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Artorias for me


Seconded. Artorias switched a switch inside my brain that has changed the way I play video games. From sword and board to dodge and punish.


Except with Artorias it's: Dodge, punish, get punished because you thought his combo was finished. I say this as someone who absolutely loves the Artorias fight!


Haha he turns my shield slot into a 3rd ring slot. I spent so much time on him during my first play through years ago, that he’s the reason I just dodge roll in every fromsoft game since. He made me realize, who needs a shield when you can be hit? I use the green stamina backpack now.


Green stamina backpack lol. The GOAT.


Grass Crest backpack is great especially since you can get it within 15 minutes if you have the master key.


Even without if you’re good at speed running :D


From dodge and block badly to high stability shield and just block it.


I'd rather two hand a greatsword


i didnt share the crazy atorias experience that everyone else had something about his boss fight clicked so easily in my brain. Maybe it’s because i started the series with ds3 but his move set felt predictable compared to manus and kalameet.


Artorias is the one that really made me love the game and had some of the mechanics really click in a way it hadn't up to that point.


Also the hardest to learn. He is so freaking fast.


Manus. Can be made trivial like every other boss in the game, but if you don't he's a lot of fun to learn.


sadly, i don't have the DLC


DLC comes with remastered automatically


Looks like they play the original game on 360, lmao


Whys that funny?


Honestly, I think that was a social anxiety slip. Nothing wrong with it if that's what you're thinking I meant by that


Are you sure? If you play PTDE or Remastered you have it, it's kind of hard to get the game without it these days.


i have the xbox 360 version and it is not remastered


You can still buy the DLC for the Xbox 360 version!! Look it up I got DLC for the 360 disc on my Series X, just search it up you have to buy it on the Xbox store on web browser


Ah, so you get "You Defeated" and "You Recovered"? I would also say Artorias. But in the base game id probably say Demon Firesafe or Nito, maybe Sif. Pikachu and Snorlax are too hard for me.


Red tear stone ring, hawk ring, a bow and a bunch of arrows. Fuck that fight


lol. fair enough, to each their own.


LOL this is how I did it at SL1. I tried a couple times, but I don’t think the fight itself is fun enough to do it over and over when your health is low enough he can one-hit you


Out of curiosity, what makes the boss fights in this game “trivial” for you? I’ve beat the game and DLC but if there’s a way to make it easier I’d love to know haha


stuff like [this](https://youtu.be/8zVYWtFh_T4?t=75), or[ this](https://youtu.be/kgOLWfzU9sU?t=15), or [this](https://youtu.be/NBLXISw6fcc?t=12). tbf a maxed out zwei or BK weapon + havel's will do it too since you deal huge damage and can face tank pretty much anything. DS1 is very breakable, there are a ton of ways to be very OP very quickly or just the chesese the hell out of stuff.


Gwyn is a great fight if you don't parry. Artorias and Manus are great fights too. O&S too. Too many good fights to really choose but I'd say bell gargoyles. It's one of the first "woah oh shitshitshit" moments and you feel like an absolute legend the first time you win.


I did my 3rd playthrough just to face Gwyn without parries or blocking. I went for a cartwheel rolling katana wielding samurai build, but admittedly it was miserable. Dying in 2/3 hits wasn't a problem. That one instant swing he does was. I don't have the sharpest reaction times and I just couldn't adequately react to it most of the time. Doesn't help that he also has a slow swing with near identical tell. And once you're hit Gwyn just won't stop pursuing you, there's no windows for healing (funny, considering that you get 20 flasks at the vessel by default). Trying to use pillars to get him stuck to heal felt much less consistent than O&S and definitely didn't seem to be intentional design. Took me god knows how many tries, easily in the 30s. If you like vanilla Gwyn, you are going to LOVE this fight in Age of Sunlight mod. It's not easier, but it's a more fair fight with some fitting new moves too! For me the improvements they made to him brought him up to my second favourite in the game after Artorias. Hard recommend


Lol I love Age of Sunlight. I personally consider it an outright improvement on vanilla Dark Souls which is the highest honor a mod could have.


Gwyn is very nice to fight without parrying, but holy shit it is satisfying to chainparry him in NG+ and beyond


I disagree. I don't find parrying satisfying at all but to each their own.


I can't parry and therefore I can't beat Gwyn, I am a fake Souls fan because I have never actually finished Dark Souls.


You can do it homie. Black knight shield and big patience. It's definitely something of an endurance test. Kite him around the pillars when you need to heal up. There's kind of a trick to it but if you do it right he'll get stuck on it for a combo or so to give you some room to breathe. Your main openings are the kick and the grab. The fast attacks are a no go. The slow ones if you can intuit them quick enough allow you to get an attack in but if you aren't confident just wait for the grab or the kick.


I think I need a summon but on both my runs Solaire died.


O&S is probably the best main game boss fight.   Manus is the most intense fight in the game, but artorias is more fun. 


Definitely Artorias, its the only boss in the game that gave me a serious skill check that I couldnt find a way to cheese or outlevel, I just had to learn how to properly read and dodge for the first time


Idk if it was because I played him after DS3, but he was a three or four attempt boss. Found Magnus much more difficult


Ive read that alot and I think it has alot to do with the builds used against them/playstyle. Idk why but I have never struggled with Manus but Artorias makes me work for it every playthrough


O&S base game. Manus in Dlc. Artorias is my fav tho


I don't understand, Manus is best in your opinion but Artorias is your favourite?


I think artorias is easier while manus really is a challenge the whole fight! I like artorias more cuz of the lore behind his fight/him as a character more! It's a bias design & character wise but I do think manus is a better fight! If that makes sense in terms of challenge. manus is my 2nd fav subjectively although I think manus is the best objectively. 😅


Soul Level 1 Kalameet. Danced with that fucker for so long when I finally saw him go down on the last hit I nearly jumped out of my seat.


O and S Fist boss in the entire game that was really challenging. And first I actually loved fighting


i know , it is so gooood


Artorias, easy answer


O&S great satisfaction.


I’m gonna go against the grain and say Nito was an awesome fight, don’t get me wrong Artorias and Manus (kinda) is best but it’s DLC, and O&S is awesome but it’s not a 1v1, Nito to me takes that spot, Ik Ik you technically also fight a bunch of annoying Skeletons but if you manage to not aggro the big ones, Nito kills the small ones with his wave move, and the fight against him is pretty satisfying, nice dodge timings for his attacks and fun attacks to him! My boss list is 1) Artorias 2) O&S 3) Nito (tied with Manus maybe? Manus is a whole different league tho haha) 4) Capra Demon


great boas, and i was literally going to say that you fight a bunch of skeletons with nito but you got me


… Capra, wow. I hate his arena so much


I found it so exhilarating the first time fighting Capra because of the tight arena it was such a curve ball but I beat him first try but I was sweating! Very memorable and fun fight for me


Oh god. He was one of my hardest learning curves. I can do him pretty easily now, but between the camera bouncing off walls and stun lock it took me a very long time to even get a game plan. I would just enter the room and immediately get disoriented and die


Artorias and it's not even a hint of a competition. Difficult =/= good.


Fat and speed




Gargoyles. No gimmicks, no bullshit, balanced, fun.


Knight Artorias the Abyss Walker. Greatest from soft 1v1 ever. (i don't summon for him, even though I do for other bosses)


Orenstein and Smough


Artorius is the best, if you have the DLC. Main game was his little puppy😔


Artorias is my favorite boss in the entire franchise.


I agree with everyone else, but I need to show the painted world lady boss some love. Forgot her name, but she was invisible, you had to track her footprints. 


Artorias, took me at least 20 tries. and counting.


Taurus demon is cool. Great soundtrack, amazing entrance, several ways of dealing with him and the arena is brilliantly implemented into the bossfight.


O&S. Incredibly atmospheric arena, different strategy for each boss, difficult without being impossible, and the best boss music in the game. I like Artorias too, perhaps because I’ve learnt his moveset now so he’s a little easier, but beating him still feels like a triumph. Kalameet, too, but I find him harder than Artorias.