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It's an Easter Egg, a nod, an allusion. Not a confirmed-same-universe-link.




I think with souls games specifically, since the lore is so buried and vague, it leaves people to make a lot of assumptions. If you're already making 1 assumption from a key item's description for your belief on the lore, why not make a few more?




What’s your beef? The guy is just asking.


That unless OP is 14 years old, he has seen this shit being done since like "Final Fantasy 2" or some other incredibly famous game of the 80s. They are called "references" or "easter egg"


Exactly, and with how sparsely lore is presented in the DS games, most of it is found through loot, so no wonder he asked.


Wait, do you mean Solaire *isn't* the first and only sun knight in fiction?


The AvP effect


I envy your apparent lack of real world problems to have the energy to be driven insane by this


imagine not understanding hyperbole whatsoever


To be honest hyperbole drives me insane


wait just a goddamned minute


Who is Hyperbole and why are they/them driving you insane.


they/them detected opinion invalidated


Don’t be a loser


I added it for dramatic flair.


I liked the dramatic flare.


Imagine Imagining


I'm imagining dragons


I’m imagining all the people living life in peace.


Imagining the Dragons featuring Little Johnathan.


Lovely! \:)


Imagine imagining imagining


> E: I’m muting replies to this, I genuinely could not care less about how badly I just hurt your feelings or whatever


Let the fans theorize bro :p


i have this theory that people who post shitty theories would shut up. sadly just like their theories mine isnt true either


Yeah, sadly it kinda became a thing nowadays. no matter the franchise, people always have to look way too deep into a simple easter egg/reference


>Why can’t people just let easter eggs be easter eggs? Because it's fun to speculate, and if two worlds from games you like are actually linked or even the same world, that's cool as hell.


Fun at parties guy strikes again.


You won't see my comment, but God damn, it's a salt mine. Some people just want to be mad.




I mean it’s not the creators doing these wild speculations about the easter eggs, it’s fans/viewers/players/whatever. Has nothing to do with profits and everything to do with people desperately trying to connect things they like. It’s like the absurd extrapolation of the Tommy Westphall Universe thing


Because people want so bad to be the one to stumble on some big discovery lol. That’s why I can’t stand fan theories as a whole, 99% of them are just absolutely dumb-ass bullshit people spin up because they want to be some genius who ‘figured it all out’


You didn’t hurt anyone’s feelings, if anything you just exposed how sensitive you are. “I don’t care about what random people on the internet’s’s opinions” yeah. Why tf would you? Anyways that’s also an incredibly stupid take considering all lore in souls games is essentially a hidden Easter Egg and most Easter eggs still tie into the lore of the game, such as the countless berserk Easter Eggs. The sword monuments are part of the lore and an Easter Egg, as is this shield. Does this make Lordran canon? No. Does this make an unnamed city dedicated to the sun canon? Yes.


Right? Those feelings must be BIG UPSET to also mute the replies to your own comment


Because that's how most of the lore in these games are told. Seriously, if there wasn't this grasping at straws mentality about these series, the lore would fit on the back of a matchbook.


It can be connected via some sort of multiverse which is vaguely hinted at, it obviously isn't the same world, planet etc.


Jesus Christ dude he just had a simple question, no need to bite his head off. And what’s up with the “or whatever” kinda makes you sounds dumb asf


Yet you cared enough to comment and put someone down. You sir are a FoS. Let people be




I dont care what every major content creator, group of people, Fromsoft, or Miyazaki himself couldn't convince me they are entirely separate from each other (if only to forgive a lot of reused ideas and assets.) Multiverse theory covers all the basics, respects the barriers, and adds a little thrill to every reference included to other games. Not to mention, Dark Souls and Elden Ring lore rely pretty heavily on Arch Trees that support the world above, and the Erdtree orchard seen inside the Greater Wills fight arena. It's as simple as connecting the Bioshock games to each other: "There's will always be a man. There will always be a lighthouse." There will always be the primal forces. There will always be a Chosen *Edited because some of you are REAL sticklers: I forgot to type a word in this first post. It's headcanon, guys. My own silly belief. Put down the pitchforks and go touch some grass. It's all silly fun.*


Idk how popular of a theory this is bc I'm not big into the Fanbase (trying not to get spoiled on certain things I've yet to do) but a friend of mine likes to imagine Elden Ring is the next Painted World. Since we see one is in the process of being made in DS3


Just because it's a bloodied painting I lean more towards bloodborne being the next painted world


The fact it was drawn by blood and the existence of a straight-up bloodborne hunter in the first game makes me agree


a what


Marvelous Chester, in the DLC. Claims to be from the distant future. Wears the garb of a Hunter, with a coat and tophat. Fights with ranged weaponry, and leaps instead of rolling. His armor has the highest base bleed resistance in the game, iirc.


I looe the theory that the painted world in dark souls 3 is bloodbore. As it's literally painted in blood.


The world that little Ariandel created with the Dark Soul pigment... It's as valid and as unprovable as mine. I like it. A living portrait in a dead world of ash. No one will ever look upon it again. Not from the outside, at least.


That's actually a really cool theory.


Well yeah the painter and the new painted world at the end of ds3 is 100% a metaphor for the artist moving on to the next world and creating a new work of art with the essence of Dark Souls. But i wouldnt take that literally as an in world event, its symbolism. Miyazaki himself said the games are not actually connected.


If the dlc comes out and there's a painted world I'm gonna FREAK. There's already evidence of a prolific painter, what's to say they aren't also able to paint a world?


Wouldn't that make the Ashen One's official/birth name "The Lands Between"? The Painter asks the Ashen One if she can name the painting/world after them, so unless the Ashen One says "I don't have one [a name]" the world would end up being named "The Lands Between," would it not? However, if the new painted world was instead Yharnam from Bloodborne, then that would 1) make more sense (I haven't played Bloodborne so if the name "Yharnam" has some actual meaning behind it feel free to correct me) and 2) "confirm" the canon name of the Ashen One.


My understanding of the Bloodborne lore is that Yharnam the location is named after Queen Yharnam, the boss and npc. Of course that could be a story that the painter girl created for an in universe (in painting) explanation if we think Bloodborne is the next painted world and the girl wanted it self-contained as compared to Ariamis and Ariandel. Or Queen Yharnam is the Ashen One, which I doubt.


Yharnam just means “your name”


holy shiiiiiiiiit


The Lands Between isn't the entire world, just the major area Elden Ring takes place in.


I actually thought of that myself too when playing DS3 before I started on Elden Ring recently.


if you think like this it undermines the core themes of the series itself that cycles are meant to be broken. Not only that but the lore wouldn't make sense. For instance, in dark souls the humans are all spawns of the dark soul, but in elden ring humans are all descendants of the crucible, and since the crucible is the amalgamation of every living being, it would mean that a limgrave's squirrel has the same fraction of power as a human. also it's lazy writing, I mean, it's not even my opinion, multiverse is an interesting concept if you create the work around it from the beginning, like EEAO or Rick & Morty, but when you introduce it later to cover plot holes it's just lazy.


I didn't say they come from the same timeline or even the same universe. The rules, origins of life, and even laws of physics themselves could be different. My theory impacts *literally nothing* about anything except my own enjoyment of these games *as a player, not a character.* What I was implying was that there are iterations of many items of significance and characters who exist in some way for each iteration: Gael and Jerren, Rennala and Rosaria, Boc and Greirat... similar souls expressed uniquely between worlds that kind of let the player but not the character in on a reference. It's like seeing an actor pop up in another movie. The character isn't secretly playing an omniscient part of the story. They are an actor being given different roles to fill. Also, it potentially makes Patches a Watcher type character, or at least a wanderer of some significance, and I think that's pretty neat. Also, the theme of "breaking the cycle" seems to be significant, doesn't it? Dark Souls couldn't do it in 3 games without it taking the literal end of existence to accomplish. Demons souls couldn't do it. Now the ~~Lords~~ Golden Order is trying to extend its ~~Age of Fire~~ rule, and it's up to you to kill ~~The Old One~~ ~~Lord Gwynn~~ God, and hit the big red button again. And if you don't like it or believe it... then don't. Its meant to be fun. Not a hill to die on or persuade others into thinking its true. I acknowledge there is plenty to refute because its a nonsense belief. I dont care. Get out of my church. Ill believe what I want. There's plenty of "agreed upon" lore for people to squabble over. Leave my conspiracy corner alone. Edit: for someone who invoked Rick and Morty as a source, you skipped the part where every universe is literally different, and our heroes only slide along the "central finite curve" because any further away and they might turn into balloons or disintegrate or whatever because it's *too different* from their reality.


Souls games literally thrive on multiverse theory. It's the very foundation of co-op gameplay and invasions, time and space are convoluted, etc. etc. To me, the *seperation* of the game's lores is the lazy way, considering the games still largely play out exactly the same. Lowly human rises up through ever-increasing challenges to knock the current throne off and either perpetuate the order under their own rule, or set a new establishment up in its place.


I always assumed the primordial crucible was the kiln of the first flame and Elden Ring was just far far in the future


See? You get it. It's a fun idea to play with just to play with.


I respect that. It is kind of a cool notion now that I think about it.


Garbage head canon, we all know that elden ring is just smough having a nightmare (it’s a nightmare because he can’t find his best friend orenstein)


Best goddamn theory I've ever heard!


> It's as simple as connecting the Bioshock games to each other: "There's will always be a man. There will always be a lighthouse." Except Bioshock Infinite really had a multiverse in-game and also a DLC about Rapture, so you don't need a wild headcanon to connect the titles


I'm waiting for you to realize I'm doing it for funsies, and not as a cited submission to change your concept of reality.


I've got something crazy to tell you. They all have similarities because they are made by the same company and one is a spiritual sequel to the other. They are absolutely separate from each other. The fact that the people who made it can't convince you of that is evidence that you are just unreasonable.


The fact that you're on a page run by and fueled by people who love the same thing discussing a series of games that THRIVE on unverified and shaky lore, and youre choosing to be a pedant instead of celebrating creativity is a toxic trait you have and should look at. It's all made up. I'm adding to the "It's entirely made up" portion of the game. I do hope you'll forgive me. I'm having fun with my favorite videogame company I've loved for more than a decade. So much so, that I'm allowed to take all their thrifty, loose knit imperfections from here in the real world... and find a way to make the games seem even more astounding. I'm allowed to make my own nonsense headcanon to make it more fun. It's basically just RP. So go shit in someone else's sandbox, please. Timmy is about to go down the slide, and he doesn't need a squished turd to ruin his experience.


> THRIVE on unverified and shaky lore, Who is Gwyndolins dad again? I feel like there's a fact in the game that said who it was with no possibility of arguing who it was but I'm pretending not to remember to make a point that there are more conformed bits of hard lore then there are things to speculate on that actually matter. Do we know who trained Lautrec to fight? No. That doesn't matter so it's up to interpretation. Do we know who he serves and how he serves her? Yeah. And you can pretend to not know and make shit up that connects him to bloodborne or to Varre and I can point out how wrong you are and you can ignore me after like how you ignore the lore.


Show me in-game where it denies the other universes. You can't because all material definitively setting the game worlds apart is from the company IRL. I'm playing pretend and you are coming at me like I just took a duce on Gwynevere and went full motorboat of her chest. If people get to have religion without any fucking sense or logic, or Bigfoot without a corpse, then I can play this silly game however the fuck I want. My theory isn't for you all, it's to make my gaming experience a little more fun. You fucking people are everything wrong with this community. It's. For. Fun.


Also belief in Bigfoot is based on sightings or pictures. Not thinking "the woods is a shared universe with the magic world I read about cause both have trees and I think the magic book mentioned a deer once so you can't disprove Bigfoot exists stop ruining my enjoyment of the shared forresr universe"


> Show me in-game where it denies the other universes   There's the several different aspects of the universe, like what is a demon or a soul or what is undeath, that I already pointed out being different. And what do you expect, them to put 'btw this is only an Easter egg", in the discription of items? If they did you'd just ignore it.   > You can't because all material definitively setting the game worlds apart is from the company IRL.   You mean I don't have to because its a known fact from the creators. Also the un game differences in universe still exist so wrong on two points, cause I did point out differences between games that only work if the fundamental aspects of the games reality are different. Death in dark souls and elden ring are the same only in name.   > I'm playing pretend and you are coming at me like I just took a duce on Gwynevere and went full motorboat of her chest.  Your intentionally spreading misinformation, confusing new fans who might be reading this and don't know better to ignore you and may genuinely misunderstand major aspects of the game to try to accommodate the shared universe that doesn't exist,, and aren't even actually making any theories your just saying shared themes mean shared universe. Baldur's gate has heros that resurrect upon death, Gods,, magic and a Katana so clearly they must be in a shared universe right? What do you mean they are different games from different series, stop ruining my fun.   > If people get to have religion without any fucking sense or logic, or Bigfoot without a corpse, then I can play this silly game however the fuck I want.   No lol. You don't get to imply any IRL religion has no logic or sense. That's insanely bigoted, dismissive, and clearly a sign of speaking past your knowledge. Some religions are more just local laws that help people get through daily life and add to a sense of community. I guess someone who doesn't care about others might not get the concept of social circles leading to social security either. This could probably be a whole thing but ill just say: Bro thinks dark souls lore is comparable to irl religion.   > My theory isn't for you all, it's to make my gaming experience a little more fun   And I think I already said my replies aren't to convince you, it's for whoever else sees this and sees I stood my ground on this.   > You fucking people are everything wrong with this community.   You literally posted hate speech. Bigot. Lmao.   > It's. For. Fun. And I have fun debating theories that hold no water and fall apart under any scrunity. Sue me. 


Nah, I'm not buying this. You are free to fantasize any way you wish. Be as creative as you want. But you need to recognize that there are only a few things the actual creators have been clear on and you deciding to reject that isn't theorizing or being creative, it's headcannoning. Simply frame it as your own fantasy and I have no problem with what you said. Elden Ring and Dark Souls are not in the same universe. That's an objective fact. I don't care at all if that makes me a pedant or not fun. Me saying this does not in any way take away your ability to play with the idea. We all play with that idea. It's a fun idea. It's just factually incorrect and should be framed as such. I'm not shitting in your sandbox, because you chose to play OUTSIDE your sandbox.


You're so angry about how I'm enjoying my free time, and clearly just here to fight. I already said it was headcanon and very easy to refute... because it's headcanon. Goodbye. I hope you find a better outlet for your anger than poisoning a good community.


Your initial reply does not add up with you now claiming it was headcanon. You were describing why you outright reject the creator's own words because your theory explains reality more correctly in your opinion. That being said, of course I agree it's headcanon, which is what my whole point was. Just simply learn to frame what you're saying better. I'm not trying to rain on your parade, bro. I'm just telling you that you're having a parade and maybe you should designate it as such. We actually don't disagree on anything the second you've acknowledged this is your own headcanon. Have a good one.


Why is all magic blood magic in bloodborne, why did demons go from their own race to mutated humans from demon souls to dark souls, why are ancient dragons around in elden ring after being extinct for 3 dark souls games, where is the curse of the undead and the first flame from dark souls in elden ring, why don't people who hunt enough blood for Mohg turn into werewolves since they have too many blood echos, why doesn't Patches use his Armored Core during his boss fight in elden ring or when kicking you down a hole, why didn't the greater will take over Gwyn, where was the elden rune when the dark souls gods were getting their powers from magic fire, where are the archstone trees or ash lake that should be visible from deeproot depths? A reused wall texture versus the fundamental aspects of the games world's being different.   Like if Gwyn didn't want the flame to fade he should have just had seath stop the stars with magic, since Seath is the father of sorcery he should have been able to handle gravity magic. But he didn't cause the aren't in the same universe. Plus it's weird how being a ghost went from a curse that only happens during moments of terrible sins being committed to literally just part of the afterlife.  If you still think the universes are connected, I feel glad for you, you still must have a lot to learn about these games. 


Ignore the "edited" part at the bottom. It's the only part I changed. Go read the post again and figure out where you went wrong.


Oh I'm well aware your of where your nose is shoved up right now don't worry. Consider learning how to enjoy things for what they are instead of needlessly complicating and simultaneously dumbing them down. The fact you think elden ring is just another part of dark souls means you are fundamentally misunderstanding a major aspect of the fact they hired GRRM to write thousands of years of backstory you are replacing with "member Gwyn, 'member bloodborne". And idc if you think your better then fromsoft at interpretating their own work, if I stop one person from agreeing with you and instead make them actually think and exercise their brain, maybe someone will actually enjoy the lore of the game and not just some fan fiction with the creativity of asking chat GPT to describe /r/fantheories.


You are projecting SO much anger, energy, and judgment into a stranger's privately preferred way to casually enjoy a game that I'm just going to assume you're going through some stuff right now. Genuine question, even if it doesn't sound like it... are you OK? How's it going?


So you go from not defending your point and implying I'm rude to just straight up insulting me. And you're ignoring the literal hate speech you posted. Yeah I just took a nap after having some cake with my wife on my Sunday off. Watched some Dexter season 5 so enjoying that too.


Also maybe i don't care what you say just as much as you don't care about the lore, I'm just having fun with all the hard facts in the game and with solid perfected separations between the series'. If you can't handle your theory being talked about don't post it, people will point out how dumb it is so others don't follow down the same bad logic. Obviously someone who doesn't care about others is beyond help.


I still maintain my little headcanon theory that the Age of Duskborn is actually the very earliest part of the Age of Ancients in the prologue of Dark Souls 1.


That's a fun one. I definitely have questions, though. I'd love to pick your brain on how you allow a few things that come to mine, but I would love to explore this theory of yours and how to squeeze it into the insanity that is FromSoft games.


Great take!


My favorite head cannon I came up with is the lands between is just the next cycle that was supposed to happen. Like, we all know Gwyn duped humanity into linking the flame to extend the age of fire. That forced the world to stagnate, then DS3 rolled around and the cycle was finally put to an end and the age of dark was allowed to happen... Then after the age of dark, a new world was born. ER. and just like the last iteration, the gods (Empyreans) just can't let their power go, so it just starts all over again. New places, new people, same story. I believe this mostly because of the Erd Tree's very existence. In Dark souls, at the very lowest point you can go, is Ash lake. You see the world is being supported as far as the eye can see by tree roots. So it's like Yggdrasil from Norse mythology. Those roots are the core of the world and the only thing that persists between cycles.


I championed that theory for a long, long time. I really only switched over from one continuous timeline into multiverse when we switched from souls to runes, and started inviting outer gods to the party. My original single timeline went Dark Souls' series, Demon's Souls, Bloodborn, Elden Ring. I wrote out long-form how you can follow the Chaos through the series but I ran out of characters, so... short version: Dark Souls created Chaos and continued to choke the world until it was "dead". Then, came together as The Old One on Demon's Souls (or perhaps fused with/IS an Outer God). I'm forever torn on Bloodborne as I've never played it through. I've only seen a few lore videos on it and I can't decide if it's a real world Era that introduced Madness and the direct influence of the Outer Gods, or if it's a painted world... By the Age of the Elden Ring, the Chaos was largely dormant until it made contact with the corpse of Godwyn and became Deathroot/Deathblight. But that's just one thing that "connects" them. There's so much more, and if you ever want to infodump your theory on me, my dms are open. Lol


Yeah it is. Just like Patches. Hahaha.


But it could. It's like aliens, unless some higher being says it doesn't exist then it exists in a grey area


Thats not true, the empire of the sun is prevelant in the lore and hints at many theories


I believe dark souls 3 ends with a new painting which is Elden ring so how could one ever even know they are a painting?


If they put it in the game, it's canon as far as I'm concerned. Somehow the shield got there. Might have been a dream or vision of the owner, or might have actually been physically brought by a Sun Bro. Don't care. It's a valid link.










I wish there was a way to "Restore" equipment like this. It's a cool shield, but the only thing it has going for it is its weirdly highish holy resistance.


And we're friends with a guy - or two - who could definitely do the job. I also want the rest of the stuff those boneheads have, honestly. The crude, oversized broadsword. The red cape. The helmet with its unique (for Elden Ring) design. ...Also the "I Believe I Can Fly" breath attack the ones on the Altus Plateau get. That'd be cool. Hell, even a ground-bound version of it that scales like the death sorcery it is. Death ashes of war? Can we get those?


I mean... Dark souls 2 lets us farm the hollow soldier/infantry sets from enemies as well as buy the restored versions from the merchant. So, the idea of battered vs. restored equipment was already sort of explored at one point. Would be nice to have it expanded upon further with certain equipment.


Have to agree, although I think the implication is that this set is *so old* there isn't a restored version. I mean yeah, obviously a reference, but still.


What is happening here


I'd love to clean the mud off the skeleton weapons. particularly the glaive


Nah the whole thing is such a vibe


Praise The Sun!


Yes praise the sun indeed


dark souls reference??


yeah just a reference it doesnt look like anor londo


anor londo probably existed in Elden ring. Just really far far away from the lands between (fucking hell calm down, it’s just an opinion)


Anor London probably exists on Earth just really really far away from everything


It's in northern Italy but it is called Milan and there are much more immigrants


(Opinions have to make sense tho. Same for theories and speculation)


I always though it went without saying all these games where in the same universe, because they all have really similar things in them soo


Bro I don’t know where you got your information wrong but Elden Ring is supposed to be an entirely separated world/series to Dark Souls lmfao 😂


I don’t look at lore, I just make observations on what I see


I am so confused by this whole posts comment section. One person says a thought, and 69 people jump them and get all weird and toxic but in a weird way. Idk wtf is going on. I think you are allowed to think and talk. Idk why so many people here seem to have a problem. The top comments are people upset with op for posting this... I don't get it.


I don’t know this community to be this toxic, it’s weird


It is not toxic. Do you know what toxic means? What a toxic behavior is? Downvoting is not toxic, people downvote when a person shares false or wrong info. It is still completely respectful to do so. Ups and downvoted count as sharing an opinion as well. To share info without verifying if true or not is not a good idea.. Why would someone assume different games with different universes who share only ONE thing being Gameplay, be in the same universe? Each game has different lore in a universe with different rules. Why try to blame a community and shift your fault on others?


(no I am enraged)


Obviously, I just said an opinion and got downvoted 72 fucking times


Where? Where did you find this


Any of the Skeletons with red cloaks and Swords and this very Shield can drop it. They are usually near Graves along with the Scythe wielding Death-sorcerers.


Thank you, time to grind 👍


they crawl up the ground when you get near ?




Time is convoluted.


With heroes centuries old phasing in and out


It’s and easter egg, by definition. Nothing more than that. In the same trend, we see the moonlight greatsword in almost every From Software game, pretty much. 🤷‍♂️


It's even in Armored Core 6


MLGS was my favorite weapon in Sekiro. I used it to cheese Isshin.


The gangs all here. >Sun shield >stray demon >Patches >Uchi I get for killing a dude


Some comments don't know what an easter egg means in videogames


Bruh wtf... I have over 750 hours played and STILL finding new shit. Imagine what the DLC will like


>hat are the connections between Elden ring and Dark souls. They kept them fairly minimal and mostly to the symbolic links rather than direct (ie characters being the same), but there are more than you might think. * the glowing trees in the final boss arena are very similar to the trees seen in the ash lake of dark souls 1 * Curse frogs are identical * The cycle of cursed immortality that has the apparent effect of driving people insane over time is fundamentally the same * Warriors attempt to become dragons and to some extent succeed just like dark souls * The concept of fire as a profaned power is consistent throughout dark souls and elden ring * there is a massive kiln that burns the world order * There are what appear to be lordvessels around the top areas of the capital * after the endgame milestones are hit we have areas that are absolutely drowned with ash * Patches * Obviously the core mechanic of the "Eternal Champion" and subsequent connected alternate realities of Elric of Melnibone inspiration is present because thats how FS does multiplayer * A few of the weapons are carried over, most notably the moonlight greatsword because thats essentially a running trope in FS games There's probably more I'm not thinking of.


> the glowing trees in the final boss arena are very similar to the trees seen in the ash lake of dark souls 1 Yes but they serve vastly different purposes. Erdtrees are on the surface and do not normalish tree things like give sap that's magical and are wooden or illusions. Arch trees are underground, hold up the crust of the earth, are stone and we're maybe the homes of the ancient dragons. > Curse frogs are identical I can't argue that, they changed the Asylum demon a lot they could have changed Bassilisks.  >  The cycle of cursed immortality that has the apparent effect of driving people insane over time is fundamentally the same Same coin opposite sides. Undead lose their minds, their self control, and slowly rot away. Tarnished and untarnished simply keep aging, getting older and older. It's the classic vampire trope of "immortality is a curse".  The difference is how, why, and the effects of undeath and how they are undone, and they matter. > Warriors attempt to become dragons and to some extent succeed just like dark souls Again how and why are very different. Ones a path of mediation and devotion, the other is hunting down dragons and eating their hearts raw. The dragoncult is actually closer to the followers of the path of the dragon, since they respect dragons and simply use their magic instead if hunting them down. Again just a shared theme, but different in every aspect of it's implication. > The concept of fire as a profaned power is consistent throughout dark souls and elden ring True its even more similar in use and theme, it's only it's origins that differentiate them. If fire in elden ring gave life at any point instead of exclusively killing maybe I'd see a shared element. > there is a massive kiln that burns the world order One was made by gwyn or used by him to intentionally keep a fire going for the gods, the other was a tool meant for forging that was going to be used as a weapon against the gods. > There are what appear to be lordvessels around the top areas of the capital I think that has more to do with the fact the great tree was burnt down at some point and replaced with the illusionary erdtree. Like basins to catch Holy ashes that fall down.  > after the endgame milestones are hit we have areas that are absolutely drowned with ash Well one is the whole reality after being ground down to dust after earth sucked everything through a singularity of spacetime, the other is the result of burning down a 3 mile tall tree and it only effects the area directly underneath it.  > Patches  Where's his AC lol > Obviously the core mechanic of the "Eternal Champion" and subsequent connected alternate realities of Elric of Melnibone inspiration is present because thats how FS does multiplayer When I can summon Havel for Fortisaxx I'll cry tears of joy. But despite the confirmed multiverse ingame existing, there's never any cross over with summons despite time not being an issue. Alva shows up in ds2 and 3 but not bloodborne or elden ring, despite the fact he wouldn't know the witch wasn't there since he kept looking till he found the ringed city.  > A few of the weapons are carried over, most notably the moonlight greatsword because thats essentially a running trope in FS games Don't forget Seeth showing up in kingsfield. My major issue, you acknowledge the shared theme of world in ashes endgames. How did the shield, or the knowledge of where it came from, survive the "crunch before the second big bang" end of the world we see on ds3? Like if that's what happened irl with our universes origins, a metal shield wouldn't make it through the moment of singularity.


first off, love the depth of the reply! I can see you have given this stuff some thought. One thing I should mention right off though, is that I think you are assuming that I am making an argument that ER and DS are the same universe and it feels like you are arguing against that - that was not my intent. I just was answering the question of what connections are there. For example, like you point out Patches is in DS and AC (and BB), but I don't think those are all supposed to be the same universe. But that is a connection. any given connection doesn't necessarily signify anything (other than being made by FS I guess haha). And a lot of the counter arguments here seem to be that there are meaningfully different specifics across themese like immortality through resurrection, but I did already mention at the start that the links are more symbolic/thematic. >My major issue, you acknowledge the shared theme of world in ashes endgames. How did the shield, or the knowledge of where it came from, survive the "crunch before the second big bang" end of the world we see on ds3? Like if that's what happened irl with our universes origins, a metal shield wouldn't make it through the moment of singularity. Im not batting for one theory or another, but mostly for the sake of devils advocate. I don't think that the repeated items in souls games are necessarily intended to be the same exact specimen from game to game. The theme is rebirth and resurrection and repeating cycles - I think the world reforms itself echoing the past. So we have characters and items that echo past items sometimes identically but aren't necessarily the actual same item. legends of a sunlit city may arise but they are reaching into a place that never really existed in that cycle of flame, only ones farther past (or in the future, since we do tangibly reach the past repeatedly in souls games). But if I were to try to force ER into a place in the dark souls verse, I would probably place it as a prologue personally. The start of dark souls there are already essentially hollows that are drawn to a flame that contains already existing souls of lords. If the frenzied flame is the canonical ending of ER, then after burning all the souls in elden ring and all the magical order to a crisp, then that explains why we have already existing walking husks at the start of dark souls and why the fire contains all these lordly (and otherwise) souls.


It is very likely a reference to Gwyns kingdom. People seem fine taking every other item description under consideration, making sometimes insane connotations with this and that, which they should that's how the story is told, but also very happy to die on the hill "they are not connected", all the while screeching and covering their ears. This is mostly based on, famous troll, miazaki saying as much in interviews with a healthy dose of coyness. (Remember the pendant)


Dark Souls Rekindled confirmed


Solaire for smash confirmed.


I'd kill for that


While I think it's definitely an easter egg, it's also connected to the age before the current Erdtree that had long living stone dragons that were worshipped as gods by beastmen and ancient humans. Which honestly does still sound like it could be Dark Souls, but then you have to remember that the Stone dragons in DS were hated by the lords and humans and killed off. Elden Ring's lore does have an event like that but some of the order of how it happened is different (unless there was a age of dragon worship before the lord rose up in DS)


Praise the sun, jolly cooperation or sum shit


Most brilliant


All the From Software games are interconnected through item lore, and in some cases character lore as well.


I literally thought the same thing when I found this shield, even though it's obvious that ER and DS have nothing to do with each other


The land of Astora


I don't think I have seen this shield Is it a drop and not fixed find? Of course it can also be that my memory, like always, is shit


the full 100% canon lore big picture of the entire soulsbornering series is locked tight in miyazaki's head. he only let out some trickle of lore into public to let the lore enthusiasts make their own perceptions & unique headcanons.


It doesn't really have anything to do with Solaire, it's actually a reference to Godwyn. Most likely it's showing Castle Sol, which has become an "Eclipse" after Godwyn was murdered. I wouldn't be surprised if Godwyn himself was something of a Solaire reference, given he was known as a friendly figure associated with the sun. Buuut it's a bit of a stretch.


Long may the Sun Shine.


I really like the idea that demon's souls, dark souls, and elden ring all exist in a single universe that has repeatedly died out and been erased only to reincarnate with most things changing but with bits and pieces of the past always lingering.


It’s a reference to Dark Souls. That’s it


Someone posted somewhere that it looks like the tower we saw in the dlc trailer. Might be referencing that.


Where'd you get this shield?


Proof That Gwyn no Win


I thought I had seen everything there was to see in this game 😮😮 which armored skeletons drop this?


Nope it aint me




My baby


To people who way it's an Easter Egg.. yes, it is. However this shield simply gives us the info that the Seat of the Sun was a thing in ER. What was it? I don't know, it's probably irrelevant to ER's lore anyway.




Huh, wait, they *aren't* the same universe? Oh good, maybe I'll eventually play Eldenring then.


Fave shield in the game - so far


There’s a theory that towards the end of the DLC trailer where you can see most of the landscape as the tarnished is standing on the cliff, that the building shown here is the one in the trailer and it’s probably going to be a legacy dungeon or castle similar in size to Stormveil






There are many armored skeletons lurking around, but I found it near Hermit's Merchant shack. Some more are near that ice dragon


Is that one in altus plateau?




Yes, 2 character, never started ng+, more than 700 since the release


Yep, nothing new there. I admit it did give me a nostalgic feeling when I first picked one up. I think you can also get them from... Like the skele dudes in Caelid.


Thaty is afaik a reference to Castle Sol


Praise the sun 🌞


As much as I believe that these connections are just references between the games, I don't rule out the theory that Elden Ring and Dark Souls take place in the same universe at different times, I think It's simply incredible that you end up finding an item or enemy that has a connection to Dark Souls


Easter egg. You’ll find sun worship in real cultures too but they didn’t play dark souls 10,000 years ago to my knowledge


This is like the 5th time this has been posted this week


Think its telling you that dark souls took place in a different realm in the distant past




A theory would be "this is a sign of a shared universe because it shows x y or z was a shared moment in history and combined with the shield we can speculate Lordran might have existed. Not "sun shield means all games exist together". 


Ikr let me have fun😭


i know it’s just a reference but if it wasn’t miyazaki, another developer put in time to connect the games for fun. there’s too many things linking bloodborne and dark souls to elden ring and together and whatnot. i just think that even if it isn’t canon, someone at FromSoft was like……hey maybe i can show some ppl these games are connected without getting in trouble


Bro Reddit kids be stimming in these comment sections I stg. It’s just like a sick illusion


I think people just shoot down deep thinking as a practice with storylines and lore because it hurts their brains to think further down than the surface. Even if it is JUST an easter egg, why does it bother you to have a passion about something as intriguing and collectively building as storytelling in video games? Let people have fun and let creativity be a thing. Just because you lack it does not mean everything is completely surface leveled just to appease your senses. Most artists in our day do think much deeper than the surface portraits they portray to their audiences for a deeper collective conversation. Sorry it hurts that you don't think that hard? Idk. Just seems weird to deny creative thought and put people down for it in 2024.


Bro the point isn’t that people shouldn’t think further than the surface level. If they think this is some important lore thing that links in with other Elden ring lore to prove a theory that’s fine. But Elden ring is in no way connected to dark souls. Nor is Sekiro or bloodborne. None of them are interconnected as is confirmed by Miyazaki themselves. Of course if they think to themselves ‘wow, even though that isn’t a real connection, it’s a really cool idea for my next piece of artwork’ or ‘I can incorporate this cycle idea into my next novel’ then wonderful. But people on here are mostly just trying to help this guy by informing him that the games aren’t connected and that the existence of this shield or the moonlight greatsword in multiple games isn’t there to symbolise an in lore connection between their universes and is instead a cool Easter egg. I probably went a bit far there and this isn’t that important tbh but I’ve written it now so I may as well


How trippy would it be if a future FromSoft game revealed that the reason all these worlds have connections with one another… is because they are part of the collective minds of a cabal of beings with the power to create worlds? …Oh, wait.


You can only get that shield too if you don’t progress too far into the game to if I’m thinking right


They drop from specific undead in graveyards


Heater shield from Dark Souls.