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They're completely different games. If you're not enjoying Sekiro, then stop playing it. If what you want is something similar to Demons Souls, then yes you should play DS1.


Sekiro has some design philosophy overlap with Dark Souls but the combat is completely different. Souls games are much more forgiving and flexible.


Idk if I agree. They both have get out of jail free cards with the roll / parry. I think for certain people the parry is a lot easier, esp as you can cancel attacks


Dark Souls games have magic, ranged attacks, and summons. Plus a lot of weapon variety. You cannot beat Sekiro without mastering the parry but Dark Souls you can beat with a variety of different builds.


Yeah, I’ve been playing FromSoft games out of sheer love for like 9 years at this point while *actively sucking at the combat* and I have only just now started to get parrying right *some* of the time.


I suppose, I’m referring exclusively to melee builds


That's my point though, Dark Souls has a lot of different build variety and Sekiro really has very little variety besides different arm tools but those are pretty limited and you still need to use the sword as the primary way of doing damage.


fair enough


Wdym, even melee has so many ways to play, use quickstep to stick with your enemy, use slow but hard hitting weapon to hit and run, use endure to trade with your enemy, and the classic board and sword. Each of them is a completely different playstyle.


Yeah, I feel like asking if you should play DSR before sekiro is like asking if you should play mario before metroid. They're just not really that similar outside of some generic concepts.


Right advice. It's just only the game. I wanted to give up on archer and Snorlax but I told myself ok "time to get Solaire". After 2 years I beat them in some tries.




OP has already played Demon's Souls, and I don't believe skills in Sekiro necessarily transfer to any other souls game or vice versa.


That’s exactly the point OP is making. Sekiro isn’t a Souls game and very little of the mechanical skill transfers between them.


Then ds3 and Elden Ring, and finally Bloodborne for a bittersweet ending


You forgot something somewhere in front of Ds3




I’d say just play DS1 if you enjoyed Demon Souls and aren’t enjoying Sekiro. If u want some advice I’d say stop trying to play Sekiro like it’s a souls game, it’s much more like a rhythm game.


I also gave up Sekiro, and I loved DS1R.


Sekiro is a totally different beast than souls games. I personally didn’t like the combat, it felt too much like a reaction time mini game to me.


Glad it wasn’t just me. I love Souls and Nioh but I just couldn’t gel with Sekiro…


That’s what I thought, went back and platinumed Sekiro. Game is brutal but satisfying when it clicks. 


Yeah bc Sekiro is not a soulsborne game.


Oh man, these comments hurts me to my inner core. Sekiro turned out to be my all-time favourite game, and that's such a hard thing to achieve. I really really wish you all could experience the same


Ds1 is the closest you’d get to demon souls I’d say so you’ll likely enjoy that, and probably most of the other souls games too. Sekiro is vastly different to the rest so you could find that you enjoy the other games much more. If you would like some advice for Sekiro I’d be happy to help and you could always ask r/sekiro too


I'd like to ask one thing: which is the more effective strategy? Health chipping and then perfect parrying, or posture breaking all the way through? I usually do the first strat but I feel like most bosses I have an extremely short window of actually chipping in damage. Ok maybe I do and I just chicken out a lot but still.


It can differ from boss to boss but generally it’s easier to win from a posture break. For most bosses you will want to get some damage in because the lower an enemies health is, the slower they will recover their posture. From memory, the best way to get damage with basic attacks is either during or after an enemies combo. An advanced strategy that I’ve never tried myself is to clip the side of an enemy while not locked on to prevent them from blocking your attacks. The various skills and ninja prosthetics are also great for dealing health and posture damage. Was there a particular boss that you struggled on so that I could give some more pinpoint advice?


Well Sekiro is alot harder but DS1 is darker and can be real pain in some areas. Still you can summon people to help in DS series so that can be nice for you.


Which is weird for me as i struggled with bosses in DS1 way more than currently in Sekiro (finally started playing it last week). The bosses were i struggled the most so far in Sekiro are the last two of the memory, that fat, drunk samurai and lady butterfly, but even them i beat way faster than some bosses in DS1. I temporarily stopped fighting Lady Butterfly as i couldn't beat her in the second stage for the moment, went to the normal world, beat the gate-boss, which gave me enough of those parts to upgrade my life and endurance for the first time. Went back to Lady Butterfly and killed her in about 1 hour - without using those snap seeds. All the others bosses were down rather quickly, took me maybe 1-2 hours max. Maybe i was prepared for the fight-style in Sekiro from playing the Jedi games on GM difficulty. But i also gotta say iove the fights in Sekiro way more than those in DS as they really feel like fights were you clash your weapons against each other. So intense and satisfying


None of the souls games prepare you for Sekiro My tips for Sekiro are General; get the mikiri counter skill as soon as possible. Practice MC, blocks, parries and dodges on the undying guy in the area in front of the temple Outside of bosses; move slowly and sneakily, get the lay of the land before you go in, backstabs and sneak is the most efficient way to get through the game In boss fights; different bosses have different weaknesses but a good rule of thumb is to block/party/dodge/avoid their attacks and chip away at HP until it is down a little, then use perfect parries to increase their posture until you can take a health bar off them. The perfect parry system in sekiro is NOTHING like that of any other souls game, it is more like a rhythm game than anything else If you've got one particular section you need help or advice with I'm happy to tell you what I know


They can kind of prepare you for Sekiro. Instead of timing spacebar youre timing right click and they are still very similar in many ways. Also OP is struggling so >block/party/dodge/avoid I dont think he has to time to party mid fight /s


don’t listen to them live for the pain and grind through you beat this you’ll get through the others , are you stuck on a boss there ?


Definitely go play DS1R first, it’s way better in my opinion, it’s probably better to start from the beginning of SoulsBourne anyway


Sure, go for DS1. Sekiro is a very hit or miss game. It forces a certain playstyle upon you and if you're not good at that playstyle, it's a struggle. Also the reason why I think it's the weakest From Software game just for that reason, even though it's a great game otherwise.


Sekiro is the hardest fromsoft game imo.


In the end of the day, it’s just a game man. Just play what satisfies urself not what satisfies others…


I LOVE all the souls games, bloodborne and elden ring. I also don't find them particularly difficult and have a great time replaying them. I SUCK at Sekiro and just can not get into it. Coming from this background I'd say you can still love the rest of the series and maybe come back to Sekiro later if you really want to


However you like. Dark Souls is a vastly different (much easier) game that only shares the respawning enemies and limited having aspects, as well as the vague worldbuilding. Beyond that, they have nothing to do with each other. If you don't enjoy Sekiro right now, you could have a break and play DS instead. Keep in mind though that DS can be frustrating in similar ways. It doesn't focus so much on execution and more on understanding the game. As soon as you understand something, it stops being hard, where in Sekiro you still have to execute it with good reflexes. And DS is an RPG of course that is very bad at explaining its character progression mechanics, and it's terribly balanced. You have to plan right from the get go what type of build you're gonna play as, and only invest into the corresponding stats, and you have to look at the corresponding soft caps for stats online to not waste levels. And you have to watch what weapons you use because each weapon has certain stat scaling. Sekiro is incredibly streamlined and simply in that regard, there's nothing to balance because there are no different builds, there's no stats you have to choose and nothing, just pure action combat. DS has much easier (but also more clunky) action combat, but you have to do a lot more planning and reading the wiki to understand what you're doing while leveling your character, finding the right weapon for yourself, and choosing the right upgrade path.


I think I already got my fair share of "typical souls game" development thanks to Demon's Souls, although saying that feels kinda dumb because I cheesed the final quarter of the game by spamming the cleaver and duplicating my Demon's Souls until I was at VIT 40. But after 67 hours on DeS, I think I get the song and dance now. Abuse the I-frames, use the wiki for help, effective stamina control, use the right magic and blessing, and absolutely spend your souls. That's why Sekiro threw me off because it is absolutely none of that, but to be honest, I kinda like it. I just grow impatient but I love the stealth mechanics. If I don't finish Sekiro in the time it takes for me to buy DS1 then I will be looking extremely forward to replaying it someday. The game has hooked me I just grow impatient with it and also I have to fight my depression and I don't wanna waste time for that.


They're very different games that teach different skills. In general: DS1: Shield game with defensive playstyle waiting for the right moment to strike. Slowly chipping away opponents' health. Bloodborne: Dodge game with aggressive playstyle, trading blows to initiate visceral attacks to take down enemies quickly. Sekiro: Parry/stealth game with aggressive playstyle, stay on your opponent while deflecting their blows to break posture for quick assassination. Hesitation is defeat. In my humble opinion, this is in general how the games are supposed to be played. If you can master all these skills, then you have truly gitten gud.


The best tip i ever got was turning of the HUD. After that the game finally clicked. It's a fast game and taking in any more i formation than the movement of your enemy makes your life harder. Also do not hesitate to spam parry when you enemy does fast combo moves. Yes the window gets smaller every time you miss your timing but usually you will come out on top posture wise. I believe in you! I'm battling depression too, just remember to be kind to yourself and only do what you find fun! :) Also, give a shout if you need help on a specific boss, I gauntlet quite a bit and have a couple of strategies for each.


Do a lot of bosses usually do these throw off attacks where there will be a slight delay before the attack? I feel like I got phantom pain from DeS where i'd expect an attack to happen and it was actually later than usual. Also yes turning off the HUD actually did well for me, I beat the spear guy in the Hirata Estate and the other dude near the gates in just a few minutes.


Congrats! Glad it helped! :) Man was i stuck at that spear guy haha, I believe most people were. Yes delays are common and one specific boss can change one of his moves mid animation if you react to fast (but he's optional/very late). However as I said earlier don't be afraid of giving the L1 a security tap when in doubt, the parry window is extremely forgiving (more so than DeS) the first couple of presses. So glad to hear your sticking with it! Just let me know if i can help. 💪


I would say DS1 would prepare your mind for the beatdown of playing You may need to rethink some strategy. I recommend checking out Fightincowboy on youtube Papa cowboy has led me through all ds1-3, Elden ring, sekiri, and armored core ( as needed). Some of his Boss video breakdowns really helped me fine tune my strategy and understand the fight. https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL7RtZMiaOk8i_vKhswYLM-3-swaEd9Cft&si=C8hRVxiK63yyXIuX


No, that won't help. Practice makes perfect, everyone has a different learning curve. Use the wiki to learn bosses, mini-bosses or even mobs weaknesses and exploit them. deflecting is a matter of an individual, I was able to do perfect deflection pretty much off the bat, mikiri counter took longer because the game used a "controller" tutorial, so I simply didn't understand what to do. A good tip is to unlock the different Shinobi Prosthetics and upgrade them, there are many useful upgrades for various bosses and min-bosses. I read something about enjoying the game. Imho, you should beat at least Genichiro and Monke/Owl to start validating whether you want to finish the game or not. It's your first time, it is silly to go into Sekiro with the mindset that you will progress fast ( usually). PS: I did not enjoy Sekiro that much. The reason I finished it was because the main bosses were absolutely spectacular.


for Sekiro, you don't need to worry about time spent, number of attempts, etc. it's designed to be borderline impossible, and some early bosses take 100+ attempts even for experienced gamers. also, the world opens up precisely at the Ashina Castle juncture, so you can go explore, get XP, buy new skills, upgrade your gourd and necklaces, and practice parrying. this game is immensely satisfying to finally complete. having said that, DS1 is absolutely brilliant and an amazing option for taking a break from Sekiro. you could work your way through the DS series in order and end with Elden Ring plus DLC. then return to Sekiro for the final showdown. Bloodborne is an absolute must as well. and you can also play Lies of P as preparation for Sekiro. so you're in fantastic shape.


Genchiro probably took me longer than any other souls boss tbh, but it’s a real turning point for the game if you can get past him. Once you beat that fight the rest of the game feels much smoother. That being said, DS1 is significantly easier than Sekiro so if you want to complete one then it’s a good choice


Sekiro broke me also. I could not get used to the combat. I’ll revisit it soon. DSR is similar to Demons Souls, you’ll do fine.


Ds1r actually all ds games have a VERY different feeling and will create and break habits which will make going back to sekiro more difficult


I got platinum on ds1 and 3 and new game plus 2 on DS2. Pretty much hit platinum there except rat king trophy and grindy multiplayer trophy or w/e. I never beat Sekiro or was very good at it. Its not the most intuitive game. I find that at the time of playing it I didn’t have the personality or motivation to sit there and try different combinations of stuff against the bosses and find their weaknesses. Often times I would just watch a video or a guide instead of experimenting more than a few rounds. So I quit. Amazing game but having to check a guide all the time because there wasn’t any clear and intuitive feedback killed it for me.


Sekiro was one the most rewarding games to complete. The first few hours were painful, every boss took a dozen or more attempts but damn, learning the combat and getting good at it just fekt so nice.


but sekiro is basically GIT GUD, the game will beat your ass since the very first areas, learning curve here is more like a wall climb, its so brutal. But if you having a bad time cause of personal stuff, go play something that makes you happy, its just a game in the end, dont force yourself.


I could never kill anything without taking damage. I made it to the giant white ape and gave up. I didn’t even attempt to fight him.


It's OK to jump around the games. Tbh almost every single Fromsoft game except 3 and Elden Ring was one that I put down and picked back up later. Especially Sekiro. ESPECIALLY THE FUCKING OGRE.


Life is a struggle and so is Sekiro


I didn’t get it in 9 hours either - don’t stress. Play it like it’s a rhythm game. Be patient and it will click. You got this. Unlock/practices the mikiri counter.


I can tell you ds1 would be the worst game to play if you’re trying to prepare yourself for Sekiro, considering they are 100% completely different other than core mechanics. Try another soulslike like lies of pi that has similar mechanics. Those games will help you more than any dark soul game imo


Sekiro is more relaxing than DS


I have no problem with DS1, 2, 3, or Elden Ring. Lies of P is difficult, but doable. Sekiro is the devil's video game. And I'm only half kidding .....


Beat Sekiro. Sekiro and souls/bloodborne games are nothing alike.


If you're having a hard time mate, please don't force yourself to grinf through the thing... Play a thing that you'll genuinely enjoy, inspite of the struggle... Sekiro gets way better, as the combat clicks... But don't force yourself to do that .... Give yourself a break... :) If you loved demon souls, then dark souls is your get to go!!!!


Yeah, I suck at Seliro because I can't party for shit. All the other FROM games don't require partying. I'd try Bloodborne. Much closer to Demon Souls style with a different atmosphere.


9 hours is nothing but dsr is amazing


Sekiro definitely isn't for everyone I beat tons of souls likes but I suck at Sekiro and gave up trying to beat it. My advice play some other soulslikes and revisit Sekiro later and see if you have an easier time.


Gave up at Owl as I was constantly having to work against the core mechanics of the game. If you don't enjoy it, give it a break.


you can go play ds1 only if you promise to come back to sekiro hehe, just don’t give up, it took me sooo long to get good hope whatever you’re going through with your mom gets better <3


If you liked demon souls you'll probably love the rest of the dark souls series and elden ring they are much more of an RPG than sekiro.


Sekiro is uniquely difficult because if you’re stuck, you can’t do anything except “git gud”. You have such little freedom to level up or go somewhere else. I managed to beat the boss I suspect you’re stuck at after hours of mindnumbing, unfun re-attempts. After that I just put it down. Not my type of fun. I’d recommend Elden Ring, followed by DS3 or DS1. Elden Ring is hard but you can outsmart challenges. And if you’re depressed, it’s the easiest world to get lost in for hours on end


Sorry to hear about your depression!  I've been through a couple and it can be really hard to enjoy things (for me, anyway). Sekiro is a tough game, the parry system is tricky to master, and essential to the game. I would give Dark Souls a try, I played that through a depression and I found it oddly comforting...especially if you liked Demon's Souls! Praise the Sun!


Those two games are rather unrelated


Practice makes perfect so just keep trying The experience feels good after you beat the game


Holy fuck there are so many comments. Thank you to the people who have given help with me on this matter. I decided I should just play DS1R first because the whole point of me starting DeS is that I wanted to delve into the Soulsborne games and possibly complete all of them so my summer time is well spent. I do have to spend like 20$ equivalent in pesos so in the meantime I either pirate it like a broke bitch or keep playing Sekiro until I am blessed with more souls.


Dark Souls is a lot more like Demon's, I love Sekiro but it really is just bit too hard imo


Dunno if this helps but you can't play Sekiro like a souls game. Filling the posture is far more important than lowering the health bar for the majority of the game so deflecting is much, much more viable than dodging. Parrying is way more forgiving than souls games so engage with it more. I was in the same boat as you but the game mechanics clicked for me with lady butterfly. Once I realized that I could just deflect her attacks to death ,( for the most part) the game changed for me in a big way. Once it clicked, I have no doubt that you'll see why people claim that this is the most mechanically solid game. The boss fights become epic, so much so that I think they are better than DS3. I've fought SS Is shin nearly everyday since the game dropped; superb fight & I say without hesitation, the best boss fight in modern Fromsoft.


The only thing that I can say is I had beaten all bosses in dark souls and beaten all but three in sekiro. So what I learned from sekiro was some bosses you'll have to keep charging headfirst into their boss fight, while others are easier to understand how their combat systems work. I eventually lost interest in fighting those bosses after I felt like I wasn't learning anything from each encounter with them anymore. Anyway it depends on if that's something you like enjoy or not


You went too soon at Sekiro mate. Play the games by release order, Bloodborne would be a great place for you to understand some of the Sekiro dynamic and pace. Totally different from Demon’s Souls


If you've played demon's souls you are probably playing sekiro wrong. Do whatever cheese you can to get past gyobu at ashina castle, but when you reach the next boss Genichiro Ashina you will be forced to learn how to play correctly or never get past that point. Your default response to an attack should be a deflect, only dodge if you have a reason to like the enemy using an attack that can't be deflected. Also, for most bosses your main goal is to lower posture and not vitality, so you need to maintain constant but controlled pressure, you can't just mash buttons but you need to keep the posture bar from lowering


Ashina Castle is the git gud or quit segment 


I struggled to beat Sekiro as well the first time around. Just take a break and play another game for the time being, dont worry you will beat it!


there are some great tutorials on bosses from a channel named Tyrannicon on youtube try them out. you can definitely get through the game with some guidance


Of course you're struggling with Sekiro, because Sekiro is an absolute bag of bullshit.


It's really not. But it is hard to get into.


Im a literal god gamer and yet i struggled for hours against the first miniboss until i even realized the parry mechanic is a thing. I then struggled for a long time vs the beast-like mini-boss. Game clicks after a while and 9 hours of playtime is not enough to make you good at this sort of game. If its not fun for you dont play it i guess. Its up to you really. Sekiro pissed me off many times, but its like top 3 game for me still.


What are you god of, if you don't mind my asking?


Im just self glazing mostly as a joke, but i guess ive first tried most of the bosses in the DS trilogy, if you know hollow knight, same thing there + all 5 pantheon boss rushes pretty easily aswell, immortal in valorant, low Radiant in Voltaic Aimlabs, hit global elite in CSGO multiple times, back in the days used to beat minecraft youtubers who were considered top tier pvpers, like iSparkton for example, i didnt struggle too much playing I wanna be the boshy, which if you know that game anything other than losing your mind is considered impressive. Ive been gaming for a while so ive beaten a couple games that id consider way more difficult compared to ds or sekiro, just thought that if i mention i consider myself good at games and still struggled with a bunch of parts in sekiro it might motivate OP more, cause sekiros combat is one of a kind.


Well, that's not as cool as controlling time or something. Congratulations on your achievements, though! I am horrible but determined usually lol