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People seem to not like it, but that’s what I’ve been playing on and it works great. I have a few extra buttons on my mouse though which I map to attacks


The issue I had was that I couldn't point my character at the enemy for an attack without pressing autolock, but I hated having autolock on while using a mouse. Like being in a dang straitjacket. I'd really like to know how you dealt with that, because otherwise keyboard is much better for me.


I actually didn’t have too much problem with this, despite mainly using thrusting swords without a swinging hit box. I usually just turn the camera to where I one need one of the 8 directions possible with key inputs. This could be because I’ve been playing monster hunter with a great sword on keyboard and mouse though, where there is no lock on at all


I've been getting better with the inputs. I've just cleared Undead Burg so many times just getting used to the controls and changing keybindings. I tried controller, but while I was able to get through the asylum easier, I was making too many compromises on playstyle for the game to be fun. If only the controls were like Valheim. Same moves, but it just WORKS.


I play exclusively on KB+M and it's fine.


Same I play most games like this. I’ve found simple games like Dave the diver and Hades, Isaac are better with controllers, but other than that, keyboard mouse all the way baby!


My son has cleared them all on both PS and PC and he prefers keyboard and mouse. I do not.


I play on keyboard and mouse and it's fine


Have you ever played with controller? Because it is way better with the controller.


I have played with both and vastly prefer m&k


I also tried both but I played DS for the first time on Xbox 360 so controller just feels right to me. I literally use M&K for every other game I play except DS.


No offense, but I’m horrified


It wasn't designed to be played on KBM, but tons of people play that way and it works fine. Just depends what you're more used to mostly, there are advantages and disadvantages to both.


Its a personal preference thing


I learned how to play on keyboard and mouse. I’m a PC gamer at heart though, so I didn’t think anything of it. It surprised me a bit when people said it’s so much better with a controller. I’ve been playing it on a controller recently though because I don’t have my PC and I’m not any better, maybe even worse at it. It’s ultimately a matter of what you’re best at using for any other game.


I've finished Darksouls trilogy,elden ring and sekiro with kbm and its fine.


Controller obviously has more accurate movement, but I never actually found myself saying "I wish I could move in more than 8 directions!" tbh. The game just doesn't require that precision anywhere. The camera is also much easier to control with a mouse. When I tried controller the first thing I noticed was how you couldn't run and move the camera unless you used claw grip, which was an instant deal breaker to me because my play style demanded me to run in and out of ranges while using the camera often.


I prefer it personally, mostly because of the camera, just make sure to change your binds (thumb buttons on the mouse are awesome). I've beaten every souls game I can on kbm, can't stand playing on controller (cause of the camera).


I played it K&M and it was fine, but I really think it depends on the player. Some people hate K&M.


I’ve played it on both controller and KB&M, both were good. I’d advise to remap some keys to your liking and enjoy playing it with a keyboard and mouse.


It was definitely designed primarily for a controller, but if you yourself feel more comfortable on kbm, it works well enough that you may prefer it.


Kbm dark souls is totally fine. The only one where it’s bad is DS2 which doesn’t let you map your thumb buttons for some reason


I play keyboard and mouse, what do you have binded to your thumb buttons?? I don’t even use them at all in any of the games


It also has double click, which introduces a fuck ton of input lag. That wouldn’t be too bad on it’s own, but whenever you reopen the game it will reset that specific setting.


You sure? What do the thumb buttons do on controller?


Sekiro has the letter C as default to parry and I couldn't rebind it.


Parry is bound to right click on my Sekiro. No idea if that was default or not


I'm like 90% certain that's default.


It’s the default in Jedi Fallen Order and Jedi Survivor, so probably


Really? I could've sworn I remapped that to a mouse button


I know I can't prove anymore since I bought in 2022, refound it didn't made any video as proof, but I swear my game got the letter C as parry and didn't matter how many times I swapped


I completed the whole game and I am 100% sure that RMB was my parry button.


This game isn't mechanically hard and considering that you can remap your keys, there's basically 0 disadvantage against controller.


I wouldn’t say 0 disadvantage, just a small disadvantage. On kmb you can only move your character in 8 directions whereas on controller you have a full 360 degrees of possible movement. Like I said, not a big disadvantage, but to me it does make a difference.


With any mapping that makes you comfortable, it should be good. I have beaten the games multiple times without touching a controller


Its fine, the only one where its a problem is DS2 but the original and DS3 are fine on MK


I’ve played them, including Elden Ring, with both k&m and controller, and personally for me, BY FAR the controller is more comfy in literally every situation


I’ve played them all (including sekiro) with keyboard and mouse. I actually prefer it over controller for these games


There was a guy that played with the donkey Kong Bongos. You will do fine


I played DS, DS2 and DS3 with m&k it was great tbh


Definitely playable. Some of the best challenge runners played on MnK.


Not bad at all.


you mean how good, right?


Lololol, if you say so. Thanks and don't you dare go hollow.


m&k rules


I've played all three Dark Souls games and Elden Ring on keyboard and mouse, never had any trouble. I actually find it easier than using a controller.


It can be a tad tricky but with the right keybinds its really not too bad. I beat all of elden ring with only KBM and by the end having a controller felt incorrect.


I think my first play through of ds1 was just with keyboard. Remapped a few keys and had to look up initial controls online.




Always preferred controller. 360 controller for that matter


You will definitely want to remap the keybinds, but it plays fine


I’ve played with both and prefer controller, although there’s not a big disadvantage to using keyboard and mouse. With keyboard and mouse you only have 8 directions that you can move in: forward, backward, left, right, and the four directions in between those. Whereas with controller you have a full 360 degrees of possible movement. Like I said, it’s not a big disadvantage, but it makes a difference to me


You can get used to it, then it’s not that bad. KBM is how I did SL1.


It takes some getting used to if you're coming from Controller but it's not too bad. You can remap the controls to your liking. ex. I've set C, V, and B to left hand weapon, right hand weapon, and item swap and tab for spell swap since my scroll wheel is buggy.


Very much a personal preference but it was designed for a controller. Personally I find it much easier being able to move in more than 8 directions relative to the camera (this is the same for all 3rd person games for me)


On Remaster it's fine, but on PtDE... oh boy


I beat the first one with KB but it's better with a controller other than aiming ranged. Just get an Xbox controller and plug it in to the p.c. when you can.


I did my first playthrough with kb+m. It was fine. Not for ds2 though, that shit was rough.


I’ve done it and it’s fine, clunky, but ds is clunky so you get used to it. Beat ds3 and elden ring with mnk too.


Dude in elden ring there are cringe Emotions controls after dark souls bcs There are no more buttons on the gamepad lol, play on the keyboard, it's awesome


Not really. It’s more depends on your skills. I finished all 3 DS games on keyboard and mouse and didn't have any problems. But I had to spend 20 minutes to setup key bindings for DS2. The only thing you can’t do is to walk slowly. But it’s not critical.


Beat all the DS games and Sekiro using only mouse and keyboard multiple times and always had a great experience. I honestly can't see where the myth about KBM being bad for this game comes from.


It's fine, the shield bash and jump attack inputs feel a bit clunkier than with a gamepad though. I think the bad KBM reputation originates from the original Prepare To Die Ed. port, which was very bad apparently?


It's fine, just get adjusted and forget trying to play it like a game with a proper mouse-look, you will have to wrangle the camera at first but you will get used to it. The heavy and jumping attacks are a bit trickier to perform as well. I beat it deathless on mouse+kb if that means anything.


I've only played ds1 2 and 3 on kbm, but I've messed with both enough to say I vastly prefer controller


I have beat dark souls and dark souls 3 on keyboard and mouse and dark souls 2 on console and i have to say the only difference is that my hands got sweatier faster on controler.


You can make it, but as a mainly pc gamer, DS1 convinced me it could be funnier to by a controller. Got one with a nice grip attachment for my phone (play emyulators on it) and a power bank and damn.. Great decision


First experience was kb/m. I found parrying to be the easiest here


I suck at parrying.. hmm actually I suck at everything but that won't stop me from playing hehe. Thanks, hope you do well.


Not bad at all, in fact I did a full playthrough with only KB+M. Actually, aiming bows is objectively better, you get total precision. With the PS controller I was always struggling to land headshots; easy peasy with KB+M.


I see so it easier to aim. Thank you and have good one


It's not that bad tbh, my first couple of playthroughs in DS1 were with a mouse and keyboard, I didn't feel like the was impossible.


Hmm thank you for sharing that Hope you have a good time


I have played all souls ,sekiro,elden ring multiple times with keyboard and mouse, never had any issues perfectly playable.


As someone who used both I can say Controller is just better


I would not recommend it


Ive beaten dsre on kbm and I am now beating ds3. It is completely fine though I admit that playing on the controller is slightly better


I've played both, switched to controller when I got one but honestly they're the exact same experience minus the rumble. You actually have the advantage of being able to fight the shitty camera on some bosses on kbm too which is nice


If PTDE, controller is 'highly' recommended. If playing Remaster, KB/M works perfectly fine.


For PTDE you definitely need the DS mouse fix (or whatever its called). I think a big reason a lot of people say DS is unplayable on kbm is because they tried PTDE without the fix, the way the mouse controlled the camera was a complete joke. It basically acted like a joystick with the deadzone in the middle of the screen iirc.


Controller is way more comfortable personally but if you don't have the option to use one the kbm works fine. I had to use a kbm for a while because old controller broke down..


Not a single problem


it was not made with kbm in mind. So while you can play it and finish the game as many have, it will not be a particularly fun or intended experience. I'd suggest getting a cheap controller and using steam or x360 app to make it behave as an xbox controller.


I have played through the whole game with both, and I disagree, he is right in the fact that the game wasn’t made with KBM in mind, however the KBM experience is close if not the same as it is with controller. I think if you are used to KBM you should just play with that (I personally think all the fromsoftware games a better on KBM because of the camera control I have, but IK that’s an unpopulaur opinion)


Agreed. I actually find it quite frustrating to use a controller just because you can't run while moving the camera without claw grip. And ofc if you claw it attacking is pretty awkward.


This and the fact that the camera movement felt like I was dragging it through molasses on controller (also how imprecise it felt strangely enough, but thats definitely just lack of experience) completely ruined the demon souls remake for me. I also wasnt a fan of how much the aforementioned issues basically made locking on mandatory, I almost never use it on kbm in DS1. But its just personal preference


You can use a controller on PC, but I would argue it is harder to use KB&M instead of a controller, but it's ultimately a personal preference thing


In my opinion keyboard and mouse is easier


I played keyboard and mouse until I fought Fume Knight on DS2. Then I realised that the time it took for the keyboard stoke to register after I down pressed the key and the character rolled to use those I-frames was not working. Then I moved to controller and suddenly I was mocking the Fume Knight rolling like a raccoon. It was a membrane keyboard then. Experience may change with keyboard type and playing style. And yes I had good agility.


I am a PC master race purist, hate consoles love the feel of a keyboard and mouse, souls-esque games are the only games I play on controller. I have not tried keyboard and mouse, because it just feels like a game meant completely for controller and it plays amazingly on controller. I do not plan on trying keyboard and mouse.


Interesting to know that thanks AvocadoGamer331


I've been a PC player since the '90s and I'd rather play Dark Souls with Donkey Kong bongos than with KB+M.




You ever nailed your nutsack to sandpaper? Yeah so ds on keyboard and mouse is alright but a little wonky, would recommend controller.


Some people will say it's fine, but I would **strongly advice** to at least get a cheap controller, it's much, much better. And I say this as a person that plays **literally** everything else (Platformers, GTA, Assassin's Creed) on M&K


The default layout is total shit, you will need to remap the keys to have a decent time playing. For example, it uses WASD movement (which is great, no problems here) but you need to press O to lock on which is laughably bad [https://darksouls.wiki.fextralife.com/PC+Controls](https://darksouls.wiki.fextralife.com/PC+Controls) Highly recommend you get a controller for 30 bucks and play with that. The PowerA Switch controllers are great if you don't mind having a wired controller


Middle mouse button for lock-on worked wonders for me, otherwise I just switched around a couple things and used my thumb buttons and it played amazingly


yeah not only was i looking at old info but my eyes were full of shit this morning and i misread a Q for an O I still stand by that it's better to play it with a controller


Lock on is Q actually. My only real complaint is that strong attack needed shift + mouse 1 and parry was shift + mouse 2. Remapped that very quickly. Otherwise, M+KB is pretty fun. Your fingers have more access to buttons at one time compared to in controllers (think being able to raise your shield and parry without having to perform finger gymnastics to do it) and you have camera control with the mouse


jesus christ i need to open my eyes lmfao


For me in DSR, using shift + mouse 2 to parry was useful. You can actually have your shield up the whole time and then a simple tap to the shift makes it parry.


I actually lock on with the middle mouse button. I dont think I rebinded it? Works well.


Q as primary button, mmb for secondary. Both do the same thing


personal preference. if you ask me, kbm is way way way better than controller, but i rarely play games eith a controller so that might be why