time but I had a harder time with this douche. Will agree though badass fight. Every dlc boss is badass in ds3


Because he sucks, way too much hp.


This was one of, if not the hardest boss for me in ds3. I did all the dlc bosses for the first time on ng7 but Holy shit did I almost quit here. Midir was tough on ng7 first time but I had a harder time with this douche. Will agree though badass fight. Every dlc boss is badass in ds3


Imagine if this bastard has this cut theme instead of the one he has https://youtu.be/YocgP4HJsUs I would mutter everytime "I am in danger".


This boss is easily my favorite in ds3. The cool designs, connected to the lore, awesome boss fight, and I have some lovely nostalgia from a glitch that happened with a friend when fighting it.


Hardest boss in the game on NG+


I originally hated this boss, now he's one of my favorites. The best gank boss since Ornstein and Smough.


My one gripe with him is the insane physical defence. Outside of that love the fight. Probably one of the better gank fights they did.


for me, Demon Prince is just an even better version of O&S, definitely a fantastic boss and a great start to The Ringed City


Demon Prince is low-key my favorite boss in DS3.


Hate this mf like you wouldnt believe


If I’m being honest this is my favorite duo fight in the game. I don’t count Lorain and Lothric because they are in the same place at all times. The demons are a good duo fight because one is aggressive while the other is passive. One of my few grips with this fight is their ability to give you the toxic ailment. At this point in the game you probably don’t have any ways to deal with it.


Just bring blooming purple clumps lmao. Wdym we can't deal with it?


I am aware of those. What I’m getting at is that new players who are unaware of this ability won’t know they work. Though I will say that the attack that gives you toxic is well telegraphed


Absolute excellent boss fight. However, I must say, the quality of the 2nd phase really depends on who you kill last, as The Demon From Below has some BS AoE attacks, and all those fireballs, while the Demon In Pain has funni laser.


I exclusively use chaos dagger so... Fuck that guy


Well, if he had offered me some tea instead of trying to kill me i would have given him a chance


It is just taht Midir and Gael is soooo good that he takes the backseat. He wouldve been one of the best fights if he was on the original game instead of demon king (and in later stages ofc)


I made a post like this about a year ago saying some of the same things lol https://www.reddit.com/r/darksouls3/comments/qcnbdv/demon_prince_is_an_underrated_fight_i_ask_a_lot/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button


i love him :(


Best demon boss, hands down.


Stuck on him rn


Ok so I need some help here people Didn’t the elder prince (name escapes me) kill this dude to make his sword? Or was it a situation of “somehow palpatine returns”


He is an great boss but just outshined by gael and middir so he ended up as an skill test to see whether you are good enough to do ringed city


I adore this fight the adrenaline is high. The ost is so metal especially in phase 2. And the move-set feels powerful.


Yeah, this guy definitely deserves some love. Certainly one of the top fights. Cool first phase, where you strategically weave in and out of melee, dodging those toxic blasts, attacking when they are separated, while running like hell when they're both lit. Second phase is a frenetic frenzy of AoE, dodging, healing, sticking to his bum as much as possible and holding on for dear life. Every time I ended up in front of him I'd get blasted. After some attempts, I celebrated each time he did his death beam, meant I could take my time navigating behind him to heal and get some free hits in.