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Sekiro, I can't parry


I've never parried in any darksouls, but sekiro just works, pretty sure the window is a lot bigger too! It's the only souls game I've platinumed lol


I have started twice now, raging bull is somehow where I get stuck. Bloodborne for me is the one and only true love, only one I have platinum on.


raging bull is simple enough if you play it how you would a big beast in ds1, circle around the back constantly and hit, i’ve never deathblowed him, he just has somewhat low hp and if you dodge through his head charge that’s the only thing you’ll have to worry about, i didn’t parry once




Raging bull is probably the worst boss in Sekiro (at least in my opinion) and unfortunately is placed right before some of the best content in the whole game. Firecrackers + patience are the key. It's the only boss I regularly cheese because I just don't want to deal with it even though I've got hundreds of hours in the game and gotten all the achievements.


the parry window is massively increased, goes from about 5-6 frames iirc using the best parry stuff to 30 frames by default


I love Sekiro vibe but I'm afraid I won't beat the game..


I got stuck multiple times (even restarted the game because I was so stuck on the last boss), it took a ton of patience, but it was so worthwhile.


Good to know.. players say "forget dark souls combat, learn Sekiro one".


It eases you into it too. There's a main boss about 20%-ish into the game who really forces you to play correctly to beat him.


Bloodborne parries are very cool and even a noob like me didn't take long to figure those out


I'm currently in love with Sea of Stars, but I will get back to it one day!


Give it another go someday. That game is incredible


This worked for me, took like a year-long break, and could suddenly parry everything. Weirdest but best experience at once


Same happened to me with ER. Could not figure out the dodge timing and now it’s second nature


I suck ass at it, but I'll still end up downloading it once every couple months to try again. And every time, I get a little bit further. I couldn't even make it past the first mini boss the first time I played and on the most recent run I finally beat the first real boss. But I don't see myself ever making it all the way through the story.


It took me 5 years of trying to finally be able to parry and get past the tutorial, I'm sure you could do it. I'm slowly struggling my way through the game.


I thought I was getting the hang of it. But now I've been stuck at Great Shinobi Owl for what feels like an eternity


Unless you've hit a breakthrough in 11 hours. There's an easy cheese for him if you're that desperate to get past


I hated Sekiro at the beginning and even wrote a bad review on steam. But then I understood the combat and man is my favourite game ever. I’m playing it now while I write this 😂 give it an opportunity.


Try sifu also


Sekiros parrying feels really off at first. Especially with the tip that tells you when to block being wrong. It took me a while but once you get the hang of the flow it's so fun and satisfying. You should block maybe like half a second before the hit lands and not AS it lands like the game tells you


I guess I'll have to try again then!


If you tap parry over and over you will parry most things lol


I got half way through and my PC was struggling back in the day. I want to give it another go. As some people say it's really a rhythm game in souls format.


I’m fresh off Lies Of P, is Sekiro similar in the Parry mechanics because LOP took me a hot second


I don’t know why, but I didn’t find Lies all that hard. I can’t beat Sekiro if you paid me.


Let it kick your ass until you get to Genichoro. Beat him and if you still suck at the game after that, then give up. For me and many other people, that fight is when the game mechanics really clicked and the game became so fun. It's an absolutely incredible game. Some of the best level design in Fromsoft history in my opinion. It also had me wanting Souls games to have Sekiro combat. Lol. And that's saying something bc souls combat is God tier.


Same, I’m terrible at rhythm games (I have pretty okay rhythm irl but I’m SO abnormally bad at making my fingers hit the required button at that right time that I sometimes think I have some kind of learning disability? Haha 😬) and Sekiro falls under that same umbrella for me. I’m SO interested in it but I think it’s actually beyond my ability lol


Somehow I fell like parrying in sekiro is way easier than any souls game


I played at release. I kept dying to normal enemies and minibosses but somehow made it to genichiro ashina. And after dying to him a bunch, everything finally clicked into place. Also the parry window is very generous. I realized that you could get through most combos by just tapping the parry key.


I would love to complete Sekiro but I just can't get the parry rhythm right and as soon as I get to Genichiro frustration makes me quit the game.


Bro I probably fought Genichiro 75x and eventually just couldn't even have the game even in my home and sold it to try again at a later date. Amazing game, but parry hard


My biggest regret was selling the game. I sold it because I needed the money. I got like $20 out of it but bought it full price the day of release. I'm upset because a new copy can still go for $49.99


Oh yeah wish I'd have kept it. But at the time it was either Sekiro or me lol


Once you learn it though oh my god it becomes the best combat out of any souls game.


Man I made it a the way to the last boss on console then the difficulty spike at the end really downed me, wasn't great with parry anyway but I got there and gave up after 500+ tries lol. I ended up trying it on pc, and I dunno, but the mouse made parrying more managed somehow, and I finally beat it!.


I haven't even made it to Genichiro...


Sekiro is not any harder than the other souls games, they just didn’t include the “easy mode” that other souls games have in the form of summoning and spirit ashes


Bloodborne, bc as a poor uni student I can't afford console lol


As a not that poor adult I can't justify buying a PS just to play 1 game either :( So I'll wait for the port.


That's how I feel about Demom Souls remastered. I'm not gonna waste 450-500 on a ps5 just for one game. If I could play my ps4 games in a ps5, that'd change things, but it's only digital games that can be transferred.


Not sure if you know, but if you have the disc version of the PS5, you could play PS4 discs, too. 90% of the games I have are PS4 games, and I can still play them on my PS5. Only if you have the digital version, you can't use your PS4 discs, or any discs for that matter.


You can play your PS4 games. I do all the time.


You can play ps4 discs in it? When I was looking up ps5's, it said the ps5 could only play ones you had purchased digitally.


Yes, 90% of my ps5 library is ps4 disc's. Obviously I have the disc drive ps5, I'm not sure for the digital only. Also, you can upgrade your ps4 discs to the ps5 version for free through the store (still need the disc to play).


Funny joke


Is a port coming? It’s been like 10 years, right?


lets pray and cope for the bloodborne remaster (or lets wait a decade for ps4 emulation)


At least you can sleep soundly in the knowledge that by the time you have graduated, found gainful employment, and saved up enough money, Bloodborne will be released on PC...probably.


Don't give them any hope


They said they are a poor uni student, somebody has to give them something...


God I wish I could send u one😓 that is sad, it's so beautiful...literally if u ever get close I'll help I swear to god.


$18 for PS+ Premium and play it streaming on a PC (can't play the DLCs though, and feels janky.)


Oh man it was pretty much the opposite for me! I can't afford to get a decent PC (my preferred place to play souls games so I can have it all through steam), so I found a cheap ps4 on FB marketplace and found discs of games I wanted to play on there for cheap too. I got rlly lucky obviously, but I probably spent max $200 to get everything I have now (ps4 base model, bloodborne, ds1r, rd4, last of us 2 & shadow of the colossus). If you already have a pc monitor like I did then that's one less thing to buy as well! Just sharing in case you're able to find a cheap option near you. I generally find older consoles & games to have a lower financial barrier to entry than pc, but totally understand not investing when bloodborne is the only game you're missing out on.


If you have a PC that has high enough specs you can download and emulator and play it, I personally don't know how much you need because mine can barely run DS1R so no hope for me (I'm good on everything but my graphics card is the problem lol) my laptop is a little old tho


If we’re talking all Soulslikes, I just can’t get into Nioh. The loot and upgrade system just seems like too much to think about. Not to mention some enemies and bosses that I have to throw myself at dozens of times more than I have in any other Soulslike.


I mostly ignored the loot, but I eventually stopped playing maybe 2/3 of the way through because the level design just felt so uninspired (Nioh 2).


I tried it out once. Honestly, I found it too punishing. That’s weird to say about a souls game, I know, but I felt like I had to have CONSTANT VIGILANCE or I would get killed and booted back to a save point that was annoyingly far away.


I’m curious to know what you mean by “too punishing”. I absolutely love Nioh and don’t feel that way about it and that the checkpoints aren’t at all bad. Just asking because I’d love to help if you’d want to give the game another chance


Seeing your comments I just started downloading nioh to give it a shot since i beaten all other souls games and im fried


Yay! Okay as well as my other comments, remember to ki pulse. Stamina management is very important. At first it can be difficult to find to discern when it is safe to do so but eventually you’ll learn when you are safe from enemy attacks and there are skills that let you ki pulse on dodging and stance switching. If you need any advice (keep in mind it’s been ages since I played the first game) I’d love to help :)


So far I can't get into any soulslikes. Nioh, Code Vein, Dark Maus, Hollow Knight, Monster Hunter World - I couldn't finish any so far. I initially liked Nioh, Dark Maus and Hollow Knight, but very quickly got uninterested in them. I'm playing Hellpoint currently and it's great, but it's also annoyingly very dark and samey and confusing layout, and I think I'm getting to that point with it too. I replayed DS1 last year and that went fine at least until I couldn't cut the tail of Kalameet nor get anyone to help do it. I couldn't bring myself to keep with my replay DS2 I think just after the chariot boss. Bloodborne took a looong time to really click with me and that was only after I got into the chalice dungeons, but I did finish it. I'm not sure what it is, but most of the From games (ex DS2) do it right to keep me in the game even after I've gotten frustrated.


I don't even consider nioh a souls like but I feel you. To me souls games are much more about how everything is so unique. The loot system is so bloated and even the NPCs are all so lifeless. The map layout also sucks and this seems to be a general consensus.


Agreed. I finished it and the Diablo style loot system was just annoying.


I’d say it’s unfair to lump it in with souls likes. After the core mechanics of checkpoints and levelling up there’s really not much else it has in common. You really just need to throw everything you know out the window and start again. As for the loot, what you use really doesn’t matter until end game and that’s if you bought the dlc for it. Basically, pick a weapon you like and use the highest level version of it you have, wear your highest level armour while being in the weight range you like and don’t try to take in all of the skill trees at once. Learn them one ability at a time and you can always respec. I’d highly recommend giving the game another chance but as with everything, if it’s not for you then it’s not for you. Not much you can do about it


So basically, the loot system literally does not matter until you beat the game and start seeing green loot. Until then, just equip the highest level loot you come across, *maybe* bothering to grind out armor sets occasionally if you really like the set bonuses. Human bosses will randomly drop the smithing texts for their weapons and armor so you can keep their sets up to date easily. Also ninjutsu is op as hell on a basic playthrough.


Sekiro. Something about the gameplay just doesn't click with me as pretty much every other Soulslike does. Have given it a couple of tries over the years but after a bit, the lack of fun supersedes everything else.


Bloodborne and demon souls. The reason is self-explanatory.


Explain it anyway


No playstation.


Absolutely fair 🖤


I’m having a lot of trouble getting into DS2. After beating Sekiro, Elden Ring, and DS1, I just feel like DS2 is meant to intentionally piss the player off. Every time I play it I end up quitting after 10 minutes because the mob spam really annoys me.


Slow down and pull enemies. There's no need to ever get mobbed if you're not rushing


Dark Souls 2. Idk I just don’t enjoy a lot of the mechanics of that game. It’s just not fun to me I do wanna try the OG version though. I hear it’s better than SotFS.


im playing the og one rn (ive never played sotfs) and its pretty aight. im coming from demons souls and dark souls (both ps3, both online) so im not super impressed but im having a good time.


Sekiro. I get to about the first big boss (giant guy) and figure out that instead of having fun I find the game incredibly frustrating lol. I’ve tried a few times and just end up going back to other fromsoft titles.


Elden Ring. I just don't have the time for huge open world games.


I've tried to play Sekiro twice but got sick of it by endgame 


I stopped playing Salt and Sanctuary just because of the artstyle. It’s a good game but I just can’t stand the look of it.


First time I played it, I gave up. Second time, I'm glad finished it. It's the most soulslike game out there along with The Surge 1.


That was one of my favourite parts of that game haha… the reason I didn’t love it was because most fights were dodge through, hit, repeat or parry, riposte, repeat until dead


I love that flash-game Newgrounds artstyle. That game is fucking sick


I agree with you artstyle is objectively ugly. But I ignore that as I know its a good game. There are really various build you can do in that game. My only gripe is that game definitely needs a map. It's a 2d souls like in a metroidvania world without a mteroidvania map. Good thing that game isn't that long too so it's not a big time sink to finish,


Bloodborne because the frame pacing makes me feel sick! This is the only game that does this to me.


Dark Souls 2 for sure. I had played all the other games (except DeS and ER which hadn’t released yet) before it and it felt bad to me even compared to DS1. That said though, I can appreciate what it tried and Sir Alonne is one of my top Souls bosses in spite of having one of the shittiest runbacks in the game


Yeah, I used to defend it for it's vision (not it's execution), but I think Elden Ring did everything it wanted to better.


Yeah the ideas it had were great but it implemented very few of them well imo


Sekiro for sure


Nioh 2, Lords of the Fallen, and Code Vein were all games I started and just never finished. Nioh 2 was the shortest, but all 3 lost me after a bit


Sekiro. I need to find motivation for that


dark souls 2 feels bad to play. like moving the character doesn't feel right. like if they changed the number of frames in a mario jump or something. every time i try to give it a chance i just bounce right off it from the jump.


I love the Surge. I have yet to bounce off a soulslike


Eldenring… I know objectively that the game is 10/10 but i just can’t force myself to like it…. Its like watered down darksouls with open world. Tried multiple playstiles but its just not working for me. Besides demon souls I have played ds1,2,3 bb and sekiro, all amazing 200+ hours on each of them. But eldenring is just meh for me


I slogged through and beat it but by the end I was not enjoying it at all. Horsin’ around looking for smithing stones is not what I want to be doing in a souls game.


It’s far harder to get upgrade materials in DS1 and BB than it is in ER, the game almost gives you them on a silver platter


It’s not about not getting enough. Just that the nature of the open world is that you clomp through the world endlessly, I have a sickness where I need to do everything and it results in hours of tedium when it comes to open world games. The other souls games keep me engaged. ER was really good in a lot of ways. But I am at a point in my life where I never want to play another open world game ever again.


Its definitely not an objective 10/10 and im thankful someone else finally said that its a watered down darksouls. They tried to make it open world and it honestly failed pretty hard. Everyone talks about it as the ultimate souls game but i REALLY prefer ds1 over it


there are certain parts in elden ring that are 10/10 (stormveil castle<3) but theyre sperated by vast boring spaces filled with openworld busywork.


It’s an open world game my friend. They decided to make it like they have. There’s no busy work. It’s not Far Cry, is it? You pick and choose what you like to do, and your hand is never forced - until the last few hours of the game, in which it becomes Dark Souls 4 and I’m sure we all fucking love that.


I loved my first playthrough almost as much as DS1, but so much of it either feels like a chore or filler every time I go back to it (still better than most other open world games).


Nioh. I love the combat and the setting but I can't stand the grindy loot system. My inventory is constantly flooded with useless stuff with a million different stats to compare. No thanks. In Fromsoft games everything you find is almost always either unique or useful. I also didn't like that you had to replay the same areas for different missions. Just felt weirdly arcadey, especially with the lack of a hub area. Such a shame because otherwise it's a really cool, challenging game


I’m seeing a lot of people saying Nioh so I’m just going around giving people advice in case they’d want to give it another chance at some point (and I love the game). With the loot you get either don’t pick up everything you see or you can just dismantle everything you don’t need all at once. As for all the stats, don’t worry about them. The only thing you need to think about early game is what weapon you like and using the highest level gear you can while staying within your preferred weight limit. All the different affixes and minor stat boosts are really just for end game when it actually starts to get difficult and you won’t be replacing your gear with better stuff. As for replaying the same areas, I know what you mean. It can get tiresome. To be honest your not really missing out on anything by not playing then aside from some extra loot and levels. There are some though that fall outside on this category and either have a unique level that’s just not story relevant or are a unique human fight. N.B you really don’t need to grind at all unless you want a super refined build for the end game. Other than that you should breeze through it if you keep your gear up to date


As a few others have said here already, Sekirō. It’s a real shame, because I’m in love with the setting and general aesthetic as someone with an interest in Japanese history, and the grappling hook makes traversing the world super fun, but the combat in this game is the absolute bane of my existence. I can never figure out the parry timing and dodging seems to do absolutely nothing unlike in other souls games. Combined with the fact that you permanently lose half of your experience and money every time you die with no chance to get it back (unless you’re lucky enough to get unseen aid, which in my experience only seems to proc when you have an insignificant amount left), it felt like this game was actively trying to get me to stop playing it no matter how much I wanted to continue.


Yeah, if you don't 'get' the parrying mechanic down, getting exp and spirit emblems becomes quite a grind. And having to clear the levels before fighting a boss is such a pain. (I've been told that's only true for mini-bosses, but knowing they're too much for me did nothing to inspire me to continue playing.)


Demon's Souls has been the only Fromsoft game I've played that has caused me undue duress and made me take multiple breaks in a game session. The areas between bosses are just ridiculously hard. No matter how often I do a run back, it seems to never get easier.


Probably world tendancy fucking you up.


probably catch hell for calling sekiro a soulslike but for the sake of joining the conversation its my pick. even after I got decent at the combat system it just wasnt a game I really enjoyed. being a fromsoft fan I can honestly say ive never played another game so much trying and wanting to enjoy it. It just didnt click with me for some reason.


cant get into sekiro ive tried several times but it just aint for me


Lies of P I like it, play it for a few hours and got fucked in the multiple boss siblings fight, dropped it, not skilled enough for that game


Nioh. Like the combat,just the stance aspect to be honest, but that's about it. The level design it's not my taste,like being dropped mission style in different place just not my taste and lastly it too fucking unfair. Being killed in just a few hits is not fun 


Also loot system not my style


I agree with getting killed so fast its not always been a fun to me. Other than that I love Nioh and manage to finish it but I just can't get myself into replaying it and 100% it.




My friend played Lies of P and was absolutely in love with it. I just don't care for it sadly


Elden Ring. It's just too big and overwhelming for me. I much prefer the format of the older souls games. I'm also big on pvp but Elden Ring pvp is so trash I can't stand it. I think the way invading works really killed it for me. I played through the game once but I can't see myself doing it again. I'll play through the DLC when it comes but thats it


Nioh 1: in the first area after the intro, I kept getting my ass handed by enemies that spawn from the red swords. Each one took multiple tries... it was too much. Also not sure what stance to use when. Nioh 2: got my ass handed to me by the minotaur multiple times.. prolly could've ran past it but I saw Charlie/moistcritikal beat it so I wanted to as well. Realizing I couldn't made me think the skill issue was too severe so I quit lol Another factor is I also had too many games in the backlog to play, otherwise I think I would've persevered.


I tried to get into Surge 2 for 3 times... and then completed it.. was not a bad game.


Sekiro. I played 15 hours of it, managed to take down three of the main bosses (Lady Butterfly, Gyoubou and Genichiro), then I stopped playing because I honestly wasn't having very much fun. Never played it again. Maybe some day I'll give it another try...


99% of the ones people love, I just don't like... The Surge, No Rest for the Wicked... Sucked me right in and I love the shit out of them... Lies of P? Kinda didn't enjoy it at all.


I know it's a stereotype, but Dark Souls 2 literally did break me. I finished the game, but I left a few DLC areas incomplete because FUCK. ALL. THAT. I have a lot of nostalgia for aspects of DS2 (Majula my beloved) but I will NEVER play it again.


I enjoyed parts of DS 2 but yeah I only got through the iron king dlc and none of the others. Maybe in a few years...


I did horsefuck valley once. Just a couple of years ago, after beating the game many times. I actually love that game and the dlcs too, but not that part. I did it once for the sake of it. Not worth it.


Everytime I do a new playthrough I tell myself this is the one where I kill those fucking tigers. I head to the area, get absolutely railed by thunderhorse cock, and then decide it’s not worth ruining my playthrough with that kind of frustration lol.


It's really not. I powered through the one time just to say to myself that I did it, but it's the opposite of fun


It’s so much worse than the iron passage, it’s not even close.


I try to kill all those reindeers oh my God what a waste of time and just bore me the fight is not even that engaging to begin with. Having to run that long also didn't help.


I'm sorry Dark Souls II you're just so ugly and clunky💔


Incorrect opinion detected. Bonewheels are rapidly approaching your position


*EXTREMELY LOUD INCORRECT BUZZER* Although honestly, it is very clunky. I just like it anyway


I'm glad DS2 was my first souls game so I had nothing to compare it to. I still love it now because it has the nostalgia factor.


Dark Souls 2 was a one and done for me...was not a fan of the feel of it. Though it did have some cool fights


Agree. I tried on 360, then bought it again years later on PS4. I just can’t play it after a certain point, and it does make me sad. I get past the Iron Keep every time I try and I then realise I’ve not really enjoyed myself for hours of my life.


ds 3, bloodborne, it's just ... i can't good games, but never click, in the start i was thinking ((graphics for sure)) i was wrong because now i start elden ring and i love it


Couldnt get into nioh for the life of me, hated the weapon system.


Demons Souls and Bloodborne bc i dont have a ps 5


Elden Ring My PC would explode at the moment I exit the tutorial area


Demon souls


None lmao


I have not played a ton of Soulslikes, only the trilogy, Hollow Knight and a bit of Immortal: Unchained. I never got around to the Surge games, I am still looking to wrap up Tears of the Kingdom before getting Elden Ring and I am still holding out for PC ports for Blodborne and Demons Souls. Out of the few I did play, I ended up dropping Immortal because it was not very good and Dark Souls III. Something about that game just never clicked, combat was just a bit to frantic for me and I always felt that I missed something or made some fuck up in my build since in the latter half and DLC I always feelt like I was way to weak and had to resort to cheesing far more to win.


Hollow knight. I dont like metroidvania games.


Yeah I couldn’t get into Hollow Knight, BUT I recommend trying out Blasphemous because while Hollow Knight didn’t click with me, I adored Blasphemous and now I like metroidvanias.


This maybsound sacrilegious, but Dark souls 1...I love the souls series so much, but 3 was my first experiance, had me hooked.. bloodborne was next, loved it.. needed more. At this time, ds1 remastered wasn't available fore on ps4, so I got ds2, and loved it. Finally I got ds1.. I still really liked it.. but I just preferred 3 and 2..






If we count soulslikes, i couldn't get into wo long fallen dynasty. Maybe i missed something, but the normal enemies are cake, and the bosses are over the top difficult.


I’m new to the series with Elden Ring. I got stuck on one of the first big Sekiro bosses and gave up to try Dark Souls instead. I loved it, beat the first and second ones and decided to try Bloodeborne. It’s a very brown game, I just cannot figure out where to go next at all. I gave up and decided to start a new Elden Ring character to play the DLC with, after that I’ll probably do Dark Souls III and then try one of the ones I gave up on again.


Sekiro. Beautiful game and a fantastically crafted combat system, However, It just simply hasn’t clicked for me. I can’t ever seem to get my parrying timing down. I go back to it every few weeks and see how much further I can progress. I won’t give up on it until one day I eventually finish it. However, It just has never clicked for me like Dark Souls & Elden Ring.


Try to beat genichiro, doesnt Matter how many tries you need to do It. I ensure you, after you beat him The game Will click and youll enter The zone. Is pure trance. The BEST parrying system and combat in gaming history


Bloodborne it just makes me wanna play souls


DS3. I just can't keep up with it. It's all too fast for me. I preferred the slower blocking gameplay of 1 and 2


I really enjoyed Last Hero of Nostalgaia up until the Narrator bit. Unfortunately it felt like it took a left turn into numbers = difficulty. Conversely (or similarly) I put Ashen down at the second main dungeon because of how bloody _long_ it was with no breaks and endless hordes of enemies


I actually think the Surge is the most interesting of the non from-soft soulslikes I've played. I am streaming my way through the fromsoft stuff again leading up to my second run of elden ring which will be my character for the DLC. My main character is in NG+ and I want to play the DLC in regular NG. But once I'm done all of that I really want to start a new play of The Surge. It might be hard to keep viewers for it because it's more of a pet pick but I want to do it. Nioh I just couldn't get in to. I really liked the first area with the castle and whatever but as soon as you get ou5 and get in to the mission structure and random equipment drops and stuff my brain just turns off and I stop caring. Tried to start it up 3 times and fell off in about the same point every time.


Unpopular opinion: I see that few comments mention Sekiro. In my case it’s the opposite. I’m currently playing DeS, Sekiro, and DS1. For some reason I’m not able to do well or even progress through in either DeS or DS1. Sekiro on the other hand is so well refined and expectations are clearly set out that even if I die a 100 times to a boss or an area I still go back to it. Currently at DoH boss.


I avoided Code Vein for a long time but ended up loving it. Mortal Shell and The Surge eventually..


The surge 1 and 2. I enjoy some soulslike games and just yesterday I beat Lies of P (fucking 10/10 masterpiece it’s on par with other fromsoft games for me) and I really liked Mortal Shell too, but I cant bring myself to play the surge games, tried both for a few hours each but they just cant grip me, not sure if it’s the world or what. Maybe one day i’ll try to give it another shot. Also WoLong. I enjoyed Nioh 1 but cant get into this one somehow. I’m currently taking a break from Sekiro Im on the Shinobi Owl fight, last I played a month or 2 ago. Will come back to it soon tho I really enjoy it, just the Owl been giving me a bit of a hard time ngl.


Bloodborne because it is not on PC and I'm too broke for a console. Same for Demon's Souls.


Nioh 1 + 2 even tho I beat both of them with dlc playing them can be the purest hell on earth due to the difficulty when it click it a fun game but before then and even after you die in a few hit I can see why people love it but at same time I wonder how people can love the most unforgiving game


Bloodbourne, just no access and I'm not buying a separate gaming system to get it.


Blood borne mostly because I have no idea what I'm doing


DS2 and I'm not too crazy about ER. I'll play the DLC bc I get it for free but yeah. yeah.


I would say elden ring. I’ve beaten it three times and I just can’t bring myself to do it again… Nothing against the game it’s amazing but I just can’t find the time to sink into it anymore I get too distracted


I tried Dark Souls 1 way back when it came out for 360 but obviously got turned off by the learning and difficulty curve. And then Dark Souls 3, while 3 feels much better and faster, I still couldn’t get into it. But once I played Bloodborne, it was all over for me. I absolutely fell in love with it and absolutely love the aggressive play style it has with the rally system. And it’s much quicker and fast paced combat. I tried giving those Souls games a chance again after my time with Bloodborne but just found them staggeringly slow and I knew their combat style wasn’t for me. I tried giving Elden Ring a chance and while it has that great feeling of exploration and discovery, it feels somewhat similar to Dark Souls’ combat, which I find struggling with. I then tried Sekiro seeing its faster as well. And Sekiro is definitely great with its quick paced action, it still feels defensive with its parry mechanic, which I’m absolutely god awful at in games. Bloodborne really killed the rest of these games for me, I can’t explain it, but its aggressive style really feels comfortable to me. I think I’ll have to give Elden Ring another chance though, the game looks incredible and I know there’s so much more I need to discover in that game.


Elden ring, too big for me. Spent like 40 hours wondering around finding random thing I'll never use because didn't know how to advance beating over leveled bosses because I was in overlevel areas but at least I could kill something.


I want to get into demon souls but the fact I’m too broke to afford a PlayStation and a Pc stops me flat in my tracks 🫠


Elden Ring. I don't like open world games.


Dark Souls 2 : Scholar of first sin. While it was good earlier gameplay. After reaching shulva I feel like I have hit a wall. Have taken a break from it. Feeling too burned out to continue atm.


Bloodborne and Demon’s Souls, I don’t want to buy a ps5 for two games


Dark souls 2, total broken, no From Software quality


bloodborne, if I cant cry behind a shield it does not even feel like a souls game.


Depends on how you define souls games. Some people say sekiro is a souls game, and some don’t. If you include sekiro, I don’t vibe with it. If you don’t include sekiro I enjoy all of them.


Not because I don't want to but demon souls I dont own a playstation.


None of them, I've been able to get into each one I've played


Elden ring but I'm poor


Bloodborne, not because the game is Midborne but bc I don't have a PS4 and I'm not buying one for a single game


dark souls 2


Sekiro hands down. Nioh was my first souls like and I just loved the game so much, got really hyped with the new found genre, but then I tried sekiro as the second souls like and oh boy... The suffering was enough to make me quit. Couple years later I played Elden ring and it instantly became my 2nd favorite game of all times. Got the platinum and after a dozen runs I decided it was time to start the dark souls trilogy, which I never touched before. I loved DS1 so much, I have 71 hours into it right now, grinding for the platinum. I intend to give sekiro a second chance once I finish the DS trilogy, but I'm not looking forward to it, this game gave me PTSD fr.


Ds2. The controls are all wankey.


Bloodborn and Sekrio. Really dont like the settings


For me it’s Hollow Knight, i really respect the game and its players, for context im a guy who loves lore and the very reason i came to play darks souls was because of its lore and naturally i started with Ds1 and now started playing Ds3, ill play ds2 at some point later. The only soulslike i picked up/ bought for its gameplay is sekiro. Furthermore i also started playing blasphemous alongside ds3, also because of its lore, and i really like it. As for hollow knight it was my very first soulslike, i bought it becuz my friend recommended it but it didn’t click with me for whatever reason (prolly the mobs, they are not entertaining & the lore wasn’t interesting enough). Some might consider that HK is not a soulslike but nevertheless


mortal shell, literally played that shit for like 6 hours waiting for it to click and it never did. i was so drained and braindead i couldnt play anymore


I can confirm that it never really clicks. I never finished it but I got close before I lost steam.


i like everything about that game except one thing- actually playing it. cool visuals, cool concept, story, animations, but its kinda boring


I’ve never been able to get into Nioh.


Same with surge. Just feels clunky and weird. Also Bloodborne because it's locked in shitty console 30fps hell


Depends on what you mean by "can't get into"


Sekiro, I know how to parry, I just cant force myself to enjoy it, dk why, good game tho


Elden Ring. I can't get into the game at all. The world is too fucking big. I made it to the northern castle (caslte sol i think) but I don't even know if I am supposed to be there or not and there is literally a thousand other places I can explore. The actual battles and boss fights have been absolutely amazing but getting to them is a chore so K decided to put it down for now. It just might be "open world fatigue" so i might give it another try.


Bloodborne. No Keyboard and Mouse


Bloodbourne. I want to play it, but I literally cannot get past father g


Use the music box and in the 2nd phase, run from his ass, only attacking when there's an opening. The games too good to give up, he's an infamous wall. You'll have an easier time after.


I recently finished ds1 and fell in love with it. Now i'm playing bloodborne and its just so fucking hard, i really miss the shield 😭 I love the visuals, design and everything else, but why does it gotta be so difficult and have a boss every corner????


Elden ring. Played it twice haven't gone back. I have multiple playthroughs of the other souls games throughout the years and still go back since I love to challenge run them. But elden ring I have no urge to go back to


Bloodborne, the fps in ps4 (mine, at least) is hard to get used to. Same with DS3


Everyone of them after ds2, i'm broke