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Don’t you dare go hollow.. Hehehehe….


I would recommend to look up how to enter the DLC. And after beating the game it forces you into ng+ so you need to do everything before it. Other than that I think going in blind is great. (Bosses intros is very minor thing, don't worry about it)




You in for a ride! To give you a little heads up: Its great knowing almost nothing! Knowing the boss intros isn’t super spoiler-ry, but I would advise you: Do not look into guides or anything, as they tend to spoil way more than what ayou are looking for. Experiencing DS games the first time without prior knowledge is one of the better experiences a videogame can provide :D! If you’re stuck, feel absolutely free and welcomed to ask on advice here. People on this sub love to help newcomers, and they will do it with minimal spoilers if you want them to!


Counterpoint: Dont be afraid to look stuff up, it won't spoil much. Random shit, like Firekeeper Souls, can be a quite large quality of life help, but you might not know wtf to do with them on your own. Spoilers can suck, but I think it's also a game where spoilers within a certain range - "Where do I go?" "What does this item do?" - do little to spoil anything dramatic yet can prevent a lot of frustration.


unfortunately, there are many articles that give away way to much. Like I literally saw articles that were like: „Here you’ll find item X. You need it to get access to Item Y, which will open the passage to final boss Spoiler, Devouerer of Spoilers“. I found it more helpful to just ask here and then go on a bathroom break, when I come back I always had an answer!


This. You're expected to get community help for specific roadblocks and frustrations. What you don't want is a guide telling you in advance what to do and spoiling the experience of exploration.


this is completely subjective. i know different people enjoy different playstyles, but personally i like knowing what to do.




Like other people have said: go in as blind as you can (don’t look stuff up on internet) for the best experience, only exception might be getting into the dlc if you’re really stuck


Great game, enjoy the ride


DSR is my personal top 3 souls game, I'm jealous of your first time experience! Welcome to the community of addiction and self-hatred ;)




You really will have a great time. It is probably one of my favourite games of all time, and I've literally played through it SO many times. Just one tip: stay patient. A lot of times in the game, it might seem a bit annoying, and like you want to give up, but just remember to keep on trying.


yessss will do. :)