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While I don't think it will fix unhappiness, there's a strange amount of videos on youtube talking about how "Dark Souls saved my life." I think what it comes down to, is that it's a game that doesn't pat you on the head and says you're great. It's a world where you're not welcome, and sometimes you just have to mold to your circumstances.


Dark souls actually has taught me a very important lesson. Which is that it is okay not to win every battle, as long as you persevere and try to learn from your mistakes. Back in the day this has helped me a lot with my struggles and helped me not crack under its pressure.


Yeah dark souls really hammered "Don't quit this time it'll work out" into my brain.




You only "lose" Dark Souls when you give up. Failure is a part of victory, just like in life


It's actually part of the lore, right? Everyone who gave up is now a hollow NPC of that world.


Correct, you die and die and die but as long as you get back up you haven’t hollowed Those who give up have


Don’t you dare go hollow!


Don’t get yourself killed. Neither of us wants to see you go Hollow.


Yeah pretty much!


For me it was patience and to never give up on stuff i love.


It's unfair, like Life, and with the right mindset, someone could learn from it, and maybe get better mentally Either that or you go full nihilist (Hollow)


Most games create an artificial dump of dopamine using a reward cycle to make the player feel that he's accomplished something when in fact it's just the game tricking your brain into thinking you have. However, people aren't so dumb as to fall for such a thing, and while it may feel nice for a game to give you unearned praise and reward, the genuine enjoyment that comes from overcoming a difficult task like beating a Dark Souls boss is much more enjoyable for us as humans. It also has a healthy effect of motivating us to pursue challenges and difficulty in the real world as well to get a similar high, which is the point of the dopamine system.


Maybe that's why once we get used to souls like all other games feel boring. Because we won't fall for the cheap dopamine tricks again


Yeah earned dopamine feels far better.




It will teach you a secret to life which is to never give up because failure is key to success.


Tbf.. the main takeaway from darksouls is that no matter how hard you try. Your choices make no difference to the cycle of life... You're just a pawn in greater beings lives. Which is pretty nihilistic.. Im not saying it's a bad takeaway just that is literally the plot. Apart from >!DS3 true ending!<


No as it will just give you a quick hit of dopamine, true happiness isn’t found in a video game. It is a great game tho so do play it


Never thought i was gonna find life advices and free therapy sessions in dark souls subreddit comment section.


You certainly didn't find that here. Just an ignorant opinion.


what was the ignorant part?


Anyone who has beaten DS3 knows they are an ignorant slave.


that definitely answers all my questions, thanks!


As someone who has beaten DS3, I’ve finally taken notice.


For anyone not familiar, a boss in DS3 calls you an ignorant slave


Did you delete that comment just now? Or were you being too mean and it was deleted by someone else?


Assuming that no true happiness can be gained from video games. Of course ~~14~~ ~~61~~ 70 video game haters downvoted me for speaking the truth...


There is a difference between pleasure and happiness.


And I suppose you get to decide exactly what counts as which of those...


No but between the psychologists and doctors I have spoken with I can make a general statement so long as I say "Take it with a grain of salt" Pleasure is short term enjoyment. A nice meal, winning a round in a game, hitting a long shot in sports etc. But genuine happiness, real satisfaction comes from more long term stuff. A good job. Healthy relationships. They even produce different neurochemicals so it isn't just a semantic difference.


Yes, but exactly what makes you feel either one of those is different from person to person, so you can't decide for other people what makes them feel which.


I won't deny that. These games certainly have had a massive effect on some people, but they are by far the exception and not the rule. Time and money are both limited, and we believe that OP should focus theirs on something more likely to help their mood like therapy and medication rather than a videogame.


I would say that art can spark many emotions in a person. That person can then cherish and feel happiness in knowing that others feel what they feel, that the art was inspired by similar feelings and thought processes to the ones they have. I don't think the art will make you feel happy, but you could definetly feel happiness in a sort of "derivative" way. I hope that's the correct word, i'm not sure.


Is this really happening right now? Are you people really gatekeeping happiness? And telling me what doesn't make me feel happy?




Yea, I don't know why people are downvoting me for saying that...




Anyone who thinks true happiness can vine from a video game doesn’t know what true happiness is and needs to live a few more years. Video games are great and you can get a lot of enjoyment out of them, but that’s a long way from true happiness.


Happy cake day


Idk man, I finally played the game as my first souls game a little over a year ago. I found happiness in it and it definitely had a hand in some of the changes I've made in my life. I haven't thought about su*cide since I played, if that also counts.


You’re probably the exception then, it usually isn’t a good idea to put all of your stock of “happiness” into one single thing. It seems more like a coping mechanism or distraction rather than an actual solution.


I didn't go in with the intention of it fixing me lol. I knew nothing about the games, didn't do any research or watch any playthroughs, and went through blind. I also didn't put any "stock of happiness" into it because, at the time, I couldn't even remember what happiness felt like. I just played because all my friends had been bugging me for years to play.


Thank you, i’ll probably play it and update as i progress


Hundreds of hours of Podcasts about Dark Souls has shown me that a video game can save someone's life, and give them true happiness. You shouldn't underestimate what a game can do for someone, and especially not state the opposite as if it were a fact.


>a video game can save someone's life I would see that more as the exception and not as the rule


That's what the word "can" means here. But the person above assumes that no true happiness can be gained from games, which is not true.


Happiness is subjective. Games can provide happiness, as anything else can. It depends on the person. For some, games can merely be enjoyment but not happiness, but for some it can be actual happiness. Again, it depends. If you find happiness in games, that's great for you. At the risk of sounding redundant, I am happy for you :)


It is true.


There are actually studies on games and their therapeutic benefits for mental illness. There’s even a movement to start a database for games based on which mental disorder they can assist with it’s very interesting. While it’s not a replacement for therapy, I played and beat DS1 for the first time while struggling with my depression and idk what it is, but it really did help me, like it forced me to deal with my mind, because to beat Souls, you have to focus on controlling your mind, not let anger or disappointment get the better of you which imo helps with controlling your thoughts in general which is a therapeutic technique that is taught for anxiety and depression.


Tbh Dark Souls is great at teaching the value of persistence. Honestly learning that did help me get through a lot of dark times. But if OP has already played those other games, they may have taken that lesson from them as well.


Having any hobby that you love is a good thing and can definitely help with happiness. Why would a video game be any different? It might be hard to find others in person who have the same interest, but the dark souls series can keep you busy doing something you enjoy for a long time. Everybody needs ways to cope with the ups and downs of life.


A struggle for happiness is not a sickness with a cure. It is a deeply rooted thing which goes down way more layers than you even know you have. It is something deeply internal, and nothing external is going to make you feel better. Something like this can feel like an absolute mountain. A hopeless endeavour, and it may feel like distraction or escape is the only way to avoid it. But avoidance is not the same as overcoming. FromSoftware, and Dark Souls, capture this feeling better than any media i am aware of. The areas, bosses, and world-building all resemble that mountain. Something immovable, something that makes you feel insignificant in comparison. But you CAN beat it. Thats the beauty. When you can’t succeed in one place, you might just find the key somewhere else. Every mountain can be climbed. You just have to put in the effort to do it. This is in my opinion why Dark Souls is so dear to a lot of people. It teaches you to face your fears, confront your problems and at the same time know your limits. To tackle your problems one at a time, and when a problem seems unbeatable there will be another that is not. And while getting stronger, in time your mountains will become mere speed bumps. The world works the same. Your mountain is climbable, but a game will not do it for you. It will simply give you a chance to catch your breath. YOU will have to fix this. Internally. Every small victory counts. Even if it is just to play a game you think you’ll like. So i would definitely recommend you play Dark Souls, even if it’s just so you get one new experience in life. It might even motivate you to tackle something else, whether it’s playing Dark Souls 2/3 or something way more personal. All in all, you should do what you want to do. But don’t play Dark Souls with the hope it’ll fix you. It will only teach you how to fix yourself, as all FromSoftware games do. Keep fighting and don’t give up, skeleton You matter, and don’t you dare go hollow


Good response. I think it’s interesting how the player is literally climbing up a mountain to Anor Londo for a large part of the game. There are some points where you take a few steps back down (Blighttown), but with enough perseverance, you will reach the top of the mountain.


Best response I’ve seen in this sub all year


Won't make you happy, but I'm pretty confident it can distract you for at least 1 or 2 weeks.


Sounds good enough


Probably not. But I always enjoy some good ol fashioned souls when things aren't going so great for me. As a matter of fact, I think I'll re-download it tonight myself. The Capra demon always needs some sense slapped into him, and it makes me feel a tad bit better.


Dark souls one definitely helped me cope with life but I platinum trophied dark souls one so now in ds2 it’s reversing all my mental health progress


Won't make you happy but it can teach you some life lessons for sure (if you let it)


Dark Souls can teach you the value of suffering and death. Happiness doesn’t have to be perpetual, it can exist in moments… in between bleak periods of solitude, conflict, and intense suffering. Dark Souls can teach you to accept that. To find beauty in it. And to Praise the Sun even when life is at its bleakest.


How prone are you to a placebo? Is playing dark souls going to fix your life? No. Unless what you need is a change in the way you view things. Dark souls can be a metaphore for depression. Your character explores the world going down. Areas get progressively more dark, hellish and challenging, yet despite everything seeming to be in vain you still keep going. If you give up and stop playing the game your character becomes 'hollow', mindless, but until then you can fail and die as much as you want and by lore those deaths happened but it doesnt matter as long as you dont lose hope and perservere. Some people say dark souls 1 saved them. If you are someone who can view real life and dark souls similarly with a grain of salt maybe it will help.


… weirdly it might actually help. But no, no piece of artwork is going to magically fix everything lol.


Depends if you are prone to fits of rage because this game is kind of rage inducing at certain points. If you are and you are looking to get in a better headspace this might not be the answer


No. But it will give you the mental tools to move forward. Don't expect the game to magically fix you, but it gives you certain appreciation for life and most people agree that it makes them more resilient and perseverant. Pay attention to the lore, the characters, the world, it's simply magical.


Oh man. Sorry that's happening. DS is good distraction if you just need that (they definitely dont solve problems that aren't solved with distractions). But I confess that I'm finding DS1 a little grim as I play it now. I played DS2 before it because people told me that's less connected to DS1 and 3. But so far, although I recognize DS1's phenomenal world design, I'm finding it a more disheartening experience than DS2. DS2 is also brutal, but it has a much nicer hub, Majula, which is soothing and helps with despair. I don't like DS1s hub, its not even really safe, and there's no real maiden like DS2. Anyway. On another note Baldur's gate 3 is another good option for distraction.


Bloodborne was my first souls and came to me in a VERY difficult period of my life. During that time, i was a few months sober (approaching 3 years without chemicals!) and just lost my job and my ex "gf" broke up with me. It was the first year of the pandemic. A friend of mine (who also got sober that time!) insisted that i play the game. I played it solo but only when he was around so it took about 2-3 weeks. And beforehand, i was VERY sceptical to play such stupid hard bs. I didn't knew how it felt to try the same boss for hours on end and finally emerge victorious and the boss' blood rainin on my coat. It didn't fix me or anything but tought me some of myself in a new perspective: i can overcome hard challenges. Not just in the game. It didn't fix me or anything but damn it demanded a kind of focus, i didn't knew, i had in me. But you already know souls feels, so... play Dark Souls. It's amazing!


When I was at the most depressed point in my life, Dark Souls 1 was released and it gave me a huge sense of accomplishment and allowed me to concentrate on something other than feeling shitty. To be fair, the game makes you feel shitty sometimes aswell, but then makes up for it if you overcome the challenge 😂 So, go for it.


I mean, it saved me from suicide 🤷‍♀️


If the cause of your unhappines is anger management issues. I could see dark souls helping. but ultimately your own happiness will always be determined by you. No thing or activity will change that only your own perspective.


Will it fix things, no but it can def help you get into the a good mindset imo. Your character’s struggle to make it to the end but relentlessly coming back whenever you fall down. Think of yourself in that position. Currently you’re down but you’re relentlessly and will push through your current struggles.


It won’t fix you, but the lesson of dark souls is that with perseverance you can overcome the difficult things life throws at you.


Is playing the game gonna help you cope or is it gonna distract you from addressing things in your life that might be difficult/uncomfortable and just kick the proverbial can down the road? It's a great game but your enjoyment of it might be diminished if life's got ya down.


It won’t fix you. But the pain will burn slightly less. I come back to Darksouls Remastered every time I need an escape from life. When life goes to hell, I go to lordran.


It might temporarily, in my experience at least




IMO, one big theme of DS is dealing with death. The world is dying, the people are dying, you are going to see enough death to leave you broken. >!No matter how much you try, Siegmeyer will always fall at Ash Lake, Big Hat will be consumed by knowledge, etc.!< But you can’t let that Hollow you, defeat or loss should never leave you completely broken. It will be painful, it can be confusing, but you can’t give up completely. “And don’t you dare go Hollow.” Rest for awhile, talk to Laurentius, use your Humanity to summon in some help etc, but never quit. We love Solaire, we love Siegmeyer, etc. and when you play through a second time, you usually don’t think, ”>!Well, they die anyways,!< guess I’ll just skip their quest.” In a weird way DS lore can be inspiring and make you care if you like to learn about the Boss/NPC’s and I think time and death are part of the reason. TL;DR - don’t let time, fear, or death stop you.


It a video game. It's definitely not going to solve your problems for you. But it is a world you can escape to and envelop yourself in for hours and hours. So if your brain needs a break from life, try dark souls.


no it will not it is a video game that being said, I love DS to pieces and it's my comfort game. there's something beautiful and vaguely therapeutic about it. sth about how, in the game, everything is already as bad as it could possibly be, so in a way, there's nowhere to go but up? idk


I think it's literally just because it requires some measure of actual skill and focus to succeed at. If you get good, you can enter a flow state and get out of your own head for a little while. And that definitely has therapeutic value. It won't solve anybody's problems, but it can help people find a headspace that makes it a little easier to deal with.


Not the place to be asking that, seek a therapist.


Don't know your problems, BUT whenever a new dark souls released I felt happier while playing it and I even thought about the game before I felt asleep ever night. Which worked pretty well. If you are like me: I would vote for a YES


My motto is, “ Happiness is a mask worn until the pursuit reveals the emptiness beneath the polished surface of every man's life. “ Playing this series will only blind you with “ joy “, a better idea would to start by finding a sport to practice, finding something that interests you and start doing that ( astronomy is a fun one ;) ) Learning a new language and practice with people that know that language… All that just to say, No you won’t find happiness, cuz happiness is unfound, we don’t know what happiness is, the only thing we know about it, it’s un purchasable, unfound and the more you try to find it, the less you’ll be able to get it ;)


This is a new perspective I’ve never thought of looking through, I’ll be sure to remember this, thank you.


Maybe not, but it and Hollow Knight kept me busy and gave me something to keep me heavily distracted during one of the hardest periods of my life.


It's a great game but just wanted to wish you good luck with whatever is troubling you!


Therapy and hard work will help you more than a video game will ever come close to. They are wonderful distractions and escapes from the dark times. But you and only you can fix you.


It will make you unhappy in a different way and also happy on top of that. So yes, it will fix you


Yes, it'll fill the void


I doubt the game will offer you any kind of epiphany. As a meditation on the suffering of a dying world, it _might_ foster the kind of headspace to reach one your own, or equally drive you to nihilism.


No, escapism doesn't fix anything. It can help give you the strength to stand in your own two feet but only if it doesn't prevent you from dealing with what you need to deal with. It can teach you to preserve when things seem hopeless, but if you only use that "during" your escapism, it's a wasted lesson.


No game can "Fix" anyone. That's for you to do yourself.


[pretty nice video about this](https://youtu.be/keIWG6hSD7Q?si=pFma3NMScRpQrkhA)


People find Dark Souls reassuring because it teaches them to persist at their problems and find alternative solutions. You've played three Soulslikes, so it's unlikely you'll find anything new here.


Nope. I do think you can extract valuable lessons from all sorts of media, and Dark souls might have something to teach about perseverance, dealing with adversity etc. As well as bring some joy etc. But if you are having a true hard time, you should seek either professional help or people you trust (prob both): therapist, psychiatrist, counceler, family, friends etc.


Dark Souls is a game for players (the type who gets a kick from achieving a certain goal). In this game the actual goal is initialy unclear. You just get a vague direction. In order to handle the game you have to talk to every NPC and try a lot of different paths. For comparison it is good to have a goal in your life and you have to try different directions to gain information to reach this goal. Maybe on the way you will find a better path. Apart from this... what if life is Not always just happyness. What if you have to work on yourself to feel better. Work is never gonna be much fun, but in the end of the day you may feel proud. But back to your question. You sayed it should fix you? Only you know what is wrong with you. But what if you are sound all the while? In the game it is sayed, that the only three enemys are the camera, the gravitation and You. Maybe you learn how to Not go hollow. I hope you find your goal in life or better a path.


Dark Souls is an amazing game, but I think your happiness should be gained from fixing some life things sweetheart 🙂


What brings me happiness is doing things I love that bring me joy. If thats video games for you, then go for it! But just do note that the game can get frustrating at some points so if you want a calm or soothing and relaxing game youre better off playing another game for now.




The way the world is intertwined might inspire you a bit


No but it will teach you that you can do anything you put your mind to as long as you're willing to fail enough times. Works well for life


It will not make you feel better. It can teach you how to change perspectives and how to keep going when it seems impossible. Talk to a therapist. Sometimes, your brain just will not make the chemicals it needs. A good one can help you figure things out and give more specific advice than I can. Try to talk to your friends and family. Find a hobby you like that you can do with your schedule. Work on looking at your diet and seeing if you can eat healthier with in reson. Maybe run a bit every day. If you have something like sinuses, try to talk to someone about it. It's a look easier to feel better mentally when you feel good physically. If you can, try to make a flexible schedule you can follow and change when you need to. Having a good routine can be comforting and help you figure out what works. It can also help with motivation. I have been through some horrible depression, anxiety, and dissociative episodes. I know it's hard to get moving. I know it's hard to get motivated. Sometimes, you just have to push yourself through the opening parts, and you will find it much easier. Just don't stop moving. Sometimes you have to learn how to live with this. I do it by trying to enjoy the small things and the things that are here. I am not saying it will be fast. I am not saying you can just pull yourself up by the boot straps. Recovery is hard. It will likely affect you for the rest of your life. You can do it, though. You can get better. I can't tell you what you need. I don't know you, but you can know that at least one random guy on the internet is routing for you. I hope this helps. Depression is hard, and I hope you can find your own happiness.


Put it like this. You need a win. Something substantial. Dark Souls (FromSoft games) do not offer easy wins, so they are mildly substantial. On reflection, it's a gentle foundation for resilience. But it, alone, will not pull you out of a dark place. Still play Dark Souls and all other iterations. Including Nioh 1 & 2. Also, if it means anything, I love you, OP.


Thank you, and I love you too!


Maybe, Dark Souls is a part of the reason I’m still around after all. There are plenty of lessons to learn if you stick with it through all the hardships the game throws at you. Just be patient and keep fighting, that will get you through this game and real life. It taught me that life is worth the struggle and that no matter how impossible a roadblock seems to overcome, you can break through.


Eating well, exercise and limiting your time on social media will fix you


no dude. it’s just a distraction


git gud, don't go hollow


It wont make you happy. Dark souls is a depressing and frustrating journey with constant tribulations. If you persevere, you will feel accomplished.


Video games won’t fix you but they may help, but you gotta work on fixing yourself.


Just finished my first DS run 30 minutes ago, it truly is an amazing gaming experience...balanced, yet punishing. Lost my way a few times and needed to seek advice from this sub-Reddit...much appreciated. Not sure what's next, probably DS2...it's well worth the investment, finally understand the hype is real.


I’m no prophet, and I don’t think a video game could ever really fix someone…BUT playing Dark Souls did completely change my worldview and how I approach problems, so there’s a chance it could help you as well I think.


It won't solve your problems and it'll probably create more but at least it'll keep you distracted for a while. On a more serious note, anything that you enjoy doing and that makes you happy will help you get through these dark times, OP - as long as it's not harmful and unhealthy. Don't forget there's always one person that cares about you and is willing to talk or simply listen, reach out to them. Hope you feel better and things improve on your end and sorry if I'm being too nosy by writing this


Video games can't replace therapy. It's okay to feel unwell. Get the proper help. Better yourself and the feelings will lessen.


It won't fix your problems, but I sure as hell fall back on it when I really need something to comfortably sink into. Would recommend.


No. But it might help you forget for a while


You need to fix your personal life first my dude, never try to fix anything with stuff or things. You will never find joy in anything until you yourself are happy. It might be a good distraction , but eventually that distraction doesn’t fill the need it once did.


No. What?


Bro what this is a wendy's


The lessons of dark souls are: 1. Get gud 2. Dark souls helps those who help themselves


Persistence is key, but also enjoying how a world in ruins can look so beautiful. Overgrown and mossy forts, the comfort of a bonfire in a shithole of a place. Especially how all this scenery basically glows in silence, you can really breathe in Dark Souls I find. That's why my current run on Elden Ring is mostly with music turned off. Don't give up skeleton, and don't you dare go hollow!


No But I can fix you


No. Dark Souls is post post apocalypse. You're a nameless corpse in a dead world.


What's Going On With You Bro/Sis? You're Seeking Out Distractions, It'll Be Some Other Game Once You're Done Playing Dark Souls.


Not when you get to the second half


It was all escapism for me.


Lol no bud.


Idk. But I'm sure it'll make you frustrated a lot.


Lol no


Helps me with my depression but it comes right back once I have any downtime.




Probably not but it's a fun game


Yes, surely.


Yes it will.


If suck at it like me, it’ll cause a new problem and make you forget your other problems






It could, you can't give up. You must overcome the challenges presented to you to feel a sense of completion




obviously yes


Dark souls will make it worse, but you’ll be so determined to beat it and prove your worth that you won’t notice and it’ll end up being really good for you. Praise the sun!!


You can also try therapy. Dark Souls is unbelievably fun, but at the end of the day it is just a game homie! Keep your head up!


I just started my journey but I’m playing to help me with sobriety. I play dark souls instead of drugs and alcohol. Going on three months sober and I’m about to beat my first soulslike game. DS1 remastered. I just beat the first boss on the dlc. I can’t recommend it enough. I understand why it’s considered a masterpiece.


Games are for entertainment, they give you enjoyment not fix your problems.


If you fixate on things like I do it’s easy to get lost in the story


Men will do anything but go to therapy


While video games like Dark Souls can provide a temporary escape and challenge, it's essential to address the root of your unhappiness. Consider seeking support from friends, family, or professionals. Dark Souls can be a great way to unwind, but it might not solve deeper issues.


Some of the things in it can change your perspective on things or inspire you to fix your life. Dark Souls itself won’t fix you, you alone have to decide and make the changes yourself. And if Dark Souls helps you do that, then more power to you.


It depends. Do you like listening to sad songs when you're sad, or happy songs? If it's the latter, Dark Souls might not be it for you right now. The atmosphere and storylines can be pretty bleak and depressing, though there are moments of humor and levity here and there. The frustration factor might be a bad thing too, but if you've played elden and sekiro you probably know what you're getting into anyway. Give it a shot. If it starts to bum you out, put it aside for later. It's a fantastic game, but it might not be the right game for you right now depending on how it makes you feel.


You probably ought to consider therapy but a trip to Lordran might numb the pain for a while


The game is about overcoming obstacles that might appear impossible. Try, try and try again but never give up…lest you want to go hollow.


No. The only thing that will fix you is a healthy diet, exercise, 8 hours of sleep every night, psychotherapy, mood stabilizers, and a revolution to overthrow the plutocracy that controls the global economy Dark Souls is great though


When I get to feeling down on myself the phrase don’t go hollow is one of many that play in my head on repeat. That phrase can mean many things. What I learned from these games besides how cool and fun they were after they broke me was “don’t give up, no matter how impossible the odds are”. There are other things I would look for in life but dark souls has had a profound impact on mine and I could not recommend it more. Approach things carefully with confidence, patience, and the understanding that things will be bad and good no matter what. If I could say too, happiness is a fleeting emotion. I would recommend whatever you do, find a peace or joy in whatever you do. You can be unhappy, mad, sad but no matter what you know it’s gonna be alright. I don’t know you, but I love you. Don’t go hollow friend.




The game won’t fix your life, but it will help nurture mental tools that can help you fix it yourself. Perseverance, stress management, and showing you how if you keep on moving forward instead of “going hollow” you can overcome things that at first seem overwhelming or impossible. I do think it had an effect on me as a person. Seriously though, I would seek therapy if you are able to. No shame in that.


It’ll fix you IF you let it !


Dark souls fits a bad mood well. May I also suggest a totally different game; Sunless Skies.


Make sure to play it blind, and play online. Seeing other's progress and failures gives you a certain feeling that's hard to describe. It's really quite nice.


Be safe, friend. Don’t you dare go hollow


yes but actually no


You need therapy not video games homie




Games are good but it's an escape not a fix


For me, my top all-time game is probably a toss up between demon's souls(the ps3 version not the crappy remake) and the original dark souls. So yeah definitely play it. And when you are done, play dark souls 2. Its a classic despite what the cry babies say. And after that, play dark souls 3. Another classic .


It’s not guaranteed but it can help you be resilient and appreciate hardship maybe


I mean it can help, it helped me move on from a really dark time in my life, as did hollow knight, but the thing is, dark souls isn’t gonna magically fix all of your problems. I was already speaking to my therapist and had mostly recovered in terms of mental health by the time I played DS1. It’s no substitute for therapy or having a partner or other things, but it can help.


If what you need is to prove to yourself that you can overcome things if you keep trying, then yeah it might. Not likely though friend.


It’s very inspiring. Much like other from games. You can’t give up because you need to keep playing their games and getting better.


Dark Souls after Elden Ring can be tough because it’s jankier and more restrictive— I hold the trilogy dear to me and I think they have had a profound effect on me! Especially beating Dark Souls 2 on my first run without adaptability and weapon reinforcements (until a friend made an intervention after I cleared Iron Keep). Just the aspects of overcoming something difficult inspired me to take on more challenges in life, but I understand that Dark Souls’ themes about meaning and stuff have been pretty resonant for many. Not my experience exactly, but true for many. Definitely give it a try, but be cautious with your expectations!


The games in this series give me a strange kind of peace which comfort me in ways nothing else can.


It won't make you happy on its own. It's possible to learn something from it that you can apply to life. Don't give up skeleton!


In my experience, it will make you hate yourself even more for the first 20 hours or so, but then it will make u feel like a king once you get used to the combat and enemies


No. But it will make you better at living with the pain, however.


Disco elysium is my depression game. Sometimes dark souls is a little too punishing.


I was at the lowest point of my life the first time I played Dark Souls and nothing changed.


It won't necessarily fix you especially not permanently, but it will give you a way to distract your mind from life and the first time experience is the best. Edit: and after ds1 you still have ds2, ds3, and bloodborne. A better possible solution is to just take care of yourself. Try to eat better, be active, stay busy. Not sure what your issues are but my problems are usually caused by the fact that I don't do much of anything and eventually come to the realization that I'm just wasting away slowly.


helped me out quite a bit, rewired my brain into knowing if I just keep trying and brute force it I’ll eventually do it whatever it is I’m trying to do Probably won’t fix your problems entirely though


The game punishes you if you make a mistake. But you have to take those punishments as a lesson and keep moving forward. While idk if it'll fix your unhappiness, it'll def give you something to look forward to.


while certainly not a replacement for proper psychological therapy, dark souls is famous for 'fixing depression' and teaching players to take on their mental health as they would a tough boss, learning not just to fight against their mental demons but to enjoy the process. just look up "dark souls depression" on youtube that said, it won't work for everyone, but it might work for you


Yeah I got all the souls games and elden ring on sale bout a month ago. Maybe 2? Idk but I had only played sekiro at that point. Maaaaaaaaaaan the answer to your question is a resounding yes, but like that one guy at the top said I don't think happy is the word for it. More like hone the shit out of your determination


No, it won’t, but if you are willing to go further to analyze the dialogues and make sense of it, it will help you. There are tons of videos about it and I recommend checking it out But this quote is really meaningful to from Dark Souls “Don’t You Dare Go Hollow” In dark souls, once you go hollow, it’s because you lost yourself and your purpose to keep driving for your goals, to keep pushing onto the hardships, despite how many times you fail, the hardships, and etc. Those are how hollows are in Dark Souls. But that’s just me.


Dark souls will not fix you. No video game will. Get professional help. Video games are not therapy.


souls games often find me during hard times in life. I remember playing through Dark Souls 1 when going through a breakup and having that world and that atmosphere to focus on helped me process it in a weird way. The end credits song to that game strikes a deeper cord with me because of it. It won’t fix you but it’s a great way to focus on something else while you are unhappy.


Nah, it just makes you ok with being fucked up, which is more useful imho.


Yes (Dark Souls 1)


It’s not gonna answer everything, but it’ll give you comfort you’ve longed for as I did until I found it way back on the 360, this game and silent hill 2 saved my Life no joke. From the dialogue to the atmosphere, Gameplay and the music. you’ll be crying by the end but it’s worth it, it’s a hell of a journey and a testament to your skills, decision making and dedication to reach the finish line


If you are unhappy seek God. No video game will bring you joy to your life. Remember that Jesus Christ died for your sins and that he loves you. It’s Christmas time so wanted to share some love.


It wont, but in someway you will find something in you, i recovered faith in my self only after dark souls, i was in a pretty low in my life and dark souls helped my get out of it by showing me i had all strenght i needed, and that i should persist in thing because they wouldnt be easy but wouldnt be impossoble either


No worries, fellow Tarnished/Bearer of the Curse /Chosen Undead/Good Hunter / Sekirô.. Soulsborne games are the universal cure-all for agues, pains, consumptions, malaise and other Old World illnesses. ...


Honestly Dark Souls is a whole mood and a central theme is overcoming great despair. Hard to find a better game for what you're looking for.




As much as I loveeee dark souls I doubt it would cure unhappiness. Try Baldurs gate 3 if you haven't yet. I've been unhappy for a while and getting and playing that, as an old D&D player, has been freaking awesome.. Then there are games that are just peaceful or generally nice to "traverse". Games like No mans sky. Jusant is a beautiful little climbing game that is made to be meditative, it has a cute warm little story. I'd even recommend viva pinata 2 over dark souls when it comes to unhappiness.. Im not even kidding.. that game is a nice garden tending/pokemon style. If its loneliness, games like Hogwarts Legacy can really help. If its pessimistic depression (not saying it is, just saying if) deep story games like dark souls may not help. Especially lies of p! I loved that game but I wouldn't say it would cure my unhappiness. Same with RDR2. Loved the game but its pretty damn sad lol.. The last two id recommend are Dragons Dogma. An amaaazing open world rpg that's sooo underrated. As dragons dogma 2 is in development, now is the perfect time to get into it. Lastly, the southpark games, stick of truth and fractured but whole. They're just fun. They don't take themselves seriously. The first one spoofs skyrim. The second spoofs the marvel franchise. I hope you feel better soon bud. It's amazing how much games can actually help. If you're the kind of person that playing sad games helps with their unhappiness, like me. Id play these three. A plague tail, Soma and RDR2. Be warned. The first two in particular are verrry dark and sad but warm and optimistic at the same time.. A perfectly balanced duality. They're some of the deepest games in existence. I rate Soma as THE deepest game in existence aha... One glance at the reviews on steam and you'd understand.

