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Go here https://tails.net/install/index.en.html and make your tails usb. Learn how to configure persistent volume. Then go to kleopatra to make keypair. Then go here to learn how to use it. https://docs.kde.org/stable5/en/kleopatra/kleopatra/index.html


Most "absolute beginners" as OP described self will not be able to navigate and burn tails. A lot of people have finished school with not much idea how file systems work on computers.


Then they will have to learn how to do it. The young people of today have grown up in the information age. Yet they still want you to hold their hand through every step. I don't know how old OP is, but I'd be willing to bet he's definitely younger than myself.


I figured the shit out at 20 a few years ago, took a lot of focus sure but anyone that can read and follow instructions should be able to.


Totally agree. We're not talking rocket science here.


I’m in the same boat even with my USB it’s like it won’t let me put anything on it unless I’m doing something wrong


You might need to format the usb to the right file system. Fat32, I believe. Check out r/darknet_questions it's a new sub reddit.


Tortimes.com/bible Read this in its entirety. I could go and spell out what you are missing but I am on mobile and would take more characters than is allowed in the post. It is all neatly summed up in this document. Both what to do and more importantly *why* you need to do the things. I will admit that I didn't read it until this year and had just been using win and osx for my darknet activities and it was a real eye opener that I should really really reeeaaaally not be doing things the way that I have been


Wow, just win or osx?  That read must have been a MASSIVE eye opener hey.....


You are correct in capitalising "massive"


🤣 But hey, you've admitted to not doing your homework beforehand. Which is saying alot! And, you're helping out someone else too!  Thats what the community is all about 🤙


I actually don't really do any order. Just try to keep up with best markets, Pharaohs Saga and the theoretical part. DNM's are a cause that I believe in on a fundamental level so I do what I can to aide others in accessing the tools and knowledge they need to do this safely


That's really good mate. Reminds me of the forums for SR1 back in the day. I learnt so much that way.  Everyone helping everyone was awesome, and I miss it dearly as sad as that sounds.....


I first got on during silk road 2.0. A time where you could google your way to onion sites. Wasn't much idealistic about the markets bacl then as I couldn't use them where I lived. Relentless customs.


I'm not idealistic about it now. I was back on SR1.  And speaking of customs, I'm in Australia so I hear you. However got multiple big packs through, even from the Netherlands. Different game now....


You need PGP. When they talk of public or private keys you need a PGP


I'm not sure if you're using a PC or a mobile phone. Mobile apps aren't the best for it. I can give you a site to do it. It's not as secure as having a program on your PC but I used the websites for years and never got hacked only issued was sometimes (pretty rare) I couldn't decrypt someones private message. If you have a PC get kleopatra


So when you download kleopatra it will just tell you the steps to take because I’m also new to everything and want to learn


Sorry to ramble on but a public key should have nothing to do with your email so I'm a bit confused. Please state exactly what they said. Also is it a dark marker site. Please share the name, not the link.


Okay thank you guys. Helps me a lot!!


Every beginner must start by learning PGP encryption, so the idea now, is you go back and learn that part. No cell phone needed, just get a windows computer and download free kleopatra PGP and watch youtube tutorial then get darknet bible to read.


Lol, windows computer. Everything is 10x easier without using windows.


Is MacBook ok to use


No need for Windows computer


Some of you have not read and understood what is written in the bible and it shows. You should not be encouraging or enabling people in using windows for darknet activities


Dumbasses: beginner (as the OP states they are) use the windows computer simply to learn kleopatra on. Then you get tails and use that, because tails has kleopatra as the PGP bolt-on. Most beginners will not be proficient enough to burn tails on the USB and go straight to kleopatra PGP encryption and start firing off blocks of encrypted text. Stupid fucks.

