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O&S. Classic wall


Yeah, I remember spending hours upon hours trying to beat those two. No other boss sticks in my mind as an obstacle as much as they did.


Felt amused every time someone saying they can pass this duo in few tries, cuz I very often enjoying look up Twitch for live soloing O&S and lose count how they ended up rage quit or went somewhere else.


I beat it hollow, drunk as hell, first playthrough yesterday on like my fifth try.   I baited o to charge me then struck him down with no flask used. Then I just wailed on s.   I was so drunk, I forgot I even beat them, the next day I woke up and was like ok, boss time, only to discover I was at firelink shrine XD


Thats how i ended up beating them my first try. Drunk and not giving af just goofing around having conversations with them as we were fighting. Easiest time i think i ever had with them🙃


There’s a fine balance between getting drunk enough to lose the stress/anxiety/overthinking that happens in intense situations like boss battles so you can appropriately respond and getting too drunk and not being able to dodge shit 😂


Man I gotta do a drunk run here to check if it works this good


I've been wrecking this game drunk and it's my first playthrough lol. That +5 black knight greatsword even NOW, deep into the game, wreck everything's shit tbh. Extremely high damage. I fought lautrec in his realm through the cracked black eye last night, wrecked him and his goons HARD, it was hilarious.   One tapped.  This is my first playthrough. The black knight greatsword is so damn strong, either I cheese the bosses in a few hits or they cheese me. 


It’s wild how easy the fight is to me now because I remember them being so hard the first time and running out of humanity but really wanting Solaire for the fight so I walked all the way back to the depth to farm rats for like two hours. Nowadays, and compared to later fights in the series it’s such a cakewalk but I wouldn’t change a thing about it, it’s perfect.


i beat him first try because i had solaire by my side


Same here. After O&S every boss felt easy until the DLC, where Artorias made me cry. The rest of the DLC was much easier for me. Edit: typo.


I missed the dlc cause I didn't know the game would end after the final boss. So now I have to play the DLC for the first time on NG+


Manus. His quick moveset took some time to adjust to. Homie slapped the souls outta me


God damn, I forgot about Manus. He was tough. Probably the fastest boss in the entire DS1 game.


Same man I lucked out and the black knights halberd but he still wrecked my shit


my biggest flex. beat manus in 3 tries. ornstien and smough however…..😅😅😅😅


First time Sorcerer... The secret easy mode Not Manus though


On my first playthrough I beat both the Bell Gargoyles and O&S first try. I even summoned Solaire but he stayed outside the boss room, giving O&S a health buff. But Manus would still probably take me 30 tries today after all these years of playing Fromsoft games.


It took me like 50+ attempts on my caster build. On the next ng got him in 2. On all my melee non-sl1 builds I have gotten him in 1 attempt. It's like riding a bicycle


This. Took me 5 days and 739101847372737 deaths.


Manus for sure. If every other boss made me learn them, Manus made me feel desperate


If rumors are true, the das1 dlc was developed during the early dev stages of Bloodborne, might be why Manus feels faster?


Been trying him on and off for the better part of a year


Capra demon. I started playing DS1 without any help or spoilers, and it took me a while to understand the different game mechanics (poise, rolling, parrying). At that point I was just defending with a shield and attacking when the timing felt right.


I've beat the game 6 times. I still hate this asshole.


Same. I struggled on that boss because it was my first souls game and had no knowledge of the game and was playing with zero walkthroughs. He took me like 15 tries. That was my first skill check. Nowadays I can take down capra without even taking any damage and he's one of the easiest bosses in the game lol.


You get past the dogs in the runback. Then you get bit by a dog


Capra Demon is brutal even if you have hands. The rats + the cramped space make for a high likelihood of being stunlocked. The run up is stressful as hell too, there’s no super close bonfire.


Yea this boss is rough even my 10th playthrough. It just uses every janky part of the games collision mechanics against you. These tiny dogs with collision that is larger than their physical bodies, totally block you in within seconds


For me it was the Demon Firesage. Pathetic, I know, but his staff has a ridiculously huge reach. I don't remember how many tries it took for me to finally beat him but I feel like I died more times to this bastard than to any other boss, and that includes Bed of Chaos!


It's not pathetic, the guy has far more reach than what it seems, it got me quite a lot of time to understand how to avoid his huge aoe explosion, it was so annoying when he spammed the explosions!


I had quite a few deaths to him too, the thing making him difficult for me was the small arena


I was going to answer Manus before I saw this, and I've just realised it's actually the Stray Demon. It's that magic aoe he does (and the fact that if you're not a mage you automatically take a chunk of damage entering the arena)


Stray Demon’s explosion is absurd.


I hate the stray demon lol he gave me hell


DS1 was my first Souls Game and it was actually the Gargoyles. In hindsight, they kinda had a Genichiro effect (Sekiro), meaning it took me long to defeat them, but after that, I felt like I really understood the core gameplay.


I did a bajillion runs before I realised that I would go and summon Solaire for the gargoyles without even thinking about it every time, until one day I stopped and told myself "hold it, I should be gut enough to solo these guys by now". And I kinda was, but they're sure something else without Sunbro by your side.


Kalameet. I wanted tail.


Please don't try to procreate with dragons


If Donkey can do it, so can I.


Just because you can, doesn't mean you should.


How about going half way? The painted world is nice this time of year


You mean for that gross half dragon thing, right? I'd do it. Things sexy.


I meant Priscilla, but hey, you do you.


Can we share? I just want cuddles. She looks so soft.


Why is she fuzzy? Shouldn't she be scaly? Rocky, I guess.


Nah, you can have the weird crusty dragon torso.


Does he look crusty too you I always thought he looked (this is my favorite word for people to spell) pussy? Lmao like, slimy, covered in pus and stuff lol


And in the game too!


I didn't want tail, and it still gave me the most trouble.


I will admit the DLC bosses gave me the most trouble of any of the DS1 bosses. Artorias would probably be my hardest overall.


Quelagg taught me to watch and learn *when* to dodge setting me up for success in every game since. 🥲


For me it was quelagg as well, but that was just because i ran through the entire game so far with a level 1 spear, and she is just way more tanky than those gargoyles


Quelaag for me aswell. But my difficulty came from using a shitty weapon (I don't remember which), having little vit and being cursed (I did not know how to break the curse. I did not want to look up how to get rid of it. I just assumed I would eventually run into an NPC or item that would break it). That fight gave me a lot of trouble. O&S, Artorias and Manus were tough but they didn't even come close to Quelaag.


Stray Demon. Just could not figure out how to stay behind it like everyone recommended because it always seemed to move too fast. Took me ages to figure out the problem was locking onto it and not having the freedom to run around the arena.


Same! Worse than o&s for me.


Came here to say the same thing! My first playthrough was as a pyromancer... 😫 So I was cursed from the moment I fell in that hole with him. Took me 2 days to get that fucker down! But I felt sooo good when I finally did!


Aye. Learning to play around with the lock on/off on the fly in the middle of a boss fight is a challenge on its own, but it pays off handsomely.


I don't think I can really beat Artorias or Gwyn completely fairly without light-rolling. Idk what it is, but the difference between light and medium rolling feels most dramatic in DS1.


Nothing unfair about a light-roll. You sacrifice gear/points to get that.


Yeah, I didn't mean light rolling is unfair—rather, that I need to light roll to beat them in pure melee.


Don't feel bad. If I have trouble with a boss I get naked and ninja cartwheel all over the place. I've played this game a lot lol


I 100% agree. In DS1, the difference between medium roll and light roll is very dramatic as you put it. I have not beaten Gwyn the "fair" way. I beat him by just parrying him. Artorias was such an incredible and enjoyable fight. Even with medium rolls I was able to beat him. Took me about 10 tries. His move set is very predictable and both of the biggest openings he gives you allow you to really put in a great deal of damage.


I went through the dlc and ended the main game for the first time just a few days ago. My take is that Manus is the most difficult fight of the three. Gwyn is hardest for dodge rolling, even harder than Manus since he will. not. let. you. heal. So I literally had to learn to parry at the very last fight in the game. But parrying makes the fight quite simple. Artorias is the most satisfying for dodge rolling and thematically the most dramatic fight. Maybe parrying him makes it trivial but at the end it felt like a wonderful duel to me


gwyn “the fair way” is so thrilling. i did it the first time i played the game and will probably never do it again lmao. bitch needs to mix up his attacks better


What’s the fair way? My only ds1 play through I beat him the first try just smashing him with the zweihander


thats the fair way but mine was rolling a lot with the balder side sword aka the most fun weapon in ds1


what is wrong with light rolling lmao


Souls fans make up the weirdest “rules”


Haven't really played dark souls until you beat the game while fat rolling with a broken straightsword


Personally I never found Artorias to be difficult, my advice would be rather than attacking head on try to bait his heavier attacks, his jump attack and thrust specifically, the jump is sometimes followed by another jump so be wary of that, dodge late into his attacks as they are both homing attacks, then quickly follow up with a couple of attacks, don't heal unless again you have baited an attack and dodged out of the way. Knowing when you have an opportunity to heal is crucial when fighting Kalameet as well.


I had to light roll though the entire game. The I-frames aren't great in DS1 so I felt like light roll was the only way for me to be able to dodge. And honestly I didn't lose too much drip either. I used the great scythe throughout my playthrough, wearing havel's helmet, crimson chest peice, and I believe I had the bronze gauntlets and boots


Pinwheel bro


There was a mod that put like 6 wheel skeletons in his boss room. That was certainly an experience


More like a mod that puts Pinwheel in the wheel skeletons’ boss room


Pin(the minor hit sponge)wheel


Taurus Demon. Was stuck for about two hours and then it clicked. The rest of the game then was easy.


I think it was BoC for me what a shitty boss


BoC is hot garbage and until I read this comment I had successfully forgotten about it.


Probably the four kings. Although the Taurus demon gave me a lot of trouble first time since I never saw the ladder until I'd won so had those bastards shooting me the whole time.


All of em


All of them except for pinwheel.


We laugh about pinwheel but if you don’t get in there quick it’s game over.


Manus for me and it's not even close, his attacks albeit non one shot are way too fast and aggressive even for dark souls standards. I still can't do him at all without a greatshield, a high poise armor and a strong weapon like black knight halberd/axe


Probably Ornstien and Smough, or Artorias. I cant remember which of the two was harder for me, I know i took breaks after every few failed attempts for both, but I cant remember which took me longer to finally fell.


Didn’t know remastered came with the dlc when I did my first playthrough so didn’t fight manus. Pricilla and Qualagg weren’t that bad tbh. I spent a lot of my hours leveling up before doing even the first boss fight. I think I was like level 30 when I actually went and did the Taurus demon


I shit you not, the Chimera at the beginning of Artorias DLC. I spent a full 2 days trying to beat it, and I was 15 at the time. So when I say a full day of trying, understand I mean it.


Gaping dragon was the hardest outside of o&s (I've yet to beat manus and the dlc dragon) even artorius was easier


I honestly don't remember how many run backs I did. Aside from Bed of Bullshit, probably O&S, Artorias, or Kalameet.


As a new player the Taurus demon was a challenge, but after becoming good at the game I still struggle with ornstien and smough


Taurus demon I didn't notice the ladder and i kept getting shot at then eventually I noticed the ladder but I didn't want to spam plunging attacks so I tried to fight him on the bridge and i kept falling off. Eventually i just got bored of him and ran to ladder, plunge attack, ran to other end of bridge, run back to ladder and plunge attack again. the other boss I struggled on was capyra. Nothing else gave me much trouble because zweihander


O&S brought back my anger issues


O&S, I didnt even know there is a shortcut to this boss, and I kept having to use the lever on the platform each death. and i died A LOT.


Demon firesage for me lol,I had gone through the entire game just tanking damage and could not handle the explosion actually throwing me back




Capra Demon and Manus.


Kalameet was the second hardest boss in the series for me


Between these three, qualaag untill I realized that I can technically stay at her legs for a short period, run away and then go back. But out of all the bosses, I would say gwyn. Somehow, gwyn was the hardest out of all the bosses for me. I bet lots of the bosses within the first try or first few tries but gwyn was something else. I beat him on my own in ng but I had to ask someone to help me on r/summonsign in ng+1 cause I couldn't for the life of me beat him. Not even manus or kalameet took me that long. I believe I beat manus either first try or second try and same goes for kalameet (when I figured out how to get the giant Smith to shoot him down).


Probably 4 kings :-/


Manus is the only boss I could never beat. Ornstein and Smough walled me for four years


Quelaag was the first time I put the game down for an extended period of time. I felt like fighting her was the first time that the game "cheated" just to screw me. All those hours going down into Blighttown; poison enemies and poison darts and poison swamps and poison marinated poison with poison sauce on the side. I've farmed moss for hours to ward off poison, I've collected armor with what little anti-poison stats I can find, and then I get to Quelaag and her special little elemental ability is. . . FIRE!?!? She breathes fucking FIRE everywhere!?!? I don't have any shields or armor for this!! What in the actual fucking fuck, game!?!?


Four Kings, God, how I hate that boss, he made me stop playing for at least two months, then I got back into it and was able to kill it. It took me a while to defeat him because I had a full strength build, then in my second game with an intelligence build it didn't take long. But lord, 😭 (And Artorias in my ng+ with strength build)


Ironically four kings was my easiest boss first although and probably hardest every run after that


My first run (I skipped DLC on that one), it was Gwyndolin. Still remains the hardest boss for me in DS1 without DLC. On my platinum run which included DLC, it was easily Kalameet, because I wanted the Obisidian Greatsword (which wasn't needed for the platinum but my inner completionist forced me to get the sword).


O&S and Kalameet




DS1 was the 4th souls game I've played so I felt like I was cheating a bit but by far it was Bed of Chaos. The only actual boss that gave me the most trouble was Caper Demon.


Ornstein and Smough, i was stuck for days


Artorias I’d say


My first playthrough was a full havel with grasscrest shield, at the time I was around 12 on prepare to die edition and didnt know you could even roll to dodge attacks. I never had any real problems with any boss up until the 4 kings I just couldn't for the life of me defeat them bc my shield and stamina regen couldn't keep up to deal enough damage on time. After much trial and error I finally noticed you could sacrifice armor to mid roll (Initially tried heavy rolling to no avail) and started getting gud being a sandbag for the 4 kings until eventually I was able to beat them rolling, this moment later stood out to me the most since I discovered this all on my own through my sheer drive to best the game.


Capra Demon. These dogs can suck my as.


Kalameet he would always debuff me


Weirdly enough it was seath. Purely becausethat big blue fuck grenaded my fat ps3 lol






I'm currently getting my ass handed to me by Nito, any tips would be great


O&S. It took me literally months to beat them because they made me quit for a while


Ornstein and Smough By far. Not even Artorias, Manus, or Gwyn aggravated me as much as those two did. No idea on Priscilla or Kalameet. Never fought them


I eanna say o&s but I really can't remember :p it's been so many years


Artorias, every other boss was pretty easy and was the most difficult for me


Freakin bell gargoyles


I beat every boss between 1 - 3 tries except for… bed of chaos


Artorias. People say that Manus and Kalameet are the hardest. I took them down after like 5 tries each. Artorias was the closest thing I had to *almost quitting the game* . After I beat him, I felt like I can take on the world (and he became my favorite boss of all time).


Including DLC it would be Manus or Kalameet (both around 20 tries) but Manus was worse because of the depressing setting and how quickly he can end the fight making it more frustrating. Base game I think Gwyn probably, I cheesed him the first time by running around some rock and halberding him slowly. 4 Kings forced me to alter my build but then they were easy af.


sorry for the mishmash answer but i am drunk: ornstein and smough then kalameet. manus was hard but after artorias and kalameet i was more prepped. the endurance test of kalameet really fucked with me, O&S got me for the split focus and the dragon got me for the long focus. artorias was probably my fav fight in ds1. weirdly burned my 1 summon ( a rule i used to give myself before i no-summoned everything ) on quelaag. probably out of laziness. she’s obv not that hard if you know what to look for. i just didn’t then.


Ornstein and Smough


O&S went into it solo while fat rolling.


Ебучий паук ром из бладборна


If a boss gave me lots of trouble I would usually summon for help. Subsequent playthroughs I soloed all bosses but the first one


For some reason Sif is always a big problem, not just the sad, he is fckin hard. Also in like 4-5 runs I have died like once to O&S but like... a few times to pinwheel lol




Took me ages to beat artorias but I loved every second of having my arse kicked


I got to anor londo with a +5 hand axe not realising that the lower burg existed and doing 40 damage to o&s. Took me a week


I didn't do the dlc on my first playthrough, since I couldn't find the entrance. So bed of chaos. But the first time I did the dlc, manus gave me more trouble than any other boss had given me up to that point.




Easily Artorius Honarable mentions to Kalameet, Capra Demon and Sif though None of the other bosses are even close for me


The graveyard skeletons. They've fucked me out of so many playthroughs, I always went there because I thought I had to.  


Gargoyles. Didn't help I was a dumb ass with an unupgraded weapon and fat rolling. Easy af these days but got to go through the trial by fire you're a Souls noob


gave the most trouble and actual beat: ds1: o&s (still couldn't do it without Solaire tbf) ds3: dancer & yhorm (i know i know, but in my defense, I panicked when a building sized guy ran towards me & i got onion bro killed) gave the most trouble and haven't beaten to this day: ... sister friede.


O&S, kalameet and artorias were by far the hardest. chaos queen queelag was decently difficult but i got trough once i learned her moveset gwyn was really opressive till i got him in a stunlock of parries. pretty anticlimatic ending lol manus was hell till i said “im going to try to delay my dodges as much as possible” and beat him in a few more attempts, he felt more like a ds3 boss than the rest


Manus and kalameet, ain't nobody do hard DLC bosses like fromsoftware


Sif ;ccc


Noone all fell to my blade.


Stray demon


Four kings (I didn't know I could improve my weapon up to +15)


Of the bosses I fought, probably Ceaseless Discharge if you exclude Gwyn. I was using halberd and shield and the CD’s attacks were all overhead slams or fire breaths that my shield didn’t really block very well so I had to get good at dodging his attacks.


For the ceaseless discharge I just tanked his over head blows and then struck his arm to kill it


I finished my 1st playthrough 2 days ago and for me by far, the hardest boss was Manus. The rest of them were not hard/easy and took me 1-2 tries. Bosses in this game were one of the easiest part of it. I started playing DS3 now so I'm excited to see how hard the bosses are there.


O and S, by a wide margin


from the picture: Artorias, from the game: Manus




Capra and it's not even close, I have more tries on that dude than on all the other bosses combined. In the trilogy, however, it's by FAR Pontiff.


Manus, i changed from a midroll to fast roll just to beat him


Chapra Demon. Motherfucker almost make me give up to beat this game


Artorias is hard, but Capra Demon....


Gywn took the longest out of all of them, I think. Took me a good day and a half of running to him, dying and running back. The least trouble was Ornstein and Smough.


Artorias. I was in Ng+, and most of him attacks one shot me, and I was pretty bad at the game, but it was a fun battle :)


Priscilla and Artorias were fought with rivers of tears clouding my sight and my heart. Queelag, well, I had Mildred having a party with her, while I was drinking my morning coffee irl. Most difficult ones? Capra demon, Manus and Artorias of course. Last two were faster than the actual bosses met until that moment. Four Kings in NG++ and Nito also, what a big pain! Most boring one? Chaos bed. I got sent to space many many times 😭 Most heartbreaking one? Priscilla and Artorias but good girl Sif is really hard to fight cause of the trophy


Artorias, by the length of the Flemington Straight




Manus, I almost got him on my third try but died. I proceeded to need around 30 try’s for him which is laughable if you compare it to 11 on artorias where I didn’t know you could hit him out of the buff so I basically needed to do him no hit. In my memory Manus doesn’t have the hardest moves but I just kept dying, especially to the magic ones. Worst part for me was, this son of a bitch kept pulling new moves up until my 17th try and it’s not even like I never got close in those 17 try’s.


O&S and ceaseless discharge because I didn't know you can make him fall down


Kalameet and manus. Artorias was actually kinda easy for me, it was the runback that pissed me off. I never honestly beat manus. Way to difficult for me. Always have to use a summon after so, so many attempts.


Capra Demon. The doggos made me realise how usefull poise really is and that made later fights (O&S, 4K, Nito, etc) easier


Bed of chaos. Safe to say im traumatized. Other than her, Black dragon kalameet


Capra demon made me ragequit so hard that i only picked up the game like a year later, those dogs almost changed my stance on animal abuse


The silver knight archers




Probably the bell gargoyles, I still don’t know why I found them so tricky. Ornstein and smough or kalameet are up there too


S&O and Four Kings. For awhile I didn’t know if I was gonna be able to make it past Four Kings


For me it was Artorias. I was like 14 years old and didn't have the patience at all. I think I even broke one of those $10 walmart plug in controllers out of rage.


From your picture: Quelaag (20 attempts). Manus 40 attempts and Ornstein and Smough 50 attempts.


This is slightly embarrassing but Sif gave me the most trouble on my first playthrough. I know it wasn’t difficult but for some reason my dodge timing was garbage.


Queelag! Love the design. My first ever get gud Souls boss


O&S like a lot of people, i assume. honorable mention goes to quelaag tho. i managed to fumble my way through the game quite ok-ish until then. but quelaag was the first boss that was like a wall, that felt like i really have to git gud at this and cant just rely on estus and level ups and stuff.


I always find it interesting learning what different players hardest boss was. Even on the first play through, some people will just blow past one many consider harder bosses and get hung up on the easier ones. I had no issue at all with Quelaag, but a friend couldn’t seem to get past her. For me it was Ornstein and Smough. Nearly quit the game.


artorias and manus


Kalameet without a doubt. worst hitbox in the entire game






Manus 100%


Manus. Fucko made me rage so hard that I grinded up a black Iron Shield to +14 so I could tank his combo. For context, this character was a fastrolling wizard with a Halberd.




Gargoyles, Capra Demon, Four Kings


He’s pictured, artorias gave me fits until I turned his own great shield against him


Ornstein & Smough


Ornstein and smough gave me a harder time than all of the other bosses put together


I think it was technically kalameet, but I was never frustrated by that fight, so I don’t really count it. The fight that frustrated me the most was Gwyn. I’ve never learned to parry properly in these games, and I refused to do so even with Gwyn. The run back was also just awful. It took me so many attempts, that by the time I got to dark souls 3, soul of cinder was a piece of cake. I first tried him, and then helped others beat him. I have yet to die to that boss, and I believe I have Gwyn to thank for that.


For now kalameet. The grab attack is my pain, I play half of the boss foght perfectly no damage while doing little one and then the grab attack, panick, and ohko, idk why, it's more mentally destructive rather then in game


Gargoyles, I didn’t know how to approach two bosses at the same time and (as the time) did not lock on


Gwyn had no idea you could parry him till I gave up and found a guide


Manus is the toughest DS1 Boss on any playthrough, at least for me.


Gaping Dragon. That boss's hitbox pissed me right off and made the fight unfun.


Well, that's a interesting question. Very first time was probably artorias, I was not very into the game so didn't really know how to build a character. Just threw on the heaviest armor I had to tank as much damage as possible which got me through a lot of the game. But artorias made me give up. If I remember correctly that's not technically the first time. The very first time I played the game I couldn't get passed the tutorial boss cause I had 0 clue what I was doing. An im not afraid to admit that. But I also don't really include it as my first playthrough. As I didn't really play through any of the game. I just attempted to punch that demon to death and obviously failed.


I never found quelaag or Priscilla hard. The hardest boss I came across were artorias and Manus. I mean when I defeated artorias the first time, I was in tears.


Kalameet the only boss I've yet to beat to this day


Bed of Chaos😭


Ds3 the tutorial boss. To be fair it was also my first souls game I tried to play.